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Dawn of the Yomies

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Very nice plan indeed 5133p39. Your Yomies are one of rare addons that don't lag the MP (like for example TCP&Nem_Zombies). Please release a new version and will test it out asap.

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For anyone who complained that the yomies are not attacking, or some soldiers are not attacking yomies.

I now found the possible reason - my fault - the incorrectly set relationships between all the sides.

Its those first three lines in file /your_mission/yomies/init_game.sqf:

<span style='color:red'>Civilian setFriend [Resistance, 1];

Civilian setFriend [East, 1];

Civilian setFriend [West, 1];</span>

To correct it, replace those three lines with the following:

<span style='color:green'>Civilian setFriend [East, 1];

Civilian setFriend [Resistance, 0];

Civilian setFriend [West, 1];

East setFriend [Civilian, 1];

East setFriend [Resistance, 0];

East setFriend [West, 0];

Resistance setFriend [Civilian, 0];

Resistance setFriend [East, 0];

Resistance setFriend [West, 0];

West setFriend [Civilian, 1];

West setFriend [East, 0];

West setFriend [Resistance, 0];</span>

...that makes Resistance to be enemy of everyone, East enemy of West, while Civilians will be friendly to both East and West.

That way you can have two compeeting teams fighting with each other for civilians survivors and also fighting the yomies.

Set it however you want, but the important thing is, that the setFriend command must be used both ways to work properly - if you want Civilians shooting at West and West also shooting back at Civilians, you must use both variants of the command: Civilian setFriend[West,0]; West setFriend[Civilian,0];

...its obvious, but i overlooked it.

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Another things i overlooked.

1. I derived the Yomies from the base Civilian class which got the Threat array set to [0,0,0], meaning they are not dangerous to anything, and i forgot to change these values in the Yomie class.

2. The accuracy needed to recognize the yomies was set to 1000.

I am not sure how this affect things, but for normal units it is set around 0.7

I also discovered that it helps a lot if some Yomie type unit was placed in the mission editor. It makes the AI soldiers to recognize much more quickly any other spawned yomies.

During testing, when there was not any yomie placed in the mission editor, the AI soldiers recognized and opened fire on the yomies when almost half of the soldiers were already dead. But when there was a yomie placed in the mission editor, the soldiers started firing at other spawned yomies almost instantly (with maybe 1-2 sec delay).

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Yes, and i have more good news!

I just started work on new (primary multiplayer) mission, loosely based on the old OFP "serial killer" mission.

But instead of playing a serial killer killing the good citizens, the bad guy will be <span style='color:maroon'>playing a zombie infecting the good citizens</span>.

"He was a soldier, participating on what they called 'safe experiment', they told him he will be helping his country in developping a cure to some sickness,

but then he got sick and he found what really is behind this research, they used him, and now he wants revenge!"

Once a citizen gets infected, after some time he become zombie and will start infecting other citizens.

The players on the opposite side will have to <span style='color:maroon'>stop the infection and kill all zombies</span> (until there is a single zombie alive, the zombie-player can respawn on it's place when killed).

The population of the island will be split into common people, ambulance doctors, bus drivers, and maybe some more.

Common people will be wandering around towns, and occasionaly traveling to other cities (helping spread the infection if infected).

Ambulance doctors will be immune to infection, and will be automatically traveling between cities healing any infected citizens they find (until these citizens turns into full zombies).

The healing will be possible only with a syringe (a handgun type of item) and a vaccine in small bottles (handgun magazine type item) which the doctors must have on themselves to be able to heal the infected, while one vaccine bottle can heal only one citizen.

Also any player, when in possesion of this vaccine, can heal the infected.

When the doctors are out of vaccines, they will go to their storage to resupply.

BUS drivers will be riding their busses from town to town, also helping to spread the infetion by carrying infected people into the next town (the citizens will be traveling on random basis).

And concerning old Yomies - don't worry, they will be used in this scenario, so i will continue to improve them.

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My first achievement in the process of creating the mission anounced in previous post:

<span style='color:brown'>Island citizens who are able to flee if encountered a zombie!</span> (and i mean real fleeing, not scripted)

...it seems simple, but it is not, not with all the deamons from FSM hell i unleashed.

The citizens are now able to travel, walk around the town (also entering buildings), and when they encounter a zombie, they will start fleeing.

When there is a nearby soldier, they are running to him for help and will stick to him until it is safe (which can result int the zombies attacking the soldier instead),

otherwise they are just running away from the zombie, and if they manage to escape, they will resume their previous task (traveling or wandering).

I spend almost whole night just watching bunch of zombies chasing group of civilians all over the Rahmadi island. It was hillarious.

Only one problem:

it usually takes more than 20 minutes until the zombies manage to hunt down 5 citizens (and the zombies are already 1.6 times faster than normal units).

It was like some old Chaplin's grotesque where bunch of stupid policemans are chasing another guy.

I need to find some way to give the civilians a chance to really escape - maybe make it so that after some time the zombie will stop chasing their targets?

And i also need to find a way for the zombies to be able to chase down their target before you really fall asleep.

Its a nice contradiction, but i need to make it easier for both civilians and zombies, otherwise the whole game turns into neverending marathon.

Any ideas are welcome.

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Im glad your still tinkering with this sleeper and as always looking forward to new developments. On the subject of speeding the zombies up i think you should definitely make them faster. At the moment its just too easy for players to simply run past them or out run them altogether, for my mission Quarantine i was considering trying to implemnt some sort of 'grab' script so if players get to close, they'll get stuck in a animation to simulated trying to fight of zombies that have grabbed them. Just so players coulndnt so easily run past a group of them without fear and doing the old 'stop,shoot,run,repeat' tactic. If they could run faster im sure players would become more wary of running in all guns blazing to clear of a town.

I also think its an excellent idea of yours to make them run inside buildings also, just to up the fear factor even more with not even buildings being able to stem the tide of fast running aggressive infected.

Keep up the good work, looking extremely forward to updating Quarantine with the new yomies when ever next updates released.

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Keep up the work! This is what I want smile_o.gif

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Hey Sleeper, whilst using your addon for my mission i have stumbled upon a slight problem/bug.

What i currently have set up is a normal Yomie_spawn_% markers covering an area. All these markers are set to REPEATED, and overlapping these markers is a trigger which activates on presence of player, trigger set up:

On act:

call compile format ["bSpawn%1=true", 1]

On deac:

1 call fclearSpawn;

Now what i intend it happen is that when players enter the trigger, the spawn activates and spawns like normal, then as soon as the player leaves the trigger, the spawn deactivates and all yomies are cleared regardless of veiw distance, etc... and of course they respawn when players reenter the area.

Now this set up works without a hitch in till i start killing yomies associated with the spawn, even though the marker is set to REPEATED it behaves as if its set to ONCE. For example if theres 4 yomies, and i kill 1, when a leave the area, then reenter, only 3 yomies will respawn, instead of 4. I have also experimented with using INFINITE, but the exact same thing happens (it behaves as if its ONCE setting).

Any ideas on a solution to this? i have been racking my brains for a good few hours trying to figure out whats wrong.

*Note* Every thing works fine and as it should when not using triggers. Which is leading me to believe it could be either fclearspawn command or call compile format ["bSpawn%1=true", 1] command resetting the spawns properties to ONCE. or something?

*Edit2* Thinking some more perhaps when the spawn is cleared, it doesn't take into account the yomies that have been killed, and thus when spawn is reactivated it'll spawn only the zombies that where deleted rather then also spawning zombies that where killed previously?

*Edit3* Ok on more testing it appears INFINITE is now working correctly, so it only appears to be REPEATED mode not working as intended. I have looked over a lot of the scripts and there doesn't seem to be many references to REPEATED mode? so i can pinpoint what might be wrong.

*Edit 4* Well seems the REPEATED spawn doesnt work at all, even without trigger activating/deactivating it. It simply behaves as the ONCE spawn.

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Hey Sleeper, whilst using your addon for my mission i have stumbled upon a slight problem/bug.


Have you tried it without your triggers?

I am not sure whether you know this, but normally you create only the markers - the triggers for them are created automatically, so maybe there is a problem that the automatic triggers in some way interfere with your trigger.

...put the mission somewhere so i can download and test it myself.

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There is a bug with JIP people. It says that this line in "plr_loop.sqf" is wrong:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if (_added select 0 != player) then {

I'm very new in scripting and i also think that you can not do this so: "(_added select 0 != player)"

Any solutions?

Regards, Christian

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There is a bug with JIP people. It says that this line in "plr_loop.sqf" is wrong:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if (_added select 0 != player) then {

I'm very new in scripting and i also think that you can not do this so: "(_added select 0 != player)"

Any solutions?

Regards, Christian

Well, technically there is nothing wrong with that condition, i think you can do that.

But the problem is probably that _added is not initialized, or is not an array, or something like that.

I will rewrite these scripts anyway, because since v1.08 we have a few new commands which can help simplify things.

In the meantime, the only way is not using JIP, sorry sad_o.gif

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Hi thanks for your reply. The Problem with this is that also the Zombies don't respawn anymore (at least on mode "REPEATED").


Isn't there a quick solution besides not allowing JIP?

I mean otherwise its bad for the vital part of Arma - the Multiplayer because also the other zombie-pack is broken (consuming to much ressources and broadcast a hang to all clients).

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Isn't there a quick solution besides not allowing JIP?

The only solution is to inspect the script, find what is the problem, and fix it, and most probably that won't be quick and i have too much work these days, so i don't know when i get the time for this.

But when i find the time, i will do it.

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Hey Sleeper, whilst using your addon for my mission i have stumbled upon a slight problem/bug.


Have you tried it without your triggers?

I am not sure whether you know this, but normally you create only the markers - the triggers for them are created automatically, so maybe there is a problem that the automatic triggers in some way interfere with your trigger.

...put the mission somewhere so i can download and test it myself.

Yes i have tried it without triggers, and the REPEAT mode still acts as ONCE mode. You can download my Quarantine mission and try it your self Linky. If you kill all zombies in an area, then return to it they will not respawn again, every spawn in the mission is on REPEAT. (apart from the one in Paraiso which is INFINITE)

The reason i have used a trigger to activate and deactivate the spawn is so the yomies get cleared up as soon as player leaves to area to save on lag over MP rather then only being deleted when out of veiw being as veiw distance can be set quite high on my mission (server selectable). Also note that i have modified your scripts a lot to allow spawning of things other then Yomies, none of that should be causing what is happening thou.

It would seem the problems has only cropped up since last Arma patch.

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Yes i have tried it without triggers, and the REPEAT mode still acts as ONCE mode. You can download my Quarantine mission and try it your self Linky. If you kill all zombies in an area, then return to it they will not respawn again, every spawn in the mission is on REPEAT. (apart from the one in Paraiso which is INFINITE)

Just downloaded the mission and the required RH Pistol pack.

I will test it during this night/morning, and then let you know what i found.

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@D.murphy man

Sorry, i got no time yet to try the mission as promissed, i need to finish some work till monday morning and it doesnt't go well.

Hopefully after monday, i should have some free time.

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<span style='color:brown'>Quick development report:</span>

I managed to finish some FSMs for the island citizens.

What they can do:

1. Wander around town and enter houses (nothing new here).

2. If they detect any danger they will try to avoid it.

If it is a zombie, they will start running away from it, or they will run to nearest armed soldier (if they found any) and keep following this soldier until they feel safe

(so, if you see some civilian running towards you, you should better start running too, because you can be sure there are some zombies after him).

The detection of the danger is handled by the game itself, there are no searching for enemies and checking their knowsAbout, the game is just automatically running the "Danger" FSM.

3. If they stumble upon a body, they will search it for guns and ammo, choosing the weapon for which they can get more ammo (if they have AK with 3 magazines,

and they found PK with 1 magazine, they will take the PK because 100 bullets in one PK mag is more than 90 bullets in three AK mags).

Thanks to the used commands allowing reading various config values, it will work for ANY weapons and ammo including any addons.

4. If armed, they automatically engage any zombie, but avoiding/escaping is allways 1st priority for them.

Now i need to finish the traveling FSM, then cleanup the code, and the civilians are ready.

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Sounds excellent sleeper! keep up the good work! Any estimates on the next release or is it still too early to tell?

Id hate to sound pushy, and feel free to tell me if im getting annoying, but did you manage to find out what was causing my REPEAT spawns to not...well, repeat in the end? I'm still baffled trying to fix it my self.

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It sure sounds good 5133p39 !

As far as I know, it would be the first FSM edit in an addon ? Am I right ?

Can't wait for this smile_o.gif Thanks for update


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Sounds excellent sleeper! keep up the good work! Any estimates on the next release or is it still too early to tell?

Id hate to sound pushy, and feel free to tell me if im getting annoying, but did you manage to find out what was causing my REPEAT spawns to not...well, repeat in the end? I'm still baffled trying to fix it my self.

Sorry, no estimates. My real work keeps me currently very busy, so i can't promise much, except the fact, that i am working on yomies everytime i have some spare time and not tired by looking into the computer screen.

You aren't pushy at all, it's my fault - i promissed i will test and fix it, but ...i spend the time by working on the yomies. Sorry for that, and i WILL test it and try to fix it tonight.

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As far as I know, it would be the first FSM edit in an addon ? Am I right ?

No it is not first.

The old version of Yomies was already using FSM to control the yomies, so if there wasn't anything before the Yomies, then the old Yomies were the first addon (but i doubt it, somebody has to use FSM before - at least few people helped me very much to make the old yomies FSMs work, they had to use ARmA FSMs before otherwise they couldn't have so much experience with it).

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One thing bugs me very much..

The sound is not comming from them it seems, it should be comming from the Yommies, and not be audible off range.

Is there a solution for it?

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One thing bugs me very much..

The sound is not comming from them it seems, it should be comming from the Yommies, and not be audible off range.

Is there a solution for it?

I am using two ways to make the yomies produce sounds:

1. Moaning when hit.

These sounds are played in the same way as any other "hit" sounds.

2. Random moaning during searching for food, or aggressive moan when attacking.

These sounds are played by the <span style='color:blue'>_yomie Say "moan1"</span> command, so the sounds are allways played by the particular yomie.

If any of these sounds doesn't sound like it is comming from the yomie, maybe it is because the sound is not configured properly in the yomies config.cpp, or there is a problem with your game, or drivers, or soundcard.

I don't know which reason it is - for me, it sounds ok.

Anybody else had simmilar problem?

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