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by the U.S. most feared weapon

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I want to know which weapon you fear the most when you play as the U.S. in Arma.

If you are in the real military, would you please tell me what weapon you fear the most? (You don't have to)


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I said Shilika, but that was merely a brain fart. It's absolutely the Ka-50. That sound is unmistakable, and the worst part is not that it kills you as soon as it arrives, but that you Do not know when it will. It could pass over you with no problem whatsoever, or pass over you and blow you to pieces. Stinger's are too cumbersome to carry around, so often it's a threat you have to respond to, not react to.

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A T-72 always makes me happy I'm not wearing pants.

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I said t-72, the crew can jump out and shoot you dead before you can switch from your AT to your primary. Shilkas are a close second because it makes flight impossible. 3rd would be the uaz with weapons, so many times in sp or evolution they come whipping around a corner guns a blazin'  pistols.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

A T72 in the wrong place at the wrong time can make me shit my pants. You really have to be prepared for them if you want to attack them and still make it out alive. Otherwise just hide under a tree wow_o.gif

Especas comes close though, especially in my own missions where I usually crank their skill level.

But I fear nothing the way I used to fear the Mi24 back in the days wink_o.gif

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Small arms.

The hand gun..



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there 100.000X scoped ak's/pk's/fill in any other east handweapon.

Or sould we call this just the AI.

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Well, i said shilka.. because when flying, that is you're worst nightmare, coming around a bend and having some cannon blow you into the ground is not fun...

Thats my pick of the worst enemy in this game,

now, if it were real life... none of those would be a threat to us. Or a fear. At lest to me.

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shilka, nothin like flyin a little bird over a mountain and getting 3 team kills and minus a ton of points cause of those bad boys.

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T-72 - I haven't yet been able to pull of a successful anti-armour ambush against 3 T-72s - the AT-4s just annoy them!

Scary stuff (I assume it's like that in real life too!wink_o.gif

Although, I was quite proud of myself the day I snuck up behind a T-72, placed a satchel under it and snuck away - I think the only time one man can defeat one tank!

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I voted Small arms.

They are prolly the most basic weapons in the game, but they can freak you out big time, when you dont know where the shots come from wow_o.gif

Especially when you are in the middle of reloading, getting ammo from crates, or even healing at a medic or tent.


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T-72 - I haven't yet been able to pull of a successful anti-armour ambush against 3 T-72s - the AT-4s just annoy them!

Scary stuff (I assume it's like that in real life too!wink_o.gif

Although, I was quite proud of myself the day I snuck up behind a T-72, placed a satchel under it and snuck away - I think the only time one man can defeat one tank!

t-72 here too. We actually managed to blow 2 t-72's at the same time, with some dude in MP. We both fired at's for the first tank, and the second 1 blew up along with the first 1 yay.gifyay.gif

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I chose T-72.

The Shilka is also causing lots of fear but I play as an infantryman most of the time so the T-72 is more familiar to me as a cause of panic.

So we can say the heavy tanks do their job; they scare the hell out of infantry, as they are supposed to do in real life. While I was in the FDF it was fun to watch the Armour Jaegers (I'm one too but my duty was not to fight against tanks) getting psychological training to face a T-72. For example lie on the ground in front of the tank while the tank drives closer and closer towards you. You are not allowed to move until your instructor tells you so.

Always when I hear a heavy tank approaching, I start to look for a place to hide as first priority. It's better to observe the tank first from a safe place than to confront it on wide open ground, as you are likely to lose if you meet a T-72 face-to-face with a rifle and a couple of grenades. Even if you have anti-tank weapons the chances are not high for you to walk out of it if you have no cover.

In the good old OFP times I loved to use satchel charges to blow up the tanks by sneaking up to them, placing the satchel charge near them and getting out of there fast! And watching the tanks jump to the air and land upside down.

Edit: A quote regarding battle tanks from the FDF website.


Quote[/b] ]Battle tank

Battle tanks are formidable weapons almost invariably associated with images of crushing the enemy. The tonnes of steel, easy manoeuvrability in rough terrain and great fire power make it ideal for exactly that.

A lot of the fear of tanks is also caused by ignorance, however. In the Winter War and Continuation War, Finns destroyed many enemy tanks using Molotov cocktails and charges delivered at close quarters. Recently it has been seen that in cities tanks are easy to destroy, even using light anti-tank weapons. In difficult terrain and bad weather conditions even simple anti-tank obstacles can restrict their movement considerably.

So it is nothing new what we do in OFP/ArmA for the battle tanks with satchel charges. I think the reason why Finland was using Molotov cocktails and charges against the Soviet tanks in WW II was more because we virtually did not have any better equipment, until the Germans provided us with good anti-tank weapons. I'm sure most people will choose to fire an anti-tank weapon from distance than walk up to the tank. I must also note that wood was used to jam the tracks of the tanks by Finns in WW II against the Red Army. I think that is even more courageous thing to do than the other means to stop a tank.

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in the last 5 years, in SP game terms, i can say that more than 90% of my deaths were caused by headshots done by PK gunners with X-ray vision (OFP and Arma).

In MP, well, havent played much Arma in MP yet.

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T-72 I think. They are the hardest to kill (for me) and no matter what vehicle you're in, they always seem to spank you... wink_o.gif

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Small arms, Infantary:

Despise infantry if you must. Crush them underfoot, by all means. But do not ignore them. Battlefields are littered with the wreckage of Titans whose crews ignored infantry.

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But what about those hand guns, especially the one's with silenceres equiped on 'em ..

Who know's who could be lurking around the corner just waiting..



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He he T72s are the most feared by me as im mostly a ground pounder, just seeing one parked next to a enemy radio tower spoils my day. Also getting rushed by two T72s even when they are a good distance off makes me sure to run away.

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I chose T-72.

No prettier sight than T-72 camoflaged with spruces wink_o.gif

Still now days AT-monkeys in some brigades (atleast Jaegerbrigade) receive short training in using those improvised ww2 weapons against enemy armors. Most likely because of psycological training...

But in ArmA my worst nightmare is D-30. It wipes out infantrysquad with one shell and if they are consentrated to one area, then they form formidable barrier to very big units. And they also are quite invisible (small and blend into background mostly), i've atleast been in optics of one, received several shells to armorplates and i didn't have even smallest hint of it's where abouts.

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The only thing I really fear on the battlefield are my idiot teammates who think they are "covering" the flag and waste me in the back from the radiostation as I am racing to take the support station flag on the airfield map. "Whoops, sorry, you didn't have a nametag..."

Also, I am deeply afraid of the crash bug that has shown up since the 1.08 patch. I never know where or when my game session will be over due to a crash...

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