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Vilas' addons

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What you apparently don't understand here, is that 'Front line' Troops get the newest equipment while the rest still use the old gear.

This is not specific to the Polish army but concerns almost every army, including the US Forces, which still use M60 machine guns within their National Guard ranks, whereas troops deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan get the best of what the US Army can offer in terms of equipment.



you speak lies..... rofl.gif  no just kidding i personally have been bitten by the "you will get it over there bug"..... we deployed soldiers this last time carrying shotguns because we didnt have enough rifles.... and this is the vaunted "101st Airborne". The supply system inm ist armies is the same as the US. If your supply guy knows sombody you get hooked up. If not then your sucking. You get what you get and thats what you use. I have Alice pouches on my vest hanging next to the leatest greatest MOLLE stuff.

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My soldier with newest equipment and with your weapons and textures. I can send you wip pack.

PS: sry for bad screen

better screen


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It has that common with Vilas addons? mad_o.gif

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modern Polish army will be released now as beta, later it will be finalised with Yac, now they are using only some of Polish equipement,

Polish army uses 5 types of bulletproof vests, i made soldiers with one of them , and you still insist to do with other ...


is someone made SWAT from L.A. you would be insisting to rework addon to N.Y.P.D huh.gif

edit: do yourself textures for your addons

edit2: refresh picture:


normal BDU, OLV infantry vest, KLV drivers vest

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Well Vilas, I want to thank you for what you give us.....

If he doesn't like it then he should not download it!


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I like what I see so far! Good job Vilas, Topas, Thunderbird, and the rest of your crew!!!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Some regular cop clothes(like LA patrol) would be very useful for RPG missions, if I can press a request smile_o.gif

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Uh... Vilas was just making a comparison... not saying that he was gonna work on cops. That would be an entirely different mod outside the scope of the Cold War. If I'm not mistaken, there are already other addon makers working on police type stuff.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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It issues me , that Maza uses our texture without our agreement?

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That would be an entirely different mod outside the scope of the Cold War.

Unless I am completely wrong, this is the thread for his non-Project 85 addons. Of course, we probably wont see anything till after P85 is done.

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no, answer is no, you will see before P85, there even will be teasers of 85 units (those on linked screens)

you would seen few days ago if binarisation process would not broke all

my beta-testers showed me so much mistakes during binarisation that it will take some time and tests to release sense addons, i thought i would release them few days ago sad_o.gif

problem is that for example :

test mission with all vehicles from VIBI loads in 2 minutes, with binarised models 18 seconds, thats big difference

i could release all in MLODs but i aware of screens as above by Maza and i want not hear "man mission is loading 5 minutes"

yes, not binarised addons loads very slow

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hey vilas and community on the subject of binarization. If Vilas releases his models binarized he has to include the MLODs in the release in order to comply with the BIS EULA. Is this correct?

I am just wondering because i am nearing release of some stuff myself. It was all made with BIS tools.

Sorry if this skews from the subject.

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i have no idea about this "MLOD" issue to release, as hardly noone do it

but more pics of upcoming (as i will get it properly binarized)


camo version will be in VIBI, green in P85 mod, thanx to WILCO biggrin_o.gif


Star 266 will be green in VIBI (updated) and camo in Modern Polish army addon (with soldiers and tanks and apcs)

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Quote[/b] ]hey vilas and community on the subject of binarization. If Vilas releases his models binarized he has to include the MLODs in the release in order to comply with the BIS EULA. Is this correct?

I am just wondering because i am nearing release of some stuff myself. It was all made with BIS tools.

Sorry if this skews from the subject.

Yeah its true that hardly anyone is complying with the MLOD issue if they use 02 or BIS models in any way.   However, in the case of Vilas's stuff and the Project '85 stuff, nobody has to worry as their team has been helping out the community ALOT including my own mod.  All ya gotta do is PM them, and they will help you out.  Likewise, if you want to binarize stuff, but don't mind sharing your work (if credit is given), then just put that in your readme and you should be fine.  The main purpose for BIS releasing their MLOD's is just so that the community will prosper and grow with tons of new addons along with everyone sharing in each other's achievements.

I think as long as the spirit of the community sharing and helping each other is kept, that its ok to binarize as long as you're willing to share your work with others if they ask.

However,  if someone has based their work on a BIS model and then tell you, "No, we are not sharing our modifications" then they are technically in violation of the BIS user agreement.  Simply point that out, and I think community pressure will either get them to agree or can get their addons removed from important ArmA download servers.

The only area where this gets sticky is if they are trying to make a copy of your mod, but using your work.  I've alraedy had one such request from my mod which I denied in order to avoid a duplicate mod using all my mod's hard work.  Ethically, that's just not right for someone to make a copy of your mod and then change all your hard work in ways you did not want and that undermine your mod and confuse those who are trying to tell the difference between the two mods.

For example, if someone else was starting a 1980's Mod and "borrowed" the P'85 mod's addons for their version of the mod, that would not be very ethical.  I think BIS would agree on that. It is better to simply join such a mod or start your own from scratch with unique versions that are different.  

Anyways... I'm really looking forward to this upcoming release!    Go Vilas go!   And don't forget that sub-machine gun/pistol pack that is seperate from the main weapons pack!   smile_o.gif  

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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And what about release of standalone Bradley (desert/woodland) ?

As far as I know, BOSS already made new textures for you (in march ), I saw some pictures in january and since then, we dont have any new info... confused_o.gif

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Bradley woodland will be in VIBI too, Bradley green will be in Project85 mod as 1985 version, desert painted Bradley can be released by BOSS when he wants

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Bradley woodland will be in VIBI too, Bradley green will be in Project85 mod as 1985 version, desert painted Bradley can be released by BOSS when he wants

Okay, thanks for reply. notworthy.gif

Keep up the good work. smile_o.gif

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thanx to new tools i was able to do updates/teasers addons

new weapon pack for mods/addons, new Polish manufactured weapons, new Polish army and Police addon, new bandits addon, teaser of 1985 Polish infantry, P'85 teasers/weapon holders and fictional units thrown away from Project 85 mod now can be released


1 ) http://ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted/vilas/upd/vilas_wpn.7z

basic weapons addon , used by all infantry addons- 60 MB

2) http://ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted/vilas/upd/vilas_pwp.7z

Polish construction weapons, used by Polish addons - 4,3 MB

3 ) http://ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted/vilas/upd/vibi.7z

general update of old VIBI pack, 62 MB, selfstanding

4) http://ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted/vilas/upd/vilas_wph.7z

weapon holders, P'85 teasers, things not used in P'85 mod, 36 MB

5 ) http://ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted/vilas/upd/vilas_lwp.7z

Polish infantry from 1985 teaser, 11 MB

6 ) http://ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted/vilas/upd/vilas_npl.7z

modern Polish forces and Police addon, 47 MB, not requires VIBI, but in VIBI you can find SKOT, Honker, 2S1 > vehicles also used by Polish army since many years

7 ) http://ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted/vilas/upd/vil_bandy.7z

update/rearmed old addon of bandits 4 MB but rearmed with new weapons pack


I hope it all works fine smile_o.gif

soon I will update my WW2 pack with following:

- weapons made for P85 like PPS43, M3A1 Greasegun, STG-44 and MG42 (but not in version "59"),

- binarised version, faster loading missions with Bisign too smile_o.gif

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Great work Vilas thumbs-up.gif

Frontpaged at the Armaholic.com homepage.

All Armaholic.com download pages can be found here:

Vilas weapons pack

Polish weapons pack

Vilas vehicles pack (vibi)

Weapon holders and P'85 teasers

Polish cold war infantry

Polish modern infantry



If someone would/could/wanted to make some screenshots of all this stuff and would let us use them I would be very thankfull  whistle.gif

[edit 2]

Vilas, could you maybe give us a link to the bikey file? I checked OFPEC and its not there I think.

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Hi Vilas...monumental release...Thanks.

Only to signal: polish tank's gun don't shot or haven't rounds.

Do you have desert trxture for your Bradleys (if yes may you share them?)


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Good job with models.

The configs are total rzeźnia - like in OFP smile_o.gif maybe I'll help you with making them more ArmA like?

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ok i installed the weapon pack and errors occur in the ammo boxes (missing magazines)

(edit post updated to latest findings vibi pack now working as well as soldiers found )

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where r the usmc and the us soldiers whit short summer chlotes?  whistle.gif

great job anyway  notworthy.gif

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