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arma2's terrain is looking a damn sight better than what ive seen of OFP2's imho... long grass or no.

looking forward to part2.  notworthy.gif

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Sweet that big ship is in there. Tarawa or Wasp or something maybe. Healing looked pretty good too.

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cant view the filefront video, can anyone plz upload it to a different video site?

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Good point, but the grass lenght is actually pretty important, as 70% of the time playing the game you'll spend hiding in it...

So, it is important!...it really is! :)

Thats right: the taller the grass the more cover its offering the better.

IMO the grass-problem in ArmA (AI sees through the grass) is one of the important problems that must be fixed in ArmA-II. But many play ArmA in third-person-mode "and perhaps here things will be different" (things will be different, gta iv =>

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The community has complained about i.e. missing tactical effects from smoke screens since OFP days. ArmA "promised" to have this in, but didn't. So I wonder, how about ArmA II? It's the same thing with towing/(hoisting?)/lifting i.e; some of these things can be scripted but will look horrible without being properly supported by the engine. Other things might need addons (i.e. smoke with viewblock objects) to work, which is multiplayer public unfriendly. I'm asking specifically about illumination support because of a config entry "gunnerHasFlares" which is currently unused by ArmA.

As an example, OFP and ArmA has never had built in support for supression effects. It can be based on scripting alone, but it doesn't seem to work well. It can also be based on invisible targets (again addon needed [i.e. ECS] which is public server unfriendly) which has its own kinds of flaws (unknown, 50 meters i.e.). Even if ArmA II fails to deliver "proper" supression and effects of being supressed, mission makers may now be able to script improved versions without needing addons, because the engine now supports it.

To me, shininess is not important because it can be fixed with client side addons. Misunderstand me correctly, it's nice to have it been brought up and noted, but I don't think it needs be be discussed so much it became a key feature (which it is not).

Well, I think what you brought up here in this thread should be at the Suggestions board instead.

You are opening a huge can of worms with your posts. It should be done elsewhere than in a thread which is meant to discuss what is shown at a games conference.

Now that you are seeing in-game videos and the release date of the game is supposedly close, it is perhaps not sensible to start suggesting a whole load of new features that should go into this product. I would say you are late with your suggestions. And you don't even know what exact features are in the product.

The talk about the shininess of the vehicles is not late at all because it is relatively easy and fast to adjust. Thus, to me, it makes more sense to discuss that in this thread than to discuss a load of features which would likely delay the release of the product maybe even by months or by a year or more. If the features you would like to see are not already in the game, then I doubt very much that you will see them in the game when it is published.

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what these features? They've been suggested a long long time ago...

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I like how the healing animation tears everyone. old arma animation engine I guess... whistle.gif

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I like how the healing animation tears everyone. old arma animation engine I guess...  whistle.gif

as long as the animations are not major combat related i am all fine with it

bi have many more improtant things to fix anyway

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Despite it's length I still prefer Arma II's grass. Actually, I kind of prefer it short, because of it's better performace, ability to see when prone, and better smoothing in the distance where the grass disappears.

By the way, nice going BIS, getting 9th on the list.  smile_o.gif

The length of the grass shouldn't affect the performance at all really. I think when BIS shortened the grass, they also optimized it. The number of grass planes should be the predominant factor in its peformance. The short grass does make for easier blending, though, very true!

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Not to hijack this thread, but what does 'Surpression' mean?

Suppression fire aims to stop of enemy movement and fire. Its simple fire towards enemy and make them hide. It is used along with flanking movement, in military known as "covering fire" AFAIK.

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Not to hijack this thread, but what does 'Surpression' mean?

Suppression fire aims to stop of enemy movement and fire. Its simple fire towards enemy and make them hide. It is used along with flanking movement, in military known as "covering fire" AFAIK.


Too bad I couldn't understand anything said in the video. Not because I didn't understand Maruk, but too much screaming in the backround. What are there, rollercoasters there?

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what these features? They've been suggested a long long time ago...


If they were not planned to be in the game, then you shouldn't be surprised if they are not in the published game.

And I think this thread is not a "suggest a load of new features" place.

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Well, the new vid is really nice, I see there's been nice optimisation for all and that what you essentially need is SM 3.0 and dual core. The game looks really nice and I hope part 2 of the vid will be as good as part 1. The medic and carrying thingy looked really awsome.

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Tomorrow is the 1st September, Im looking forward.


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After fooling around with the sound equalizer I figured if I disable everything from ~3 to 3K (bass to treble)  you could actually hear what they say. A bit twisted, but still clear enough to understand.

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Great videos!

The improved get-in 'zones' on the vehicles look to be an excellent solution to the 'get in menu fiddling' hassle that sometimes detracted from gameplay in ArmA1.

I'm hoping also that the 'get-out' action gets similar treatment so that the EJECT keystroke doubles as a GET OUT command when vehicle is stationary.  Simple fix that would help immensely, even now after playing for a long time I still hit eject when stopped and nothing happens in ArmA1.

Anything that helps promote teamwork in this is a welcome bonus - carrying teammates out of the line of fire to heal is great news. Is the underlying carry-code written in such a way so that, in the future, it might be expanded to allow carrying of other objects too (thinking mortars and turret guns here)?

The campaign in multiplayer - GREAT! How many guys can work together on the campaign? Is it limited to the 4 playable soldiers, or?

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what these features? They've been suggested a long long time ago...


If they were not planned to be in the game, then you shouldn't be surprised if they are not in the published game.

And I think this thread is not a "suggest a load of new features" place.

The suggestion forum has been around a long time, and it has pages of good suggestions. There is atleast the carrying the founded and suppression fire features that BIS has implemented, and some AI improvements also. Graphics and sounds are also improved. It would not be possible for any team to implement all the requests the community has made, there's just too many. However I'm hoping to see something more that what has been shown so far. All I have seen so far is Arma with very nice looking new map and units.

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After fooling around with the sound equalizer I figured if I disable everything from ~3 to 3K (bass to treble)  you could actually hear what they say. A bit twisted, but still clear enough to understand.

What media player are you using?

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Good point, but the grass lenght is actually pretty important, as 70% of the time playing the game you'll spend hiding in it...

So, it is important!...it really is!  smile_o.gif

Yeah but there's a big difference between grass and crops, the OFP2 pic reminds me of a wheat field and so far most of the imagery we've seen from ArmaII has been around local area's in which grass would naturally be kept short.

Also lets not forget that wildlife make great lawnmowers as well, I can't honestly say I'v gone hunting with my father at any given point in my life in which grass was tall enough that you could hide in it unless there was a lake of some sort nearby.  

Which in and of itself imo, you're free to disagree of course, adds more atmosphere in that even though there may not exactly be alot of wildlife such as deer and other herbivores, there is something living.

Now that I see this video http://www.armabase.de/page....at=cont at...oh dear where's the timer...anyway around the middle you can see wheat that looks around the same height as OFP2's.

Its nice to see the avenger from the Game2 screenshots, its nice to see alot of our old "friends" along with some newcommers, thus far we've seen all from the previous "OFP2" screenshots, the UH-1Y, the Avenger, the AAV, the T-90, BTR-90 and so on, hopefully soon we'll also see the marine MTVR http://ofp.gamepark.cz/news/pics2/OFP210.jpg

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and LAV. yay smile_o.gif

"much more buildings can be entered than arma1"

"terrible robotic radio.. work in progress.. dont complain now. complain at release" inlove.gif

the new contextual menu seems neat.

hand signals by player when using those commands i think (hold fire)

movement with binocs equipped

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