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Red Orchestra: Heroes of Stalingrad

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RO2+In Country Mod = Best Thing of 2011.

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Anyone got scans of the RO2 Article I'd really like to see it.

Or does anyone know if I can pick up a copy somewhere without having to subscribe?

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The people over at PC Gamer at least are very convinced of game's epicness (5 page article coming):


Beating Black ops is hardly an achievement but nice topic. :p

Too "bad" it looks like a long wait for Ro2 to come but yea its

my highest looking forward gametitle in years to come.

Its gonna be..........epic! :yay:

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Well, ofcourse realism-gamers know why it is going to be a superior product. But the mass of gamers out there hardly knows what RO is, and 99% will most likely never even heard of RO.

In that light, reading that title "Why RO2 will beat CODBLOPS" is just... massive, considering many of the mass gamers consider COD to be the pinnacle of shooters.

Ofcourse they cant take COD on in a head to head battle for sales, but who can? It's the features, the attention to detail, and the fact that RO2 is going to be a pure, pc-only game, the moddability of the game, and all the free content updates that are coming in the years afterwards that are going to completely destroy COD on every level.

And ah yes, free content updates will come :)

Already there are plans for adding new vehicles, and those will most likely come with a new map or two, and maybe some new weapons too, who knows?

What i do know is that RO1 got free content updates for nearly 2 years if i remember correctly, adding new maps, weapons and utilities like smoke grenades, completely for free.

The same is happening to Killing Floor, TWI's survival-horror game, which has gotten new maps, new weapons and a new monster (the Husk). And this Christmas they just announced will get a special christmas event, adding a new map, a new difficulty level (Hell on earth), christmas-themed monsters (Kill the gingerbread man!), new achievements, nearly doubling the amount they already head, of which 13 are christmas-related. If you get 10 of those 13, you unlock the Baddest Santa character, while you get TF2's Pyro in red or blue for free if you own TF2, and a new hat and tie in TF2 if you own both TF2 and KF before the event starts. All for free.

Good things just keep on coming with TWI. COD eat your freaking heart out! :)


I'd also like some scans very much!

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Well, ofcourse realism-gamers know why it is going to be a superior product. But the mass of gamers out there hardly knows what RO is, and 99% will most likely never even heard of RO.

In that light, reading that title "Why RO2 will beat CODBLOPS" is just... massive, considering many of the mass gamers consider COD to be the pinnacle of shooters.

Ofcourse they cant take COD on in a head to head battle for sales, but who can? It's the features, the attention to detail, and the fact that RO2 is going to be a pure, pc-only game, the moddability of the game, and all the free content updates that are coming in the years afterwards that are going to completely destroy COD on every level.

And ah yes, free content updates will come :)

Already there are plans for adding new vehicles, and those will most likely come with a new map or two, and maybe some new weapons too, who knows?

What i do know is that RO1 got free content updates for nearly 2 years if i remember correctly, adding new maps, weapons and utilities like smoke grenades, completely for free.

The same is happening to Killing Floor, TWI's survival-horror game, which has gotten new maps, new weapons and a new monster (the Husk). And this Christmas they just announced will get a special christmas event, adding a new map, a new difficulty level (Hell on earth), christmas-themed monsters (Kill the gingerbread man!), new achievements, nearly doubling the amount they already head, of which 13 are christmas-related. If you get 10 of those 13, you unlock the Baddest Santa character, while you get TF2's Pyro in red or blue for free if you own TF2, and a new hat and tie in TF2 if you own both TF2 and KF before the event starts. All for free.

Good things just keep on coming with TWI. COD eat your freaking heart out! :)


I'd also like some scans very much!

It can easily go head on with the PC sales of BO. Here's an interesting post from the developer about the PC gamer headline:


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The CEO at TWI and BIS are cool.

YAY for good developers and CEO

Screw Activisions destruction of gaming.

Also cant wait for ROHOS I fell in love with RO1 the first video I saw. :D

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Seen the scans now, all i can say is that the journalist was pretty much euphoric about the game.

Ah, i never thought i'd see the day where a big writer gives high praises to a game like RO. To quote a buddy of mine, 'Pigs have flown' :P

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Seen the scans now, all i can say is that the journalist was pretty much euphoric about the game.

Ah, i never thought i'd see the day where a big writer gives high praises to a game like RO. To quote a buddy of mine, 'Pigs have flown' :P

Would you possibly be able to post the Scans on here .. c'mon... share the pie with the rest of us :D

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Just started playing the original again (well darkest hour), i'd forgot how much fun the game is. Even tho the graphics and mechanics are very dated now... It still has the magic.

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Just started playing the original again (well darkest hour), i'd forgot how much fun the game is. Even tho the graphics and mechanics are very dated now... It still has the magic.

It does indeed.

Sometimes i stop playing for a while, but in the end i always return because RO has something that other games lack. Every kill feels deserved, and every death does too. You might wonder where the hell the shot came from, but it never feels like it is the fault of the game, but rather a fault you made.

This is different from say, Bad Company 2 where i frequently ragequit because the game does incomprehensible stuff and lots of kills or deaths feel weird, or rather, gamey and undeserved. I frequently have to yell out loud "WHAT THE FUCK?!" and that isnt a good thing.

RO has never suffered that same feeling on my end.

And after all those cookie-cutter games it feels great when i return to RO's killing fields which are utterly brutal.

Sometimes i just have to fight to survive, and not to kill, as i crawl from rubble to rubble, using every slight inclination on the ground to hide in and take a potshot at the enemy.

Sometimes you find a good position to hold out in, and you get a chance to look at the battle and fire a few shots and kill a few soldiers from a hidden position nobody has looked for yet, even though they might have played the map hundreds of times.

It's fun to see how utterly unforgiving the game can be, as you watch people make a mistake like standing upright for too long as they approach a position, and they get cut down in seconds while others who are a bit more thoughtful manage to creep into position and take out the enemy.

And sometimes the action is more focussed, where people have to defend a small area so they cluster up in there, and the firefight that ensues is so intense that you get swallowed up by the game, as you fire off shots, take time to reload while you crouch out of sight, looking at others firing at the enemy, while artillery and grenades explode around you and the enemy comes closer and closer untill you see an enemy face pop up right in front of your position as he chucks a grenade in, and everybody scrambles for the exit and give up their position and have to countercharge to take it back.

If i had to describe RO in just a few words, those words would be unforgiving, brutal, immersive, realistic and yet very playable.

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You speak the truth :) You really do become a fan of crawling when those MG42's get set up, covering an approach.

Just a shame that alot of the servers remain empty nowadays, but there's always a couple of decent 30/50 man servers playing.

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Tripwire released two 'cut-away' pictures of the Panzer IV, showcasing the interior of the tank as it will be used in-game, and it is looking juicy!



Tanks are really attaining sim-level it seems, though i'm hardly an expert at armour simulation.

But all of these things are modelled, and various instruments can get damaged/destroyed, AT shells can penetrate and kill individual soldiers, after which you will have to crawl through the tank completely animated, so no instant-switching between functions.

I do wonder if bodies remain inside the tank and pools of blood form on the bottom of the tank though :p

Also, i'm completely in love with this picture:


/cue bayonet fetish

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Tanks look, wow

Fully animated, switching from position to position. Full 3d interior. Wow

Also, See this thread on the tripwire forums (i don't know if this has been posted before)


Quite a list. :)

Amazing, but the gameplay, Looks brillaint. Some ideas and features in RO:HOS are very intresting, it will be intresting to see how just any old server plays out. And if the AI will be any form of a challenging (or fun) gameplay element.

Also, This video, I'm not sure if anyone else has posted it or seen it before. but it shows the scopes.

Edited by Ben_S

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This really cant come out fast enough now. I'm gonna be 5 again just for 2 secs....


I've had to put up with playing COD and BF for the benefit of playing with my teammates when we're not in the mood for ArmA. So actually having something i know i will enjoy will be brilliant.

Just not looking forward to the influx of pain in the arse kids who will inevitably get the game, then having to put up with a few weeks of "Noob" & "Camper" & all the other crap that get's spouted out nowadays before they get bored. I almost hope BF3 comes out soon after the release of this to drag those kinds of people away.

Anyway, i'll be pre-ordering this asap and getting a dedi server on day one.:yay::yay:

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Can somebody link to the pc gamer article scans again? The top link is dead..

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This really cant come out fast enough now. I'm gonna be 5 again just for 2 secs....


I've had to put up with playing COD and BF for the benefit of playing with my teammates when we're not in the mood for ArmA. So actually having something i know i will enjoy will be brilliant.

Just not looking forward to the influx of pain in the arse kids who will inevitably get the game, then having to put up with a few weeks of "Noob" & "Camper" & all the other crap that get's spouted out nowadays before they get bored. I almost hope BF3 comes out soon after the release of this to drag those kinds of people away.

Anyway, i'll be pre-ordering this asap and getting a dedi server on day one.:yay::yay:

Thankfully, RO has never had a huge problem with kids. The minute they figure out that they can't 'pwn' everything in site with the usual CoD type tactics they tend to give up and leave.

I've seen a few asshats in my years of playing RO but not too many in comparison to other games.

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Thankfully, RO has never had a huge problem with kids. The minute they figure out that they can't 'pwn' everything in site with the usual CoD type tactics they tend to give up and leave.

I've seen a few asshats in my years of playing RO but not too many in comparison to other games.

And the WWIIONLINE community says the same thing about the RO and COD communities.

Got to love tribalism.

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Thankfully, RO has never had a huge problem with kids. The minute they figure out that they can't 'pwn' everything in site with the usual CoD type tactics they tend to give up and leave.

I've seen a few asshats in my years of playing RO but not too many in comparison to other games.

I agree, but with it being a new game there will be those who jump on the bandwagon a the start, its just gonna be a case of putting up with it for a couple of months until they do bugger off.

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Hehe, TWI keep releasing images of germans holding that StG44 variant. (The Mkb42)

The TW community get butthard about it because theres no evidence it was actually used in stalingrad, so they don't want it in the game. So, Now every image TWI release has soldiers holding that weapon in it. haha

Anyone seen this image yet:




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