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Morphicon (petergames.de) ArmA 2 Download Released

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Started downloading the game earlier today from the petersgame site, took about five hours to download it here in Texas but got it working and not a single crash or anything so far. Besides a few minor hiccups im loving it!

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PeterGames.de/Morphicon I believe were publishers for the first ArmA release, they've done a little more than prove themselves over the years, and their servers are doing quite well for me right now, even if it is taking a little longer than it would if I was actually in Germany. I'd say order with confidence, it's in BIS's best interests to partner with good publishers, and I'd say they've made a good choice with these guys so far, can't really say until I install.


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So people here ordering this and the international version?

Just can't seem to wait however when a proper English version comes out i guess im gonna end up buying it as well.

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Petergames.de/Morphicon is ok I bought it and downloaded it earlier. No english though. Its not like ArmA where you could just copy the english strings over the german strings. Excel doesnt want to save it in xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8 . Excel sucks

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Petergames.de/Morphicon is ok I bought it and downloaded it earlier. No english though. Its not like ArmA where you could just copy the english strings over the german strings. Excel doesnt want to save it in xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8 . Excel sucks

Have you tried OpenOffice or Google Docs? Heck, even Notepad++?

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ya notepad works great but the problem is i need it in tables to do a mass translation rather than one word at a time lol

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Does anyone know the "Re-download" policy on ArmA2 bought from Petergames.de?

Apparently there's an option to "addon" for a year... [Extended blah].

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when i click here:


and click "download" i get a web page www.xyz blah blah..

if i click "shop" it takes me to :


on this page it says platform: windows XP

has anyone downloaded from this page and can confirm it works on a vista platform, specifically Vista 64bit???????

and is the amazon.de link they redirected me to a download link or a pre order (disc)?


Edited by wingtip

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when i click here:


and click "download" i get a web page www.xyz blah blah..

if i click "shop" it takes me to :


on this page it says platform: windows XP

has anyone downloaded from this page and can confirm it works on a vista platform, specifically Vista 64bit???????

and is the amazon.de link they redirected me to a download link or a pre order (disc)?


man, change the language to german then try the download link again.

strange but it works.

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That is a mother of a download for us Aussies :). Basically 90% of most peoples monthly quota. Guess I'm waiting for the 505 version and having it shipped.

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Ihre Bestellung muss noch bearbeitet werden.

Wenn Ihre Zahlung von unserem Partner Triple Deal bestätigt wurde, erhalten Sie automatisch eine E-Mail welche alle Informationen enthält, welche Sie zum erfolgreichen Downloaden Ihrer Produkte benötigen.

Does this mean there is a problem with my card? or does this mean I should just wait?

Thanks in advance....

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The message just says that the payment still needs to be confirmed from their partner Triple Deal.

Just wait some more, you get the confirmation mail with the details automatically once the payment is confirmed.

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Thanks Wolle!

but one more question (I think I ended up dling from Metaboli). In the e-mail from:kundensupport@gamesplanet.com it gave me the information to dl...where do I get the information for my key code to enter during install?

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Thanks Wolle!

but one more question (I think I ended up dling from Metaboli). In the e-mail from:kundensupport@gamesplanet.com it gave me the information to dl...where do I get the information for my key code to enter during install?

It didn't give it you on the webpage when it confirmed your purchase?

I got this

- Falls es sich um mehrere Dateien handelt, speichern Sie diese bitte alle im gleichen Ordner.

3 - Starten Sie die Installation durch Doppelklick auf die erste heruntergeladene Datei.

Um Fällen von Missbrauch vorzubeugen, können Sie Ihr Spiel 6 Mal herunterladen. Für zusätzliche Downloads wenden Sie sich bitte unter Angabe Ihrer Bestellnummer ( xxxxxx ) sowie der beim Kauf benutzten Email-Adresse an unseren Kundensupport ( kundensupport@gamesplanet.com ). Wir möchte Sie darauf hinweisen, dass Sie die heruntergeladenen Dateien auch auf CD oder DVD brennen können.

Anbei die Keys die Sie nach der Aktivierung Ihres Spiels brauchen werden.

- CD-Key, Multiplayerschlüssel : xxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx ...

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Thanks Wolle!

but one more question (I think I ended up dling from Metaboli). In the e-mail from:kundensupport@gamesplanet.com it gave me the information to dl...where do I get the information for my key code to enter during install?

In your e-mail you should see a line starting with "CD-Key, Multiplayerschlüssel"... following that it looks something like XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX . Should be in bold, in the same box as the download links, just below them.


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In your e-mail you should see a line starting with "CD-Key, Multiplayerschlüssel"... following that it looks something like XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX . Should be in bold, in the same box as the download links, just below them.


Not from those guys mate.

It says here are your download links and the CD-key will be dispatched in a later mail oncs we've confirmed payment. these links allow download 6 times.. use this unique number and mail addy in reference with us to attain further downloads.

Although for me on the purchase confirmation screen on their webpage, it gave me the download links and the key.

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Hmm 12 hours since my order and payment for petergames (nexway) and still no e-mail :/

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I don't know how I managed to purchase the game so quick without hesatation, but I did and it's done. I bought mine from Metaboli using PayPal and it was quick and easy. It took no more than about 2min to purchase the digital version of ArmA II which is why it feels so weird; almost as if I rushed through the whole process. :p

Anyhow, as always the method of sending money was quick, but having to wait for all the files to finish download will take quite some time. At least as of yet I'm probably one of the only people to own ArmA II in Canada. :D

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Hmm 12 hours since my order and payment for petergames (nexway) and still no e-mail :/

Petrgames makes me nervous, they take the CC info and then no e-mail or anything to confirm, just a page telling you that they will send you the key "when your payment is verified".

Makes me a little nervous


Edited by BangTail

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Same here, can someone post the Metaboli link. Petrgames makes me nervous, they take the CC info and then no e-mail or anything to confirm, just a page telling you that they will send you the key "when your payment is verified".

No thanks,


The send email and everything , if you've not received anything its because the payment haven't gone through.

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The send email and everything , if you've not received anything its because the payment haven't gone through.

Ok, just a little nervous is all. Did you have to wait long?


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Here you go, I used Metaboli Because when I tried to register a account with petergames.de I got no email for activating my Account.

Great service from Metaboli downloaded installed had a quick wee test before I hop of to bed cant wait to play later :D.

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