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Just who are you?

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I was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA in 1977.  I studied Psychology and Liberal Arts at Purdue University.  After finishing my degree I acquired A+ and MCSE certifications to find a career in computers.  I am currently a network administrator at a law firm in Indianapolis and make a decent living (especially for someone who didn't get a CS degree and still works with computers).  

I don't like watching sports, but I like playing them, especially hockey and soccer (football).  American football, baseball, and basketball are OK, but boring compared to games that stress strategy over constant scoring.  I guess I'm more like Europeans in that way.  

I also enjoy playing the guitar (just bought a new American Fender Strat last year), listening to all sorts of music (except country, rap and pop, basically anything that is soulless and has no balls).  I train in the martial art of Ju-Jitsu and am almost a brown belt (the belt below a black belt).  I am a video game addict that plays OFP way more than he should.  I like to smoke weed a lot, but I don't really care for drinking too much (though it's good to get hammered once in a while).  

Above all else, I like my toys.  smile.gif

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Ok. Here is me...

I'm from small northern country called Finland.

I was born in 1981 AD.

I live near city of Tampere.

And study automation...

I'v just beem released from military, as BMP-2 gunner. And I served in Armored recon/ AT Company...

Now my intrest are basicly in tanks (My teletubie could give a hint..) and I'm part of institution which runs Finnish Armor museum...

And my real name is Matti Petteri Pihlaja

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Please....what the friggin hell are you talking about ? ? ? ?

Have you been smoking the carpet again ? ? ?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Please....what the friggin hell are you talking about ? ? ? ?<span id='postcolor'>

I know. He confused the hell outta' me too.

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Maybe naguals are something specific belonging to australia... Like those furry little bears hanging around in the trees everywhere biggrin.gif

Or this strange animal that lives in some rivers there and which looks like a duck mixed with a beaver tounge.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Nagual @ Mar. 14 2002,00:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">.mistake<span id='postcolor'>


Why did you edit yourself out, instead of just explaining what your post was about?

It sounded a bit like Bokonon to me, your karass turned out to be a granfaloon, was that it?

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My name is Thomas Rautenberg, 28 years old, born in Düsseldorf, Germany.

My profession before joining the german Bundeswehr was clerk (Bürokaufmann in german). After having served 12 months as a conscript in 6.\PzGrenbtl 72 in Hamburg Fischbeck, i decided to enlist voluntary into the Bundeswehr, where i´m now serving since 1996 in the 2.\StFmbtl 820 in Düsseldorf as sergeant commanding an M577 TOC, drill instructing recruits and lately doing some of the company master sergeants paper work as he´s on an advanced course.

My time in the Bundeswehr will soon be finished, so i will get back into a civillian job. I have 1 1/2 years to spent upon further education, fully paid by the Bundeswehr, where i will specialize on import -export (Speditionskaufmann), as well as taking an course for IT network administration.

Hobbys are sports (x-country running, mountainbiking foremost), music, computer.

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hmm I am 19, born Italy, but live in calgary (Canada). I am in last year of high school and next year will attend the faculty of natural Science @ Uni of Cal. i want to become a medic, but will take a long time!

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Well, my real name's Craig, born in Australia, 1971 (which makes me 29+1, as Hilandor would say).

I've worked in many fields, from office supplies, automation components, injection moulding machinery to mobile phones. I am currently in my fourth year of studying computer programming part-time. (Jeez, I feel like Im writing a resume here!wink.gif

My hobbies are computer games, music (heavy metal, alternative, industrial, punk etc.), surfing the web (i.e collecting porn LOL), drinking (mainly beer, but also bourbon and scotch), role playing games (D&D rulez!wink.gif, movies (action, sci-fi, horror mainly), militaria and other stuff too (a real renaissance man).

I live in Australia (always have), home of Koalas and Platypus, thanks Fallen Paladin. smile.gif

Age: 30

Height: 6' 3''

Weight: a lot (I dont use scales any more)

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Grey

Shoe Size: 12

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my real name is Jean-louis i live in brittanny in France

born in 1972 i m near my 30years old

Science/biology degree

Before going to university i spend some time as paratrooper in french army where i worked as truck driver and sniper.

I studied Laws to the 6rth year after degree(speciality procedural law and private law (french have separated Law system in private & public law) just after the army

Doing some part time job i m actually working on pass exam to work for the french administration.

hobbie: computer games (CS,UO,T4c,OPF), animes, folk guitare, RPgame (but not since i left university).


french (native)

german ( a bit i left german for english in university)

english (fluent but got some grammar error)

5 cats (some get in my knee or in the keyboard when playing... "the mad cat attack")

height: 1m65

weight:62 kg

hair: blond cendré (cinder blond is it that in english?)

eyes: grey-green

bad habits: get angry quickly, smoke alot, and dislike wine (a bad thing in my land lol )

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i'm ruskie real name chris taylor. I was born in aldershot, lived there for 3 months, then my dad got posted to germany, and i've lived here ever since. I go to prince rupert school where i'm a sixth former.

thats about it, i like playing computer games, general winter sports and playing rugby. and listening to music (best band right now = system of a down)

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im Richard Johnston born 19/07/83 , in other words 18

im completeing a 2 yr course at my local college in computer science, there for another 3 yrs as i wan to do the hnc , higher national cerificate which can lead to bse etc.

want to try for the paras when older but a old knee injury might hold me back live in Boston, lincolnshire, where ive lived all my life.

intrests are music films guns millitary history, books etc oh and drink, i gave up smoking 2 yrs ago and not regretted it a day since.

native tongue english

can pick out one or two words in the french langauge

have been in college for 3 yrs

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Hey there,

I'm Jeff, a 34 year old, married fella from Georgia USA. Here's my list:

US Navy 85-89 F14Tomcat Technician

US Navy Reserve 89-92

Georgia National Guard - Scout ( now this was a drastic change ) 98-99

Network guy for a full time job.

Hobbies are:

1.) Whatever my wife tells me to do.

2.) Computer Games - go figure

3.) Target shooting, pistol and rifle

4.) Golf

5.) Classic movies

6.) Collecting Zippo lighters.

But my number one past time is creating LAN maps for OFP that my friends can't possilbly survive.



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Ok, I'm 25 years old dude from Pori, Finland. (moving to Helsinki in a few months)

Just finishing my IT-engineering studies and working at the same time in a multinational company as a software designer.

Served in Pori Brigade in Säkylä in Recon company as a sniper sergeant. That was a lot of fun. Now I'm planning to go to work in the military or joining the U.N. peace keeping force but time will tell.

My hobbies are: Icehockey, gym and OF. Sometimes I go to the shooting range with my CZ .308 rifle


Height: 183cm

Weight: 78kg

eyes: brown



My real name is Kalle.


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My turn: I'm born 18th of October 1986. So that'll make me............... hmm, figure out for urself.

I live in Denmark, in a medium big town called Hřrsholm. In my freetime I row and work, and i'm pretty good to both of em. When i finish school in 3 years or, i'm going for atleast 12 months in the military, and then i'd like to study Medicine.

Oh yea, and my real FULL name is: Jens-Frederik Lunde Rasmussen. Yea, I know too long, but I normally just present my self as Jens Lunde, or as my nickname Linus

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Here we go..

Im 28, lives in a small village outside of Växjö, Sweden.

I work as an buildingengineer. Have done that for 5 years now. Did my military service as an armyscout (recon) squadleader in ´94.

I play in a death/black/heavy-metalband called Banished. Currently working on our second demo.

My younger years included martial arts (karate, ju-jutsu and boxing) but nowdays i only watch sports (soccer, hockey and boxing mainly)  biggrin.gif  Work, music and computers [read:games] takes up most of my time today...

I speak/read/write: Swedish (naturally), English and German

Im 183 cm tall, weighs 76 kg, brown hair and brown eyes.

Thats about all I think....oh no....I nearly forgot to tell U that I just love SOUTHPARK. Thats important.

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Name:Michael Yalonides



Borned in:Terry Town, USA

Living:Larnaca, Island of Cyprus



I moved to Cyprus when l was two.

I am now a senior and l am going in da army in 3 months.

I speak 2 languages fluently Greek and English and l know some ancient Greek lol tounge.gif

I habe a GSCE only in English tounge.gif

I am really good at a making sites tounge.gif

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My name is Nicholas Roop

I have no formal computer related education.

I live in Fort Collins, Colorado USA

I am an operations agent for a local executive protection agency.

I am also a Specialist in the U.S. Army National Guard

PST Co, 5th Bn/ 19th Special Forces Group (Airborne)

I have to MOS's: 11B (infantryman), and 96B (intelligence analyst).

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (USSoldier11B @ Mar. 26 2002,03:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I am an operations agent for a local executive protection agency.<span id='postcolor'>

Does that mean you're a bodyguard for corporate people?

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My name is Nathan Wright and I'm living in British Columbia, Canada. I'm 14 years old, love tactical shooters, and have been with OFP even before it was released here in North America, even though I haven't always been here...

I also am a webmaster, I love doing PHP and working with web content... I'll be opening a first person shooter website in the near future (if your interested in helping with content, coding, or forum moderation, contact me please [email protected]).

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I'm 25 and live in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Here I have my own small company that produces illustrations, animations and storyboards mainly for advertisement agencies. Before that I was working inhouse at an agency doing exactly the same things as I do now, except I couldn't play OFP during lunch, or watch TV whenever I pleased.

My father says I'm related to some dude who ran away with a polish princess ages ago and moved to Denmark. Though I think it's bullshit.

My interests are fiddling with stuff... I like fiddling with stuff!

Also, a big interest of mine is coffee. I drink shitloads of coffee and sends prayers to java heaven when I on rare occations have managed to brew the *perfect* cup of coffee.

Side effects are:

-I can't be around any people before having had my morning coffee.

-I can't fall asleep before having had my late night coffee.

So that's what I do... draw, fiddle, drink coffee and sometimes I also ride my bicycle.


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is that u in ur avatar??

i actually thot u were some renegade soldier out in bosnia or serbia or summit lol

and thats cos ur avatar =]]]]

yes i know people shouldnt be judged by their avatar, but i couldnt help it smile.gif

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