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MP fast rope script addon

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Hahaha, that video is awesome, nice work man :)

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here another mission i am working on. maybe you remember it from somewhere:


best to watch it while listening to this song:


still this damn chopper isnst standing totally still when fastroping them^^

arma problem, or addon problem?

Edited by KrAziKilla

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Update MP Fast Rope Addon (beta 0.4)



Archive Contains:



Updated bis keys


- if fast ropes were released by a player pilot while units were still roping only one rope would detach and fall to the ground and the other would remain attached.

NB: Script works in exactly the same way as the previous version

@ Sandmann - thanks for identifying this bug mate

ADuke's helos have also been updated to include this fix, see: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7356

Edited by norrin

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Hi norrin,

I love this mod, but twice now about 6 of the units in the chopper are dead on the ground after fast roping. This happened once at a hot LZ, so I thought nothing of it, but the second time there were no enemy ai around. After about half the load comes down, the rope drops, and the rest fall to their death. Now that I think of it, both times it was the MH 60. I'll test the Huey.

I see no one else has mentioned this, so perhaps it is my own error. I am running one mod that may conflict and that is the VFTCAS - Terrain Collision Avoidance System.

I'd be grateful for any light you can shed on this situation.


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Hi norrin,

I love this mod, but twice now about 6 of the units in the chopper are dead on the ground after fast roping. This happened once at a hot LZ, so I thought nothing of it, but the second time there were no enemy ai around. After about half the load comes down, the rope drops, and the rest fall to their death. Now that I think of it, both times it was the MH 60. I'll test the Huey.

I see no one else has mentioned this, so perhaps it is my own error. I am running one mod that may conflict and that is the VFTCAS - Terrain Collision Avoidance System.

I'd be grateful for any light you can shed on this situation.


Hi Khugan,

I've noticed myself that the timing of the rope detach by an AI pilot can cause problems like your describing when fast roping a large group of units - up to 6 units seems fine though in my tests. How many units are you fast roping at one time mate? If its a lot may be try a smaller number of units and see if its OK. I may need to tweak the timing of the script slightly to allow for this so either way let me know the group size. If you're having problems with a small number of units eg 6 send me your mission to here and I'll take a look.


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Thanks norrin,

I beleive it was a USMC rifles squad minus 2 maybe, I think? I'm not positive on the amount, but for sure greater than 6. I'd guess 10 or 11. In my mission I have switched that wp to an unload because it just makes more sense to put troops on the ground directly when bullets are flying. :D

Adjust your mod as you like, but I can live happily with a 6 troop limit.

Thanks again,


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Thanks for the extra info Khugan,

I'll try some larger group sizes (>6) and see what happens and will adjust the scripts accordingly.

For anybody reading this the current size limit only relates to when an AI pilot is driving the chopper, if its a player pilot then the fast ropes can be deployed for an indefinite amount of time (ie. as long as you like) so you could have 30 units fastrope if you so desired.

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I've also experienced this issue when a six-man AI team is inserted by an AI pilot. I think it'd be nice to have the ability to pass in a delay to the script via parameter...some number of seconds to force the chopper to remain overhead for a bit longer if needed. In some ways, that might be more helpful than hardcoding a value into the addon itself. Not sure how much work that entails, though.

Regardless, I think this is a great addon, norrin & DeanosBeano. Thanks for making this!

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Fast rope version 0.05




1. Incompatability with ADuke's Black Hawk Down helo pack

2. Over-ride timer now included for AI pilots fast roping units - fixes dropping of ropes by AI pilots before all units have fast roped

How the over-ride timer works:

When using the onAct in WP method for getting AI units to deploy fast ropes eg.

nul = [helo, 1, 25, "move2.sqs"] execVM "\ad_helos\FastRope\scripts\fast_rope_AI_pilot.sqf"

The third parameter in the script call ie. 25 now relates to the number of seconds that the AI fast ropes stay in place - 25 seconds is more than enough time for your 8 units - maybe even 20 would be adequate. NB: if the default timer is higher, as generated by the scripts themselves, then the ropes will stay for the longer time

NB: Addon only works for MH60s, UH1s and MV-22s - if someone wants to send me the attach points for the ropes for the Russian helos I'll add these in the next update

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Thanks NORRIN that takes care of a troubleshooting problem I was having! :)

Nice work on this by the way!

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I apologize in advance, I'm pretty new to ARMA 2 addons and extracting them to the proper places. I mainly use the game for the editor to create battles that I enjoy watching or taking part in :)

To the point however; I am wanting to install this, and so far I have found out that most addons go to ARMA/Addons, or just the root folder. But I don't understand these instructions

Instructions for use by AI pilots

1. add to act line of chopper waypoint: nul = [chop1, 1, 25, "move1.sqs"] execVM "\norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\fast_rope_AI_pilo t.sq f";


a is the name of the helicopter;

b Option (0 or 1) to give players the choice of when to descend fastropes - 0 - players are ejected automatically when ropes are deployed - 1- players get and action giving them the choice of when to descend the ropes - NB - if an AI unit is piloting the chopper then it will automatically cut the ropes after a period of time so if you are given the choice to descend ropes don't muck around or you'll miss the chance - best to use this option in connection with a player pilot.

c is the override timer - the mission maker can now set how long he wants the AI pilot to deploy ropes, 20 - 25 seconds is ample for 8 units; and

d is the chopper waypoint script that is activated after fast roping is complete

eg. [chop1, 1, 25, "move1.sqs"]

2. make sure for the last waypoint that the chopper's behaviour is set to "careless" and speed "limited" and flyIn Height <= 35

3. name the chopper

4. make sure all fast roping units are grouped

5. You may need to place the WP move waypoint that activates the fastrope script a few metres ahead of where they actually fast-rope (make sure you check your mission to see where it happens, the good thing is as far as I can tell they fast-rope at the same spot whether they are on a local or a dedicated server).

Where do I find THIS stuff?? Do I have to go into the ARMA 2 game files and edit them myself, or is it apart of the Scripts options in the editor?? (still trying to learn that properly as well!)

I appreciate feedback...Thanks for your time

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Hi Raserisk,

Firstly, I strongly recommend you use mod folders (see this how to method: http://www.armaholic.com/plug.php?e=faq&q=18) when using community made addons in ArmA2.

The line: nul = [chop1, 1, 25, "move1.sqs"] execVM "\norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\fast_rope_AI_pilot.sqf"; (please note typos in what was posted)

with variables modified to suit your mission, goes in the onAct line of the waypoint in the editor where you would like the units to fastrope - if you're unsure of how to do this then open the example mission that comes with the addon in the editor and click on the final WP for one of the choppers with waypoints and you'll hopefully see what I mean.

Make sure you also set the flyInHeight of the chopper to less than 35 - this can be done either in the waypoint or in the init line of the chopper in the editor.


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Hi Norrin, Thanks for this great mod!! Is there any chance of the russian choppers doing some fast roping in the future ?

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Unfortunely after trying for about an hour, I just can't seem to get it. I decided to do a modfolder with this one; correct me if i'm wrong

1. Created an "@FastRope" folder in the ARMA 2 Folder (dont mind " ", I also have the STEAM version) and put a folder INSIDE of THAT named ADDONS

2. Extracted all neccary files to @FastRope

3. Went to ARMA 2 in my steam games list, right clicked, went to Properties, Set Launch Options, added the code -mod=@FastRope

4. Booted up a game, put a Black hawk, with 4 soldiers in cargo, grouped together.

5. Added code with my own modifcations -

nul = [chopper1, 1, 10, "move1.sqs"] execVM "\norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\fast_rope_AI_pilo t.sq f";

6. Set a move waypoint from the black hawk to the area, with waypoint having; CARELESS action, along with LIMITED speed.

***7. Issue, once approaching zone, it said Script was NOT found. I put the code into the "ActOn" box as well.

------So basically, there are several key points I'm having issues with proper addon installation for ARMA 2.


-Properties, since I have the STEAM version, is there any other way to put the code in besides the launch options given? (you can only have a max of 4 codes before space reaches max)

-Am I installing it right, first of all?

This is a very awesome addon I would like to have, especially once the zombie one is released and I appreciate the time you, or anyone else takes to read this. Thanks again

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1. Created an "@FastRope" folder in the ARMA 2 Folder (dont mind " ", I also have the STEAM version) and put a folder INSIDE of THAT named ADDONS

2. Extracted all neccary files to @FastRope

Did you put the files inside @FastRope, or inside the "addons" folder (which is inside @FastRope?

The correct way is to put the pbo's inside the "addons" folder, which is located inside @FastRope

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On the line of your code, check that there is no space between "sq" and "f" and also there should be no spaces in the word "pilot".

It should read:

nul = [chop1, 1, 25, "move1.sqs"] execVM "\norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\fast_rope_AI_pilot.sqf";

You appear to have put some spaces in there.

The easiest way to try it is to load the example mission in the editor and play around with the values. You can even CtrlC the chopper and waypoints & then drop them in a new map. :)

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I tried looking for the saved mission in both maps..Couldn't find it. If I knew it was so much more difficult to add Addons on the STEAM version I should of just got the retail version instead!

I think I am just going to go back to step 1 and that's firstly getting the files in the right places. I recently made a shortcut to the exe and tried to link my mod folders up with it. I posted on the steam fourms for support haven't gotten much replies, I will drop it here I soppose

Here's what I did for the island addon - Panthera.

1. Made shortcut linking to ARMA 2.Exe file

2. Target follows as -

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2\arma2.exe"

3. Following that I added to the end of it,

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2\arma2.exe" -mod=@Panthera

Now for SOME REASON it won't work doing that. But works fine in the Steam launch options, but its pointless doing that with limited text space.

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Okay, when you download the Norrin Fastrope pack, there should be a mission somewhere inside called 'norrn_dbo_fastrope.utes'

You need to move that file to the following path (I think it's the same for the Steam version): My Documents>Arma2>missions

Then you can open the mission when you select Utes as the map in the editor.

Have you tried one of the Arma launchers? You can add infinite mods, so there isn't any issues about limited text space. The Alpinestars launcher is pretty good. Have a look through the thread for Steam compatibility. There shouldn't be any issues though, as it asks you to define the path to the Arma 2 folder. Mods go in the folder as usual. It detects them and gives you the option to activate/leave inactive as desired.

Hope that helps, DA (sorry Norrin for hijacking your thread ) :)

Edited by Das Attorney
missing info

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Update version beta 0.6 - the Russians are coming




Nothing too spectacular just added the ability to fastrope from Mi-24s. This is quite cool as I've animated the side doors on the helo to open before ropes are deployed and then close when the ropes are dropped. Addon works in the same way as the previous version.

@Das Attorney and Raserisk - hope you get it sorted guys :)

Edited by norrin

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Nothing too spectacular

I beg to differ :)

Cool cool :) Thanks for the update, have been wanting to drop some crack Russian troops since first trying this mod.

---------- Post added at 11:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 PM ----------

Just tried the sample mission - the animation for the doors is awesome. Well done! :)

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I finally got it working, after a huge struggle getting addons to load properly with the STEAM version (had to re-direct to addon launcher and launch the game that way, can't use Steam unless I only want to load like 1 addon)

Looked at the example mission, got it down pat, then set off to edit my Panthera - Black Hawk Down esque mission in New Skooma. With several squads of U.S Marine trapped in the Park and dozens of insurgents attempting to over run them, it seemed logical that I have rescue on the way. U.S forces operating out of Smuggler's Airport quickly sealed off the penisula.

As Twlight began in to set in, the desperate insurgents still not being able to overwhelm the Marines began setting off bombs (BQM-74's) in rapid succesion. A convoy of humvees and a rag tag bunch of soldier's began to form up what was left the survivors in the city to make one last break into the Zoo and quickly get the hell out of town.

Minutes, hours, later, air support was calling in as Cobra's began their sweeps over the city, the convoy was still trying to get to the heart of the city but began being mercilessly slaughtered as insurgents sorrounded them. On standby off shore, two Black Hawks filled to the brim, were given the go ahead and rappell in and assist. No support was availiable so it was a risky mission. Within seconds, the black hawks marked their proper LZ landings, and wished the Marines the best of luck as they rappeled (Woo!!!!) downward into the city. Night was near at hand.

Finally after much bloodshed, and even a few Cobra's being shot down, the convoy broke into the Park to find a bloody battle had been waged, insurgents had thrown themselves at the soldier's in a do-or-die situation. It was unfortunate that there were no survivors. Corpses littered the ground, and with a much drawn out sigh, the call to retreat sounded. It then became a free for all as anyone that still had 2 legs or miraculously hadn't of been injured, ran, or limped to get the hell out of New Skooma.

At dawn a squadron of B-52 bomber's carpet bombed and obliterated the city.

Edited by Raserisk

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Still great to see it updated .. !

But we still must manually put a line in the mission editor on the chopper that we want to use for ropes?

Is it not possible that it goes automatically for each chopper that carries troops ?

But still a great mod and verry usefull !!

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