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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment Public Release!

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Thanks guys, but that does not contain all the weapons.

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You clicked the little tabs, which switch to the differnt weapons

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The .xls version has been missing some weapons since the beginning. There's a nice .pdf, I believe by sickboy, posted over on the ACE forum. But this one looks like it's missing the shotguns and some other stuff.

I just get classnames from one of the ACE .pbo's. Un-pbo the ace_config_weapon.pbo then use the unRap tool to convert the config.bin. After you use unRap look for CfgVehicles.hpp and inside this file is the contents of the ACE weapons/ammo/etc crates. I believe the class names appear in the same layout as the crates have in game.

That's the best way to get a list of all the contents of the crates, in my opinion.

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Looking forward to those docs! My team has been hitting

me with many questions I'm sure would be answered by the

wiki and guides.

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If you go to

C:\Program Files\Atari\ArmA\@ACE\Docs\Dev Docs


C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\@ACE\Docs\Dev Docs

There is a .PDF file made by rocko, that has many of the class names. Including the class names for ammunition in rucksacks.

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You guys just got just 1 more thing to complete before the release of patch 1.07 cool.

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hi guys,

is there any setting anywhere for ace that would make the crosshairs stop moving so much, or is that something just the modders can do?

the shaking really ruins the game Its not to bad but its rather annoying when ur trying to shoot a guy and every shot goes around him.

SLX mod was horendous for that shaking u couldn't hit nothing if u tried.

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hi guys,

is there any setting anywhere for ace that would make the crosshairs stop moving so much, or is that something just the modders can do?

There is no client side way of reducing the weapon sway.

You could try shooting from a different stance (such as prone), or supporting your weapon on an object. Also, holding your breath feature that comes in vanilla now makes a lot more sense using.

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Of course there is..

As long as you do not play MP or servers that do not enforce it,

you can easily edit the addon/values yourself.

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Is the AI performing a better first-aid/medical behaviour in the next ACE patch?

Pretty scary if you see AI standing close to wounded player doing mostly nothing. Funny OFP-SLX feeling if player is surrounded by enemies and they are only waiting to shoot him. :icon_neutral:

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Of course there is..

As long as you do not play MP or servers that do not enforce it,

you can easily edit the addon/values yourself.

lol, true kju, but i guess the question was in regards of a similar sys as the ace_client_config file.

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We are proud to present to you, version v1.07: http://dev-heaven.net/news/show/40

Mirrors very welcome!

Thank you very much to all who made this Release possible again, also a big thanks to the Reporters!

Your feedback and bugreports are extremely helpful. Keep em coming :)

Edited by Sickboy

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very impressive change log, another excellent job by the ACE team.

the download links seems to be broken. anyone else get this?

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very impressive change log, another excellent job by the ACE team.

the download links seems to be broken. anyone else get this?

Fixed, sry :)

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Dear Community,

You can download the latest ACE 1.07 or ACE 1.07 Full install from our Server..

Download @ Kelly's Heroes

1.07 Update -> http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/files/addons/ACE-ArmA_Mod_v1.07update.exe

1.07 Full Install -> http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/files/addons/ACE-ArmA_Mod_v1.07full.exe

Happy Gaming !!



edit...added to ACE - wiki

Edited by Cross

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Dear Community,

You can download the latest ACE 1.07 or ACE 1.07 Full install from our Server..

Download @ Kelly's Heroes

1.07 Update -> http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/files/addons/ACE-ArmA_Mod_v1.07update.exe

1.07 Full Install -> http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/files/addons/ACE-ArmA_Mod_v1.07full.exe

Happy Gaming !!

Thanks a lot!

Please add to our wiki instead; http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ACE#Patch_7_Release_1.07

Cheers mate!

Edited by Sickboy

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new sandbag feature is great, just to save people the time of finding this out on there on:

after you press deploy sandbag, you can use the "arrow up" and "arrow down" keys to control the height of the sandbag. so you can deploy them one on top of the other.

once again, thanks for the awesomeness that is ACE.

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Cant pack Flares (White, Red, Green, Yellow)

When packing Hedp433/(M203 i think) i cant unpack..

TrackIR rounds should be fired at the accurat distance..

No matter if i fire at the ground it ends up some 300m up in the


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I can confirm that the M203 Flare Variants cannot be packed into a rucksack. I dont have any problems Packing/Unpacking the M203 HEDP Rounds though.

Also the SMAW Spotting rounds cannot be packed into a rucksack either.

Anyway, fantastic effort as always ACE Team. The usuable bipod is a feature i have been wanting for so long. If BI havn't taken notice of such features being implemented by you guys, then shame on them. But if they dont include any such features for ArmA 2, then i hope you guys dont have too much hassle getting the ACE MOD into ArmA 2.

Having a uniform MOD as good as this one, has improved my MP enjoyment 100 fold.

Thanks guys...

P.S. Is it possible to deploy your weapon onto Sandbags, like you can objects? I cant seem to do it my end, i think this would be a very nice addition. If your carrying an ACOG or the like and you need that bit more stability, would make sense to carry a couple of sandbags for this purpose.

Edited by Shadow.D. ^BOB^

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Deploying guns on sanbagwall is ok as long as its high enough...CONF

You need 9 bags high to cover Proneposs but allow weapon over...


I stacked a wall 9x4 (9 high and 4 in row)..Then i was able to pick up

bags from the middle. Making some kind of window. Was nice but you know..

I also tried to shoot at it and it stops bullets, but it also stops M3 SMAAVF..?!?!?

Hmmm...Gonna try drivecollision...

PS: Suggestion...Like the HuntIR box...Place the bags in its own Box..

With like 500pcs..

PS2: Tried drivin, you need to add a seatbeltfeature...LOOOOL

PS3: Tried to place a Bag on the Hummer, is possible...Problem is it

stays in air when driving away...

Edited by Andersson[SWEC]

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