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VILAS addons release thread

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@vilas, your right mate, sorry pic to come!. The saying, well at least over here is "There's not enough hours in the day".

The best way to make your girlfriend less jealous is just make her your wife, worked for me, they soon lose interest in you ;)

Edit. and here another awesome boomstick courtesy of vilas..


Edited by sv5000

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vilas and sv5000 i hope you first release new update to ARMA2 and then A3

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i work on update of civilian cars pack (as Mondeo and Passat were made) along with update i would like to give few reskin bonus (finally)

so i would like to ask about yours expectations of color-scheme of "generic Blufor Police"

except "default" Polish skins in this pack i would like to add several bonus skins (Cherno police, generic Blufor Police)

question is what colors of "generic" Police you prefere ? darker, brighter, this color of text, other color of text


i can make some changes according to community votes, color of stripe, color of text etc.

i know every country paints it different, but do you prefere "white with blue strip and black letters" or "brighter blue" or "darker" or "maybe yellow text" etc

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That's really, really nice Vilas. I think you hit the nail on the head with the generic Polish blue colour. I see the same on Estonian and other police cars. One tip would be that it seems police departments mostly paint doors and bonnets. I think it is far easier to replace these parts with correctly coloured parts after accidents.

edit: If I was going to ask you to be my hero, Vilas, I would suggest that you take the Passat (very frequently used police vehicle as it is), make a few hiddenselections for different lights from different nations, and allow the quick and easy repaint of these vehicles to whatever nationality one might desire (although an example British car would have its steering wheel on the wrong side).

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there is hidden selection camo made since first version of this addon year ago or more , only problem is that noone makes skins, but people on PM ask about other paint scheme


example of combinations , of course colors can be different and picture shows example (for least time , British paint scheme has this checks pattern, which require more time, i want to prepare something basing on already existing schem, but different color for "generic" needs)

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I surely love the Chernorussian Police vehicles, looks amazing but dont forget to change the "Policja" text on the lightbar :P

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could you make a skin of the Italian police on alfa romeo 159 :D

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New AK12! About time East weapons pack got some love!

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G'day all

I have been given the great privilege of assisting Vilas in his work. Part of this is the responsibility to update his weapon packs.

The East pack was always my favorite so its getting updating first!

Heres a look of whats been done so far:


*Added the AK12 / AK12 with Aimpoint and Flashlight / AK12 GP25

*Following Weapons now have secondary 'Ironsight' view for CQB;

- AK-74m NSPU3

- AK-74m PSO

- SV98 / SV98_69 / SV98SD



- M76

- M91

*New Icon images for the all FSB AK versions / AK101 / AK103 / AK74 Alfa / SVDK / AK74m NSPU3 / M64 / AR-M1


* Config tweaks;

- VSS versions not showing the scope zeroing - FIXED

- RPO-A Magazine Inventory pic not showing up - FIXED

- PKM PN58 Optics error, (missing ; ) - FIXED

And a Pic for your viewing pleasure,


I do not demand the release date, but as soon or very soon?

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I do not demand the release date, but as soon or very soon?

The common answer to this question, is when its done. Making addons takes time, please respect that.

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I am currently updating the last of the inventory icons. I want to get it out soon, so I can start on the p85 weapons packs.

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You know what would be nice, a OSV-96 anti material rifle cause the KSV is bolt action and is to slow for live in the east... :) or a ORSIS T-5000, VSK or VS-8.

Edited by DartShinigami

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next step for release (so far Passat and Mondeo are "beta" cause bonus skins pack is yet not finished) will be BMW serie 7 (2007) and Smart, i d love to do Hello Kitty and Pizza Smarts :D

i hope i will manage to make it soon, so far from my forum you can test Passat, Mondeo and bonus skins, and report bugs ,


Toyta Hilux will be there too

Edited by vilas

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wip (not finished):


another wip (model, textures almost finished)


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Won't catch me driving the pink one :P

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Won't catch me driving the pink one :P

Pfft that's the perfect cover man.No sane man will guess that an uber operator is behind the wheel full in combat gear and with a trunk full of Aks and a few M4s.:blues:

Great work as always Vilas and thanks to you our car park gets bigger and bigger.

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Pfft that's the perfect cover man.No sane man will guess that an uber operator is behind the wheel full in combat gear and with a trunk full of Aks and a few M4s.:blues:

Great work as always Vilas and thanks to you our car park gets bigger and bigger.

AKs and M4s in matching Hello Kitty paint jobs right?

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Vilas awesome units as usual, civcars are top! Any plans for a new Kia Sportage? ;)

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currently version for test is available on my forum, awaiting for suggestions or bugs reports before i will ask Foxhound for mirror and news :)

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An update for the east weapons pack is available from vilas Armaholic...



*Added the AK12 / AK12 with Aimpoint and Flashlight / AK12 GP25

*Added VSK94 with PSO Scope

*Following Weapons now have secondary 'Ironsight' type view for CQB;

- AK-74m NSPU3

- AK-74m PSO

- SV98 / SV98_69 / SV98SD



- M76

- M91


*Added 40 New Equipment inventory icons.


* Config tweaks;

- VSS versions not showing the scope zeroing - FIXED

- RPO-A Magazine Inventory pic not showing up - FIXED

- PKM PN58 Optics error, (missing ; ; ) - FIXED






I hope you enjoy this small update. There will be more content to come.

Edited by Foxhound
link changed to Armaholic download specifically requested by vilas!

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not only AK pack (thanx to SV5000 hard work) was updated :)

proudly anounce that CPL (civili PL pack ) was updated too, cars such as ambulances, fire engines, police cars, many european cars were updated with Smarts, BMW7, VW Passat, Ford Mondeo, Toyta Hilux (BIS made 2 doors pickup, i made 4 doors version)

pictures of content are there: http://www.createforum.com/vilas/viewtopic.php?t=68

Armaholic site : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17447 (thanx to Foxhound for his hosting all content of community for so many years)

plus there is bonus skins pack, if someone preferes to have Chernarus police or generic bluefor police skins:




plus i do not forget about history, P85 carries on of course, there will be some oldtimers, civilian cars such as were in central europe in 80s,

there will be soviet RAF van,

there will be some old Polish cars as Syrena 105, Warszawa 223, tiny old Fiat 126p









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