5133p39 16 Posted December 14, 2007 I just had a quick question, is there a way to speed up the the time in which it takes to spawn them? it takes like a minute and a half to spawn the yomies. + I got them to work and spawn in MP, the problem now is that..it seems like they don't want to attack anything, they just stand there like morons. Maybe there is something broken - either in your mission, or in the yomies, or maybe you just set the variables to wrong/incompatible values. Normally (when everything works) they are spawned one after another (approx. speed of 2-3 yomies per second). Another reason could be, that the yomies are trying to be spawned on random loation outside of ANY player's view distance (it wouldn't look good, if a yomie would pop out in front of the player). So, if you make spawn area with diameter of 300m while the viewdistance is also 280m (or higher), then there is not enough space inside the spawn area to spawn the yomies fast enough (because then there is much lower chance the random spawn position will fit into the available area between 280m and 300m diameter). So maybe this is the reason why they are spawned so slowly - your spawn area is not big enough to leave enough space for the random location choosen to spawn the yomie. BUT maybe i am wrong on this - i don't remember exactly how i did it, but now i think, that the yomies are spawned OUTSIDE of the spawn area, IF the veiwdistance is too high. For example: You make a spawn area with diameter 500m, while your viewdistance is 2500m. When you enter such spawn area, the yomies WILL BE spawned, but outside of your viewdistance, which means they will be spawned at least 2500m away from you in any direction. If they are spawned outside of the spawn area (which also determines their movement area), then when they start wandering around (searching for food), their random moveTo locations are allways set somewhere inside the wandering area, but it takes them some time to get over the distance of 2000m to get to the wandering area. I would recommend to look at the sample mission init script, and the variable 'iViewDist' in the yomies game initialization script '/yomies/init_game.sqf' (respective 'param1' in the mission init script). p.s. I will be coming home someday during the Christmass, and i will stay few days, so i will try to fix everything i can (but don't expect me spending all the time in front of computer screen instead of in front of a beer in a pub with my friends). But this time, when i will be going back here, i will certainly take my ArmA DVD. I already found one computer here, which is capable (barely) of running ArmA. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scars09 9 Posted December 16, 2007 everything works fine, im not sure what exactly i changed to get it going, but it works, they attack, they spawn, they delete. on a dedicated server the player array isnt filled. so all other things that need the player or position of player dont work. i think all i did to get it working was changing player to _player in the yomies/init.sqf in this part if (local player) then { _shPlrLoop = execVM "yomies\plr_loop.sqf"; }; could that be the solution?? as i said it seem to for the probs i had. its quickly tested so maybe someone can give it a try, or someone who knows how to script better then me can evaluate wich the correct syntax is. anyway your yomies did a great job, it had a nice performance and they attacked like kamikaze, a building is no hideout, they follow in every house. really impressive work!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rabbity 0 Posted December 16, 2007 thanks 5133p39, but i'm still having minor problems in MP, I guess i'll fiddle with it until it works properly Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrbean1112 0 Posted December 17, 2007 my problem in multiplayer was that the zombies ran around in circles... didn't target anyone. they worked fine alone. but as soon as i loaded up mp... It really annoyed me.. and made me uninstall arma because i worked on a mission for months.. only to have it do that. So if these yomies are updated.. i may have a few missions out for you guys. =] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andersson 285 Posted December 17, 2007 I had a nice MP (non-dedicated) zombie mission yesterday and it worked just fine. I used Scars09 fix. Yomies are the best as they dont use much CPU compared to scripted ones, and they follow you inside buildings! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
5133p39 16 Posted December 17, 2007 my problem in multiplayer was that the zombies ran around in circles... didn't target anyone.they worked fine alone. but as soon as i loaded up mp... It really annoyed me.. and made me uninstall arma because i worked on a mission for months.. only to have it do that. So if these yomies are updated.. i may have a few missions out for you guys. =] sorry to hear about that. Maybe with the next version you will decide to try again And to the problem of Yomies not targeting anyone, there are two things which have impact on the yomies targeting (taken from the sample mission '/yomies/init_game.sqf'): iYMaxTDMult = 2; // Multiplicator for calculating the maximum distance of available target from // yomie's spawn area. Yomies will not chase their targets far than this distance from spawn area. // The max. distance is calculated like _maxTD = (_spawn_area_radius * iYMaxTDMult); iYAttackDistance = 2.3; // maximum distance between yomie and its target allowing yomie to carry out the attack ySide = createCenter Resistance; // Center created for creating new groups when spawning new yomies. // Unfortunately, there is a bug, which affects acquiring targets by the AI. // To get rid of the bug, we still need some Resistance unit placed on the map, // in the mission editor - the CreateCenter/Group won't do the job alone. ...if there is anything wrong with any of these variables, then it will prevent the Yomies to attack anything. P.S. i am not sure whether the problem with createCenter is a bug, maybe it is intended behaviour - i really don't know, but in the time i was writing the yomie's scripts, it seemed like a bug and there was no official explanation. So, i am sure many things changed since that time, and maybe even the Biki has been much improved, so there can be more of these (probably) false informations in my comments in the yomie's scripts. I think (i hope) that all of those scripts could be better, simpler, and more efficient than i originally wrote them because of lack of good and exact informations of how various commands works. I am going to check the Biki right now, to see whether there is any more and better info which could help me to make the Yomies scripts better or more bug-free. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Potatoz 0 Posted January 12, 2008 Well I've found out how to add a killed event handler to the Yomies for those who wanted one. Now when you kill one of them you get $100. 1. Open blahblahblah/missions/mission.island/yomies/func/spawn_yomie.sqf Add this line underneath current eventhandler <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_yomie addEventHandler ["killed", {killer1=_this select 1;killer1 exec "onkilled.sqs"}] now go to your main mission directory (blahblahblah/missions/mission.island/) and make a new script called OnKilled.sqs and add the following lines... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _id=_this; if (player == (call compile format["man%1",_id])) then { ?(isPlayer _id):SPON_playerCashBalance = SPON_playerCashBalance + 100; else {exit}; ?(isPlayer _id):player groupchat format ["$100 Reward! %1",SPON_playerCashBalance]; else {exit}; }; This was taken from the Quarantine mission so all credit goes to the creator(s). I just edited it a bit. I tried making my own script to do this, but do to my lack of scripting experience every time Anyone killed a zombie it would give you money. I haven't tested this with multiple players yet, so I don't know if it will work properly. ------------ Also, I was wondering, is there a way to get the Yomies to attack vehicles? Maybe just 'soft' vehicles like cars and stuff. Because now I can sit there with a Hummer with an M2 and the Yomies just stand around. ----------- I also noticed that BluFor units will attack the Yomies after a while, then stop, then attack again after a while. So they'll stand there and get killed, then after about 5 minutes they will start shooting and then they'll stop again. Maybe it's just my mission though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
5133p39 16 Posted March 2, 2008 Also, I was wondering, is there a way to get the Yomies to attack vehicles? Maybe just 'soft' vehicles like cars and stuff. Because now I can sit there with a Hummer with an M2 and the Yomies just stand around. Yes, there is a way. Find the script "get_yomie_target.sqf" - this sript is used to choose the target to attack. Read through this script, and try to understand whats going on in there (i would tell you more, but i dont remember much right now). There is some condition that throws away all targets who aren't a man, static machinegun, or a motorcycle (all other types are considered zombie-proof). Change that condition to allow your type of vehicle, and that should do it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
5133p39 16 Posted March 2, 2008 I also noticed that BluFor units will attack the Yomies after a while, then stop, then attack again after a while. So they'll stand there and get killed, then after about 5 minutes they will start shooting and then they'll stop again. Maybe it's just my mission though. Could be your mission, but could be also some bug in my scripts. I wanted to have as much of playable sides as possible, allowing more interresting scenarios than just "people vs. zombies", so i tried to use "addRating -<big_number>" to make the zombies enemy of everyone, than just using some regular side like Civilians or Resistance. This allows to have Zombies (attackable by all the civilians, blufor, opfor, and resistance). But maybe it doesn't work as i expected, or i have some bug in my code. Unfortunately, i cannot help you more right now. It the script "spawn_yomie.sqf" which is spawning the zombies, and where the "addRating" is used to make the zombie an enemy. Also, this strange behaviour could be caused by a lag (when you r processor cannot keep up, the AI is the first thing which starts to "decay", so maybe there is not enough processing power for soldier brains? ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
supergruntsb78 67 Posted March 17, 2008 mayor problem wiht the sakakah al jawf island and this "addon" when i try to build a mission with the zombies nothing happens (no zombies are spawn ) i put a small test hint in the init and that does work so it means the init is being read the spawn area is called as it should be (everything copied in from the zombie mission released with this) the scripts are all in place (copied from the mission in to my mission folder) on other maps i have tested it works like a charm but only on sakakah it fails so i am fresh out of ideas if any body knows a way to repair it then please let me know Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
5133p39 16 Posted March 19, 2008 mayor problem wiht the sakakah al jawf island and this "addon" Right now, i have no idea what may be causing problems. If you can be little more patient, in two weeks from now i will have a new laptop which should finally allow me to play ArmA again. Then i can check whats happening with the yomies on this sakakah al jawf island. And i also hope i will have some time to continue working on the yomies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
supergruntsb78 67 Posted March 19, 2008 off course i can be patient  it will take the SLA several weeks to finish their new biological weapon who will turn people in to yomies (the weapon is being tested on saharani and seems potential enough to stop the americans ) and to sell it to  Imad Al Din (evil war lord and terrorist) the current ruler of sahkaka  what i just said is  take your time... arma isnt going anywere and so are the yomies Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr Sarkey 0 Posted March 29, 2008 Playing around with this at the moment, but I confused by a problem. I create the yombie_spawn marker where I want it, but when I run into the area the zombies spawn atleast 300+ metres away. Anyway to fix this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
5133p39 16 Posted March 30, 2008 Playing around with this at the moment, but I confused by a problem. I create the yombie_spawn marker where I want it, but when I run into the area the zombies spawn atleast 300+ metres away. Anyway to fix this? there is some variable which controlls the max/min distance from any player, the yomie is allowed to spawn. The init_game.sqf script contains:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">iViewDist = param1; // param1 is used to select the desired view distance on the MultiPlayer slot selection screen (in SP it is set to a default value available in mission init script) setViewDistance iViewDist; // view distance settings, this variable 'iViewDist' is used (amongst other things) to // determine the exact spawn position of each yomie, to make sure they won't // spawn in front of the player. Default is 600 Any yomie is always spawned at minimum distance calculated by: iViewDist*(1-fog) So, if the fog is 0.5, and the iViewDist is 600, the minimum spawn distance from any player will be 600*(1-0.5), wich is 300 meters (even if you make a spawn area with 10m diameter, the yomies will be spawned at least 300m away from the player entering that spawn area). It is to prevent the yomie to popup right in front of the player (for me, such thing completely breaks immersion). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
5133p39 16 Posted March 30, 2008 Some good news for any Yomie fans out there: I received a new laptop which is capable to run ArmA. From now on i will continue to work on the Yomies (but i still don't have much of free time, so don't expect new version in less than a month) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
madrussian 347 Posted March 30, 2008 Great news... Happy to see the Yomies live on! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maatz 1 Posted March 31, 2008 great news! cant wait Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
supergruntsb78 67 Posted April 1, 2008 Some good news for any Yomie fans out there:I received a new laptop which is capable to run ArmA. From now on i will continue to work on the Yomies (but i still don't have much of free time, so don't expect new version in less than a month) the laptop came sooner then we thought so the free time will follow soon enough (we hope offcourse ) good to hear we can look forward to updates im off to bed right now (its 09:10am in holland these things happen with nightshifts) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 13 Posted April 1, 2008 Some good news for any Yomie fans out there:I received a new laptop which is capable to run ArmA. From now on i will continue to work on the Yomies (but i still don't have much of free time, so don't expect new version in less than a month) Awesomeness!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
benxcore 0 Posted April 1, 2008 Sleeper, I still have a ton of skins/sounds I made. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
5133p39 16 Posted April 2, 2008 Sleeper, I still have a ton of skins/sounds I made. That's very good, if you will be so kind. But i want to fix all bugs and problems first. Next release will contain only bugfixes and maybe a few new features, and after that we can add some eye candy (literally ;-) ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
D.murphy man 0 Posted April 2, 2008 I am extremely glad to hear your back on the scene and continuing to work on your excellent Yomies. I shall look forward to future updates, keep it up the great work! I've had countless hours of fun with your Yomies, and of course used them in my Quarantine mission. Good luck with bug fixing! I know how much of a pain it can be Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maatz 1 Posted April 4, 2008 hi 5133p39, just a quick question. is there a parameter in the yomie scripts where i can influence the range that determines the yomies "food detection"? I want them to detect the player a little bit earlier, because that would give the yomie attacks a bit more tension when they suddenly come around a house corner or something atm i have to run right by the yomies till they attack me. thx! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snake Raper 0 Posted April 4, 2008 They should attack you as soon as they see you. They have the same detection as other AI, meaning if you look at them, they are more likely to attack even from relatively long ranges. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites