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New beta patch 1.16

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I think someone messed up on this one (maybe myself?)... The readme says "ARMA UPDATE 1.16 README", but most of the information is from way back patches. Like "ArmA Warfare, included as a bonus update in this patch", "Desert Marines", "Woodland Army soldiers". It assumes we have 1.08 installed, but wasn't 1.14 the last non beta patch?

I have this itching feeling that I'm kind of missing something here, lol.

Edit: Rocco, you have the patching thing gone wrong. In a day or two, nobody will be playing 1.15beta no more. There will be 1.16beta (probably more stable than 1.15beta) and 1.14 official. Those that found 1.15beta not working properly are still using 1.14, pluss those with lacking linux server. I think IC ArmA is requiring 1.14, but I don't play there myself. The next patch will either be 1.17beta or 1.17 official. There has never been afaik a beta and an official patch with the same number.

Edited by CarlGustaffa
Answering Rocco

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People who complain about patches or "beta patches" don't really know what they are denying and complaning. Maybe some day they will appreciate and learn their true meaning.

In my opinion, every new patch even if its considered "beta" are very welcome in order to improve what already exists.

I would like to thank BIS for the new patch and for future patches. Your work is very appreciated!

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Maruk - diki za beta patch kamo :D /thx for this beta patch mate :D/

Doufam ze ArmA 2 rozjedu naplny pecky ;) / I hope the ArmA2 will run max on my pc ;)/

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Oh my god BIS, you don´t know what you are doing! Why do you release another beta patch, this will devide the community even more, please release a real patch, so that people dont get scared by the word "beta", we will have a 1.14 community, a 1.15 community and a 1.16 community.

Come one, you can do better than that!

Do me a favour and just die, ok?

Thanks for the patch! (Seems that I'm too stupid to find the new soldiers... o.O)

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I just had a crash with the new beta. When it runs its amazing! But i got this crash that i never had before in my life.

Error: "Display driver stopped responding...". (It also told me to restart the computer to get my settings/resolution back.)

File: Nv4.disp

Cant be 100% sure it's ArmA. But i never had that happen in all my years. And i was running 1.16b from clean PC boot. Nothing else had been running. Will see if it happens more times.



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Very strange reading this discussion.

Does anyone care about the fixes made (as despite low number, all fixes made are of very essential nature: vista users with ATI should run the game at full screen in all configuration, BE shouldn't kick out players randomly, memory fragmentation dramatically reduced on ATI cards, most frequent crash more likely fixed).


Works great now on my ATI set up. thnx.

Dont let the "leagues" and "Progamers" get you down. Never give in to the idiots.

PS: Thnx also for my new sig "I am going back to Chernarus."

hope to see you there soon.

Edited by kklownboy

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What are the changes compared to 1.15? Is the performance upgrade in comparison to 1.14 or 1.15?

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I can speak for my community to say that the beta patches have been a huge success for us and are very welcome. To each his own, but our experience with it has been completely positive.

Seconded. I think some players are taking for granted the support and dedication BIS has shown towards the product. Features like VON and of course all of the numerous improvements have been invaluable from an immersion standpoint and have added a great amount of depth to the game. Thank you, BIS.

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Error: "Display driver stopped responding...".

I've had that error for the last two years. Ever since I installed vista in fact :D

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First of all, i really enjoy the patch policy of BIS. But to be honest (no, i'm not moaning that you release a patch) i can't enjoy it.

Reading what fixes it contains, this patch is for me.

As there is no Linuxserver available, i can't use it.

No doubt, it's great to see you improve ArmA even with ArmA2 close to release (close in it's widest meaning). I'm sure it's hard to say some programmers to take care of some arma issues when theyr manpower would be needed on ArmA2.

Again, i really love the way you care for ArmA and i wouldn't it be otherwise.

All i would wish (i'm not in the position to ask) is that linux would have higher priority as it has now.

After all, a lot of servers are running linux because a lot of people/clans can't afford the monthly Windows license fee.

Again, if i could i would kiss you and your team for your work, be it on ArmA or ArmA2. Keep it up.

Edited by [FRL]Myke

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LOL You just can't please everyone.... there is always someone that likes to stand out in the crowed :bounce3:

We at OGN will support BI in any direction they proceed.......

We have done beta testing for BI for many many years right from the beginning of OFP release....... when BI wanted us to test the MP game play..... or mini CTI which is now called Warfare we were their to help them in anyway possible... if this could improved the game then we would at no hesitation help them out the best we could....

Maruk and crew have put alot of effort into this game and I'm shall that I can speak for most of the dedicated players that we are grateful for all the work they have put into OFP and armed assault......

You have to remember that this type of Sim takes more than just builders to build such a Great Sim but has to go through many trials and beta testing which includes the community to bring the public one of the Best War Sim ever been built......

You have to really look at the Big picture here and think of it as a beta testing for Armed Assault II...... because without OFP and armed assault betas there would be no Armed Assault II :D

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Thanks Maruk and who ever was involved in this patch!

Now I can play Arma with my Ati card like never before, very smooth and with a good fps rate.

Thanks again.

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If it wouldn't be that sad, it would be laughable.

First everyone cries because there is no new patch, numerous threads are made asking when the next patch comes.

Then, all of the sudden and with ArmA2 in a late development state BIS are releasing another patch but... ZOMG!!! A beta patch! WTF!!!

Unbelievable that some people now moan and bitch as it would be the end of the world, as if the recent beta patches caused nothing than problems. None of the recent betas caused any problems here and I was using them all.

Scared of beta patches? Everyone can install it and try. It can be removed by just deleting it. Each of us does this every day with addons and Mods, which causing way more problems than every patch in the past. But obviously that's not an option when it comes from BIS or what?

How long ArmA has been released now? More than 2 years and BIS still is supporting this game while other developers and studios would have abandoned it long time once the money has been made. Everyone here should be grateful for the long-time support BIS is offering.

Unbelievable, really. :mad:

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Too bad people cannot discuss. However BIF is NOT the place for that. Never will. :rolleyes:

Too bad that you leave your MP community split and the bigger part behind.

Edited by kju

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All I see is 1 single negative starter post and 7 pages of praises & thanks to BIS...

I think he's overrated by mods :(

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Thanks for the patch BIS!

So far no problems running it on my computer.

People, you have to consider that some of the fixes in this beta patch will very likely go into ArmA2. So you are kind of doing ArmA2 beta testing already when you test this patch.

The more it is tested before its actual release, the better.

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I'm curious about (i.e. ignorant about) what extra work is required to make a Linux release. Anyone care to enlighten me?

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With your english I wonder myself that you are even working.
Do me a favour and just die, ok?

Both of you will face punishment upon the next flaming comment.


This has nothing to with "not being able to discuss". The splitting the community argument is simply not valid. Everyone can install the beta patch and remove it as easy as a Modfolder should it cause problems. It's also possible to run 1.14 when Linux servers are used and go back to 1.16 beta for SP/Windows servers.

I don't see the problem here, simply create 2 shortcuts for the 2 versions.

Edited by W0lle

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Thank you BIS!

you fixed the issue with the new woodland soldiers in the editor starting with no ammo :)


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If it wouldn't be that sad, it would be laughable.

First everyone cries because there is no new patch, numerous threads are made asking when the next patch comes.

Then, all of the sudden and with ArmA2 in a late development state BIS are releasing another patch but... ZOMG!!! A beta patch! WTF!!!

Unbelievable that some people now moan and bitch as it would be the end of the world, as if the recent beta patches caused nothing than problems. None of the recent betas caused any problems here and I was using them all.

Scared of beta patches? Everyone can install it and try. It can be removed by just deleting it. Each of us does this every day with addons and Mods, which causing way more problems than every patch in the past. But obviously that's not an option when it comes from BIS or what?

How long ArmA has been released now? More than 2 years and BIS still is supporting this game while other developers and studios would have abandoned it long time once the money has been made. Everyone here should be grateful for the long-time support BIS is offering.

Unbelievable, really. :mad:

Exactly, everyone begs for another patch, but when it comes, it's a giant problem that it's a beta.. Maybe BIS should replace the word beta with "exlusive public testing version" :upside:

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It's quite significant work even for patch. Really, nothing we'd like to do more often than necessary...

And preparing linux server itself is really a significant many-months effort.

I'm curious about (i.e. ignorant about) what extra work is required to make a Linux release. Anyone care to enlighten me?

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