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Project RACS

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My guess is probably when things are at a satisfactory level, this way they don't have to keep re-releasing updates for every minor thing like crazy. smile_o.gif

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Lads, when are you planning to release some infantry or vehicles?

I know they have plans to release some more (non aircraft stuff soon) but as always something comes along and kills any plans you might have for a release date.

I'm partly to blame as I managed to waste a whole day of Eddie's time trying to spot error's in the Kiowa.

Hopefully he'll be back on track soon, I know eddie and myself have a similiar thought on addons, once they reach what we think is an acceptable level they are released.

The last thing either of us want to do is just post screen shots and never release stuff to people, if it's not released yet there is a very good reason why.

I know eddie works on this stuff constantly because we message each other a lot with various issues were having.

One things for sure when it's ready, it always looks good and it's worth the wait.


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Yeah giving even an estimated date is absolutely pointless. 1.) Good things take time and can't/shouldn't be rushed out the door and 2.) it sets up the creators for a headache from people that have no patience or respect for these guys. To be honest though, it seems those people aren't around anymore but maybe they're waiting in the mist.  biggrin_o.gif

It will be a damn good time when that stuff comes out though. thumbs-up.gif

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Thanks for the support guys!

Right now i have a coupel fo the troop units going thru internal beta testing.... i wont say when but you should have them in hand rather soon. My partner FA Dalai Lamar is in charge of the bulk of the infantry units. Unfortunately right now hes EXTREMELY busy. Also hes in a portion if the US hit heavy by stormy weather. I have nto talked to him in a bit.

Otherwise it seems once i get one of the ground pieces ready for delivery a small issue pops up. So as for right now the Tanks, VEC\Fuchs, M113s, Small troop units, and LAVs are all about 96%..... each one just seems to have a small hurdle to get over.

thanks for the interest.


Project RACS

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Shame I can't send some of this heatwave your way, we just had 6 day of over 40c, lucky today tho it dropped below 40 to 39c.!


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Great work on everything, guys, but I'm in love with that Fencer inlove.gif

Hopefully I can give you some proper toys to load it with, just had some lil ideas today, talking with Eddie whistle.gif

Good work again and thanks all for the big efforts!

Cheers, GH.

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Hi everyone. Here is some pictures of infarty, and weapons they're using so far.




more in next post...

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...but hey, next post is allready here  tounge2.gif



I hope you guys like these. Havent been screenshotting for a while, so these might be little crappier than my olders. I'll be back asap with some more hot cookies :P

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Thanks for the pics. The look pretty damn cool to me. The one with the rocket is pretty wicked. thumbs-up.gif


Good job on the units so far. I like the camo a lot. Jesus the RACS are gonna kick some serious A$% to use in missions now. Exxx-cellent.

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Sweet looking units notworthy.gif

Really like their camo too. I find that the original BIS camo doesn't blend in that well...

Keep up the great work guys yay.gif

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thanks for the feedback guys. i want to point out this is just one small unit. These fellas in the green berets are the Royal Fusiliers. I wanted a really really lightly equipped but well armed unit. These troops will require vilas' weapons packs as well.

Please dont let these few units fill your glass. FA Dalai Lamar has been tooling hard on some really nice reguar, kings division, reserves and militia troops. He also has a few surprises in those pascks as well....

Stay tuned xmas_o.gif

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These troops will require vilas' weapons packs as well.

Incoming.......(ducks under desk and prays the same barrage from the Taliban thread passes by.)

Personally I'm happy to hear this. It's nice that more people are integrating different weapons then just the BIS ones. He's got some great variations in those packs and I'm excited to see what you give them.

A welcome change in my book. pistols.gif

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holy BEEP

my god guys i love it! keep up the great work..and dont rush these..take your time until you fell its right but just

WOW notworthy.gifnotworthy.gif

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Do I see the sigil of the British SRR on their arms?!  wink_o.gif

I actually googled Fusilier insignia and thats one of many images that came up. I changed the colors up a little bit.

I figured that since the RACS is a western trained army that the unit would adopt variations of thier trainers insignia similar to what the Iraqis and South Vietnamese would do.

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is the tpz-1 gonna have a AT launcher? or just the M240

also im not 100% sure if i seen it on this topic but i remember seeing a landrover with a 105mm cannon. if it is yuor work is there any status on it?

keep up the good work guys

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The landrover is a bit back burner right now. Im trying to get all the bugs out of the other armored units ie M113s, Tanks, and trucks. As soon as i can get that stuff released and then the rest of the planes updated. I want to go back to the stuff thats just "started" and never made it past that point.

We have ALOT of stuff right now laying in folders in various states of completion. I want to clean house a bit and get the stuff released so we may move on to other new stuff.

I will try ti get some pics of the BMR ambulance, TPZ-1 and some other stuff ive been working on over the last couple weeks up this evening.

thanks for the interest


PS. If anyone has a source of any pics of the TPZ-1 equipped with anything but a machine gun please share. I have heard rumors of anti tank and anti air versions but i have yet to find an pics or sources.

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