Messiah 2 Posted September 14, 2008 you're welcome? I just gave you an update. My point was merely that (and quite evident by how sparse our home page tends to be) we're 1. Crap at keeping the site updated, 2. Got lots of work on that tends to take precedence and 3. We're not too concerned with keeping the community updated (hence my point about not losing much sleep about it). My snide(ish) point was directed at Pavehawk, you were just bunched up in the same reply as it also included a mini progress report. I assume thats where you've taken any negativity from. Good rule of thumb is to expect that we'll never release anything, nor will we ever update the website. Then, when we do eventually release screenshots or an addon, it will be a nice surprise. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
guttersnipe 1 Posted September 15, 2008 Quote[/b] ]My snide(ish) point was directed at Pavehawk, you were just bunched up in the same reply as it also included a mini progress report. I assume thats where you've taken any negativity from. Yep I did take that a bit too thick .. thanks for acknowlegding the source. Do Appreciate all your posts when you get the time to update us, Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
icebreakr 3159 Posted September 15, 2008 After reading books 3PARA and Sniper One, both featuring UK forces, I've put UK forces into our squad "mandatory addonpack" for 3 weeks - love em, its fucking mega =) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nephilim 0 Posted September 15, 2008 Need any help on the diemacos´? i have some time on my hands, much reference material and a L119A1 aeg sitting on my desk would be a shame if youd skip them for UKSF as theyre basically mandatory. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Messiah 2 Posted September 15, 2008 Neph, I'll send you an IM at some point later today. I'm at work currently. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SaBrE_UK 0 Posted September 15, 2008 Thanks for the updates! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pathy 0 Posted September 15, 2008 After reading books 3PARA and Sniper One, both featuring UK forces, I've put UK forces into our squad "mandatory addonpack" for 3 weeks - love em, its fucking mega =) Both of which are outstanding books. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrcash2009 0 Posted September 16, 2008 This thread is huuuuge so sorry if this is a repeat. Can you make sure when making the UKF weapons that the optic/site is covering 16:9 (the black out areas). I notice in the current UKF weapons pack thats been out some time, some of them are not and you get a transparent strip (you can still see the terrain as normal) down each side and its about as immersive as playing ping pong on atari. Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pathy 0 Posted September 16, 2008 A new SUSAT optic has already been made. The OFP port was done as an unsupported release by UKF, which is why none of the issues have been fixed. The new weapons will see away most of the issues. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
abc1 0 Posted October 9, 2008 Any chance of an update on how the mod is going. Any outlook for a release even a beta would be really useful. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VXR 9 Posted October 9, 2008 Any chance of an update on how the mod is going. Any outlook for a release even a beta would be really useful. I'm sure if there is something these guys want to tell about they would post it right away.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Imshi-Yallah 0 Posted October 9, 2008 Well considering most of the team was based in Georgia, I wouldn't go holding my breath. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PSYCHOSIM 0 Posted October 9, 2008 Well considering most of the team was based in Georgia, I wouldn't go holding my breath. WTF ????? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MehMan 0 Posted October 9, 2008 Well considering most of the team was based in Georgia, I wouldn't go holding my breath. WTF ????? Yes, didn't you know? The UKF team is a bunch of Georgians with one actual half brit. The rest just spent a holiday there and were wildly amused by a british army presentation and have been dreaming about it ever since. in Gori... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
laborj456 0 Posted November 25, 2008 is this mod going to be released before arma2?? and is still alive?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 2 Posted November 25, 2008 From the previous page. There will be a new news update. It might be in a week, it might be in 6 months. I don't know, nor do I lose much sleep thinking about it. VCB post regular photos of their missions on their website ( that tend to show some of the things they're testing (If you're desperate for new pics). Please bear in mind, there are other factors that influence what we can show and when. And.. Quote[/b] ]1. Crap at keeping the site updated, 2. Got lots of work on that tends to take precedence and 3. We're not too concerned with keeping the community updated (hence my point about not losing much sleep about it). And... Quote[/b] ]Good rule of thumb is to expect that we'll never release anything, nor will we ever update the website. Then, when we do eventually release screenshots or an addon, it will be a nice surprise. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Namikaze 0 Posted November 25, 2008 Words to live by, directly from the mouth (fingers?) of Messiah. Every mod should adopt this attitude. Maybe then people will learn to be patient. Ahh, who am I kidding? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 2 Posted November 27, 2008 The thing I don't understand is why some people ask if a Mod will come out before ArmA2. How can anyone honestly answer that? Besides the fact that it is ridiculous to assume any Mod maker wants to give a hard-set release date, how can they provide an answer to when ArmA2 will be released? I hope this Mod is still going but I find it incredibly rude and pointless to ask. Not to mention the fact that asking for this info is spamming. I didn't know these guys were in Georgia, whether or not these guys are working on the Mod to me isn't important. I just hope everyone is doing well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
laborj456 0 Posted November 27, 2008 The thing I don't understand is why some people ask if a Mod will come out before ArmA2. How can anyone honestly answer that? Besides the fact that it is ridiculous to assume any Mod maker wants to give a hard-set release date, how can they provide an answer to when ArmA2 will be released?I hope this Mod is still going but I find it incredibly rude and pointless to ask. Not to mention the fact that asking for this info is spamming. I didn't know these guys were in Georgia, whether or not these guys are working on the Mod to me isn't important. I just hope everyone is doing well. saying stupid things about what the ppl ask about the mod is rude, pointless and spamming.. ask about the mod is not ...the mod makers r not gods so i accept also as answer "we don't know"! Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
da12thMonkey 1943 Posted November 27, 2008 Yea, but your question was stupid to begin with, given all the responses we've made to very similar questions. Manzilla's past two post are pretty much exactly what you'll hear from a member of our team regarding addon releases, and adequately reflect how we feel about people asking us for release dates or news updates. Regards, UKF Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Messiah 2 Posted December 1, 2008 Things are going slow, but mainly thats because we're still coming down from working insanely long hours making the VBS content. If BIA are correct, the UK content numbers 137 vehicles, of which I think around 100 are our work. The problem with getting them up to scratch for ArmA is having to revisit every single texture and remove shadows and highlights, and create normal and specular maps (VBS2 uses neither, so we have to paint them on the textures). This takes time, and its also hard to bring yourself to revisit projects that were 'done'. The difference between having no glitz, and adding the glitz is far too great for us to ignore (Before you get any ideas about us releasing them without). I had planned on finishing the Jackal for the end of November (UKF's Birthday) but alas other things took my attention away from anything computer related. All in good time gents. Perhaps it may end up being ArmA 2, perhaps nothing will be released. It depends on the developers and what time they feel they want to spare now we've completed such a major commercial project. At any rate, here's a video from BIA showing the UK vehicles: Linky Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
abs 2 Posted December 1, 2008 Great looking units, mate. Congratulations to your team on making such a fine looking pack. I can't wait to see them released (no matter how long it may take. Take your time. ) Abs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ck-claw 1 Posted December 1, 2008 Thanks for the update Messiah. I look forward to seeing anything PUK-F in the future. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blue_Flight 0 Posted December 1, 2008 Wow i have to say this is a lot of stuff you´ve done. But in all honesty, this is what i "hate" on VBS. Again some nice work from the community members got used for VBS and we normal users will not see anything from it or not much. I don´t make any charge to you but seeing that video with some stuff you showed before for your ArmA project makes me a bit mad.. Also possibly some RKSL stuff in that video? (only an observation which hasn´t to be true). Again this shouldn´t be an insult to you, just to express the feelings when watching that video and i think some others might agree. Also your actual plans regarding working again on your addons to bring them to ArmA standard is fully understandable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites