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max power

WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

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Bloody nice looking (good moosic too, haven't heard a bit of Health in ages)

If I'm presuming you're using AttachTo, are you going to be making any attempts to overcome the limited field of movement?

Edited by DaveP

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Since I'm presuming you're using AttachTo, are you going to be making any attempts to overcome the limited field of movement?

I think answer lies in that F-16 cockpit movement, so look there for ideas or just ask myke :)

Edited by Gedis

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They said it could never be done... :yay:

only fools. it has, and always has been possible..

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EDIT: I failed to read the thread rules. This isn't by me, just someone I know who is a cowardly forum poster. Rest assured, he might man up and post his own updates in the future!

Now THAT is the dog's danglies.

We NEED this ingame ... tell your mate to please release this and we will love him forever !

Cheers and thanks for sharing .... this is the 5th time I have watched the video !

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What do we have to do to search this guy out and worship him in person so that he'll release the firing from vehicles fix/addon/script?

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Now if the AI can also mount and shoot as players can I'll have to get tissues to wipe my keyboard !

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Looking good Harry!


Oh wow..any chance for a wireframe? I've always been a bit iffy about A2's normal maps transitioning to some smoothing groups and poly forms, would love to see your example :)

Have faith, the renderer works fine


Oooh A radial? Whats it for 9...Cylinder... Corsair? B-17? Stearman?

It's a mystery for now, only someone who can guess will be truly excited about what it is

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At HarryZhe:

Very nice materials!

At wolfbite:

That's definitely not an R-2800, so it's not a corsair or b-17. If I was to make a guess, I would say that it's not a radial engine but a rotary engine, and it is a world war 1 or earlier design. It looks like a La Rhone or Oberursel, and it probably the engine for a fighter like the Fokker Dr.1 or the Sopwith Pup, although La Rhone had lots of nine cylinder engine applications at the time... from scouts to bombers to fighters to trainers.

Edited by Max Power

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Certainly looks like a Le Rhône 9J or Oberursel Ur.II to me.

Could we be seeing a return of that classic OFP/ArmA stalwart; the Sopwith Camel?

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Yeah You're probably a lot better than I with such parts...... I'm sure intrigued no matter what beast it be for!

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Sup guys, looks like theres a lot of cool stuff in the works. :)

Quick WIP update on the Mk V SOC. Haven't had much free time the last couple weeks but I did find some time to get things unwrapped. Still have the dash and seats to tackle, but that should be trivial. Coming along fairly well all in all.









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Very nice! Did you use any special texturing tutorials for this that you would recommend? I would really like to become a lot less dependent on real photos when texturing myself too :) Got a new tablet laptop here as well which should prove excellent for this.

I've written a tut regarding hand painting this material. You can find it here.

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