icehollow 0 Posted February 2, 2008 Hand-to-hand fight And bayonet-knife included.Jump This isn't counterstrike. Hand to hand fighting/knife fighting is A) very hard to do on the ArmA engine and B) somewhat unrealistic as modern warfare has rarely resulted in WW1/2 style bayonet and trench fights. Not only that but why the hell would you want to be that close in ArmA? Here's the scenario: urban combat in MP, some noob rushes me just for the sake of it looking "cool" while in Hand to hand and I just put a round into him. As for jumping, has been discussed before, a static jump repeatedly with full combat gear on would be very tiring fast. A climb over or hurdle function would be nice, but as for straight jumping up, no. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted February 2, 2008 Well... dispite the performance improvements and grass fix i think theres still room for optimisation in North Sahrani. There are some forests that really embarass my graphics card, like to the west of Bagango, those specific trees in such large numbers are way too demanding (unlike the pine tree forests). The 1.09b low detail tree lods make a small performance diference (and a huge visual quality loss) because the vegetation is more demanding up close and in full detail . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MehMan 0 Posted February 2, 2008 As for jumping, has been discussed before, a static jump repeatedly  with full combat gear on would be very tiring fast. A climb over or hurdle function would be nice, but as for straight jumping up, no. Yet again I point over to H&D2 which I think has made this part of the game very well. It has a step over button, which works for anything up to chest high and is very nice and extremely usefull. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rubberkite 19 Posted February 2, 2008 Most wanted bug fixes / features for me: 1. Improved Flyght model, more realistic landing, and VTOL and better handling expecially for A10... Also a weapon load selection for Jets would be nice!! 2. Add viewblock to fallen tree, AI can see you and shot trought it 3. PLEASE FIX Reload bug in multiplayer mission. 4. Please make game more stable on Geforce 8800 cards. 5. NetCode can be improved!! 6. The Game is Nice, please improve IT ! 7. We need A visual EDITOR and Object browser.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
icehollow 0 Posted February 3, 2008 Most wanted bug fixes / features for me:1. Improved Flyght model, more realistic landing, and VTOL and better handling expecially for A10... Also a weapon load selection for Jets would be nice!! 2. Add viewblock to fallen tree, AI can see you and shot trought it 3. PLEASE FIX Reload bug in multiplayer mission. 4. Please make game more stable on Geforce 8800 cards. 5. NetCode can be improved!! 6. The Game is Nice, please improve IT ! 7. We need A visual EDITOR and Object browser.... 1. yes good idea 2. good idea. 3. Not sure what you're talking about here. 4. Get rid of vista, the game is plenty stable on 8800s, I myself am playing off a 8800GT on XP with absolutely no problems at all. 5. YES , VERY MUCH AGREED. NETCODE COULD BE IMPROVED! 6. Hard to improve gameplay awesomness. 7. I got no use for it and this is for the next patch, maybe a seperate program fine, but not something they need to worry about for the next patch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spetznaz14 0 Posted February 3, 2008 4. Get rid of vista, the game is plenty stable on 8800s, I myself am playing off a 8800GT on XP with absolutely no problems at all. Its very unstable for me and other 8800 users please stop trying to shout down people who have genuine problems getting this game to work. I can run other games perfectly well on my PC its only Arma that gives me serious problems. Looking at how few servers are full out there I think this game is doomed anyway. For me Arma has been a big waste of time and money. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
celery 8 Posted February 3, 2008 Hand to hand fighting/knife fighting is A) very hard to do on the ArmA engine and B) somewhat unrealistic as modern warfare has rarely resulted in WW1/2 style bayonet and trench fights. Not only that but why the hell would you want to be that close in ArmA? Here's the scenario: urban combat in MP, some noob rushes me just for the sake of it looking "cool" while in Hand to hand and I just put a round into him. Your way of thinking is wrong. It's not what a player should do or what you would do, it's what he can do for the occasion when it becomes necessary. Hell, if a game should disallow people from making bad tactical decisions, why does it let you drive a car in the middle of an enemy base or launch your RPG while it's pointed at your feet as you run? Without a melee option two soldiers of opposite factions who both have incidentally run out of ammo (or just don't have weapons handy) could just as well tell jokes until one of them drops dead laughing. It's totally not unrealistic to bash or knife your foe. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leckig 0 Posted February 3, 2008 Its very unstable for me and other 8800 users please stop trying to shout down people who have genuine problems getting this game to work. agree - 1.09 is better on 8800 but there are no 1.09 servers. on 1.08 i am lucky to play 30 minutes with no crash. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xxbbcc 6 Posted February 4, 2008 Your way of thinking is wrong. It's not what a player should do or what you would do, it's what he can do for the occasion when it becomes necessary. While you're logically right, I don't think this would be a very good addition. It'd probably take a lot of code to make it happen, a lot of extra animations, etc., for something that's not very common in the game to begin with. I, too, sometimes run out of ammo, but if the situation is so bad then I probably screwed it up, so I just restart the mission. I don't think BIS should concentrate on this, when there are still a lot of things to tweak/fix. (I'm not saying it'd be a bad feature to have, but the game doesn't have it yet, so I think it'd be a waste of resources.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
commiejoe 0 Posted February 4, 2008 First of all I do like ARMA but there are a few things which really bug me and here are a few of the items that have really been annoying me ever since I purchased this game. Most of them are concerning AI 1) AI for some reason has trouble crossing bridges ~ for example If I set a tank to cross a bridge, it will go around the bridge entirely which usually ends in its demise or just give up all together. 2) Ladders for some reason are impossible to use, I have on many occasions climbed to the top of a ladder only to be unable to get off and being forced to climb all the way down. 3) Sandbags/ledges/bumps which somehow can block a unit's ability to fire resulting in their death. 4) For some reason when I am the commander of a tank and am engaging an enemy tank, my gunner decides to use MG rounds instead of the main gun, and of course as the commander I am unable to tell him to switch guns. However they seem to get the job done when I am not commander. And that's all I can think of for now. These are relatively small potatoes but it does reflect the lack of polish the game seems to have in certain areas. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maddmatt 1 Posted February 4, 2008 4) For some reason when I am the commander of a tank and am engaging an enemy tank, my gunner decides to use MG rounds instead of the main gun, and of course as the commander I am unable to tell him to switch guns. However they seem to get the job done when I am not commander. Hold the space bar down and you can give him orders, for example press 'F' to switch the gunner's weapon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XxReconxMarinexX 0 Posted February 4, 2008 Uhh this is one that needs to be fixed Get a differnt company to make it so it will actually be good! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W0lle 1052 Posted February 4, 2008 Uhh this is one that needs to be fixedGet a differnt company to make it so it will actually be good! 48h PR for spamming the forums. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rubberkite 19 Posted February 4, 2008 4. Get rid of vista, the game is plenty stable on 8800s, I myself am playing off a 8800GT on XP with absolutely no problems at all. Its very unstable for me and other 8800 users please stop trying to shout down people who have genuine problems getting this game to work. I can run other games perfectly well on my PC its only Arma that gives me serious problems. Looking at how few servers are full out there I think this game is doomed anyway. For me Arma has been a big waste of time and money. I never installed Vista... I run on xp with a lot of problem.. some crash resolved by setting shader to normal and texture to default, hope to help other 8800 owner... my 3rd point the reload bug in multiplayer is when pilot and gunner try to reload chopper or tank, it not reload some time, we need to swap more than once pilot and gunner to make unit reload... and when reload multiple magazine will be not reloaded only 1 magazine at time, for example Abrams commander gun... I really hope that some request will be heared and something is do to fix them.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OldFossil 0 Posted February 5, 2008 I ask only a single thing: Please, don't downgrade AA with any arcade style feature. Thanks a lot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mant3z 1 Posted February 5, 2008 1. Suden death in cars/bikes when you are driving down from the hill with high speed. Still in 1.09 very often heppens when you are playing Sahrani Life mission and you are escaping in offroad style 2.'Pervading' to the building. Park your car very close to near non-enterable buildin and then push Get Out. You will get out inside building . You can hide there and easly get out from the building... you see everything around you because from inside there is no textures. Also you can back to your car 3. HD2900XT+ArmA+TSO=crash well I know that can be problem with TSO but only in ArmA 'crash' happens. Please Change/ADD: 1. Reloading rifles during walking, It cannot be so hard to do it... 2. Flying model of A10, rest is quite ok... 3. WOMEN... I don't want be a gay 4. Easteregs bring our smiles back! 5. Faster throwing granades 6. Possibility to crossing fences, that is silly when I can't cross fence which is half meter high. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lwlooz 0 Posted February 5, 2008 Hello there, considering that the following problem isn't treated as myth anymore (See Editing section) and that I have seen way more difficult things to fix/include I am just going to repeat myself somewhat: Problem: When the selectPlayer command is used in Multiplayer(On Dedicated Servers) on remote AI characters , like in "selectPlayer r1"(r1 being a remote AI) your client doesn't take control of the remote AI character. The player can't control the unit . It seems to be still controlled by the remote computer the AI was/is local to (Can be witnessed by executing "r1 move pos1" on that remote computer for example). What should happen: When one uses selectPlayer on a remote AI character(either playable or not) , the player should be able to control that new unit and his identity should be transferred. How: If in the same scenario that remote AI character is playable , one as a player can go back to the assignment screen , select it, go back into the mission and the player controls the character fine. Also the old character gets taken over by AI. Whatever the engine does during that process could also be done when someone uses the command selectplayer, No? I take it that the Assignment UI code has no problems if someone is in no slot , so it can just show the player as assigned , what side he is on in the "ValuePool" ListBox if he is put into a non-playable character Why: It would add the same extra options to MissionDesign teamswitch does in SP. And unless I am mistaken BIS also need this to work in ArmA2 anyways Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kuIoodporny 45 Posted February 5, 2008 Turrets rotating speed currently seems to be limited "globally" - they seem to work completely independently to vehicle, it's fun to observe T-72's aiming steadily at your tank while twisting their undercarriage crazy... The same thing affects player while being gunner in Cobra - if you turn turret too far away, it's much more difficult to bring it back to neutral position. I think that "gun stabilizing" thing should be reworked so it won't extend "hardware limits" and also give players the opportunity to balance slow turret movement with turning whole vehicle to aim faster. By now turning vehicle faster than the turret can do will just make turret hit it's turning limits. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Przemek_kondor 14 Posted February 5, 2008 I agree with: -flying tanks -tweaking tree LODs -making cursor visible in in vehicles (sometimes I have to select my-side vehicle in which is enemy or select empty vehicle i command my gunner to shot it) and my suggestion: -synchronizing not local vehicles/units dircection - its very strange and annoying when enemy soldier or tank shot to me when i see he looks on other direction (i thought i was safe) -make hit vehicles being vibrated/quacked. if i dont look i am red, i event dont know i was hit Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
celery 8 Posted February 5, 2008 * Support for multiple barrels/exit holes in one weapon, e.g. Littlebird/Camel twin guns and Shilka. * Make weapons (especially the pistols) realistically accurate without extra dispersion. Instead just make aiming harder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xxbbcc 6 Posted February 6, 2008 * Make weapons (especially the pistols) realistically accurate without extra dispersion. Instead just make aiming harder. No, don't. Aiming is extremely hard and frustrating with a mouse when the computer randomly moves the weapon around. The mouse have hardware limits to its precision and randomized aiming means that the player would have to make highly precise, very small movements with the mouse to try to counteract it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Commando84 0 Posted February 6, 2008 dunno but there is a weird bug in the original campaign for Arma in the mission named The great battle where you fly a cobra and escort 2 blackhawks to a base. When you are nearby the cobra you fail mission very often when one of the blackhawks that goes down for landing crashes into some tree.. all the time, sometimes it goes mission failed and sometimes not, and if it doesnt go mission failed it goes mission failed when we have flied halfway to the base cause my leader cobra says return formation even though im only 100 meters or so away and then fail mission... its totally impossible to complete that mission. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Benoist 0 Posted February 6, 2008 1. Reloading rifles during walking, It cannot be so hard to do it... It is hard as hell. ArmA movements are animations, so it's imposible to "joint" those two animations. What is posible to do, but i'm sure that everybody will hate, is to make an anim that moves the soldier foward when you reload, the problem is that you are unable to stop, to shot (like when you sprint and then go prone, the soldier do a few steps foward and then goes prone), so if you are reloading and something apears, you are dead. What you prefer? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrj-fin 0 Posted February 6, 2008 Close combat weapons FTW. when you run out of ammo you can just salute to your opponents if there is no ammo near you. Wouldf be nice a one punch animation and also some knive strike from enemies back neck and to direct hit to front side. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Benoist 0 Posted February 6, 2008 I would say that the pistol draw should be faster. It's too slow. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites