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MP fast rope script addon

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(beta 0.10)


Addon created and compiled by: norrin and DeanosBeano

Scripts and config by: norrin and DeanosBeano

Here's the new version of the addon: http://www.norrin.org/downloads/OA/fastRope/norrn_dbo_fastrope_ver10.rar

Make sure you check the instructions for use in the archive as a few things have changed and been added (see below) and you may need to make some small changes to your missions to avoid errors with the latest version:

Fixes version 0.10, 16/01/11

- Some “\†were missing from the script paths in the addon

- Also added a wait statement so that the fast-roping choppers should not egress prior to deploying ropes.

Fixes and additions version 0.9, 14/10/11

- fixed some units not descending rope

- fixed ropes not detaching from choppers

- added distance move away from rope variable for AI insertions (default distance is 5)

- fast roping is now possible from BAF Merlin

- fixed bug in AI choppers moving away from insertion point using a script

- added chopper taxi scripts to addon

- changed departing waypoint to sqf

- Added init variables to give the option of not deleting crew downed chopper if it is allowed to respawn



default is false ie. chopper and crew will be deleted when new taxi is respawned

- added more precompiled functions to the taxi scripts

- further optimisation made to the Land_destination and Extraxtion_destination scripts.

- made all local vaiables "private" to locally running scripts - should reduce the possibility of misdefinition of local var values

- chopper moveAway scripts for AI piloted fast-roping must now be in sqf format


- short movie of the latest version of the script showing AI descending ropes deployed by an AI pilot


Gives the default ArmA2 MH60, UH1 and MV-22 the potential to insert units using animated fast ropes

1. Allows an AI pilot to move to a waypoint and then AI and player automatically rappel to the ground once the fast ropes are deployed.

2. Allows player pilots to fast rope AI units at their whim.

3. If a player is in a cargo postion then he will get an option to deploy fastropes from a stationary chopper, he will also get an option to descend ropes

Thanks to:

Rope adapted from: DeanosBeano

Rope animations courtesy of: da12thMonkey and deanosbeano

Coding ideas: OFP fast rope script, Geloxo's handy tools addon, BAS, norrin, DeanosBeano and Rocko

License: this addon is not to be used for commercial purposes.

The archive contains:

* Fast rope addon that contains the rope and the fast rope script (Just use something like @norrn_dbo_fastrope folder to create a mod-folder as you would in ArmA).

* Signature files

*An example mission on utes that shows fast rope insertions, which you can view from a number of different perspectives.

General Instructions for use:

1. To avoid the annoying addon missing pop-up make sure you edit the mission file to include the fastrope addon

eg in the test mission the









Instructions for use by AI pilots

1. add to act line of chopper waypoint: nul = [chop1, 1, 25, "move1.sqs"] execVM "\norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\fast_rope_AI_pilot.sqf";


a is the name of the helicopter;

b Option (0 or 1) to give players the choice of when to descend fastropes - 0 - players are ejected automatically when ropes are deployed - 1- players get and action giving them the choice of when to descend the ropes - NB - if an AI unit is piloting the chopper then it will automatically cut the ropes after a period of time so if you are given the choice to descend ropes don't muck around or you'll miss the chance - best to use this option in connection with a player pilot.

c is the override timer - the mission maker can now set how long he wants the AI pilot to deploy ropes, 20 - 25 seconds is ample for 8 units; and

d is the chopper waypoint script that is activated after fast roping is complete

eg. [chop1, 1, 25, "move1.sqs"]

2. make sure for the last waypoint that the chopper's behaviour is set to "careless" and speed "limited" and flyIn Height <= 35

3. name the chopper

4. make sure all fast roping units are grouped

5. You may need to place the WP move waypoint that activates the fastrope script a few metres ahead of where they actually fast-rope (make sure you check your mission to see where it happens, the good thing is as far as I can tell they fast-rope at the same spot whether they are on a local or a dedicated server).

Instructions for use by player pilots

1. nul = [this, b] execVM "\norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\fastRope_playerPilotInit.sqf";


b Option (0 or 1) to give players the choice of when to descend fastropes - 0 - players are ejected automatically when ropes are deployed - 1- players get and action giving them the choice of when to descend the ropes - NB - if an AI unit is piloting the chopper then it will automatically cut the ropes after a period of time so if you are given the choice to descend ropes don't muck around or you'll miss the chance - best to use this option in connection with a player pilot.

eg. [this, b]

2. name the chopper

To get fast rope action when piloting a chopper

1. Make sure height is between 10 and 35 metres (approx 120 feet)

2. Reduce speed to less than 2 and more than -2 ie. it might help to engage the auto-hover function when doing this

3. Then depending on whether you have either players or AI in the cargo the follwoing will happen:

* If the cargo only contains AI units the player pilot will get the option to fastrope

* Group leaders (player) should be able to deploy the rope for fastroping if they are in cargo space.

* Group leaders entering the aircraft will always override the pilots ability to deploy the rope.

* A groupleader in a gunner seat will NOT be able to deploy the rope. He has to be in cargo space.

* Same applies for group members that choose a gunner seat instead of a cargo seat.

4. Depending on option b (see above) Ai willautomatically fastrope or players will get an option to descend ropes

5. When the fast ropes are deployed the pilot gets an "abort fast rope" action in your action menu this will drop the rope and allow you to move off immediately - just be careful if you engage this action as anyone on the ropes will most likely fall to their death. If you do abort the ropes, still have cargo units aboard it is possible to fast rope the remaining units in a safer locale.

Known Issues

* If scripting waypoints using addWaypoint command to add WPs to an AI chopper's flight path (ie. not using editor added waypoints) make sure you set the choppers behaviour to "careless" and speed "limited" for the fast rope waypoint otherwise the chopper may not stop.

* A player's avatar sometimes disappears when facing certain directions (normally due north) after fast roping and reaching the ground - this does not always occur and never happens when testing on my lap-top PC (only my desk-top) or to fast-roping AI units. When this occurs if you turn a bit to the left or right the player's avatar will reappear but it will disappear again when you face north. Getting in and out of a vehicle will fix this bug. I'm not sure why this is occurring and it may be related to the direction in which the player disembarks the rope or possibly my graphics card (ATI on laptop and Nvidia on desktop).

If anybody does try this can they please let me know if they run into any other issues or the ones listed above as this may help me track down exactly why they are occurring or if you're having trouble implementing the addon or have any suggestions please contact me at [email protected].

Version History


initial release - unanimated ropes - single rope


Dual rope fast-roping included

beta 0.3

Animated ropes, increased functionality

beta 0.4

Fixed, if fast ropes were released by a player pilot while units were still roping only one rope would detach and fall to the ground and the other would remain attached.

beta 0.5

Fixed incompatability with ADuke's Black Hawk Down helo pack

Over-ride timer now included for AI pilots fast roping units - fixes dropping of ropes by AI pilots before all units have fast roped

beta 0.6

Added ability to fast rope from Mi-24

beta 0.7

Player passenger deploying ropes on a dedicated server bug identified by Nemorz

Other addons that have the fast rope addon pre-incorporated:

ADukes fantastic HH60g and MH60K "Black Hawk Down" Helo Pack: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7356

Edited by norrin

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This forum is for discussing addons or mods that are currently work in progress, as well as for discussing ideas or requests for addons.

As soon as content is released even if Alpha state, the thread should then be moved to A&M:Complete (PM a moderator with the link).

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Already done that mate when I realised my mistake :)

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I'm downloading now, going to test this shortly :D.

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Ok did a test of this. Great work, I could see this being used effectively in many missions. Here is a sample video for you guys. Great work as always Norrin :)

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Just a quick question about this part of the instructions, I didn't really grasp it from the readme.

c is the chopper waypoint script that is activated after fast roping is complete

What do I put here? Number, name, etc.? As far as I know, I don't have any WP scripts.


Could you send me what you did so I can open it up in the Editor. That would probably be the easiest way, I'm pretty dense when it comes to anything to do with scripts.

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Wow, nice to see this addon now in ArmA2.

Great job norrin ;)

Mirror from Assault Mission Studio


MP Fast Rope Addon [0.1] by norrin

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Nice nice vary nice love it cant wait till the US copy come out of ArmA 2 so more of the scripts can be made in the addons of the choppers of the addon makers. Love it.

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I've got few questions.

What will happen when a helicopter will get destroyed while troops are rappeling?

How scripts reacts for helicopter twisting/rolling meanwhile.

How folding rope does look like?

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@Manzilla - for AI piloted insertions you can put a script in here that adds waypoints for the AI pilot to follow once the rappelling is complete.

The script must be in sqs format and put its name in where the C goes.

Here's a test mission that I forgot to include in the rar file: http://www.norrin.org/downloads/ArmA2/fastRope/fast_rope_test.utes.rar (added to first post)

In the test mission param C is called "move1.sqs" (open it up and take a look at this script). It just adds waypoints to editor placed markers on the map.

@sidhellfire - static rope I'm afraid - not much I think I can do about that and keep it MP compatible - unless I do some fancy tricks with the attachTo command but the maths is probably beyond me.

The rope remains attached to the same point even if the chopper is moving and if the rope is deployed on an inclined slope - I think I've disabled the chopper's ability to roll but not to move.

Haven't checked to see what happens if the chopper is destroyed but at the moment I think the rope will remain attached to the chopper while it plummets to the ground - could look a bit strange so I may need to detach the rope if the chopper is destroyed.

@Binkowski - many thanks for going to the trouble of making a movie and trying the addon :)

@Everyone else - thanks for your hosting and comments please if you have any issues or suggestions post here: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/norrin/issues

Please remember this is only a beta and there are still many features to be added and concepts sorted out - as you can see already I haven't thought through all the possibilities yet so please keep making suggestions and I'll try to add them as I can

Edited by norrin

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Wow, ive just watched the video and im impressed, very nice!

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outstanding, ok now go a bit further and make sling load scripts :o) woohoo wouldnt that be great.. would make bringing a repair truck and engineer to another downed chopper faster and more fun lol...

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Very nice Norrin, congrats on the release! :D

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outstanding, ok now go a bit further and make sling load scripts :o) woohoo wouldnt that be great.. would make bringing a repair truck and engineer to another downed chopper faster and more fun lol...

I wonder if Mando hitch works in A2. I'll try it one of these days.

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Great work as always, I'm guessing this means we'll see more from you in the future, welcome to ArmA 2 :yay:


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Thanks again to everyone for their well wishes. There's hopefully some exciting developments ahead for this project (can't say too much now) that will add enormously to the aesthetics of the script as Deanosbeano has kindly agreed to work with me on this - so rather than a half arsed fast rope addon you're hopefully going to get something quite amazing.

@jamie_C - trying to get Spooner involved with the VBS2 SCUBA scripts/addon mate as the functionality of his own SCUBA project far exceeds my own. Revive is also on the way (spent quite a bit of time working on it last night sorting the new drag animations) but there are still some annoying dialog problems that need to be resolved before it can be released.

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This is a great addition so early. I've been trying to play around with this but I'm stuck. Is there a way to keep the ai controlled heli grounded until I'm ready to get in and get dropped some where? And a way to tell the heli where I want to be dropped.

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I must admit I haven't had much of chance to play with the editor ARmA2 but you should be able to do that with synchronised waypoints - don't quote me on this but I think its something like synchronise a getIN waypoint with your avatar - please someone correct me if this is wrong. Once he's in, the chopper should start moving to other waypoints that you have place in the editor.

There's also scripted ways of doing it eg the chopper "waitsUntil" the player is in cargo and then you add the chopper waypoints with a script but this is a bit more complicated.

The ability to tell the chopper where to go (eg using mapclick) will have to come in later version of the addon.

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Norrin, ACK on the VBS2 script, no rush from me mate, I'm enjoying A2 now, especially after showing off high command and watching the bosses reaction LOL. Looking at using your fastrope script in a demonstration scenario, will let you know how it goes.



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I still cant get it to work

nul = [bH, 15, move1] execVM "FastRope\scripts\fast_rope_AI_pilot.sqf";

is what i put in the waypoint act

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Any way of makeing this where its an addon? By putting the scripts in the choppers in ArmA 2 so that the player does not have to put the script in all the time. Like haveing it put in the choppers via and the player just dl and the script is already in the chopper and you just got the option to do so.

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Yeah thats very doable but its up to the chopper addon makers to do if they want to. Probably best to wait until the newer version of the fastrope addon is available though.

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