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Armed Assault on the right path

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Well I`ve played Armed Assault since 1.0..Back then the reactions were that the game sucks,it`s horrid,impossible to play properly,frustrating..well you know the rest of epithets attributed to the game as well as I do.

Surprisingly,after I`ve lost some hope in BIS a few days ago I reinstalled shooted up 1.05 and give it another try.Sure it took a patch that a few years ago was the average size of a game BUT surprisingly I finally found myself enjoying a smooth experience.

People were happy in multiplayer.I was having a co-op session with some really nice gents and we were having pure fun working together as a team and found ourselves praising the hell out of the game.

While Sahrani still makes no sense to me,the campaign is as immersive as Weather TV and the GUI still looks like it was created in MS Paint the game is deffineteley a diamond in the rough.

I would dare to say it the BIS engine is the best out there and am curious if anyone can disagree with me.I can easily imagine the engine handling bigger cities with more variety,better looking buldings,higher object density,civillians integrated into the islands,season changing and so on and so forth which leads me to belive that it is superior even to the Crysis engine.

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If you haven't already, you should try the 1.05.5 beta. It's pretty cool!

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is superior even to the Crysis engine.

CryEngine 2 is in a league of its own.

That depends on the sport. FarCry was quite stunning gfx-wise too but as a game, I'd rather play Delta Force 1.

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is superior even to the Crysis engine.

CryEngine 2 is in a league of its own.

Not really. It is pretty impressive, but it is made for a different type of game. You couldn't remake ArmA in that engine without some major changes. What's the largest number of AI you have seen at once on screen in the videos? 10?

Both ArmA and Crysis have impressive engines, but they are also very different and made for a different purpose.

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What's the largest number of AI you have seen at once on screen in the videos? 10?

Only CPU power limits AI capabilities in CryEngine 2, not forgetting the trade-off between quantity and quality.

How many physics entities can ArmA simulate? :P

Considering BIS had minimal financial backing compared with the likes of Crytek, the ArmA engine is quite an achievement.

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How many physics entities can ArmA simulate? :P

Plenty actually, it's just that the physics are not all that accurate tounge2.gif

Crysis has also been in development much longer than ArmA. Remember ArmA was only started in April 2005.

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On the original topic - I agree.

1.05 has become fully playable & the next patches are full of potential. Just needs the release of the tools and Linux server and we're laughing.

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the 1.05 beta is the only one that runs for me and solves/hides driver and HW problems. I also could convince a friend of mine to join again - for the cost of giving him the German 1.0 SE in the metal ammo box :-/ . I guess in 5 years he can earn hundreds of euros for this "first" edition.

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I agree too. Small beta patches which allow near time feedback by the community seem to be more appropriate for a game like ArmA. Just keep on adding a little more realism every time.

The only thing I worry about is the delay of Linux server and modding tools, because I consider them as something vital for making ArmA successful in the long run.

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like i've always said:

Arma in an investment. Not in finance terms... but in entertainment, technology, programming and mission design.

if only i could invest in BI shares. (if they have some...)

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I agree too. Small beta patches which allow near time feedback by the community seem to be more appropriate for a game like ArmA. Just keep on adding a little more realism every time.

The only thing I worry about is the delay of Linux server and modding tools, because I consider them as something vital for making ArmA successful in the long run.

"Goods comes to those who wait."

if the release of the game pushed back to may or june for BI to fix the game i wondered if there will be as many bitching as it is now, i for one of those who are lucky enought not to meet the major "game destoryer" issus from ground off(only ramdom crash/freeze after long hour of play, got major texture bug in beta, which i tried hard to work it out and its better now) would say "great, now someone finally found where the beauty of this game is"

with the mod tools release, and patches which fix other issus together with new added features, in hope that it would bring the game another 5 years(or even longer) of lifes notworthy.gif

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There are only a few small issues left to remove any remainder of the clunky feel of the game, the added FPS from the beta took away several of my minor issues, and 1.05 brought better vehicle handling.

If there is a clean release in the US and tools soon thereafter, I too believe we'll be seeing yet another fresh start to ArmA and modding. biggrin_o.gif

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I'm grateful the game was released early for me. Great OFP missions and new missions will have been tested and working in time for the US release which will show new players what the game can do.


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Quote[/b] ]belive that it is superior even to the Crysis engine.



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Well I would admit without a second thought I`m an Arma Bob as soon as you direct me to a video of Crytek handling hundreds of units at the same time,10 km view distance,streaming terrain and maps as huge as Armed Assault does.

We already know that the engine used for Armed Assault can handle shooting from moving vehicles,fully destructable enviroment and maps with three times the detail of Sahrani so I stick to my point that BIS has more to offer then Crytek ever will.

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Arma gets better and better.

Now think of an expansion for Arma, like Resistance was for OFP.

If Arma gets expanded the same way that OFP was, what would we have than. wink_o.gif

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Wow nice interactive scenery. Almost seems like theres too much colour tho, makes it cartoony, as do the units in the vid, like something from quake. It didnt seem to show what quicksand asked for either, unless I just couldnt see the hundreds of ai units hiding in the bushes.

Still it looks like the engine of choice for the next wave of arcade-style shooters.

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I read the other day that CryEngine2 is still in the Alpha stage. I think once it's complete and the Crysis game goes gold, you will see more in the way of AI and other goodies in game.

On another note, I would definately like to see many of the features in CrYsis incorporated into the nextgen game BIS will develope in the future. smile_o.gifthumbs-up.gif

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BIS are taking good advantage of DX9 on in a very tasteful and effective way. I'm sure that if their next generation game features DX10, it will also take good advantage of those features in a tasteful and effective way.

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If Arma gets expanded the same way that OFP was, what would we have than.

Shinier graphics? At this point I'd rather see them throw their full focus towards Game 2 rather than squeezing the last few ounces of life out of the current engine by making another expansion.

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BIS are taking good advantage of DX9 on in a very tasteful and effective way. I'm sure that if their next generation game features DX10, it will also take good advantage of those features in a tasteful and effective way.

Dear God please, no DX10 dependency! I'm not migrating to Vista for years (if ever).

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