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ArmA Patch v1.12 Final Released!

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Quote[/b] ]New Patch 1.12.5604 for ArmA is out now.

Visit @ community.bistudio.com @ for more information and list of all available download options.

  * Improved Compatibility and Support for SLI and CrossFire

  * Improved Performance on Multi-Core CPU's, especially for Servers

  * Improved HDR-effects, especially for Night Vision

  * Improved overall rendering performance up to 40% by reducing overdraw

  * Improved AI Performance by 110%, partially back-ported ArmA2 Micro-Ai

  * Fixed "Connecting Failed" in certain NAT-situations

  Previous Fixes:

  * Fixed compatibility issues with Vista x64 platform

  * Voice over net and multiplayer related fixes and improvements

  * Fixed Out Of Memory problems caused by exhausting 32b virtual address space

  * Significant optimizations with large view distances

  * AI bridge pathfinding much improved

  * Fixed some bugs in the AI target recognition both visually and aurally

  * Improved airplane turn dynamics simulation (including improved rudder simulation)

  * Fixed clipping issues with 16:9 or TrippleHead displays

Copyright © 2008 Bohemia Interactive. All rights reserved.

This application will update your ArmA: Armed Assault / Combat Operations installation. The patch can not be uninstalled

Download Links seem to becoming available as we speak, will update the post asap!

Exciting!!  yay.gif

As one who's beta-tested this for BIS, together with Sickboy and others (kudos!wink_o.gif, I think it's okay now for me to share a video of some of the new gameplay improvements, particularly the new Micro-AI. You'll be swept away when you get your hands on the patch wink_o.gif

Kind regards,


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Never expected it so fast! Looking forward to testing it out.

Quote[/b] ]Improved AI Performance by 110%, partially back-ported ArmA2 Micro-Ai



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Might have something to do with the date whistle.gif

That and the strange fixes.

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i almost forgot today is the 1st of April

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As one who's beta-tested this for BIS, together with Sickboy and others (kudos!wink_o.gif, I think it's okay now for me to share a video of some of the new gameplay improvements, particularly the new Micro-AI. You'll be swept away when you get your hands on the patch wink_o.gif

Kind regards,


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Copyright © 2008 Bohemia Interactive. All rights reserved.

This application will update your ArmA: Armed Assault / Combat Operations installation with a Beta folder and shortcut to launch the beta version.

nice one,  except for....   1.12 final,  in a beta modfolder?   tounge2.gif

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those features seem more about Arma version 2 than Arma ver 1.12 nener.gif

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Time to point all your weapons at Sickboy next time you see him on the server!

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lol i didn't fall for this. i april fooled GOL clan leader at 00:15 tounge2.gif

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I wonder how many people in the community actually finds this funny tounge2.gif

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As one who's beta-tested this for BIS, together with Sickboy and others (kudos!wink_o.gif, I think it's okay now for me to share a video of some of the new gameplay improvements, particularly the new Micro-AI. You'll be swept away when you get your hands on the patch wink_o.gif

Kind regards,


I think you just broke me. huh.gif

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I got suckered...

Mind you, its only funny cause it shows how badly the average player wants the damn patch (apparently badly enough to believe that sickboy would be the first to post news about it)...


Multi-core support, I KNEW it had to be too good to be true... a man can dream though...

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Well imho 1st April is exactly the date where this kind of Jokes simply must arise. I basicly came to the idea to do it myself, because I was searching for such thread, and figured nobody did it yet :-D

Quote[/b] ](apparently badly enough to believe that sickboy would be the first to post news about it)
Why would that be so weird?

There's enough community members out there that spot changes to BIKI or other information resources before BI staff is able to post the News Themselves :-D

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For those that dont no.

Quote[/b] ]April Fools' Day or All Fools' Day, though not a holiday in its own right, is a notable day celebrated in many countries on April 1. The day is marked by the commission of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, enemies and neighbors, or sending them on fools' errands, the aim of which is to embarrass the gullible. In some countries, April Fools' jokes (also called April Fools) are only made before noon on 1 April.

More info on the origin. Here.

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(apparently badly enough to believe that sickboy would be the first to post news about it)...

I didn't even look at the name of the poster.

The word "patch" mesmerized me.

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