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Cold War Rearmed Discussion

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You need to read posts more carefully:

I don't know how many more times we need to repeat this:

CWR will be exactly the same as OFP:R was, including the same vehicles, units, weapons, missions and yes - even the same camouflage that has been used in OFP:R.


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By repeating that as many times as you have lately, are you implying that the current resistance camouflage is a work-in-progress?

- dRb

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I am quite sure we will change the camo to the Alpenflage camo pointed out by palintiff. Consider everything you see as WIP wink_o.gif

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Excellent. Thank you. I hope you did not misinterpret my tone to be negative, either. I am quite impressed with how this project has proceeded thus far and am very eager to see just what this talented team can deliver.

Good luck!


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Plz ignore the muzzle bug tounge2.gif


Better? smile_o.gif

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That's how alpenflage looks, nice work! I think if you filthy them up a bit they should be perfect! I think that that would also satisfy D@nte as well, as the dirt will dull the colour on the dirty portions of the uniform.

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That's how alpenflage looks, nice work! I think if you filthy them up a bit they should be perfect! I think that that would also satisfy D@nte as well, as the dirt will dull the colour on the dirty portions of the uniform.

yeah, this is exactly my thought smile_o.gif I didn't know how to explain it, in my poor english tounge2.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

THAT brings back some memories inlove.gif Looks fantastic

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I have to admit that I adjusted Brightness and contrast of the pic. Maybe I put an unedited pic here later.


OFman posted some 2 nice pics: CP thread

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From me - i think, thats really bad idea to reduce weapon slots for snipers too very. Usually, a sniper will carry his Sniper Weapon and another sideweapon like an MP5 or kind of something.

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Second rifle is only something that can be done with scripts but yes some slots for a pistol or a launcher might be a good idea.

That is something we dont need to carry on from OFP i think.

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can any progress update be expected during this summer?

any information would be very appreciated to have some stuff for discussing!

thanks in avance.

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Yeah i really would be very interested on some updates, who is currently working on CWR and how everything is going on?

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I took over project leadership from hoz a while back because he has not enough time for it anymore due to real life stuff.

We are making some progress, slowly but steady. But it's useless to ask every few weeks for news and updates. We show new screenshots and come up with news and updates - when there is something to show.

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Thanks for the replay W0lle.

Pretty nice to hear the Project is still running. smile_o.gif


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Slowly but it's coming... keep it up!

I hope you have enough man(girl)power to make it. Sorry, I am of no help with the project (I've got enough to worry about other things).

I hope you will not lose the faith over the project. The reward will be in the end, when we play your work and thank you!

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sorry for this question and please dont beat me :-)

a lot of good modifications like CWR, ACE, Project 95, BWMod, OFRP,... are still under development.

Currently we expect that ArmA 2 should be released by the end of this year and we understood that ArmA 2 is more ore less compatible to ArmA.

Could there be any thoughts that those mods are waiting for ArmA 2 before they want to release it?

When I would be in the position of a mod leader in this current situation, I would wait because of the marketing effect (arma lost to many players/modders).

at the end I dont expect any further release of CWR mod before ArmA 2 and at the worst case, the done work has been completely lost for the community because ArmA 2 offers completely new possibilities for other scenarios...

Its just a assumption so dont forget to beat me :-)

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Very unlikely. It is more the amount of work, high expectations

on both sides and loss of motivation over time.

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We at CWR have no set release date yet. smile_o.gif

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Is the weapons and units list what they have already done? There's many missing from the list.

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