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Everything posted by BlackSheep

  1. Hi guy´s Trying to make a group marker script, this one creates a Respawn position for the Player´s group and group markers for all other groups. My questions: - How can I delete marker form empty groups? Right now it moves the markers form empty groups to position [0,0,0] :confused: - How can i read the icon type (Men,Air,Armor) form the config file? Here is what i get so far :eek: /* Author: GrumpySheep Description: Creates group markers for all groups and a respawn position for the player group Parameter(s): Usage: Run on client Side only ! [] execVM "groupMarker.sqf"; */ private ["_color","_icon","_grpNr","_mrk"]; _color = switch (side player) do {case WEST: {"ColorBLUFOR"}; case EAST: {"ColorOPFOR"}; case Independent: {"ColorIndependent"}}; _icon = switch (side player) do {case WEST: {"b_inf"}; case EAST: {"o_inf"}; case Independent: {"n_inf"}}; while {true} do { _grpNr = 0; _mrk = []; { if( side _x == playerSide ) then { _grpNr = _grpNr + 1; if ( _x == group player ) then { _mrk = format ["respawn_west%1",_grpNr] } else { _mrk = format ["mrk_grp%1",_grpNr]; _mrk setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8,0.8] }; if ((getMarkerType _mrk) == "" ) then { createMarkerLocal [_mrk, getPosASL leader _x]; _mrk setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _mrk setMarkerTypeLocal _icon; _mrk setMarkerColorLocal _color; _mrk setMarkerTextLocal (groupID _x); } else { _mrk setMarkerPosLocal (getPosASL leader _x) }; }; } forEach allGroups; sleep 2; }; Thanks for your advice and time :) Greetings BlackSheep P.s.: Sorry for my bad english
  2. BlackSheep

    [Net Advice] Group Marker Script

    nil part is needed, for the correct number groups Thank you Greetings BlackSheep
  3. BlackSheep

    [Net Advice] Group Marker Script

    Works perfectly, thank you
  4. I've tinkered a little corpses delete function. ;) Question? Will this also run on a Dedicated Server? Due to the query "(distance player)"? Because the object player is always a null object to a Dedicated Server, right? If so, how can I overcome this? With playable unit or units or switchable? :confused: /* Author: GrumpySheep Description: Delete's all dead units Parameter(s): GS_fnc_DeleteDead = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fn_deletedead.sqf"; Usage: if (isServer) then { [ 300] spawn GS_fnc_DeleteDead; }; */ private "_dis"; _dis = [_this, 0, 350] call bis_fnc_param; while {true} do { { if ( (_x isKindOf "Man") && (_x distance player > _dis) ) then { deleteVehicle _x }; } foreach allDead; sleep 2; }; true Thanks in advance for your time and help! :) Greetings BlackSheep
  5. BlackSheep

    Bdy delete function

    Thank you very much guy´s :)
  6. BlackSheep

    Bdy delete function

    Ok, lets say i call the function with [] spawn GS_fnc_DeleteDead; _dis = [_this, 0, 350] call bis_fnc_param; // if this select 0 is empty, then _dis will use a value of 350 as default If I call [200] spawn GS_fnc_DeleteDead; so _this will by 200 and _dis will become 200 __________ This one works, but not in MP, right? if ( (_x isKindOf "Man") && (_x distance player > _dis) ) then { deleteVehicle _x }; So I have to check the distance to all playableunits or not? :confused:
  7. BlackSheep

    Bdy delete function

    It loads a script parameter. See http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_param Ah no, it´s equal to _dis :) [_this, 0, 350] call bis_fnc_param; If this select 0 is empty then use 350 as parameter >> http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/private
  8. BlackSheep

    Bdy delete function

    Thanks again Throws me the same error as before :confused: God damn MP scripting, hehe ;)
  9. BlackSheep

    Bdy delete function

    Ok thanks, but when i use switchableUnits in Editor, if ( (_x isKindOf "Man") && ( (_x distance _this > _dis) count switchableUnits == 0) ) then { deleteVehicle _x }; it gives me an error :confused: Error in expression < { { if ( (_x isKindOf "Man") && ( (_x distance _this > _dis) count switchableU> Error position: <distance _this > _dis) count switchableU> Error count: 1 elements provided, 3 expected
  10. BlackSheep

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    using this in let them patrol the area perfect, for me. 0=[_sideEOSInf, _currentPOS, (_eosMarkerSizeB * 0.5)] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;}; About errors Error in expression <arkercolor (getMarkercolor _x);}foreach EOSmarkers; if !(isServer) exitwith {> Error position: <EOSmarkers; if !(isServer) exitwith {> Error Undefined variable in expression: eosmarkers File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\eos\eos_GearBox.sqf, line 4 Only on Host
  11. BlackSheep

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Work's perfect, thanks buddy :D
  12. BlackSheep

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Thank you Bob, i`m so a noobie in scripting :)
  13. BlackSheep

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    How to check when all markers are green? I try it this way but it never triggers _areas = ["mkr_1","mkr_2","mkr_3"]; //list of markers [] spawn { sleep 5; waitUntil {{getMarkerColor _x == "ColorGreen";} count _areas == count _areas}; [["tsk1", "SUCCEEDED"], "BIS_fnc_TaskSetState", true, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; [["End1", true, true], "BIS_fnc_endMission", true, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; }; Thanks for your help
  14. BlackSheep

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Could you post the new code? Thank you very much :)
  15. BlackSheep

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    init.sqf: // Enemy Occupation System [] execVM "EOS\EOS_openMe.sqf"; eos_OpenMe.sqf: [["mkr_1"],0,0,1,250,0] call callEosZone; //LIGHT PATROL [["VEHeos_1","VEHeos_2"],2,0,1,250,0] call callEosZone; //LIGHT VEHICLE [["Empty_1","Empty_2","Empty_3","Empty_4","Empty_5","Empty_6"],5,0,1,50,0] call callEosZone; //EMPTY ZONE [["mkr_4","mkr_5","mkr_6","mkr_8"],0,0,1,15,0] call callEosZone; //LIGHT PATROL [["mkr_3","mkr_9"],1,0,1,15,0] call callEosZone; //HEAVY PATROL [["mkr_2","mkr_7"],4,0,1,15,0] call callEosZone; //REINFORCEMENT ZONE I fixed the '_typeGroup' error, simply by removing '_typeGroup' the from arrays. The variable is empty and not need any more from the script. Error Undefined variable in expression: _typegroup
  16. BlackSheep

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Hello and thank you so mucht. A very handy and helpful peace of work! Thanks man :) Unfortunately the new Update(1.4) gives me some errors :confused: Error in expression <verPool,_shipPool,_motorPool,_armorPool,_typeGroup,_enemyTeam,_enemyFaction,_ene> Error position: <_typeGroup,_enemyTeam,_enemyFaction,_ene> Error Undefined variable in expression: _typegroup File ...\missions\Co_08_Mout.Stratis\eos\eos_init.sqf, line 77 and _currentMKR setMarkerAlpha _mkrAlpha; }; > Error position: <setMarkerAlpha _mkrAlpha; }; > Error setmarkeralpha: Type Bool, expected Number File C:\Users\BlackSheep\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\GrumpySheep\missions\Co_08_Mout.Stratis\eos\eos_functions.sqf, line 8 Using lasted DEV Build 0.73.107502
  17. BlackSheep

    Mp -[Fockers] Most Wanted co-op

    Very nice mission! We played the I44 version last night. Getting some error messages (see spoiler) Is this version compatible with the last I44 2.62? Thank you, keep it up!
  18. Thank you Dorph, I will do
  19. Hello We currently have a small problem with our server! In some missions players will be banned, in other missions not! :confused: Last night we playing for example 'Patrol Ops 2.04' and every player get's banned! :confused: Not with the Battleye GUID ! They are banned by the Arma ID! We also tested some other small coop missions from the ACE mission pack, with the same result, we got banned :confused: Then we start a Domination in order to test this! Everything work's fine! No one get's banned! Is this Mission related? Or a faulty server configuration? Could an experienced user check our config's? Thank you very much Basic.cfg Server.cfg
  20. Ah, now I understand Thank you
  21. Thanks for your reply :) Updated the Server last night including the lasted Beta available from SU. If the signatures are faulty, why we are got banned from some mission, not by others? :confused: A faulty signature only Kick's or I'm wrong? By the way we don't use the "Server-side Event Logging/Blocking" from Battleye. Thanks PvPscene :)
  22. Are there filters for ACE server? Or I do not need?
  23. We can also use these filters for non DayZ server? Sorry for this question! But I have no idea about scripting. Thanks
  24. Dito 1.4.9 doesn't work for me.