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Arma feedback thread - based on 1.14

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If 1.14 is still not accepteable performance, bugfixing and content adding wise then i guess not even a 2.14 would really meet the expectations.

ArmA came a long way and if you install it fresh and play a bit and then try 1.14 the difference should be pretty extreme.

The fact you only start it from time to time tells me it miust be good if you still use it after the long time its been out.

Most other games last a weekend for me without much replay value.

Arma will never be OFP, not with 1.15 or whatever the patch number will be not with any other patch.

Think ArmA2 will be great but will also not be a OFP but thats ok for me.

Maybe, but who knows? Hope BIS will suprise as and show that ArmA series can beat a good old ofp wink_o.gif

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When this would have been stated clearly after the release thousands of complaints wouldn't be struggling the board.

Feels good to know how wrong the fanboys were about everything!

The Moor has done his duty, the Moor can go. It looks like ArmA is finally buried by now and the truth is spoken.

...The story of the first ArmA was really quickly cooked up - it wasn't something we had enough time to prepare...

...So this is a significant change' date=' because with ArmA 1 it was just random, really. We made some units because we had to. There wasn't much passion from our side with the first ArmA, to be honest. This time it's different...

...One is the AI. The AI in ArmA was still pretty close to what was in Operation Flashpoint. There were some techniques under the hood that brought major changes, but they weren't used much during gameplay...

...In the first ArmA we needed a lot of troops to create a really hard fight, because they usually just walked into an open space, fired and died...

...Yes! And in terms of difficulty...The difficulty in ArmA 1 was fairly extreme for a number of reasons, one of them being the missions that were fairly extremist, you against an army...


Though probably there won't be anymore BIS and ArmA2 without them making the virtue out of necessity, leading us to believe in ArmA as a full-prize game of quality - releasing it even weeks earlier in Czech and German for the illusion of "rewarding" these industrious communities.

Anyways I'll keep a bad memory from this deception.

EDIT, don't read this it's offtopic:

<s>ArmA is dead! Long live ArmA2!


...We've also put a lot of effort into the civilians' date=' how they are spawned and how they behave... There are some simple mechanisms, of course, to keep them working within the game. [b']To be honest, we had to keep our ambitions low[/b]..

So this time we better keep our expectations realisticly low, too.


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So this time we better keep our expectations realisticly low, too.

I'm renaming you Mr. Out-Of-Context-Man!

This is the ArmA 1.14 feedback thread, second of all, the low ambitions quote is related to the sentence about the AI conversation dialog. BIS doesn't have the money Bethseda has and can't really create a huge conversation tree with characters. I'm suspecting we'll just have something like speaking with a generic character in Fallout 3, just a bit more dynamic and moddable concering certain aspects. My guess anyway.

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It doesn't matter what number of feedback thread this is, as it is the only feedback thread pinned at the moment. So whereever I would write my opinion it would be merged with this thread.

When there's not enough money after ArmA it's the best reason  to avoid any "low ambitions" on the second run.

My guess is that he is referring to the dynamics of the civilian stance not there vocabulary. Such dynamics can already be scripted in an OFP/ArmA mission. There won't be much new when keeping the ambitions low.

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I think the point is that this is a feedback thread, not a preview opinion thread. You can't give feedback for something that doesn't exist yet. Besides, having not played it yet, how can you say what it is or isn't? It's possible that your worst fears will be realized, but no one knows for sure. Yet.

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crazy_o.gif All but one quoted line above are about the game this thread is about: ArmA.

To make sure my point here isn't ArmA2 but BIS' ArmA info policy I'll delete that part. God dammit.

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Well my 10 cents worth is i hope it dosn't need a brand new expemsive state of the art computer that this armed assault needed. I hope they get it to run on normal everyday type computers. They made the same mistake when they brought OFP out. Their still isn't a rig even now that can play OFP on max veiw settings crazy_o.gif @ Vultar were do i find the file to edit the field of view that you suggest in your earlier post at the top of this page?

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Having another go I noticed that even on minimum settings the game feels horribly jerky with regard to frame rates. This is quite spectacular given that OFP looked almost as good and ran beautifully on a machine bought over 7 years ago and I'm running ArmA on a machine bought new in the last 2 months.

Is this just due to an unoptimised engine or poor performance caused by Microsoft's latest OS horror story (Vista)?

Nothing to do with Vista per se.

What are your hardware specs?

I'm sure you don't really believe the only determining factor in how powerful a PC is precisely when it was bought smile_o.gif

Or you might go look in the other thread somewhere (troubleshooting forum?) that discusess hardware requirements, and what frame rates people are getting with various systems.

In the world of computers even more so than anything else, I think it's more than reasonable to expect a machine bought 7 whole years after a previous one to be considerably more powerful.

Or perhaps I can nip down the local tip and dredge up our old 500MHz processor machine from 1999 and by the accomplishment of some simple tweaks get this one and other up to date games to run just fine?

Perhaps... but I think I'll stick with common sense thanks. I also hear that Vista requires over a gig more RAM than XP to run smoothly. I recently noticed a modern game which had the recommended hardware as stating Vista needed 2 Gigs to comply and XP only 1 gig.

I think that speaks for itself, but then again I think the sky's blue and the grass is green. What a weirdo I am!

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Patch 1.15 should include new save system that saves addon status also.Now then we continue(load saved game/resume mission)addon scripts don't load(vehicles don't have markings/random numbers,gdtmodhdr etc).This is very important,because very many of us really hate hdr lighting and missing stuff!I remember there was no such issue in OFP,so why it appears in arma? banghead.gifbanghead.gifbanghead.gif

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Deep down we all know there will be no more patches for this game and even if there are, they won't be any fixes to many bugs.

Let's be honest, many of the problems we are seeing now first saw the light of day in 2001.

Given all that, there's no reason to suspect these legions of bugs will be squashed in ArmA2.

Codemasters, here we come.

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I´m still not willing to believe it but I guess in the end you´re right.

Arma was a bad stunt on the OFP com. Hate me for that but that´s how I see it.

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Maybe there'll be an Christmas patch? Who knows?

Either way, most of the bugs will still be there. BI will slap some other useless gimmick on it like warfare in order to get an extra sale or two.

This game is about as fixed as it's ever going to get.

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Thankfully we can continue our lives even if there are no further patches published for ArmA.

I wouldn't worry about it smile_o.gif

I'm happy that ArmA even runs somewhat-OK on my below-minimum-requirements-computer. This might affect my opinion about the patch.

In fact I have the opinion that ArmA should not have gotten as much patching as it has. I hope ArmA II is not so raw a product when published. Let's say it could get one or two 100 MB patches, but like my 505 games DVD ArmA needs 3 patches in ZIP files which are together 929 MB? Are you kidding me? Stop it. I mean... that's like one gigabyte of patching, ZIPped. For one game.

At least try to halve the amount of patching needed for ArmA II, that would be a major improvement. Going from 929 MB of patches to ~464 MB of patches is a good achievement, let's hope for the best. BIS go for it!  xmas_o.gif

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Deep down we all know there will be no more patches for this game...

If you bothered to do a bit of research first you would know that isn't true icon_rolleyes.gif

Next patch info

Besides those listed in that article, there are pretty much no serious issues left.

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Maybe there'll be an Christmas patch? Who knows?

Either way, most of the bugs will still be there. BI will slap some other useless gimmick on it like warfare in order to get an extra sale or two.

This game is about as fixed as it's ever going to get.

You are one jaded guy. If you're so burned out on ArmA, why do you still hang around these forums? icon_rolleyes.gif

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Maybe there'll be an Christmas patch? Who knows?

Either way, most of the bugs will still be there. BI will slap some other useless gimmick on it like warfare in order to get an extra sale or two.

This game is about as fixed as it's ever going to get.

You are one jaded guy. If you're so burned out on ArmA, why do you still hang around these forums?  icon_rolleyes.gif

Time will tell if I'm jaded or prophetic, won't it?

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If you're so burned out on ArmA, why do you still hang around these forums?  icon_rolleyes.gif

Because it's still a very good game indeed, but like all good things, it's imperfect. It's BI spent some much time and effort on making things like warfare, while ignoring the many serious bug that have been there since OFP. Such potential gone to waste.

I paid for this game, twice in fact. I downloaded the very first version from one of the online providers and later bought a 505 boxed version and I'd quite like the game I paid for.

If my comments here contribute in some tiny way to get some of these problems fixed, then my time is well spent. Before you pidgeonhole me, I've been a fanboi and a bihater a number of times. Right now I feel a little abandoned by the developers although I hope for some good news in the coming days.

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Quote[/b] ]5257  - Fixed: Game did not run on ATI cards in fullscreenmode on Vista x64 with large memory.

5257  - Fixed: Crash at ArmA.exe:0x174b27 - caused by wrong internal weapon state.

5257  - Fixed: Crash at ArmA.exe:0x56536 - caused by wrong turret state in MP.

5257  - Fixed: MP: Player driving motorcycle could be ejected with no apparent reason, sometimes leading to death.

5257  - Fixed: MP: Sometimes falling of a parachute a few meters above the ground.

5257  - Fixed: Dedicated server: Bandwidth balancing was often wrong, showing problems esp. when new players were joining.

5257  - Fixed: Players connecting JIP with custom files do not cause server lagging.

5257  - Fixed: Players with custom files get no longer kicked when server does not run on default port.

5257  - Optimized: Reduced memory usage with large view distances.

5257  - Fixed: Scene loading when starting a mission might sometimes use excessive amounts of memory.

5257  - Optimized: Slightly reduced VRAM usage with large view distances.

5257  - New: "Absolute" mouse control bindings (no auto centering) are now possible.

5257  - Improved: Provided error message for some unexpected memory initialization failures.

5258  - Fixed: Command line parameter -maxmem=xxx was not working on LINUX dedicated server.

5258  - Fixed: Crash at offset 0xfb57.

5259  - Fixed: Voice over Side channel could be transmitted to wrong listeners after respawn.

5260  - Fixed: Dedicated server crashed when script made soldier fire with Binocular.

5260  - Fixed: Grass and foliage was not affected by helicopter down wash since 1.04 version.

5260  - Fixed: status of disableAI was reset during save

5261  - Fixed: The FOV was deflected after TrackIR +tZ input had been removed from Zoom in/out action.

5262  - Fixed: Fast forward is now disabled when using binocular.

5262  - New: Optional server.cfg entry timeStampFormat to specify time stamp for each line in *.rpt file.  Possible values: "none", "short", "full".

5262  - Fixed: Manual camera left/right movement was not mapped to mouse.

5262  - Fixed: Some AI commands on dedicated server might be delayed when the server window had focus.

5263  - Improved: Texture mip management more reliable in low VRAM conditions.

5264  - Fixed: Incorrect simulation importance for some entities in MP (for players in vehicles)

5264  - Fixed: Only relative path is now supported in commands: loadFile, exec, execVM, execFSM, preprocessFile, preprocessFileLineNumbers, kbAddTopic


Quote[/b] ]* FIX (USMCD) Wound materials for all WDL soldiers.

* NEW (USMC) More Woodland Army soldiers.

* FIX (MI-17 (57mm rockets)) Fixed rockets count.

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Quote[/b] ]New: "Absolute" mouse control bindings (no auto centering) are now possible.

I could not find a way to assign this at first (controls dialog).

However if you create a new profile, it contains these new entries (xxx.ArmAProfile):

Quote[/b] ]keyCarWheelLeft[]={};



Quote[/b] ]keyCarWheelLeft[]={1048576};


This is mouse left and right assigned to the new keys.

Very sweet to drive now again. xmas_o.gif

At the start it needs some time to get used to, as you

are so used to auto centering. Probably depends much

on the personal mouse sensitivity too.

Quote[/b] ]keyCarLeft[]={203,196616,30};


//A / D

I recommend you to keep the old "Car left" and "Car right"

available on your former keys as the new keys don't work

work tanks it seems.

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Quote[/b] ]5257  - Fixed: Players connecting JIP with custom files do not cause server lagging.

Thanks, BIS and happy christmas to you guys. xmas_o.gif

Edit: 1 question, how do I disable auto centering?.

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looks like Santa's always listening to us wink_o.gif

you BI guys have my entire support, and the one of much if not all of the community !

Merry christmas & happy new year guys ! xmas_o.gif

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