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Armed Assault so far....

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I just thought id ask everbody, what are your thoughts on the game so far? And i mean generally, are you dissapointed with the game or blown away by it? This probably applies more to those who were massive fans of OFP and OFPR.

My Opinion: So far Arma is impressive but not as immersive as last generation OFP. BI seemed to have failed to include some little bits of detail that made OFP so realistic and engrossing, such as being able to shoot out street lights and puncturing tyres, and to be honest vanilla OFP sound is better than Arma sound. I of course love the new graphics though! As for the setting, well sahrani is ok i suppose. Its certainly very different, and calls for a different type of combat, but to be honest i prefer the old everon/Malden style setting, which is probably why i like north sahrani best.

However to biggest thing that Arma has brought is urban combat! Which is totally different and varies the game alot.

Shame that the campaign is nowhere near as good as OFP, or as long. Some of the missions in Arma have a real 'arcade' feel to them, such as when one man is asked to blow up a bridge and then take out several tanks with At rounds. Doesnt seem as authentic or well thought through as OFP to me. I would have prefered if the game had been marketed and released as an extension to OFP.

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In general I think we gained far more than we lost.

i agree..

still i feel that ARMED ASSAULT is not completly finished.

there are alot of things that need to be fixed and finished.

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In general I think we gained far more than we lost.


Once ArmA reached 1.04 it totally drew me away from Battlefield 2142, and most of the time I even choose it over C&C3.

The great thing about ArmA is, it allows the community to be very creative, instead of the more or less brainless blasting you get in most other games.

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Definately the community that keeps this game from turning stale. I do tip my hat off to the developers though as they at least give feedback which is more than most game creators do. Now they have finished VBS2 can they chuck some more of that goodness our way please biggrin_o.gif

I have been on MP most Fridays with some friends on a private server. I am enjoying tinkering with the editor and making my own missions and hosting them for my mates.

It's a good game getting better.

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The only thing that really disappointed me was the campaign (which i replayed several times, i finished the ArmA campaign once and it nearly bored me to death), but overall i was quite impressed, even though most things are only small improvements over OFP, i generally didnt expect anything more then a graphical update so in most cases i was pleasantly suprised.. tounge2.gif

(Ok, i hoped for even more, we all did, but i didnt expect it wink_o.gif )

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ArmA is very good.. but its just not as mindblowing as when OFP came out.

But then again ArmA is not much of a step forward from the OFP:elite version of the engine.

Game 2 should hopefully be a lot more different smile_o.gif

But dont get me wrong i still love ArmA

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I'm dissappointed by the fact that it doesn't take the basic concept any further than ofp. In many ways, going from OFP mods and missions to vanilla ArmA feels more like taking steps backwards.

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I'd say that's quite the compliment to the mods. Lets wait and see what the engine can do to know if we should increase the compliment to BIS. smile_o.gif

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i can sum it up better in pictures i think

it is a beautfiful looking thing with a wonderful engine


but in order to give it the right direction we need the tools.


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I look at it sometimes while playing and think wow!  This game is special and keeps improving with the patches.  Really cant wait for the tools to be released and then we will see part 2 of armed assault open up in many ways.  Some bugs are annoying but i can live with them as i know they will be fixed due to BIS commitment to the community.  Good work chaps  notworthy.gif

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Aint touched any other game since i got Arma in November!

And not likely to for years to come! notworthy.gif

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I'm dissappointed by the fact that it doesn't take the basic concept any further than ofp. In many ways, going from OFP mods and missions to vanilla ArmA feels more like taking steps backwards.

You know Metal, I never thought about it that way. No wonder why I was so disappointed in Arma. Your right, there wasnt enough foward progress to justify or offset the loss of the mods realism. I never played anything but WGL the last year and going to Arma Vanilla was a big step back. I think I may need to rethink why I felt so let down by the game. Perhaps it may make me swallow it as is a bit easier....for now.

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I bought myself a new base unit a couple months ago - AMD x2 3800 2gb ddr800 x1950xtx been running most games top quality with no troubles, even flight sim X is playable. I bought armed assault ignoring all the warnings from a few friends that it isnt very good, its buggy etc etc. So I install the game and patch it, then start to play. when I first get into the game I do a double take to make sure I have actually purchased armed assault and not operation flashpoint 1985 because it looks more or less the same(only difference I noticed was it is more blurry and the characters have got proper shaped bodies and heads not the rectangle ones from 1985). this left me slightly miffed. but i thought i would give it a chance. I started to play the campaign. the news reporter doesnt even wear a flak jacket in the middle of a warzone wtf? lol. anyway after starting the game proper i hear orders coming through the radio which sound like someone is literally pressing a fast forward button they are incomprehensible. i shoot my gunn and the radio starts to skip and follow the sound of the machine gun rofl. the fps i was getting was about 16 to 25 on 1360x768 normal detail with no AA or ansio. I actually started laughing at how pathetic this was. I thought i'd try putting everything on LOW and res at 640x480 now you know you have a completely unpolished hacked together game engine if the FPS is still 16 to 25 whcih it was on these settings. I actually laughed so hard that the arma dvd flew out of the drive and into the path of an oncoming truck, weird eh?!

p.s. save ur cash and your memories of OPF1985, dont buy this piece of crap smile_o.gif

p.p.s sorry for the awful punctuation grammar sentence construction, I just thought i'd put as much effort into this review as BI put into Arma.

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OPF was mind blowing, even without mods.

Arma is a huge step forward in most aspects but somehow it lost some of the old magic. I look forward to CWR.

The sound i have to disagree, the Arma sound engine is alot more impressive and powerfull. Some weapon sounds could be better but i can live without a sound mod.

The only thing Arma is missing is a few mods that give the players new settings and environments to battle out and keep the game interesting. Other than that its not reasonable to compare mods with Arma...

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I thought i'd try putting everything on LOW and res at 640x480 now you know you have a completely unpolished hacked together game engine if the FPS is still 16 to 25 whcih it was on these settings.

And i get an average of 50+ on high settings and 1280x960 resolution, go nvidia/intel notworthy.gif .

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Here are the high level system specs that make ArmA enjoyable. I think anything below it would hardly suffice to run ArmA the way it's supposed to:

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 6400, 2.13ghz

(motherboard: Intel D975XBX2, Crossfire)

RAM: 2 gig DDR2 800

Videocard: ATI Radeon X1950Pro PCI-E, 256mb (a solid video card is a key component for ArmA)

I believe ArmA requires a good current generation video card like ATI Radeon X1950Pro or at least GeForce 7600 to increase your FPS. Once you have the game running without system lag on your machine only then you can really start judging it. I always was a huge OFP fan since the release of its demo in 2001. It requires a special mindset - minimal in-game thinking is rudimentary. The transition from OFP to ArmA for me was seamless. And this is the point most of the people miss. If you were waiting to be impressed and blown away by a re-invented, new generation game with a cutting edge technology and never seen before special effects you were waisting you time. ArmA is what OFP should be - it's OFP ver 1.5. It's not OFP 2. ArmA is for devoted OFP fans and it's great it was kept this way! Sure there are things to be pissed off about that could have been done better (rusting tires and vehicle hulks, tracers, slow cumbersome character animation system); but BIS and the community will come up with fixes. Hey, in the last year before ArmA release I wasn't playing OFP, I was playing FFUR. And no Battlefield could have matched it!


you are just playing the wrong game on a mediocre system which was sold to you as the latest generation system by a cunning salesperson - ArmA is simply not for you.

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arma is a huge disappointment, not only for me but also for many of my clan mates. since we are mainly an infantry based squad we noticed lots of shortcomings in arma when it comes to playing as a soldier. only the mechanized/air vehicles are fun to play.

i'm not happy with the game. it is basically ofp with better graphics. ofp was a great game back then, but in the year 2007 that's just not enough. jointops, bf2: project reality and graw all showed how infantry fighting needs to be done. they all had great features like the comms rose or the squad system in bf2, or the possibility to fire out of cars/little birds in jo. i wish bis would have worked on the gameplay instead on all that eye candy. the game has the same bugs as ofp, the same loadout system, the same shortcomings for infantry soldiers. ultimate war sim? forget about it! icon_rolleyes.gif

a short list of what i really dislike about arma:

- jav optics bugged

- 1st attack mode for jav is not working (attack from above like in jo)

- can't jump over sandbags....

- can't reload my rifle while moving

- can't control my parachute

- will only reload and shoot jav/at4/rpg/stinger/strela on my knees...makes me an easy target

- reloading animations can't be aborted

- entering and leaving of vehicles happens in slowmo (it's WAR STUPID SOLDIER!!wink_o.gif

- can't shoot out of vehicles/little birds

- can't shoot/lay down suppressive fire while running

- no admin tools to admin during game (wolffrat anyone?)

- crap netcode (players are warping over the battefield)

- missing or hardly working squad system/communication system

- loads of bugs like tanks that jump 200 metres in the air for no reason (generally physics suck)



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ultimate war sim? forget about it!

a short list of what i really dislike about arma:

- jav optics bugged

- 1st attack mode for jav is not working (attack from above like in jo)

- can't jump over sandbags....

- can't reload my rifle while moving

- can't control my parachute

- will only reload and shoot jav/at4/rpg/stinger/strela on my knees...makes me an easy target

- reloading animations can't be aborted

- entering and leaving of vehicles happens in slowmo (it's WAR STUPID SOLDIER!!wink_o.gif

- can't shoot out of vehicles/little birds

- can't shoot/lay down suppressive fire while running

- no admin tools to admin during game (wolffrat anyone?)

- crap netcode (players are warping over the battefield)

- missing or hardly working squad system/communication system

- loads of bugs like tanks that jump 200 metres in the air for no reason (generally physics suck)


heya, bit of a rant

Sorry to dissappoint you but shooting from littlebirds isnt standard practice, id like to see you try and reload with no problems while running, giving suppressive fire while moving is pointless because you'd be so inaccurate and probably take out your section in the process, the parachute in game isnt a steerable type, if u dont like it make your own, reloading an anti tank weapon takes concentration, u cant do it running, get into cover before u reload, thats realism for you. I dont think the physics generally suck, sure its got some problems but not on the scale ofp had in the beginning where u stuck to buildings and the collision detection made your unit vibrate for ages before you could move away

to sum up, its a failure in your eyes because your expecting some things from it that its not supposed to have for the sake of realism, if u want those things mod them for urself, but dont expect the rest of us to sit here and think that bunnyhopping over sandbags is realistic. Sure some of the weapons arent working to their fullest extent, just be patient while they are fixed and come in a new patch.

My opinion on armed assault is generally very positive, i think the flight model is great (i love to just fly around the island) although id like to see a co pilot for the blackhawks and littlebirds so that they can assist when targetting enemy units, graphics wise im pretty happy with, sure its not uber leet graphics but thats not what arma is about. i actually feel like ive made an investment for the future with arma just as i did with OFP, things come out everyday that suprise me and make me more excited and pleased that i have been part of this genre.

rant over,


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I think it depends on what you were expecting ArmA to be. As an update of OFP for the more modern age, I think it's pretty good. I think that there's a ton of potential in it to become something really amazing with a bit of time - for instance, via realism mods.

I also think that there was a serious lack of vision on BIS' part with ArmA. I'm disappointed by the fact that there are so many elements, compelling ones, that are not addressed in the core game. Wargames League for OFP is a prime example of what kind of superb gameplay you can get in OFP. SLX introduced a lot of small features that may not have been super polished, but added a great deal to the experience as well. The fact that these kinds of touches are almost completely absent in ArmA is distressing, but the degree of that distress depends upon what you think ArmA was meant to be - if it's "just" an OFP update, it's somewhat understandable. However, if it's indicative of what Game2 may be like... well, that's worrying.

I am also bothered by the animation system, and the limitations of it. The fact that we cannot stand or go prone and fire AT is troublesome. Same with not being able to reload while moving, or fire from the seat of a Littlebird or CRCC. These are extremely compelling gameplay elements that would have done a great deal to add to the experience. They are, alas, completely absent in the full game. There are numerous other elements that would have been nice to have, but I won't go into the specifics here.

I accept ArmA because of the strengths - solid engine, massive mod potential, excellent dev support - but I now have quite a few reservations about future projects. If Game2 does not have massive, sweeping overhauls or complete rewrites of various aspects of the game and design, I don't know if I will be too excited to play it. I hope that competition in the form of Blackfoot Studio's game, Operation Flashpoint 2, and other games helps to inspire BIS to take a long, hard look at what went right and wrong with ArmA and what they need to focus on in the future. I hope they also take some cues from the mod community.

For now, though? ArmA is good, and it will be made better with time. I'm happy with it. I'm very happy with the prospect of mods for it. I think the mod community is what will ultimately "sell" ArmA for me in the long run. Things need to change for future projects (Game2), but for now this will do nicely.

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Sorry to dissappoint you but shooting from littlebirds isnt standard practice, id like to see you try and reload with no problems while running, giving suppressive fire while moving is pointless because you'd be so inaccurate and probably take out your section in the process, the parachute in game isnt a steerable type, if u dont like it make your own, reloading an anti tank weapon takes concentration, u cant do it running, get into cover before u reload, thats realism for you. I dont think the physics generally suck, sure its got some problems but not on the scale ofp had in the beginning where u stuck to buildings and the collision detection made your unit vibrate for ages before you could move away

Pretty much everything you said there is complete bollocks. icon_rolleyes.gif

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Every now and then i check the website for any patches/upgrades and get disappointed every time I log on. There are just to many annoyances, bugs and glitches in this game that in the end render the game as totally unplayable, or at best as a game in the early beta stages. The only fun in this game is the mission editor, creating huge battles for CPU vs. CPU matches.

I find this really sad, the potential is there. There are many cool features, the graphics are excellent. But eye candy don't make a game, playability makes the game. I just hope that BI plans for some major upgrades in the near future, or this game ends on the shelf as just another dust collector.

I have EU version with the latest upgrades.

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heya, bit of a rant

Sorry to dissappoint you but shooting from littlebirds isnt standard practice, id like to see you try and reload with no problems while running, giving suppressive fire while moving is pointless because you'd be so inaccurate and probably take out your section in the process, the parachute in game isnt a steerable type, if u dont like it make your own, reloading an anti tank weapon takes concentration, u cant do it running, get into cover before u reload, thats realism for you. I dont think the physics generally suck, sure its got some problems but not on the scale ofp had in the beginning where u stuck to buildings and the collision detection made your unit vibrate for ages before you could move away

to sum up, its a failure in your eyes because your expecting some things from it that its not supposed to have for the sake of realism, if u want those things mod them for urself, but dont expect the rest of us to sit here and think that bunnyhopping over sandbags is realistic. Sure some of the weapons arent working to their fullest extent, just be patient while they are fixed and come in a new patch.

My opinion on armed assault is generally very positive, i think the flight model is great (i love to just fly around the island) although id like to see a co pilot for the blackhawks and littlebirds so that they can assist when targetting enemy units, graphics wise im pretty happy with, sure its not uber leet graphics but thats not what arma is about. i actually feel like ive made an investment for the future with arma just as i did with OFP, things come out everyday that suprise me and make me more excited and pleased that i have been part of this genre.

rant over,


i don't care if it is not common practise to shoot from littlebirds....the fact is that in real i COULD do it. i could at least keep the enemies head down while landing.

same with suppressive fire while running. i'm not talking about counterstrike headshots while running. i'm talking about changing my position and just firing some rounds to keep the enemies head down.

also i said reloading while MOVING is missing. that means walking to me. i could do that with my g36 in real life, so don't tell me it's unrealistic. running, of course, is for cs players. i dislike that arcade bs.

as for the forced kneeling while shooting at's: in the bundeswehr they taught me to shoot it while being prone. same with reloading. what now, m8? stop trying to defend arma with pseudo-realistic arguments, when arma itself is far away from reality and proper warfare. icon_rolleyes.gif

and i'm not talking about bunny hopping, i just want to be able to get over a 40cm high obstacle ffs! or is that not standard practise as well? LMFAO!

and nonsteerable parachutes are ok for you? in what century of fps do you live? or what game are you talking about? i'm talking about "the ultimate war simulation", as arma was promoted. hell, in jointops i could control the parachute, in bf2 i could even control the moment when to open it. AND YOU TELL ME TO CREATE IT MYSELF??!!!!! IT IS COMMENTS LIKE THESE THAT SUPPORT THE RELEASING OF BUGGED GAMES. game developers read these posts and thin: "great! these muppets buy our crap games and don't even complain about it."  oh...i'm the stupid customer, give me the bugged game, you can have my money, and i will make everything on my own.  crazy_o.gif

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I think it depends on what you were expecting ArmA to be. As an update of OFP for the more modern age, I think it's pretty good. I think that there's a ton of potential in it to become something really amazing with a bit of time - for instance, via realism mods.

I also think that there was a serious lack of vision on BIS' part with ArmA. I'm disappointed by the fact that there are so many elements, compelling ones, that are not addressed in the core game. Wargames League for OFP is a prime example of what kind of superb gameplay you can get in OFP. SLX introduced a lot of small features that may not have been super polished, but added a great deal to the experience as well. The fact that these kinds of touches are almost completely absent in ArmA is distressing, but the degree of that distress depends upon what you think ArmA was meant to be - if it's "just" an OFP update, it's somewhat understandable. However, if it's indicative of what Game2 may be like... well, that's worrying.

I am also bothered by the animation system, and the limitations of it. The fact that we cannot stand or go prone and fire AT is troublesome. Same with not being able to reload while moving, or fire from the seat of a Littlebird or CRCC. These are extremely compelling gameplay elements that would have done a great deal to add to the experience. They are, alas, completely absent in the full game. There are numerous other elements that would have been nice to have, but I won't go into the specifics here.

I accept ArmA because of the strengths - solid engine, massive mod potential, excellent dev support - but I now have quite a few reservations about future projects. If Game2 does not have massive, sweeping overhauls or complete rewrites of various aspects of the game and design, I don't know if I will be too excited to play it. I hope that competition in the form of Blackfoot Studio's game, Operation Flashpoint 2, and other games helps to inspire BIS to take a long, hard look at what went right and wrong with ArmA and what they need to focus on in the future. I hope they also take some cues from the mod community.

For now, though? ArmA is good, and it will be made better with time. I'm happy with it. I'm very happy with the prospect of mods for it. I think the mod community is what will ultimately "sell" ArmA for me in the long run. Things need to change for future projects (Game2), but for now this will do nicely.

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Sorry to dissappoint you but shooting from littlebirds isnt standard practice, id like to see you try and reload with no problems while running, giving suppressive fire while moving is pointless because you'd be so inaccurate and probably take out your section in the process, the parachute in game isnt a steerable type, if u dont like it make your own, reloading an anti tank weapon takes concentration, u cant do it running, get into cover before u reload, thats realism for you. I dont think the physics generally suck, sure its got some problems but not on the scale ofp had in the beginning where u stuck to buildings and the collision detection made your unit vibrate for ages before you could move away

Pretty much everything you said there is complete bollocks. icon_rolleyes.gif

I have always valued your opinion on fps genre.

this post affirms my view, thats probably the most sensible un biased opinion i ever saw on these forums.You have a better posion than most here and i for one think its fantastic that, you are able to maintain a level headed realistic view , without ranting nor stretching any truths.

Well done and keep it up, between fanboys and ultra hardcore and no nothings, people like you keep a sane view on things.


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Just a point : you can fire while running in ArmA

You cannot fire while sprinting, though. I'm not too sure I dislike this, as if I'm trying to get really as fast as I can, I surely won't shoot.

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i don't care if it is not common practise to shoot from littlebirds....the fact is that in real i COULD do it. i could at least keep the enemies head down while landing.

ok i agree with this point, but still in terms of realism to US techniques its not bugged at all for what is normal, ur expecting it to do more than is required for it to be accurate

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same with suppressive fire while running. i'm not talking about counterstrike headshots while running. i'm talking about changing my position and just firing some rounds to keep the enemies head down.

to be fair im pretty sure u can fire shots and then run anyway, its just highly impractical to give suppressive fire in any practical form other than to get down on your belt buckle and give covering fire for other fire team to move

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also i said reloading while MOVING is missing. that means walking to me. i could do that with my g36 in real life, so don't tell me it's unrealistic. running, of course, is for cs players. i dislike that arcade bs.

fair enough i agree with u here, running and reloading isnt realistic

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and nonsteerable parachutes are ok for you? in what century of fps do you live? or what game are you talking about? i'm talking about "the ultimate war simulation",

sure im ok with them, they are just a standard parachute that are not steerable, doesnt make a game bugged

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hell, in jointops i could control the parachute, in bf2 i could even control the moment when to open it.

fair enough but still doesnt mean the standard parachute makes the game bugged

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i hardly see the link between me saying that you should create your own content if you dont like the standard game content and the supporting of releasing bugged games. i think you should try and convince me in a more intellectual manner than this

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game developers read these posts and think: "great! these muppets buy our crap games and don't even complain about it." oh...i'm the stupid customer, give me the bugged game, you can have my money, and i will make everything on my own.

i dont actually think that BIS have this ethos at all or think that their customers are "muppets", afterall why would they continue to fix the game if all they wanted was our money, if they just wanted money they'd market the game to a wider audience just to increase their revenue.

Another point is that making the game pretty much open source means that if people arent happy with the content then they can change it

one mans bug is another mans realistic feature


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Exact same as OFP, but with better graphics and more bugs. That's about the easiest way to say it.

It's just an updated version and I'm playing it as such. It doesn't offer anything new or revolutionary. The game still feels and plays the exact same as OFP.

In comparison, I had the same feeling when I bought Battlefield:Vietnam after playing BF42 for a long time.

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