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MK-77 Napalm

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NeoArmageddon and me were bored, we thought "What could we do against being bored?", and the answer was "Napalm!".

So we made a quite good Napalm addon today.

Its based on MK-77 Dumb Bomb.

NeoArmageddon made the hard work, he created the scripts, drop effects and made everything working in multiplayer.

I've simply made the MK-77 Model and sounds.

-This addon is fully working in Multiplayer

-Plug&Play; Download and put it into addonfolder, no missions, no additional scripts, just place the plane and drop some Nap' over Rahmadi..

-Working Damaging; Persons inside the Napalm will start burning and get killed


And this is what it looks like:


Okay, these images are a bit cheesy, so take this video in bad-quality:

>>Mk77 and Mk20 are now in one Zip-Archive<<

Download below.




today we finished the MK-77 and created a fully working MK-20 Rockeye.

MK-77 1.0

-Fire removes now trees and foliage (Only sometimes, I don't know why...)

-When the fire is burnt out, some ascen area will be left

-Napalmfire is blocking AI's view

-AI won't enter the burning fire

-The bomb creates a realistic line of fire, not only a single circle

-Napalm illuminates the night

MK-20 Rockeye 1.0

-Mk-20 Rockeye Model

-The bomb is splitting into two halfes when releasing 150 Mk118 submunitions (In real there would be 247, but this may crashes ArmA)

-Time fused 3.5 Seconds after release

-If an unarmed Mk-20 hits the ground, it'll be stuck and sould not be touched

-Some submunitions won't fuse and turn into dud shells (Same effect as a minefield)




Armed Tactics' Mk-77 Firebomb and MK-20 Rockeye Clusterbomb @Armedassault.info

Armed Tactics' Mk-77 Firebomb and MK-20 Rockeye Clusterbomb @Armaholic.com

Armed Tactics' Mk-77 Firebomb and MK-20 Rockeye Clusterbomb @Armed-Tactics.de (German)

Armed Tactics' Mk-77 Firebomb and MK-20 Rockeye Clusterbomb @Rapidshare - 4.6 MB

Have fun!

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Actually I thought the images were pretty sweet. Looks kick ass, grabbing it right now to test it. How does it affect performance?

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The performance is quite good.

I've only got an average computer. (Geforce7600GT, Athlon 64bit 3500+, 1280MB RAM) and it wasn't creating any performance losses.

But I have also to say that I've only tested the Napalm on an nearly empty Sahrani...

It's not busting your system. smile_o.gif

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only question i have is once the burning has stopped are all the tree's and foliage burned too this would also add to the effect and would make nam mods completegreat work anyway guys notworthy.gif

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I was watching the youtube video and thought they looked like an animation bomb (Anime) icon_rolleyes.gif Maybe some more realistic textures could be done but i say NICE WORK yay.gifpistols.gif ow lets kill those stupid SLA's

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Nice! Do you intend to make a BLU-82 Daisy Cutter?

I would like to know because I saw it in the mode Vietinam: The experience. I think very nice its effect (fuel air explosive)

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The AI can use the bomb, but you must write "AI fire "AT_Mk77Launcher" in a waypoint. Its better to give the AI plane the command "flyinheight 100" because sometimes the AI plane crashs into the dropped bomb.

I think we will realese an improved bomb or a bombpack soon.

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could you perhaps give VTE mod (the vietnam experice) premission to use this? damn sweet napalm effect you got there.

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I tryed it and i could only find ONE isue...

Make the tail a bit longer..When dropping

a Nape you get a splash like a oval form..

not round...

Other than that its really cool....

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notworthy.gif Full rescpects to author. Thank you...

I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... Victory.... inlove.gif

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I think I found a bug, I made a mission where a hill is bombed with napalm before a couple of helicopters land at the foot of the hill, but the AI keeps trying to land on the burning spot...

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We tried this oval form but we got an issue that the burning area is hundreds of kilometre if you drop the bomb exactly north or south. We will fix it soon.

The AI cant see the fire because its just a effect but i think i can fix it too.

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this looks amazing but one thing ive noticed is that the bomb doesnt seem to be laser guidable im not sure if this is a bug or did u do it on purpose

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The MK-77 is a Dumb Bomb, I think I've disabled the IRLock abillity in the config...


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Nice one m8! Looking good. Just a question, i haven't tested yet just saw the video, that clowdy puff you have on impact. it seems that it's not building up but instantly apears as a pre made clowd instead of a progressing clowd of the explosion. (ya know the pink/red stuff that shows up for a sec or two after the initial impact) Am i wrong and it is expanding on impact or is it still a pre fab clowd and you are working on that one still smile_o.gif Both ways it still is nice work!



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There is a arma bug, sometimes the drops seems bigger than he should be. Its happend not very often...

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Sweet napalm man, do u think u could make the bomb tumble when dropped, like real napalm, i know in vte for ofp, there was napalm that when dropped tumbled, i think the chain of command made it

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