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Will there ever be a result for the <s>2007</s> 2008 community awards?  biggrin_o.gif

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Will there ever be a result for the <s>2007 2008</s> 2009 community awards?  biggrin_o.gif

Corrected biggrin_o.gif

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Spammers... biggrin_o.gif

The forums are in no way connected to the blog, so you get a clear YES! NO?

The award's results... sure, one day. tounge2.gif

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Is mentioning arcade or console emulators in a thread about retro gaming against the rules? If the issue is complex, what is forbidden and what is permissible?

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Whilst I don't know for definite, I'd imagine it's alright as long as you don't link to pirate ROMs/Images

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That's how I see it too. No problems with mentioning emulators, just make sure links you provide do not contain any pirated ROMs, games etc.

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Was this thread moved by mistake instead of deleted or something?

*****'s post is still there too...

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The information he posted was apparently freely available in the press packs we made available for download, so no harm done.

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The information he posted was apparently freely available in the press packs we made available for download, so no harm done.

LOL ok then. I thought you might have tried to delete it when it moved tounge2.gif

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Is there anyway to convince someone to get rid of the old stickies in the ARMA 2 section? The Suggestions thread is the worst, stickies from back in 2003 that aren't used anymore. On a first page of this forum, there's room for 15 post. NINE, Count em, NINE of the posts on the Arma 2 Suggestions Forum are old stickies.


Also, I still never got an answer to my question. Is there really a point to taking an Image down if it is only 1KB over the limit?

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With the new forums around the corner there is really no need to clean up stuff that isn't needed to. If the sticky posts bother you just act as they wouldn't be there. smile_o.gif

As for the second question: Well the rules say clearly no pictures over 100kb. And 101kb > 100kb. nener.gif

I personally leave images with 101kb or 102kb there but in the end its the decision of the moderator in charge.

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Is there anyway to convince someone to get rid of the old stickies in the ARMA 2 section? The Suggestions thread is the worst, stickies from back in 2003 that aren't used anymore. On a first page of this forum, there's room for 15 post. NINE, Count em, NINE of the posts on the Arma 2 Suggestions Forum are old stickies.

Not used any more? Try looking again.

Yes it's annoying to have a forum made up primarily of stickies, but in this instance it's absolutely necessary, have you not met oscar19681?

I have raised the topics per page to 20 from 15, maybe that will make the situation slightly more tolerable for you wink_o.gif

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I have raised the topics per page to 20 from 15, maybe that will make the situation slightly more tolerable for you wink_o.gif

I appreciate it, and I'm sure other people do too. The stickies aren't bad once there's room for other topics now! notworthy.gif

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Shouldn´t this one be closed ?

Arma 2 PvP terrorthread

There were numerous threads of that kind over the years and still they end up with bashing, fingerpointing and flamebaiting.

Can´t you just end it by locking it ?

It´s a useless debate anyway with Arma 2 release that close.

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Hey yo mods, is there something wrong with the PM system? Seems like a lot of PMs I'm trying to send isn't going through. And no, the recipients inbox is not full.

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Nothing that I'm aware of, try PM'ing me.

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Some PMs get through to people, some don't. It seems really random. The ones that doesn't get through don't show up in the Sent Items box, but I DID send those PMs.

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Shouldn´t this one be closed ?

Arma 2 PvP terrorthread

There were numerous threads of that kind over the years and still they end up with bashing, fingerpointing and flamebaiting.

Can´t you just end it by locking it ?

It´s a useless debate anyway with Arma 2 release that close.

Don't tell me that you would allow one single member (ethne currently) to come along and flame-bait everyone and force the closure of a topic which is important to others? (Earlier agitators have already ceased btw.)

The proper course of action is to simply post a warning about following forum rules and desist flame-baiting and to stay on topic. It's easy to get carried away when you are being flame-baited.

The recent debate may be useless, since they're arguing with an agitator, but the entire topic has been quite insightful. Some of the recommendations are a mere several days work, so having the Arma 2 release date only a few months away is irrelevant.

It has also revealed a large variation of PvP game-mode types and opinions of what is 'PvP'. The fact that there is confusion on this alone, indicates there needs to be discussion to help clarify this. Closure of the thread will simply mean that another topic will need to be started. In reality, we need several PvP topics to cover different game-modes.

Very nice to see the 'topics per page count' increased. Thanks.

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After seeing more and more threads being stickied, I think one of the following would be good:

*increase the number of topics shown in a forum, so its not half sticky half normal. (it should be not more then a third imo)

*re-think what should be stickied and what not.

The point of this is that I have to click to the 2nd page every time to check for something interesting, and topics in the 2nd page die out quickly to the 3rd.. and then they got forgotten.

The first option should be configurable in the board I guess.

We discussed this in the moderation forum, and the consenus was that the number of stickies and posts per page are OK for now.  wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]I have raised the topics per page to 20 from 15, maybe that will make the situation slightly more tolerable for you wink_o.gif

Heh, im glad you listen to good input  biggrin_o.gif even if it takes 6 months to realise that wink_o.gif

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How do i check my post history?

I feel like an idiot for asking this. tounge2.gif

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How do i check my post history?

I feel like an idiot for asking this.  tounge2.gif

The good thing is: you don't have to feel like an idiot smile_o.gif

The bad thing is: Crappy Ikonboard doesn't have such a feature.

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How do i check my post history?

I feel like an idiot for asking this. tounge2.gif

Go to "Search", enter your username in the "Search Keywords" field. Set "Type of Search" to "Username". Choose to "Search all open forums". Search from "This month" and older.

Best way (only way I think in this version of the board software) I can think of right now, only had two beers, so it should work semi-ok tounge2.gif

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