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About BlackSheep

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  1. BlackSheep

    [Net Advice] Group Marker Script

    nil part is needed, for the correct number groups Thank you Greetings BlackSheep
  2. BlackSheep

    [Net Advice] Group Marker Script

    Works perfectly, thank you
  3. Hi guy´s Trying to make a group marker script, this one creates a Respawn position for the Player´s group and group markers for all other groups. My questions: - How can I delete marker form empty groups? Right now it moves the markers form empty groups to position [0,0,0] :confused: - How can i read the icon type (Men,Air,Armor) form the config file? Here is what i get so far :eek: /* Author: GrumpySheep Description: Creates group markers for all groups and a respawn position for the player group Parameter(s): Usage: Run on client Side only ! [] execVM "groupMarker.sqf"; */ private ["_color","_icon","_grpNr","_mrk"]; _color = switch (side player) do {case WEST: {"ColorBLUFOR"}; case EAST: {"ColorOPFOR"}; case Independent: {"ColorIndependent"}}; _icon = switch (side player) do {case WEST: {"b_inf"}; case EAST: {"o_inf"}; case Independent: {"n_inf"}}; while {true} do { _grpNr = 0; _mrk = []; { if( side _x == playerSide ) then { _grpNr = _grpNr + 1; if ( _x == group player ) then { _mrk = format ["respawn_west%1",_grpNr] } else { _mrk = format ["mrk_grp%1",_grpNr]; _mrk setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8,0.8] }; if ((getMarkerType _mrk) == "" ) then { createMarkerLocal [_mrk, getPosASL leader _x]; _mrk setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _mrk setMarkerTypeLocal _icon; _mrk setMarkerColorLocal _color; _mrk setMarkerTextLocal (groupID _x); } else { _mrk setMarkerPosLocal (getPosASL leader _x) }; }; } forEach allGroups; sleep 2; }; Thanks for your advice and time :) Greetings BlackSheep P.s.: Sorry for my bad english
  4. BlackSheep

    Bdy delete function

    Thank you very much guy´s :)
  5. BlackSheep

    Bdy delete function

    Ok, lets say i call the function with [] spawn GS_fnc_DeleteDead; _dis = [_this, 0, 350] call bis_fnc_param; // if this select 0 is empty, then _dis will use a value of 350 as default If I call [200] spawn GS_fnc_DeleteDead; so _this will by 200 and _dis will become 200 __________ This one works, but not in MP, right? if ( (_x isKindOf "Man") && (_x distance player > _dis) ) then { deleteVehicle _x }; So I have to check the distance to all playableunits or not? :confused:
  6. BlackSheep

    Bdy delete function

    It loads a script parameter. See http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_param Ah no, it´s equal to _dis :) [_this, 0, 350] call bis_fnc_param; If this select 0 is empty then use 350 as parameter >> http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/private
  7. BlackSheep

    Bdy delete function

    Thanks again Throws me the same error as before :confused: God damn MP scripting, hehe ;)
  8. BlackSheep

    Bdy delete function

    Ok thanks, but when i use switchableUnits in Editor, if ( (_x isKindOf "Man") && ( (_x distance _this > _dis) count switchableUnits == 0) ) then { deleteVehicle _x }; it gives me an error :confused: Error in expression < { { if ( (_x isKindOf "Man") && ( (_x distance _this > _dis) count switchableU> Error position: <distance _this > _dis) count switchableU> Error count: 1 elements provided, 3 expected
  9. I've tinkered a little corpses delete function. ;) Question? Will this also run on a Dedicated Server? Due to the query "(distance player)"? Because the object player is always a null object to a Dedicated Server, right? If so, how can I overcome this? With playable unit or units or switchable? :confused: /* Author: GrumpySheep Description: Delete's all dead units Parameter(s): GS_fnc_DeleteDead = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fn_deletedead.sqf"; Usage: if (isServer) then { [ 300] spawn GS_fnc_DeleteDead; }; */ private "_dis"; _dis = [_this, 0, 350] call bis_fnc_param; while {true} do { { if ( (_x isKindOf "Man") && (_x distance player > _dis) ) then { deleteVehicle _x }; } foreach allDead; sleep 2; }; true Thanks in advance for your time and help! :) Greetings BlackSheep
  10. BlackSheep

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    using this in let them patrol the area perfect, for me. 0=[_sideEOSInf, _currentPOS, (_eosMarkerSizeB * 0.5)] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;}; About errors Error in expression <arkercolor (getMarkercolor _x);}foreach EOSmarkers; if !(isServer) exitwith {> Error position: <EOSmarkers; if !(isServer) exitwith {> Error Undefined variable in expression: eosmarkers File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\eos\eos_GearBox.sqf, line 4 Only on Host
  11. BlackSheep

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Work's perfect, thanks buddy :D
  12. BlackSheep

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Thank you Bob, i`m so a noobie in scripting :)
  13. BlackSheep

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    How to check when all markers are green? I try it this way but it never triggers _areas = ["mkr_1","mkr_2","mkr_3"]; //list of markers [] spawn { sleep 5; waitUntil {{getMarkerColor _x == "ColorGreen";} count _areas == count _areas}; [["tsk1", "SUCCEEDED"], "BIS_fnc_TaskSetState", true, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; [["End1", true, true], "BIS_fnc_endMission", true, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; }; Thanks for your help
  14. BlackSheep

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Could you post the new code? Thank you very much :)
  15. BlackSheep

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    init.sqf: // Enemy Occupation System [] execVM "EOS\EOS_openMe.sqf"; eos_OpenMe.sqf: [["mkr_1"],0,0,1,250,0] call callEosZone; //LIGHT PATROL [["VEHeos_1","VEHeos_2"],2,0,1,250,0] call callEosZone; //LIGHT VEHICLE [["Empty_1","Empty_2","Empty_3","Empty_4","Empty_5","Empty_6"],5,0,1,50,0] call callEosZone; //EMPTY ZONE [["mkr_4","mkr_5","mkr_6","mkr_8"],0,0,1,15,0] call callEosZone; //LIGHT PATROL [["mkr_3","mkr_9"],1,0,1,15,0] call callEosZone; //HEAVY PATROL [["mkr_2","mkr_7"],4,0,1,15,0] call callEosZone; //REINFORCEMENT ZONE I fixed the '_typeGroup' error, simply by removing '_typeGroup' the from arrays. The variable is empty and not need any more from the script. Error Undefined variable in expression: _typegroup