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ArmA 2

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Thats very false logic... Just because Flashpoint ran fine on the old Xbox (after a very long development period btw) dosn't mean anything. Diffrent games, diffrent technology, diffrent time. Im not a game developer, and I don't know how fesable it would be to port ArmA2 to a 360 as is but I do know Arma2 is NOT every other Xbox 360 game... so just becuase most games for the 360 out now run find, dosn't mean every single game in the world would run just dandy on a 360.

Take GTAIV for an example. Has the developer of it said that they'd need to cut content from it because of weak hardware? No they hasn't. Sure, it's no 400 square km, but it's enviroment is very rich, lots of pedestrians walking around, lots of cars, buildings, etc. If that runs well on the 360, ArmA will defenately run well too. Just so that you know, it has 3*3,2 Ghz processor. I'm not sure about the VGA, but if they equip it with such a good processor, it's unlikely that they put a weak VGA into it. It's like a high-end PC.

If you wanna discuss this further, I'd suggest PMing.

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In movie number 9, you can see in the action menu there is the option to 'Show Diary'. I wonder what that means, exactly? It is, however, further indication of the RPG elements that are said to mark ArmA2 apart.

I think with a lot of these options they will probably remove them from the action menu and add them to a keyboard shotcut, much like was done with the NVGs in ArmA.

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I will be very sad if there would not yet be a fully environment physics:

1. Dynamically destructable buildings when u shot sabot to wall it just make a hole to it not need some 4-5 to collapse down whole buildings

2. Landmass and soil is deformable some games like t72 battle balkan/red faction/soldier secret wars have included this features but I want to see it made even better in ArmA 2 u have example a shovel and u could dig a foxhole to ground. When u hit a heavy bomb blast to ground there absolutely should come a crater.

3. Dynamically simulated parts of vehicles. U can change tires of cars/ wings of aircraft/ tanks turret and track damage to this area will disable of it function.

AI seems be ok so far. I have too my dubious to the playability, control of vehicles, customable settings of gameplay and much more.

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I agree with point 3), dynamic destruction of vehicle parts will be nice smile_o.gif

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I will be very sad if there would not yet be a fully environment physics:

1. Dynamically destructable buildings when u shot sabot to wall it just make a hole to it not need some 4-5 to collapse down whole buildings

2. Landmass and soil is deformable some games like t72 battle balkan/red faction/soldier secret wars have included this features but I want to see it made even better in ArmA 2 u have example a shovel and u could dig a foxhole to ground. When u hit a heavy bomb blast to ground there absolutely should come a crater.

3. Dynamically simulated parts of vehicles. U can change tires of cars/ wings of aircraft/ tanks turret and track damage to this area will disable of it function.

These features aren't even common in other games, so I really doubt they will be in Arma2.

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else it'll be a massive failure as was ArmA when it concerns sales. And yes, ArmA was a failure in that aspect.

Haha. I love how you just pulled that out of your ass and would like to pass it off as a "fact". icon_rolleyes.gif

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We were "promised" so much with Game 2, which sounded impressive to anyone at the time that we're not going (as a whole community) to ever be totally pleased with ArmA2 100%. I'm just happy BIS are adding more to ArmA in ArmA2. If BIS are leaving the games market I've just thought- will they even consider releasing the source code to the community, so that they can make their own additions. That would be amazing.

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no i dont want ArmA 2 to have what is considered "norm" today in terms of graphics. In fact i would love it id BIS decide to keep the graphics level as it is right now (with some optimization ofcourse). We could all benifit from that in a lot of ways smile_o.gif

also alot of people would much rather improvments in other areas.

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Hmm this latest news gives me a lot more faith in BIS... so long as they can balance all these new features with adequate and steady performance by the release date biggrin_o.gif

At least if it is their last public project they should pour their heart and soul into it! And it shouldnt be as half assed as ArmA wink_o.gif

Still, i do hope they fix ArmA 1 first wink_o.gif But the new features in ArmA2 sound awesome and looks like it wont be just ArmA with a few 'refined' features.. we'll be getting some brand new ones biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Still, i do hope they fix ArmA 1 first

not me whistle.gif i prefer that all the team works on Arma2. Arma is already the past whistle.gif

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Thats very false logic... Just because Flashpoint ran fine on the old Xbox (after a very long development period btw) dosn't mean anything. Diffrent games, diffrent technology, diffrent time. Im not a game developer, and I don't know how fesable it would be to port ArmA2 to a 360 as is but I do know Arma2 is NOT every other Xbox 360 game... so just becuase most games for the 360 out now run find, dosn't mean every single game in the world would run just dandy on a 360.

Take GTAIV for an example. Has the developer of it said that they'd need to cut content from it because of weak hardware? No they hasn't. Sure, it's no 400 square km, but it's enviroment is very rich, lots of pedestrians walking around, lots of cars, buildings, etc. If that runs well on the 360, ArmA will defenately run well too. Just so that you know, it has 3*3,2 Ghz processor. I'm not sure about the VGA, but if they equip it with such a good processor, it's unlikely that they put a weak VGA into it. It's like a high-end PC.

If you wanna discuss this further, I'd suggest PMing.

Thats again, false logic... ArmA2 is NOT Gta4, and becuase it will likely run fine on a 360, does not mean ArmA2 would IF it wasn't tailored to (Obviouslly it could be made to no matter what). They are two totally diffrent games, with totally diffrent engines... and it was also not originally developed as a PC game (Thus it was built specificly for consol hardwear). So there is no comparison with ArmA2 what so ever. But your probly right, PMing might be better for this (tho it is ArmA2 related)... feel free to PM me if you like.

And mrj-fin, I totally agree with your points 1 and 3 and sorta with 2. It was thought to be possible for everything to be destroyable back in 05 by the devs, and it was at least planned for VBS2 at some point... so it would be nice to know what the deal is with this much hyped feature when Game2 was first announced. At the very least I hope the buildings in ArmA2 are all new, destroyable or not... and not re-used OFP models again as we see in the new ArmA2 pictures. Hopefully thoes are just palce holders....

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Arma is already the past whistle.gif

i feel the same; unfortunatly.

edit: but i know it still has alot to offer. wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]- Story driven single player full of twists and surprises

Story driven? No dynamic campaign? sad_o.gifsad_o.gifsad_o.gif

Sure, it could still be dynamic, but you think they would have mentioned that sad_o.gifsad_o.gif

And no dynamic destructable vehicles and buildlings? sad_o.gifsad_o.gif


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And no dynamic destructable vehicles and buildlings? sad_o.gif  sad_o.gif

Lets hope (or beg tounge2.gif ) that they keep the old code in so that we are able to mod it back in later. (Like.. when technology is ready)

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Quote[/b] ]- Story driven single player full of twists and surprises

Story driven? No dynamic campaign? sad_o.gif  sad_o.gif  sad_o.gif

Sure, it could still be dynamic, but you think they would have mentioned that sad_o.gif  sad_o.gif

And no dynamic destructable vehicles and buildlings? sad_o.gif  sad_o.gif


Want a real bummer... read the old PcZone OFP article. Im sure the scans are still around here somewhere (I have them saved on my PC). I was just reading it... and all the things that really made Game2 sound like it was going to be amazing, have not been mentioned so far. And you said it correct... these features could very well still be there.... but why not mention them if they are?

A quote by Marek Spanel from said article.... "Our buildings are cunstructed like lego houses. You can level them down to the last stone, or blow out a small corner where a sniper is hideing". It then goes on to talk about the scalability useing carpet bombing a city as an example. Saying the engine should be able to handel it with no performance loss. He seemed pretty damn sure it would work well, and did everything short of promising it would be in the game... so you tell me why there was no mention of it. Hopefully its so they have more to reveal about the game at a later date....

In all honesty this is why you should never reveal a game, tell the community about all these great, and wonderful features, and then not give any info out on it for two years. Becuase if thoes features are missing.... people are going to be angry. Plain and simple.

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I feel ArmA 2 could have a lot of potential to be a fantastic game. But I am not getting my hopes up, just because its not good for any of our blood pressure. :-)

I am sure BIS will listen to all the feedback they have had on ArmA and put it into action. Just rememeber that ArmA was only ever going to be like OFP 1.5 and they where very open about that.

Now that can work on an awsome new game, that hopefully includes some of the old ideas that where mentioned in that lovely PC Gamer article all that time ago ;-).

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2 things I want for arma 2.

1. namechange from "arma" to somrthing better, I rather see the game called barbies combat adventures than some wierd abbreviation.

2. context sensitive animations, I wanna se soldiers crouch behind corners and peer out behind them, and not lie exposed in the street.

I prolly want more, but this is all I can think of right now...

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Lots of Pics and Videos


Porto is TINY! crazy_o.gif

means its lag free  yay.gif

The thing is though it looks just as big as ramadi :S

i thought it would of been a bit bigger :S It looks too small to even make some good quality missions on.. i heard it was a good island for CTI but you seen it no chance.

anyways i hope that railway has some cool trains and trucks to sabotarge and steal yay.gif

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namechange from "arma" to somrthing better, I rather see the game called barbies combat adventures than some wierd abbreviation.

ArmA isn't really an abbreviation. Armed Assault was fully named "ArmA: Armed Assault". Arma is like "weapon" in latin:

Quote[/b] ]


arma f (plural armi) (archaic plural arme)

1. weapon, arms

2. (military) arm, force

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May that as it be, still doesn't change the fact that "arma" was a community suggestion as to what the title should be shortened as since AA would be confused with americas army, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that BIS themselves slowly took that abbr. as the official title and one day the whole game changed it's name...

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