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Red Orchestra: Heroes of Stalingrad

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For some new screenshots, check out www.heroesofstalingrad.nl

Beneath the screenshots are 2 Polish video's of another HOS presentation, different from the ones on dailymotion.

I just love the one where a Russian jabs his bayonet into a German :o

Yes, i have a bayonet fetish.

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This is going to be one unique game. The only thing the original Ostfront lacked was refinement and more abilities to use the environment. (cover and climbing/mantling)

Can't wait to play this game.

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This game looks cool. However, I don't have gaming PC yet. So I will miss out for a little bit.

Also, this doesn't look a like game I could play. I never played TRUE tactical shooters and I'm a teenager entering my sophomore year of high school.

If I have a good enough PC by the time it's released, maybe I will get it. I just hope a can learns and outs of this game.

If it has tutorial, that will help.

EDIT: I saw both a practice and skirmish mode. That might help with learning the mechanics of the game.

Edited by sesdelta38

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Im looking into this game, Whats its multiplayer like? Does it end up with it being every man for himself? Or does it become very tactical and everyone works together?

This is just out-of-the box game Im talking about.

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  sesdelta38 said:
This game looks cool. However, I don't have gaming PC yet. So I will miss out for a little bit.

Also, this doesn't look a like game I could play. I never played TRUE tactical shooters and I'm a teenager entering my sophomore year of high school.

If I have a good enough PC by the time it's released, maybe I will get it. I just hope a can learns and outs of this game.

If it has tutorial, that will help.

EDIT: I saw both a practice and skirmish mode. That might help with learning the mechanics of the game.

You'll be fine, realistic tactical shooters are more natural to learn because everything works as you would expect it to work in real life; just move cautiously as if you were really there with one life.

  Ben_S said:
Im looking into this game, Whats its multiplayer like? Does it end up with it being every man for himself? Or does it become very tactical and everyone works together?

This is just out-of-the box game Im talking about.

If you watched the videos, it will have a squad system.

Edited by Leopardi

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Yeah, :S

Like in BF, and everyone in BF is tactical :rolleyes:

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  Ben_S said:
Yeah, :S

Like in BF, and everyone in BF is tactical :rolleyes:

The gameplay in RO forces to be more tactical as well.

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RO as mod, ROOST as first standalone game were both very tactical and now ROHOS does looks still into right tactical shooter too

also i really like improvements done to cover system or the way how they resolved the look down from window (exposing you more and more as you look further)

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Cool, I may look into it, been looking for a good ww2 tactical shooter. :)

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  Dwarden said:
RO as mod, ROOST as first standalone game were both very tactical and now ROHOS does looks still into right tactical shooter too

also i really like improvements done to cover system or the way how they resolved the look down from window (exposing you more and more as you look further)

The cover system in ROHOS is the best i have seen in a 1st POV game. It has proper collision detection, easy to use look around (up/down as well) etc.

Would be great to see you guys having another look over current system available in BI game(s)

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I badly want, need and hunger for a release date for this game.

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  Ben_S said:
Im looking into this game, Whats its multiplayer like? Does it end up with it being every man for himself? Or does it become very tactical and everyone works together?

This is just out-of-the box game Im talking about.

Well tbh the community as of right now isnt what it used to be.

You need to have a select few servers to get some decent teamwork going on (unfortunately for me, this means a russian server. Naturally, all they speak is russian :p)

To describe the multiplayer, i'd have to say that RO:OST is the ultimate cat and mouse game, where you need to use every little sink in the terrain to stay alive and out of sight.

It's a game where noticing that one suspicious pixel makes the difference between life and death, as riflemen and ofcourse sniper are all very deadly in long range.

It's really brutal, because there are so many places people might go and shoot from, anything from a rooftop to a small hole inside a sandbag wall.

I'd go so far as say that even experienced ArmA pvp players will get chewed up in their first games of RO:OST.

In the end though, RO is the perfect blend between realism and playability, it's very slowpaced and noticing the small differences in the landscape means everything.

And it's one of those games where the weapons are really great to use, and have a distinct feeling to them that cant be found in most other games.

As one reviewer put it: ''In RO, there is a bang, and you die.''

A lot of the times you wont even know where it came from, untill you get some experience.

It's this hard learning curve that makes playing RO very, very rewarding and an absolute thrill to master.

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The RO games are a good example that realistic games/movies does not necessarily have to be tedious.

(how many times have you heard the joke that if COD becomes any more realistic now, you'll be digging holes and stare aimlessly into the desert for a full 365 days a year. I even think the Onion made a video sketch on this)

I suspect your gonna need someone with the same mindset to play it with to get proper teamwork though. Like in Arma.

Edited by sparks50

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  Leopardi said:
New vids, a nice gun at the end of part 2

Thanks for videos! I will most likely get this once I have a good PC. I will be playing lots of skirmish and practice games though.

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Hopefully Tripwire gets a solid VON and squad system for the game, RO had probably everything one could want in a tactical shooter, but there wasn't a whole lot of teamwork on public servers. Everyone just kind of ran at the next objective and shot everything in the way. Those concerns aside, this is probably one of the only games attempting to progress the FPS genre in 5 years. Plus the Rising Sun mod looks to be awesome as well.

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Hmm.. seems speed of movement is quite quick.. PPsh's and such are not light guns, they take a while to swing around.. This is lightning quick etc..

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  Flash Thunder said:
The AI still looks retarded.

It's not like they made a new alpha build in 2 days

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Maybe they set a pretty low difficulty setting? Anyway, the UT engine bots never amazed me on anything more realistic than UT. They don't have a high priority as it's an MP game first, I think. More work would be great though, for smaller LANs and the Singleplayer/Coop they announced.

That new "Countdown" gamemode looks awful with everyone spawning new for every 50m, even if still alive. Still need to test it myself, but I guess I won't play it much.

The rest looks really good, especially the cover system and Infiltration like weapon collision. Please take a note, BIS ;)

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  Scruffy said:

That new "Countdown" gamemode looks awful with everyone spawning new for every 50m, even if still alive. Still need to test it myself, but I guess I won't play it much.

doesnt it simulate regrouping/reinforcements? At least it's something for the action hungry people, when you have everyone assaulting the next objective in the same group.

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