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OH-58 Kiowa Warrior comes to Arma2

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This is a great little toy, very efficient with the new AH-64. Love it that laser designator works out of the box with the Apache as wingman. Not sure if this is still an active project, hope it is.

Here are some things i would like to see:

- Same texture setting as the new AH64

- FLIR system

- working lights

I'm currently working on a mission where these 2 beauties are working together :)

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Project is back up and running.

Next version will have:


correct glass shader (no more white parts shown from the pilot/gunner view)

revised weapons config

merged textures (i'll also look at the apache textures)

'signed version' for online server use.

Now I will need to leave the cannon active for the gunner (i know this makes the Kiowa like a mini gunship) the reason for this if I force the pilot only use of the cannon it will stop the gunner position being able to 'self target' with the hellfire etc.

Special notes: hellfires can laser lock so two Kiowa's working in pink teams can fire Hellfires at fixed targets

like buidlings etc. The first version, 2 x hellfire, 1 x M296 can self lock laser hellfires, first select the laser

and ping the target, second use guns to lock target, third select hellfire and fire away,

this is the only version that can self lock the hellfires.

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nice to hear there are going to be some improvements to this model! A Huge thanks goes out from those of us at the 159th Combat Aviation Brigade, this will get much use from our recon guys.

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Project is back up and running.

Next version will have:


correct glass shader (no more white parts shown from the pilot/gunner view)

revised weapons config

merged textures (i'll also look at the apache textures)

'signed version' for online server use.

Now I will need to leave the cannon active for the gunner (i know this makes the Kiowa like a mini gunship) the reason for this if I force the pilot only use of the cannon it will stop the gunner position being able to 'self target' with the hellfire etc.

Looking forward to it, i was just building a mission with Kiowa as spotter, and Apache to gun down the objective's.

But not signed yet, so i have to replace it for ingame chopper.

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Unfortunately I suffered a major hard disk failure, I've learnt the very important lession of regular data backups.

This will set me back a bit on all projects, the Kiowa includes, lucky the F/A 18 left my hard drive the day before the crash.

The tie-fighter pack is totally lost, probably was about 50 hours into that with experimental lasers :(

I'll probably release the addons as I do them rather than hang on for some large block buster release.


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Oh that really sucks! Sorry to hear that I was hoping to see the Kiowa again! Well looking forward to that F18 for sure!

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Unfortunately I suffered a major hard disk failure, I've learnt the very important lession of regular data backups.

This will set me back a bit on all projects, the Kiowa includes, lucky the F/A 18 left my hard drive the day before the crash.

The tie-fighter pack is totally lost, probably was about 50 hours into that with experimental lasers :(

I'll probably release the addons as I do them rather than hang on for some large block buster release.


Damn that aint good. GL with recovering things.

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Ok guys sorry for the slow progress on this one.

today I'm releasing Beta V2.0

fixed glass shader

super shader now applying to Kiowa skin

Altered FFAr's and 50's Gun to be pilot only operated, no more 360 degrees death copter :)

download Beta V2.0 here:


Give it a thrash and let me knw of any problems.

Next release will be signed.


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Hi Eble,

congratz for this nice helicopter :bounce3:

But I wonder about the reaction on left/right pedal. It seems to bank, where other choppers turn.

Nice job on the cockpit's dials.



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How difficult would it be to make a doors off version, just seems funky flying them in hot looking areas with the doors on. I don't think I've ever seen a pic of one in Iraq with them on.

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yeah, this poor old model is a place holder until ACE2 finish up there version or we might see one in Operation Arrowhead (fingers crossed)

As for taking the doors off, with my very limited ability this hasn't been possible so far, if anyione thinks they could do it, I'll send the MLOD files out in a flash, this Kiowa is open source as it's a BIS addon not mine.

If anyone has any idea why the Kiowa behaves diffently to the other helo's let me know, it uses the Helicopter inheritence as standard so should eb the same.

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yeah, this poor old model is a place holder until ACE2 finish up there version or we might see one in Operation Arrowhead (fingers crossed)

As for taking the doors off, with my very limited ability this hasn't been possible so far, if anyione thinks they could do it, I'll send the MLOD files out in a flash, this Kiowa is open source as it's a BIS addon not mine.

If anyone has any idea why the Kiowa behaves diffently to the other helo's let me know, it uses the Helicopter inheritence as standard so should eb the same.

hey bud, in arma1 i some hw recall having made one of your with out doors..i think? ill give it a try again and let everyone know!

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Would love to see a civilian 206A Jetranger made out of this one :)


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yeah, this poor old model is a place holder until ACE2 finish up there version or we might see one in Operation Arrowhead (fingers crossed)


The ACE2 one looks pretty sweet actually.

Kiowas ftw :yay:

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Well then.. i like this heli, and the lack of a KIOWA in ACE.. so i decided to start working on ACEifying this one, to work better there.

also got the mlods from Eble, so i made another little change to the model to ;)

also working on tweaking and well, fixing stuff i feel need fixing.

i love the KIOWA, and really miss one when we are using ACE, and since the kiowa they are working on still are MIA,

except for that ONE teaser image. (would love to work on that one to :D ) this is what i got so far.

still alot to iron out, and so, so not ready yet. but im working on it :)

Current Features:

*ACE Hellfire (LOBL, LOAL modes)

*ACE Designator (laser designator designate and shoot on own laser LOBL)

*ACE Thermal (FLIR)

*Remade the gunner optics a little to something i saw in a youtube vid, to feel a little more kiowa than the AH1Z optics.

*New Mast Mounted Sight model :D made by GustavE


Big images so id rather link it.



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Can you change the MMS view to green screen / black & White? There is no "color" view. Would add to the realism.

Can you add some sort of Arty to it too? Some way to add the ACE PRC command/arty radio automatically or something like that.

Edited by Punisher5555

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