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Liam: Just lower your aim in freelook/freeaim mode, that's what it's supposed to simulate for the AI.

Andersson[sWEC]: Lately it's been about 1 major release a month but I'm trying to get it to a more final version that won't need any more updates. I tested it a while ago and it worked fine on a dedicated server, and didn't crash even when joining with different mods. There was a crash a few versions ago but I can't reproduce it to fix it, so as far as I can tell it seems to be running fine without crashing. More extensive testing might find a rare situation that I've been unable to find yet, but it should be rare if at all.

The.D: I'll have to look at the ACE wounding system some more and see how it's working.

spangg: I'm still not sure about the Zeus spot time, I was driving a truck at night and practically ran over an enemy roadblock and started backing up before they spotted me with the <.6 spot time. The "Eye for an eye" mission seemed to work ok while sneaking at night against medium skill AI even with high spot time and distance, and the truck spotting at night worked correctly too. I haven't seen any situations yet where the AI spot too well, so I don't know if there's any benefit in the <.6 spot time trade off.

It's interesting in fabrizio's test that only the stationary AI get a range increase with >1 spot distance which I think might be more correct if it's only a little increase, so the ACE spot distance (1.5) might be good and maybe reducing it slightly (1.2) would be better.

Firewall: They seem to work fine right now, make sure you have the latest version (1.982) which I think fixed this bug.

---------- Post added at 02:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:06 AM ----------

The.D: I'll have to update ACE but it looks like when I use the ACE bandage on someone it heals them to 0 damage.

Edited by Solus

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Thanks, Solus - the problem was with "slx_removefirstaidaction.pbo" and "slx_removehealaction.pbo" enabled the (ACE) option to heal as a medic didn't even show up (that's why I was not able to heal allies back to "1.0") :-)

I removed both of these files now and the healing works perfectly for friendlies. The fact that several healing options are now popping up the enemy soldiers is mostly just a cosmetic issue (as long as you don't try to heal them with anything but the SLX healing option) - all is well! Cheers! :-D

I'm dumb. Don't know what I did exactly, but I re-downloaded the latest SLX version and ran it and everything works - with and without ACE wounds enabled. :)

Edited by The.D

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@Solus: And is it possible to write a script what modify the skills of the ai what has set to 1 to let's say .9 (i dont know the correct values just try to give an example) since if I understand well the problem is that the ai spots supernaturally well if skill is 1? this way it would be possible to put the sensitivity up but keep the skill in between certain levels.

if yes, it needs to be done in a way to change for the ai what spawns after the mission started(warfare)

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Hi, Solus! i placed two inf sections (east and west) on the Utes airfield to check their behaviours. and there is strange things happens. everytime when one soldier tries to drag other, they both disappears from their positions and teleports to the ocean in the lower left corner of the map. can someone confirm it?

Edited by Velzevul

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Updated my alpha networks server with SLX..

As it is it use ACE II and allow SLX...

Andersson \\ ACE + SLX // in serverlist or Filter


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Hmm had to remove the mod cause the constant tiny 3sec freezing..

My startup line:

-nomap -nosplash -mod=@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_SM;@ACEX_PLA;@SLX

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I have the same problem. The first 30 sec of a game it works all right, but then the game freezes for about 20 sec and after that constant 3sec freezing.

Dispite this, great mod ! I just placed two inf squads in the woods and the firefight took about 15 or 20 min.( With vanilla arma perhaps 5min).

Is it intended, that the LAV still has the radar?

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Thx for the news version! :thumbsup:

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thanks for quick update! with new version they doesn't drag wounded at all. nearest ally get close to the wounded and do nothing. but when i took slx_wounds from last v1.982, dragging started to work again and without teleporting. so, atm i use SLX v1.99 with slx_wounds.pbo from previous v1.982 and it works fine. :)

other feedback: seems slx_aiskill doesn't work correctly. AI usually opens fire before he is ready. He can start to shoot while running, and he continue while turning to target and laying on the ground. it causes friendly fire casualties. and i saw running rpg-soldier with launcher in his hands while his rifle firing on his back.

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Thanks for the mirrors!

Here's the change log:

Changed AI spotting.

Removed tiring and losing gear from swimming, it was annoying and there wasn't really any purpose for it.

Made car convoys work better.

Made AI skill spot time/distance more correct for full skill people.

Made AIs not go to cover when following the player and not in combat mode, so telling them to be aware will make them follow even if the enemy sees them.

Changed ACE fix addon name and fixed AI gunners not automatically reloading weapons so the player doesn't have to babysit them all the time.

Removed extra AI dispersion because built in dispersion works now.

Fixed bounding overwatch to work with first campaign mission and have AI group leaders give clearer stop/go orders for players.

Slightly raised helo engine armor for a little more survivability.

Possibly fixed AIs getting stuck crouching after loading a save or when trying to help a wounded person.

Made aircraft spotting more correct.

Made 2A14 have AI dispersion so low skill AA gunners hit less.

Made dead collision smaller so people bounce around less.

Improved AI vehicle driving even more.

Fixed script errors for instant starting combat before postinit XEH.

Made low skill "cannon" type weapon gunners have more dispersion.

Made AIs not script react to enemies that they only know about over the radio.

Made AI not divert move when doing specific commands commands like get in, heal, etc.

Fixed groups getting stuck in garrison.

Removed reload shout as it's built into the latest beta.

Removed grenade throw shout as it's built into the latest beta.

Fixed script error when wounded person leaves a vehicle.

Fixed AIs dodge running off of high buildings.

Fixed dragging after moving someone in a vehicle.

Possibly fixed some rare crashes.

Improved near ally helping conditions and dragging.

I'll look into those later Velzevul, thanks! Try going to the difficulty settings and set the AI difficulty to normal and see if they shoot wrong too often. They seem to start dragging fine for me.

For the freezing try removing SLX_GL3.pbo or try this one and see if that solves it: http://www.filefront.com/16359333/SLX_GL3_ArmA2_1.991.rar

Edited by Solus

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thanks Solus, really a great mod !! :yay: :yay:

Some questions: Can you explain the fonctionnality of the GL3 and how it works with other AI modification of your mod??

Is there any solution to add directly GL4 to your mod??

Thanks again

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hi folks,

i´m still receiving the "include file @slx\slx.hpp not found" error message when starting arma2, even the SLX.hpp is present in @slx folder. any ideas?

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Hi all,

I take this opportunity to bow to Solus for an EPIC mod...I love it to bits! I kow others have said before about bugs and stuff but I've just dealt with the minor ones myself...simples. :rolleyes:

However, I've found that whenever I use this, I cannot use the custom controls for the ACE mod, such as the command for resting the weapon, or adjusting the NVG brightness etc... :(

Thanks in advance! :ok:

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hi folks,

i´m still receiving the "include file @slx\slx.hpp not found" error message when starting arma2, even the SLX.hpp is present in @slx folder. any ideas?

dont put it on "addons" put it in the @SLX folder itself, not in addons within the slx folder put it nest to it, thats if you are using a mod folder. hope you understood what im saying.

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hi folks,

i´m still receiving the "include file @slx\slx.hpp not found" error message when starting arma2, even the SLX.hpp is present in @slx folder. any ideas?

Do not rename the mod folder to something different than @SLX!

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wow.. i'll try this out for sure.

i was wandering though, in a multiplayer game will this make you for example move faster when prone than people who don't have the mod? or do the servers kick you out?

it's probably no big deal in a coop but i wonder what would happen in a pvp game with everyone having different damage factors for the same weapons etc etc

anyways looks like a huge amount of work, really impressive. gj

some of those fixes were SORELY!!!!!!! needed.

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Thanks Miller!

If anyone is having freezing please try removing SLX_GL3 and see if that solves it. I can't replicate the freezing so I can't test what's going on, and the information so far isn't very specific on the situation of what's happening when it freezes.

Cool=Azroul13: -mod=@CBA;@SLX;@GL4 should work fine. NoAutoEngage turns off engaging so most groups won't always attack, GL3 determines when they do an attack or hold their positions in cover.

05hunterd: The ACE keys seem to work fine for me, I only tested the grenade throw change though.

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I had serious freez yesterday, but i think i can relate that

to BattleEye. Since i was kicked cause BE didnt respond.

And i also noticed another player get kicked for the same

reason..But prior that there was severe freezes...

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I think it is a SLX feature, but when you shoot your weapon, the entire screen shakes. I tried an AC130 script and the shaking makes it impossible to use...

i also have GL4, maybe thats doing it?


disabling SLX turns this off.. hmm. whats the PBO?

Edited by Fox '09

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Andersson[sWEC]: So it's freezing on dedicated server clients?

AxF FoX: It's shot effects. What exactly is shooting that's shaking too much? What script is it?

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