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Cold War Rearmed - Public Beta Release

Have you found any eastereggs yet?  

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thanks , but i have already installed this pack in my cwr directory

edit:new error in cwc campaign / rescue mission ;

Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.cwr2_editor, cwr_units_guer

my pc was locked , and whole save game file has been lost :(

Right uninstall every thing CWR and just install everything again, but not the: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2558, try that and see if that helps, it did for me... Also try and don't install the Winter addons without testing every other update first... I didn't install the Winter addons yet.

Hi, that was an ArmA's thing, i reloaded the mission and everything was good; after pass

that mission, i get an script error on the mission of find and destroy the ZSUs... Seems that it haves some problem with the alarm script. Let's C ya

Just poping smoke here, but see if this helps any..?

Capitalize the I in - orderGetIn

I haven't made it to mission 30 yet, so further testing on my part is unavailable.

Edited by CrazyAce

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Hi, i've passed the A-10 mission and the next one where i (as Armstrong) had to take two

bases with the support of the Alpha & Charlie squads plus some APCs so now im on the

Escape Mission; and it's much harder. The weapon boxes scattered around the place where

they've me held, are locked, so i can't pick any weapon... same for the hind; in the OFP, i

did this mission stealing the Hind, destroying the T-80 far away and the BMP-1 on the POW

site and then flying North. Now, the only thing that i can do... is steal the BMP-1 and let

the infantry destoy my BMP with small arms fire.

In the OFP the AI didn't open fire to the APCs so i think that this should change, is as

important as fix the AI shooting the ATs at infantry, in ArmA they fixed that and i think

that was a very needed fix; fix that thing of the AI shooting at APCs with small arms will

be as good as the other thing. Let's C ya

*EDIT: In this mission, the 1St spetznat that i see, also uses the Angelina's face and

man... now i know why i need to scape from there ASAP.

Edited by wipman

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*EDIT: In this mission, the 1St spetznat that i see, also uses the Angelina's face and

man... now i know why i need to scape from there ASAP.


The Angelina face issue should be fixed by now. I also unlocked all vehicles in the 1.04 version. I haven't changed anything with the ammoboxes, they are the same as they were in OFP.

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when i try to run cwr , an error message appears , but i can play cold war crisis campaign ,

while starting exe;

addon 'Cwr_Editor' requires addon 'ofp_Editor'

and in game menu;

no entry 'bin\config.bin/cfg vehicles/aaa368 scope

Becouse you still have demo, first you need delete demo and then instal CWR Beta

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thanks guys , i am going to

can you give the right links ? of main installer and addons.

Edited by CENKCNK

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thanks guys , i am going to

can you give the right links ? of main installer and addons.

All you need is in the first post.

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All you need is in the first post.

OK, how about the correct sequence of installing them than. Is that currently correct as it is listed now?

I've installed and uninstalled all of these various times and yet I am having no success in being able to open the Mod/game itself.

After I just reinstalled the addons and checked the box to "Launch CWR with Addons" it does start, but than I get the following error message,

"File not found CWR Units needs CWR_Weapons."

It than continues to the normal Arma screen. I click to play the campaign, and than everything just hangs and it never loads.

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There some minor sound bugs (i can't hear some speech sounds) in resistance campaign because some sound db's by -40, -15 or so what (description.ext files).

Examples Missions:


meeting (cutscene - Troskas speech is to loud - by db-250)

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Which sound files are you taken for the 1985 Campaign? The original PC Version has other (or better) speakers...

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The Xbox version. This has been a well discussed topic. Try searching 'by post' to get more information about it.

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When you are searching for some weapon pics like the AKM or Bizon (because your mod used the old OFP Pic) it can be found in the ArmA weapon3.pbo. There also more pics for XM8, M1911 and Saiga 12 rifle. An easteregg by BIS :rolleyes:

Edited by Marseille77

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Hi, those unused textures pressent in the ArmA don't do there anything than take more

space in the HD, like all the OFP textures that are inside the ArmA .pbos too, if you remove

'em... the ArmA will run better because it wouldn't load 130Mb of useless textures. Let's C ya

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Hi, i've passed the mission of Find The Scud and now im being beaten up in the next one

trying to find Guba and detain him before he reaches the airport. In the previous cutscene,

where Guba guns down Angelina... now "she" uses a different face, now... "she" haves a

3 days beard and more hair in the arms than i "where the back loses it's name"; so seems

that's using a random face or just the wrong one, in that cutscene.

Also in the mission of Find The Scud, once you blow off the Scud launcher... you don't

see any icon on the map marking the reunion point, i know that it says "go back in one

piece", but in the OFP i remember to end the mission in the valley where the Scud was,

so show an icon on the map marking the runion point near the insertion point may not

be that bad after all, i had to look at the compass to figure it out while i left there some

of the Zulu M1s firing at the remaining Spetznat on the hill at North of the valley. Let's C ya

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I'm not sure if anyone else has reported this, but I had a problem with the Resistance campaign mission where you're supposed to pick up the weapons at the beach drop off. I fired a red flare like I was supposed to, but the boat doesn't arrive. I also fired off green and regular flares to no avail. It wasn't too much of a bother, but only because I'd picked up some Strela missiles during previous missions.

Edit: BTW, the mod is awesome. Thanks for all the hard work, I've been having a blast playing the old missions.

Edited by Sertorius21

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I have edited and fixed the "Contraband" mission, it was working fine here. The question is just if I have uploaded the fixed mission yet or not, I simply can't remember. Too much stuff I have to deal with currently. :confused:

I uploaded Contraband as SP Mission here.

Please download and see if calling the boat with the flares works ok - keep in mind that I moved the boat further away from the coast so it takes quite a while until it arrives.


Thanks, I look into it. If the marker isn't there I add one, no big thing.

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OK, that fixed SP Mission worked fine. The boat arrived and the Spec Ops dropped off the guns.

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Thankyou x1000 CWR team, you've taken me back to the past and I'm having a fantastic time.

Install went perfectly, game runs great. My jaw is on the floor at the effort that's gone in to this, and I think this community is privileged to be allowed to have this much fun for free.

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I'm playing through the CWC-campaign right now and I must say you've done a great job. Thanks a lot for all your efforts, great idea and great mod. :)

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I'm really excited with what I've seen so far but seeing as this mod seems so wide-ranging (total conversion?) I have a few questions:

1) is this mod compatible with ACE?

2) is it compatible with JTD smoke effects?

3) is it compatible with PROPER vegetation?

4) is it compatible with HiFi NA?

5) Can any of the campaigns be played in co-op?

If so is the the co-op like in ARMA, i.e. JiP?

Or like OFP, i.e. no JiP?

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I'm really excited with what I've seen so far but seeing as this mod seems so wide-ranging (total conversion?) I have a few questions:

1) is this mod compatible with ACE?

2) is it compatible with JTD smoke effects?

3) is it compatible with PROPER vegetation?

4) is it compatible with HiFi NA?

5) Can any of the campaigns be played in co-op?

If so is the the co-op like in ARMA, i.e. JiP?

Or like OFP, i.e. no JiP?

I think the answer is to give it a go. However, if it doesn't work, rather than come here listing your problems like a lot of people have, just try again with a fresh install.

I've read this entire thread, and while bug reporting is indispensable for the authors of this project, I have noticed a little bit of bitching. To my mind, this is inexcusable considering what the devs have put in front of us to enjoy, and all free of charge.

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The mod was not designed to be compatible with any other mod. It is certainly not compatible with ACE. Mark XIII said something about making a special release of his HiFi soundmod for CWR. Everything else you may need to test to see if it works.

JiP is the same as it is in ArmA. CWR was designed with maximum compatibility with OFP missions in mind, so some coop missions may work out of the box. ArmA doesn't have support for coop campaigns as such, so the campaigns are not coop capable.

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1. No.

2. Don't know, possible it is.

3. Don't know, possible it is.

4. No, or at least can cause problems.

5. No.

The recently reported problems with the Campaigns are fixed now - In CWC Mission properly ends now when the team is back at the base and in RES the detection of fired flares is working.

If no more bugs are reported we release v1.05 of the campaigns within the next 2 or 3 days.

Thanks again to anyone reporting these nasty bugs and playing the missions/campaigns several times. :)

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@sle - I didn't list problems but simple queries. If you can't distinguish between a respectful question and bitching then check the dictionary. By sharing our experiences we'll advance this mod.

@Max Power - thanks for the tip about Mark XIII. As for the mods, I'll drop ACE, wait for the next release (v1.05), test JTD and PROPER plants mods, then report back my results.

@W0lle - thanks for your succinct replies. It the only other mod that's definitely compatible is Villa's project 85?

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I haven't tried how much compatible P'85 is but I bet vilas played his Mod on our islands in the past so I guess it should at least work together, 100% compatible the two Mods are not - especially the campaigns might have problems because P'85 goal is 100% realism while our goal is to bring the original OFP feeling back.

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@domokun - Don't for one minute assume I was talking about you, I wasn't. :)

As I said, I've read through this entire thread, and there has been some bitching, that's all I was saying.

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