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Red Orchestra: Heroes of Stalingrad

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what wrong with it?

I think he was refering to it's length and tediousness.

I guess people prefer shorter, more memorable sharper names

Such as naming it say, ro2fans.com, for example :)

Edited by Ben_S

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Ya i can see that but the link is there, whats to remember, if you know how the name of the game add Fan Site to the end of it.

I personally dont type urls, if i want to remember a site I bookmark it.

Copy n paste is your friend.

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That URL is going to seriously hurt traffic to the site.

It looks like something a spammer would use on top of causing bleeding eyes trying to read it.

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Vague with no details, and no good job on the site, yada yada, i appreciate the positivity,

its a link! all you do is click on it, Whats the problem!?

Your worried about traffic, yet its my site, am i making money from the site, no, the link is there,

you either like the site or you don't, your either a fan of RO2 or not.

You don't need a memorable name you already have the link you know its a fan site for RO2, the url is one word,

unless its your first time reading something or your foreign and don't understand English then i see no issue.

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Günter Severloh you seriously need to learn to take feedback. Especially if it is good one.

If you don't want feedback, don't promote it.

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Günter Severloh you seriously need to learn to take feedback. Especially if it is good one.

If you don't want feedback, don't promote it.

Agreed. +10

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Who said I didn't accept the feedback, you act as if I cannot accept feedback, other then that, all i read is the crying over a url,

and all i pointed out is I really dont see the point of it considering the link is right there, again i dont see what the problem is.

Its the site that is important not the url, did you even look at the site or did you just see a long name and say forget it that url is to long?

I only see a problem when you have to type the whole url.

Like I said its a link just click on it, and once again save as a bookmark, hotlink, whatever you want to call it, copy and paste.

Even if I were to change the url it will cost me $5 to do so, and no im not going to change it, its fine as it is it was planned that way.

The site is about the game did you guys forget that.

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Domain names are everything when it comes to attracting traffic and presenting a good image.

URL's like that are common among spammers for things like Google adsense click scams and and such.

Fansites don't have to have the name of the game itself in the URL, just find something catchy, memorable that goes with the theme. and of course... short enough to type

without hurting your fingers.

The site itself looks fine.

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Sad to see you enforce the notion even. But it is up to you Günter. Take it or leave it.

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Nvidia interview with Tony Gilham to find out how well Rising Storm, a mod for the upcoming Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad, is going.


Nvidia interview Red Orchestra 2's Alan Wilson to see how well the historical FPS is shaping up.


Off topic: Carrier Command gameplay video

Take on Helicopters:

Edited by jblackrupert

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After A3, now its RO2 time for TotalBiscuit.

What follows its lots of swearing, many "cut in the half phrases", laughts and some good gameplay.


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Great vid, that Dev is a nut!

*Finger hovers over Steam Deluxe Edition*

It's Alan Wilson, Vice President of TWI, I personally think their an awesome team, crazy or not.

Plus, that had to be the single best demonstration any company has done of a game to date. Forget Battlefield's, and such. :p

Edited by Ben_S

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Get shot in the face simulators.

The dying dutchman.

The german Gamescon announcer.

The guys just laughting their asses off.

Dinossaurs confirmed. (What and learn BIS...)

The pistol buttsmack.

And other things...

They have pure gold there.

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Everything looks great except the textures so far.

What is with them?

PC exclusive game with console textures. My mind is boggled.

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yeah looks good in some of the screens but in the actual gameplay not so good, even some of the higher quality video Gametrailers vids they looked washed out, nothing like the screens.

Yes ill admit it im a graphics whore

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