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TrueMods - TrueRangeAI Beta v0.9

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<span style='color:darkblue'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>===================

TrueRangeAI – Beta v0.9


This mod (TrueRangeAI), the first phase of our upcoming AI modifications, will adjust only AI spotting distance and engagement ranges. We were both fed up with the fact that the AI would not engage us (or even see us for that matter) at ranges where we could easily spot, identify, and engage them. We are shooting for realism, and trying to make AI engagement ranges much closer to those of human players.

So, now you have AI that will spot movement much farther away, and become aware of an unknown presence, "Man". As the unknown presence gets closer, they can identify it as friend or foe (this identification is easier with long distance optics or when taking fire). As well as AI that will engage you from 500+ meters away, just as us human players would. Firefights now can last a VERY long time.

Durg and I have spent a lot of time on this mod – some research, but A LOT of testing. Since this is a Beta release, we ask for input from you, the community. Let us know of bugs/problems/suggestions.

PLEASE when making a comment, try to avoid spreading/creating rumors regarding the AI capabilities. For example, we've seen comments on this board claiming that the AI are not affected by fog. This is not true. If at all possible, please provide a test mission, or screenshots to backup your assertions.

<span style='color:darkblue'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>========



- AI that will spot a man from 550m-800m and identify as a specific unit from 250m-350m.

- AI that will hear gunfire from 1000+ meters away.

- AA units will now engage Jets. (In default ArmA, AI AA soldiers would not fire at Jets, only Helicopters. TrueRangeAI resolves this issue.)

<span style='color:darkblue'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>=========



-This mod does not change AI at short ranges, only lengthens their spotting and engagement ranges. So, you will still have the same engagement in close quarter areas, but now when much farther apart, the game is quite different. AI will engage at 500+ meters.

- Firefights are changed dramatically with this mod. AI movement is much slower, due to them keeping an eye on a threat or possible threat, which in turn slows down actual game play. So, a firefight between 2 squads can last minutes instead of seconds depending on how far apart.

- It is also much more important to use cover and make a cautious approach. If you are not careful, you give the AI the upper hand and they will have a greater chance of tearing you down before you can.

<span style='color:darkblue'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>========================

AI Skill Control Via Mission/Editor


- You can control how far you want AI to spot and engage you via the skill slider in the mission/editor.

- Skill slider from MIN-MAX can be the difference of......

- 550m-800m identified as a "Man"

- 250m-350m specific identification (friendly or foe)

<span style='color:darkblue'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>============



1) Since there is no way to effect AI spotting with camouflage and environment, AI will spot the same in a desert or grassy environment. Sadly, there seems to be nothing we can do about this, other then trying to find some kind of balance even though this is not ideal.

<span style='color:red'>If something can be done by BIS, like assigning each unit a camouflage value for each type of texture (grass, desert, stone, ect..) a unit is near, this issue can be much better resolved.</span>

2) AI under your command don't like to listen to you sometimes. I believe this is due to the fact that they have spotted someone that they consider an immediate threat. When this is the case, they may not always follow your orders and will instead keep the target in sight.

Ex.1 - You tell an AI to hold fire, but they are consider an enemy to be an immediate threat, so you order is overridden.

Ex.2 – An AI under your command is targeting an enemy, but he won't follow you orders to move to a point. He won't move until he no longer feels threatened.

This has always been a part of the game, but is more noticeable with the longer engagement/spotting distances.

3) AI lack a conservation of ammo. We adjusted rate of fire to prolong firefights and lower loss of ammo, but this is just a temporary fix. This issue will hopefully be resolved in a later mod.

<span style='color:darkblue'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>====



Effects to bushes?

This mod does not effect AI sight through bushes. AI will still have the same sight through trees and bushes as they always have. It does not make sense to lower AI spotting ranges just because they can see though more vegetation then you do. This issue however will be resolved sometime in the future. Enough said.

Effects on Fog/Rain?

Fog does effect AI's sight, so our mod should not give them any advantages over you.

MP Compatibility?

If used on a server, this mod controls all AI except for AI that is under the control of a client. If the client has a squad under his command and is not running the mod, his AI will be the default ArmA AI, and the client will be at a disadvantage. If the server is NOT running the mod and the client is, only the clients AI will be effected by the mod and the all other AI on the server will be default ArmA AI, resulting in a cheating client.

SERVER ADMINS - Please block/require this mod as needed to ensure fair game play.

<span style='color:darkblue'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>======================

Future Plans For TrueRangeAI


- Test and tweak infantry > vehicle, armor and air spotting and identification ranges.

- Resolve issue of infantry not engaging helicopters with small arms. Fix, test, and tweak this area.

<span style='color:darkred'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>===============================

VIDEO - featuring "TrueRangeAI" by ArmAVidz



<span style='font-family:Tahoma'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:darkred'>TrueRangeAi </span></span></span><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:darkred'>"Realistic Engagement & Spotting Distances"</span></span>

<span style='color:darkblue'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>YouTube</span></span>

<span style='color:darkblue'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Filefront - Hi Quality Download</span></span>

<span style='color:darkred'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>============================

DOWNLOAD - TrueRangeAI Beta v0.9


<span style='font-family:Tahoma'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:black'>TrueRangeAIv09Beta.rar</span></span></span>

<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:darkblue'>FileFront</span></span>

<span style='color:red'>===========================================

<span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>WARNING – May cause damage to your ego.</span></span>

- This mod does not cater to individuals that want a huge upper hand on AI. The initial goal is to have AI with the same abilities as you do, the human player (1:1 ratio so to speak). If you can shoot and kill an AI at 500+ meters, so can they. That is the point. If you want to tone down the AI a bit, simply turn down the AI skill (slider) in the editor/mission. You have been warned!

<span style='color:red'>===========================================</span>

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Effects to bushes?

       This mod does not effect AI sight through bushes. AI will still have the same sight through trees and bushes as they always have. It does not make sense to lower AI spotting ranges just because they can see though more vegetation then you do. This issue however will be resolved sometime in the future. Enough said.    

They cant, check the video in my signature. (AI shooting trough bushes does not mean they can see directly trough bushes)

Anyway, this moud sounds like an updated version of what i already have so i will try it. thumbs-up.gif

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sounds very interesting ,look forward to testing it out.

As for the bushes and trees ,i agree maybe in arma 2 we can use them as cover , its really bad putting so much forrest in arma island and then ai seeing right through them. i think this problem will spoil the cwr project too unless something has been found to stop it.

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Yay! Another Trueâ„¢-addon!

A really nice feature that you've scaled the engagement ranges with the AI skill as well.

Really looking forward to try this one on some VDV meanies!

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Sounds gooooood! If the AI open fire from longer distances, do they also miss a fair bit? I imagine it's a big ask to hit a soldier sprinting from 500m away.

I'll be interested to try this with the realistic ballistics mod... pistols.gif


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if the addon is at least the half as good as the demonstration video this's got to be the best invention since the wheel was invented

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Awesome mod, unfortunately, it made the first mission of QG's SF campaign suck, I just tried it four times and we get hosed before we can make it to the beach.

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i tried your mod, and it was great... but, apparently, its not just your friendly AI will not obey you, even the AI under AI command will not follow orders. example, in the editor, i put a move waypoint for them in line formation... but they automatically switch back to wedge. and if i put a hold waypoint, once they see someone (enemy), they will move towards it. not what i had in mind to make a defence scenario

other than that, it's great smile_o.gif

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@ofpforum and ofp2

We never said the AI could see through trees as if they were not there.  But they do have an advantage.

These two images were taken from the same camera angle. The first image shows what we (human players) see from that angle. The second shows what the AI can "see".



The second image is showing the "View Geometry" LOD. This LOD is used to determine what parts of the model the AI cannot see through.


Yes, the longer ranges results in a less accurate AI, just as you are less accurate at greater distances.

As for the NWD_Ballistics mod (specifically the dispersion mod), we've done alot of testing with it. The result is a less accurate AI, we

found that the default dispersion rates more closely matched the accuracy of human players.

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Awesome mod, unfortunately, it made the first mission of QG's SF campaign suck, I just tried it four times and we get hosed before we can make it to the beach.

Thanks, but it is up to you to determine whether or not to use this mod in the campaigns. Some missions might be near impossible depending on how they are set up. Since you can’t change the missions themselves, you could either turn down Enemy AI in the difficulty options (I assume that would work, but I never tried it on a campaign) or use NWD’s Dispersion Mod as mentioned in Durg’s post, which makes AI less accurate.

i tried your mod, and it was great... but, apparently, its not just your friendly AI will not obey you, even the AI under AI command will not follow orders. example, in the editor, i put a move waypoint for them in line formation... but they automatically switch back to wedge. and if i put a hold waypoint, once they see someone (enemy), they will move towards it. not what i had in mind to make a defence scenario

other than that, it's great smile_o.gif

I tried to test your scenarios, but I did not see the same results.

1) AI squad with a line formation stayed in line.

2) AI squad with hold waypoint engages enemy at a distance, then one soldier runs off to flank. I assume this is due to the AI squad leader sending out orders which overrides the waypoint order. My guess would be that after the threat is eliminated, they would return to the hold waypoint, but like I said, that is a guess.

Please post test missions, since different scenarios sometimes give different results.

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Just got done playing a few different missions with the addon, and I've got to say, it still needs some balancing. We were getting engaged on one map (Seize the Base) from 1km+ away. We couldn't even see them and they were one-shotting us, a few were taken out by a BMP through a bunch of trees.

If the enemy would try and engage you from 500 to 800 meters, and just put inaccurate fire on you (occasionally actually hitting you).

It's a good mod, but until it gets balanced a little more it'll have to stay on the shelves.

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Just got done playing a few different missions with the addon, and I've got to say, it still needs some balancing. We were getting engaged on one map (Seize the Base) from 1km+ away. We couldn't even see them and they were one-shotting us, a few were taken out by a BMP through a bunch of trees.

If the enemy would try and engage you from 500 to 800 meters, and just put inaccurate fire on you (occasionally actually hitting you).

It's a good mod, but until it gets balanced a little more it'll have to stay on the shelves.

bah, do you mean the BMP'S snipers are improved now?

BMPs were great snipers already, but now they are even better. crazy_o.gif

I bet all people dislike the BMP snipers.

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Personally, from a purely 'realistic' standpoint, I think this is a great step in the right direction for improving the realism of the game.

With time, and fixes for the foliage, as well as other engine tweaks for Ai and the player, I believe the engine can become more of a simulator rather than a game - given the user actually 'wants' a simulator. I base my inference on these key point assumptions which may account for those who are attracted to a mod such as this:

<span style='color:olive'>• Ai are soldiers trained to be proficient with the weapons and tools they posess. As well as the tactics that must be used in order to counter or mount an active defence/offence.

• The user must adjust his tactical usage of the engine and his command of troops so as to account for the increased ability of the engine's Ai including concealed movement, LOS, TOD and operational awareness of the enemy (e.g: enemy Ai) as well as game engine flaws (LOL: LOD foliage issue).

• Artificial balance via nerfing or otherwise prohibition of one side or the other's ability to wage war with the tools available is an arcade mechanism that does not belong in an augmented 'war simulator' such as the one the 'realism' crowd is attempting to achieve.

• Balance achieved through realistic combat options such as CAS, tactics, tactically correct weapons and ballistics, reinforcements, operational awareness of the enemy and terrain knowledge is the 'aim' of the mission and mod maker.

• Missions are designed with the realism of the mod(s) in mind.

• It's okay to get owned by Ai repeatedly because your shoulder is sticking out from a wall and he saw you.</span>  wink_o.gif

As I was saying, it's all a matter of perspective and 'want' of the user I suppose. Personally, I wouldn't imagine playing old missions with this mod for the most part. But in no way, should the pre-existing missions and lack of options in those pre-existing missions prohibit the development of such a mod.

Cool stuff  pistols.gif

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We were getting engaged on one map (Seize the Base) from 1km+ away. We couldn't even see them and they were one-shotting us

If you were getting engaged from over 1km away and it was infantry AI, it has to be a sniper. Machine gunners will engage up to 1km, but they are very inaccurate. If you were getting killed by one bullet, that must be a sniper or snipers. If that is the case, which I am assuming it is, unless you were exaggerating or incorrect in your observation, snipers are actually deadly now as they should be. In default ArmA, snipers would only engage at a relatively short distance. Now, you can be dead in a second and have no idea where the shot came from. Snipers are VERY deadly now. Not because they're accuracy (this mod does not alter dispersion), but by the fact that they can engage at much longer distances and you might not be able to see them unless you have optics or binocs.

a few were taken out by a BMP through a bunch of trees.

Like we said before, AI seeing through trees has nothing to do with “this†mod. It is a problem in the original game.

If the enemy would try and engage you from 500 to 800 meters, and just put inaccurate fire on you (occasionally actually hitting you).

That is basically what they do. If an AI infantry rifleman kills you in one shot at 600m, it’s total luck as it would be for you hitting him at that distance. If your being engaged at 500-600m by AI with a non-scoped weapon, bullets are going to wizz past and land all around you. If your prone, it could be up to 30 rounds or more before your hit (if one on one).


Personally, from a purely 'realistic' standpoint, I think this is a great step in the right direction for improving the realism of the game.

With time, and fixes for the foliage, as well as other engine tweaks for Ai and the player, I believe the engine can become more of a simulator rather than a game - given the user actually 'wants' a simulator. I base my inference on these key point assumptions which may account for those who are attracted to a mod such as this:

<span style='color:olive'>• Ai are soldiers trained to be proficient with the weapons and tools they posess. As well as the tactics that must be used in order to counter or mount an active defence/offence.

• The user must adjust his tactical usage of the engine and his command of troops so as to account for the increased ability of the engine's Ai including concealed movement, LOS, TOD and operational awareness of the enemy (e.g: enemy Ai) as well as game engine flaws (LOL: LOD foliage issue).

• Artificial balance via nerfing or otherwise prohibition of one side or the other's ability to wage war with the tools available is an arcade mechanism that does not belong in an augmented 'war simulator' such as the one the 'realism' crowd is attempting to achieve.

• Balance achieved through realistic combat options such as CAS, tactics, tactically correct weapons and ballistics, reinforcements, operational awareness of the enemy and terrain knowledge is the 'aim' of the mission and mod maker.

• Missions are designed with the realism of the mod(s) in mind.

• It's okay to get owned by Ai repeatedly because your shoulder is sticking out from a wall and he saw you.</span> wink_o.gif

As I was saying, it's all a matter of perspective and 'want' of the user I suppose. Personally, I wouldn't imagine playing old missions with this mod for the most part. But in no way, should the pre-existing missions and lack of options in those pre-existing missions prohibit the development of such a mod.

Cool stuff pistols.gif

Thanks Mr. Vidz wink_o.gif

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Nice going there (again) RG. Can't wait for this to be further developped!

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As for the NWD_Ballistics mod (specifically the dispersion mod), we've done alot of testing with it. The result is a less accurate AI, we found that the default dispersion rates more closely matched the accuracy of human players.

Really? It's not supposed to be any worse than default.

What I did was tighten up the random dispersion of automatic fire to be equal to the random dispersion of single fire. Recoil takes care of the rest for the player.

Since the AI doesn't care about recoil as far as I know, I increased the AI Dispersion coefficient for each fire mode by the same factor as I reduced the base dispersion. The AI should be just as accurate as before, and only the player dispersion should be changed. Perhaps only the AI dispersion for full auto is being used?

I did increase the dispersion of sniper rifles by 10x or so, but that's because they were firing sub 0.1 MOA by default. Clearly that isn't realistic.

I'm not sure about 800-1000m engagement ranges with 7.62 machine guns or sniper rifles, though. With my ballistics, it might take 4-6 bullets to kill at that range unless you hit the head. I might have to boost damage all around, or maybe give all bullets an explosive component. Right now I've calibrated most rounds so that they do the same damage as stock bullets at about 200m. They do much more damage closer in, and much less damage further out.

I'm also interested in how this affects tanks. In the default game (with my upcoming tank ballistics overhaul), I can fire away merrily at an enemy tank from 2-4 km distance without him even noticing. Although he shouldn't instantly know where I am, he really should take notice when there are giant dirt puffs of APFSDS shells impacting the ground around him.

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Regarding the tanks. I installed NWD ballistics and dispersion and this true range mod and either i never noticed it before or it's something to do with these mods. The gunner of the tank fires the MG at a steady constant slow rate. I'm wondering if its possible to change that to a 3 or 5 round burst mode as this would seem more realistic and it wouldnt be so annoying. Also i didnt notice the comanders MG firing, just the gunners.

Superb mods though ,and it's mods like this that bring me back to ArmA. notworthy.gif

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@ofpforum and ofp2

We never said the AI could see through trees as if they were not there.  But they do have an advantage.

Ok then, guess ive seen a bit too much complaints about this so ill go into 'auto-show-another-crappy-video-to-prove-something-useless-mode', i thought you ment they were completely 'see trough' for the AI (The problem you posted seems to be bigger for trees then for bushes, never knew they were so 'off'wink_o.gif. smile_o.gif

Btw, i love this mod, combined with the suppression scripts by second ive seen battles which lasted longer then an hour(after which i died tounge2.gif ), and the AI actually seemed very careful with their lives. wow_o.gif

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Brilliant work

Something as simple as increasing the engagement range for AI adds a whole new atmosphere and game-play.

I was very disappointed with the AI engagement ranges with stock ArmA and a lot of the time I had lots of frustration with the AI, not being able to “see†contacts right in front of them. There is nothing better than having the feeling of being suppressed and generally “fearful†of the enemy AI. In a game like ArmA is vitally important due to the huge scope of the landscape, and now finally this important fix has solved it.

As Mr Reality so rightly put it, it’s simple but crucial changes like this that make it worth playing again.

Lets hope BIS are reading this for arma2!

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Quote[/b] ]@ofpforum and ofp2

We never said the AI could see through trees as if they were not there. But they do have an advantage.

i am glad you cleared how the view lod is seen by ai ,it is a nice example , i however was talking about the amount of time "knowsabout will last" when spotted and you try to hide in forrest, the ai will know your x,y,z for too long and its hard to escape.

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i however was talking about the amount of time "knowsabout will last" when spotted and you try to hide in forrest, the ai will know your x,y,z for too long and its hard to escape.


Quote[/b] ]@SNKMan, I think Suma tried to explain that the fact that the KnowsAbout value is high, doesn't mean the AI knows your position, or is going to engage you. They simply "know about you" because they are being attacked, lost radio contact with one of their armors etc. etc.

Stop using knowsAbout and start using nearTargets would be my recommendation.

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