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Patch 1.04 suggestions

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Fix text chat...It appears half way up the screen on 1920x1080

Optimize server side so we can have large scale PvP battles please :D

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Oh, just thought of something else, fix the HDR. Indoors looks like under sunlight x1000.

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Fix Topolka Dam Bug

Fix Artilery Module (Esp for MLRS and GRAD)

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- SmokeLauncher of the AAVP doesn't work!!!

- Theres a problem when you want to select a team in first person mode. For excample if you want to select the red team in command view, it works fine. In first person(the normal view) it works only if you select it in the quick command menu. When you want to select the team with 9 - 9 - 1 the menu stays there and you are not able to give the units a command!

Despite the bugs the potential of this game is amazing, the team does a good job. I played OFP since release and arma2 is a nice game too. :)


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1. Performance improvement

2. Fixed campaign missions

3. Fast travel instantly teleporting you to target area. Who want's to look your map screen 30 mins to watch blue dot moving slowly towards target ?

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1. Speed up texture loading. takes like 20 seconds now for buildings and trees to load.

Agreed, thats what troubles me the most. I would expect that to be fixed with a quick hotfix (release of which was promised by BIS in another thread) rather than a regular patch that will surely take another 5 or 6 weeks at least.

Until then, the game is still unplayable for me:o(

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Agreed, thats what troubles me the most. I would expect that to be fixed with a quick hotfix (release of which was promised by BIS in another thread) rather than a regular patch that will surely take another 5 or 6 weeks at least.

Until then, the game is still unplayable for me:o(

What thread is this hotfix announced in? Curious on what they're looking into.

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1. Fix the campaign.

2. More performance improvements.

3. AI road driving skill is still pretty dodgy, can be good at times but normally it is quite bad.

4. Misc bugs.

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to add to my list :-

Distant sound travel....Gun fire at a distance needs to be fixed...Doesnt feel right looking through bino 3k away and hearing a tank blow up exactly the same time as it blew up...Same goes for A10 and any other gun fire or explosion at a distance

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Get rid of the cargo proxies in the cockpits and finally add copilots to them. If the aussies can do that, surely BIS can do that as well.

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1: Performance

2: Getting rid of the ctd´s

Basicly 1.02 was fine for me decent performance and no ctd´s and now bad performance and constant ctd´s

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They must change some little bug with chopper like these :

In KA52 you can't choose HE ammo yourself when you are alone in the chopper, just the IA gunner could do that...very boring when you are alone in Multi.

In UH1 when you want to use the gatling when you are alone, there is just 1 of the 2 gatling who fire, the other one just shoot when an IA is in.

Please change the problem with score ! In multi, if you use an ennemy vehicule, you loose point just because the game think you are making friendly fire...

Why don't use an option who could permit to the gamer to set the tracers available for all the other gun, just for fun, it will be very nice in a night battle ?

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All that's listed ... and ...

Add an option in the audio setting for "voice volume" ... so the voices (not confused with radio voices but your own 1st person voice) can have its own volume slider PLEASE! I asked this in an interview with Saharan radio and it was said the audio engine was more flexible but as of yet its still same as Arma1.

Also bring Hardware acceleration and Surround settings back into the sound menu (than it simply stuck in the config file to edit only).

Change AI setting for Aircraft driving such as Helis so they don't "hug" the landscape and do that "Roller coaster up/down loop thing" which eventually means they crash or hit trees .. basically make AI drive a little higher to avoid crashing.

Edited by mrcash2009

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you mean contrails or a big rooster tail?

Not contrails. While they are similar, contrails occur at very high altitue.

Wing tip vortices are small trails of vapor that occur at any altitude during sharp maneuvers. (*see the F-16 in the clip below). There were some screenshots floating around the forum (one of the beta testers perhaps) that showed the current default aircraft (no mods) already displaying the effect. The pictures were removed.


where is there a dam?! :eek:

Two actually. Have a look North East of the big castle....and on the river above the power station

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In KA52 you can't choose HE ammo yourself when you are alone in the chopper, just the IA gunner could do that...very boring when you are alone in Multi.

Ran into troubles with this one yesterday

another vote for this one from me too

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10. Do the exact opposite of whatever you did with 1.03...success!

...seriously though, address the foliage fps hits. Whatever adjustments you made in that department, erase and start over...

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1. Fix sound issues.

2. Please, fix those annoying flickering of grass when moving...it still looks like some grass dissapear and some appear...and again...

Edited by Pauliesss

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Fix everything above my post.....and fix everything that gets posted below my post.

Test the patch before you release it so not to create more bugs BIS!!!!!!!

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-Remove the rudder wobble from aircrafts.

-Fix the "mono" sound when firing your rifle in 1st person. Look left & right and fire weapon will sound in both ears.

-Fix the explosion sounds sticking to the ear you hear it on. Explosion goes off to your right - you turn to see where the explosion is, and the sound plays out in the ear you first heard it on. Very hard to pinpoint explosions.

That was "bug fixes" and not suggestions maybe but...


Make the binoculars the same way as the laser designator. Able to click mouse to bring up and down the binos.


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Is actually someone of BIS reading this? Those kinds of topics have always been started but never really took any effect to the next Patches. The OFP/ArmA Com is pretty much too effective so BIS can lean back and relase some nice Patches...without any really effective stuff...The com will fix that as she does since 10 years...

My suggestion: Finally get your *** off and make the Game to that what it was announced for, considering that OFP: DR is about to be released soon, or did you guys forgot that?

* C-130 taxi radius needs to be reduced

I am underlining this pretty much....the current radius is so annoying

Edited by MemphisBelle

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