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But what if I want free aim when unsighted, but not when sighted ala OFP?

I guess you're SOL for now, eh? I can easily live with that considering the absolutely overwhelming positive response to this change when weighed against the few people who have issues with it. If you want to ask for some sort of feature that turns freeaim off in ironsights, nobody's stopping you.

Quote[/b] ]I'm not trying to be a smart arse but I've been shooting for years and it's just not realistic in my IMHO, I can understand why some people would like it but I'd at least like the option to have free aim at the hip but not when sighted like in OFP.

Shall I throw out my credentials as a shooter so we can compare? I find it to be a very good way to model something that is hard to properly express in games. Infiltration did it, it was great in Inf. It was only natural to see it in ArmA considering the way ArmA works.

Freeaim ironsights can be interpreted to be several things. Your interpretation is that the rifle is "magically moving within your view while maintaining perfect sight alignment". I don't really see it like that myself, but.. to each his own.

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Shall I throw out my credentials as a shooter so we can compare? I find it to be a very good way to model something that is hard to properly express in games. Infiltration did it, it was great in Inf. It was only natural to see it in ArmA considering the way ArmA works.

Freeaim ironsights can be interpreted to be several things. Your interpretation is that the rifle is "magically moving within your view while maintaining perfect sight alignment". I don't really see it like that myself, but.. to each his own.

I am not trying to have a pointless pissing contest with you, and I know your credentials. Just trying to make it clear that I am not some kid behind a computer that's never held a gun in his life and is talking about weapon handling out of his arse smile_o.gif

Games will never be able to get it right I know, I guess it does come down to interpretation, but I dunno I just find it hard to interpret it as something else when visually it just looks wrong to me.

Like I said though, weapon independent of your head while moving, I love it, sighted I don't. The problem is I don't want to turn free aim off because it just makes the game feel 'CS' from the hip for lack of a better term.

I think I'll shrink the free aim zone in my config to make the field smaller, that seems like a good enough compromise.

Otherwise I think 1.05 is a pretty solid patch, seems like I have gained a fair whack of performance, the game is actually running well on my modest 6800GT!

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Realistic or not realistic - in the end it comes down to personal taste.

REAL realism in ArmA would be a sorta wii controller, shaped like a rifle (same weigh) and you're shooting in ArmA via pointing the controller at the monitor. When pressing trigger a weigh is shiften around in the controller so you get a little recoil. Now THAT would be realistic.

I hope we'll have such a thing one day. tounge2.gif

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I like the new ironsight movement, feels much better. Being able to look around while looking through them and being able to aim better while walking is great.


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Don't know about you guys but I can look around while holding real weapon on my shoulder :)

And something to watch at: Some shooting-videos (Trying to make the ISP angry with lots of bandwidth-usage ;)

I love the new irons.

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Guess what I discovered with the new iron sights...............motion sickness!!!! Track IR to look around with, bobbing sights and my eyes telling me that the monitor is actually still = feeling queasy!

Theres still a long way to go before this is as playable as OFP was (from the start!wink_o.gif.

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For me, the new ironsights are (a) fantastic when moving and (b) horrible when stationary. When lying prone it now takes far too long to put the sights on target, the weapon feels as if it is floating in a low-g environment, instead of tucked into my shoulder, horrible sad_o.gif

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i found it quite useful with TIR really, now i can lower my sight a bit to get a bit more FOV, would be better to get a new 19:10 wide screen biggrin_o.gif

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For me, the new ironsights are (a) fantastic when moving and (b) horrible when stationary. When lying prone it now takes far too long to put the sights on target, the weapon feels as if it is floating in a low-g environment, instead of tucked into my shoulder, horrible sad_o.gif

I'll agree to that, even walking/moving just is a little waaay too bouncy. Sure there's body movement always affecting aim, but I've never had my weapon move that much, even while running. Sure it's a nice improvement, but still needs some work and tweaking.

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For me, the new ironsights are (a) fantastic when moving and (b) horrible when stationary. When lying prone it now takes far too long to put the sights on target, the weapon feels as if it is floating in a low-g environment, instead of tucked into my shoulder, horrible sad_o.gif

Do you use consetration mode (right mouse button)? If not then forget this: It feels like weapon would be in jar... Which is fine. At that point you are just about to sqeezing the trigger, and not trying to bring target to sights as it should be there already (very near atleast). I release right mouse button bring target to sights and press right mouse button again... Brings back memories inlove.gif I find weaponhandling in 1.05 just as i expected/wanted it to be and how i've used to handle rifle.

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)rStrangelove @ Mar. 03 2007,08:59)]Realistic or not realistic - in the end it comes down to personal taste.

REAL realism in ArmA would be a sorta wii controller, shaped like a rifle (same weigh) and you're shooting in ArmA via pointing the controller at the monitor. When pressing trigger a weigh is shiften around in the controller so you get a little recoil. Now THAT would be realistic.

I hope we'll have such a thing one day.   tounge2.gif

The most realistic system I have seen is the one they are using for VBS2 military training. Huge triple 60"+ displays for a wrap around view and real weapons with a lasershot system. They even had a mock up of a Humvee with an M249 on the roof with one person driving and the other manning the gun. They also had an infantry system where each shooter had his own booth with a large screen. Used a small controller with their offhand to control movement. Pretty sweet system. Cost is so much you would have to be mega rich to afford it if they even sell to civilians. I think I have a photo somewhere with the Humvee setup and you can see that it is VBS2. That would be about as good as it gets until we have Holodecks.

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I'm pretty sure VBS2 will be available to the public. After all, VBS1 is. It's just a matter of time. Not sure I want to pay $1500 for a copy but it will come down eventually.

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OK, my impression: the new ironsights are just superb - movement, animation, overall looking - the best is aimpoint, useful at last


1. on official page (www.armedassault.com) there are weapons, which aren't in actual Arma like AKS74U Kobra. The question is, will Kobra colimator be added later? in next patch?

2. sniper optic, including ACOG, it's still 2d. I know its not so simple like aimpoints and ironsights but I know that its doable. Like: overall FOV should not be changing, but instead of 2d scope we should see nice 3d scope with rendered view on it (using render to texture). Of course there will be another rendering pass, but it can be optimized using Occlusion culling or other HSR

I hope programmers won't hate me for that smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I'll agree to that, even walking/moving just is a little waaay too bouncy.  Sure there's body movement always affecting aim, but I've never had my weapon move that much, even while running.  Sure it's a nice improvement, but still needs some work and tweaking.

This is an animation issue and a side effect of the "true first person" system. The fact that it happens is not related to the freeaim irons. The same issue is what caused the non-freeaim/view-locked-to-weapons irons to be so impossible to use.

Quote[/b] ]The most realistic system I have seen is the one they are using for VBS2 military training.  Huge triple 60"+ displays for a wrap around view and real weapons with a lasershot system.  They even had a mock up of a Humvee with an M249 on the roof with one person driving and the other manning the gun.  They also had an infantry system where each shooter had his own booth with a large screen.  Used a small controller with their offhand to control movement. Pretty sweet system.  Cost is so much you would have to be mega rich to afford it if they even sell to civilians.  I think I have a photo somewhere with the Humvee setup and you can see that it is VBS2.   That would be about as good as it gets until we have Holodecks.

I work for LaserShot on exactly what you're describing, actually. http://dslyecxi.com/images/lasershot/oh_noes_a_bad_guy.jpg


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Quote[/b] ]I'll agree to that, even walking/moving just is a little waaay too bouncy.  Sure there's body movement always affecting aim, but I've never had my weapon move that much, even while running.  Sure it's a nice improvement, but still needs some work and tweaking.

This is an animation issue and a side effect of the "true first person" system. The fact that it happens is not related to the freeaim irons. The same issue is what caused the non-freeaim/view-locked-to-weapons irons to be so impossible to use.

I know it's an anim issue, just that it needs to be a little quicker and less floaty. People discount the OFP/VBS1 system, but GRAW actually had it down pat, was easy to acquire, aim, and shoot rather quickly compared to ArmA.

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Quote[/b] ]I'll agree to that, even walking/moving just is a little waaay too bouncy. Sure there's body movement always affecting aim, but I've never had my weapon move that much, even while running. Sure it's a nice improvement, but still needs some work and tweaking.

This is an animation issue and a side effect of the "true first person" system. The fact that it happens is not related to the freeaim irons. The same issue is what caused the non-freeaim/view-locked-to-weapons irons to be so impossible to use.

I know it's an anim issue, just that it needs to be a little quicker and less floaty. People discount the OFP/VBS1 system, but GRAW actually had it down pat, was easy to acquire, aim, and shoot rather quickly compared to ArmA.


GRAW was terrible.

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So, which bearded terrorist in that picture is the bad guy?

I lie. Beards rule. *strokes his winter beard* biggrin_o.gif

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Don't the guys on the America's Army project use the same thing?

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Quote[/b] ]Back projection would eliminate your shadow.

You're assuming that that's a problem. I'm not going to get into the technical side of things here, though.

Quote[/b] ]Don't the guys on the America's Army project use the same thing?

Look at this. We supply the Army with a variety of things, and much of it is based off of the America's Army engine. You can see plenty of pictures of it on that page.

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Quote[/b] ]Back projection would eliminate your shadow.

You're assuming that that's a problem. I'm not going to get into the technical side of things here, though.

Quote[/b] ]Don't the guys on the America's Army project use the same thing?

Look at this. We supply the Army with a variety of things, and much of it is based off of the America's Army engine. You can see plenty of pictures of it on that page.

I used something like that when doing a class with the M249 last month. I can't remember what the building was called, but I think it was on Macomb St, Ft. Bragg.

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How do you turn freeaim on and off?

The slider in the control options, called weapon float or something.

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