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official complaint to BIS

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here's an example problem for you. I run a TFT that has a default res of 1440x900 (widescreen). I run most games (new ones btw) on that res, with pritty much everything full whack, AA on 4 or 8. Frame rate high enough to not need checking (50+ id say easy).

on ArmA it runs at about 2-3 (im not kidding) fps at that res, even with everything on default settings. using 1024 at the aspect of my monitor it's so blurred as to not be playable (cant read anything on the screen at all).

so what do i do ? -- uninstall it i guess to collect dust, unless someone has a good idea.

edit: ought to put some specs i guess. Nvidia 9800, 2Gb RAM, 4600+ athlon cpu. sata hd.

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Quote[/b] ]on ArmA it runs at about 2-3 fps

Two questions:

1.) Patch 1.01?

2.) System specs?

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edit: ought to put some specs i guess. Nvidia 9800, 2Gb RAM, 4600+ athlon cpu. sata hd.

There is no such thing as a Nvidia 9800.

Also instead of "default settings" try lowering them. Also lower the viewdistance. Texture detail at low apparently makes a huge difference for some.

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After playing for 4 days with the german version of ArmA and patching it to version 1.01 I am really very disappointed what has been released to our community.

Hi,Man, really in sympathy with your disappointment. Sure now you're not interested in the game. So would you like to send the disc of the game to me? Of course, I wont ask for that for free.

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Because we're an exceptionally small team working on:

Patches for released versions

MP Demo

SP Demo

Dedicated Servers

UK/EU version with extra content and features and such

There is simply no time to run around forum threads acknowledging this, that or the other, if bugs are reported with clear reproduction steps into the wiki (just like I said some time ago in the bug thread) then they will be noticed way more likely than random rantings in a forum thread, if the general consensus is that the flight model is so flawed it's tantamount to a bug then it should be reported as such.


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edit: ought to put some specs i guess. Nvidia 9800, 2Gb RAM, 4600+ athlon cpu. sata hd.

There is no such thing as a Nvidia 9800.

Also instead of "default settings" try lowering them. Also lower the viewdistance. Texture detail at low apparently makes a huge difference for some.

its a 7600 256mb sorry (gfx card numbering has got really confusing really fast)

with patch (and language conversion if that matters). if i lower everything (as in lowest or off) it does run at 1440 res at a half decent rate. but it looks really, really bad. I'm a bit worried because this is just running about in a fairly open area, im scared what will happen in a heavy fight.

was a bit let down, because id heard how arma was meant to be less heavy on systems due to some new map loading system and engine optimisations. -- lost faith in that really.

either way, people with TFT's (esp widescreens) must be hurting trying to run this at proper resolutions.

not trying to turn this into a troubleshooting thread -- im not really playing until my friends get the game (in 2007 to god knows when).

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If thats the case why wait 26 pages into the chopper thread and yet still no replay that there even going to look at it.

Because we're an exceptionally small team working on:

Patches for released versions

MP Demo

SP Demo

Dedicated Servers

UK/EU version with extra content and features and such

There is simply no time to run around forum threads acknowledging this, that or the other, if bugs are reported with clear reproduction steps into the wiki (just like I said some time ago in the bug thread) then they will be noticed way more likely than random rantings in a forum thread, if the general consensus is that the flight model is so flawed it's tantamount to a bug then it should be reported as such.

Glad to hear about this.

One question though, will the extra content also be availeable for the people that own the german or czech version with a patch or something?

I guess its like the US version wich came late but had all the units the first patches added onboard already.

Also i must say after playing the campaign for a while i begin to like ArmA more and more, still much to do but im sure you guys will fix it up sooner or later smile_o.gif

If you play on in the campaign you even get at least a bit of a storyline wich isnt that bad... plus it explains the unit mix a bit.

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For the accuse of bad performance of ArMa, just sure it's not the problem of the game itself. I think you couldn't use the computer for OFP to play ARMA! ArMa is a game in new age and need PC in higher config. So just change your computer!

For the blame of bad models, just can't fully agree on that! All of us could see the models and textures are much better than those ever in OFP, even the best ones from OFP. The effect of textures and models in ARMA is very realistic unless you're blind in crazy.

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edit: ought to put some specs i guess. Nvidia 9800, 2Gb RAM, 4600+ athlon cpu. sata hd.

There is no such thing as a Nvidia 9800.

Also instead of "default settings" try lowering them. Also lower the viewdistance. Texture detail at low apparently makes a huge difference for some.

its a 7600 256mb sorry (gfx card numbering has got really confusing really fast)

with patch (and language conversion if that matters). if i lower everything (as in lowest or off) it does run at 1440 res at a half decent rate. but it looks really, really bad. I'm a bit worried because this is just running about in a fairly open area, im scared what will happen in a heavy fight.

was a bit let down, because id heard how arma was meant to be less heavy on systems due to some new map loading system and engine optimisations. -- lost faith in that really.

either way, people with TFT's (esp widescreens) must be hurting trying to run this at proper resolutions.

not trying to turn this into a troubleshooting thread -- im not really playing until my friends get the game (in 2007 to god knows when).

Other people with that card have managed to get good performance on medium to high settings. Try different drivers, check anti-aliasing settings are not set to 8xS. Try turning off transparency anti-aliasing, although thats probably not it. Run a virus and spyware scan and check you haven't got any background apps using too much resources.

That is not normal performance for those specs, something isn't right.

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I think most upgraded their PC since OFP...

And yes its at parts ArmAs fault, if i can run graphic bombs like Oblivion or Gothic 3 on full details with good fps then i would think that ArmA wouldnt be so sluggish even if i just use 1200 meters distance and mostly normal quality settings.

the grass is for me a huge fps drop factor, i wish i could switch it off that would help heaps, after all its a beautifull addition but has no real gameplay value.

Hey Berghoff, how about a shorter grass mod? ^_^

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Hey Berghoff, how about a shorter grass mod? ^_^

Well, if it was for me, I would prefereably make the closer LoD semi-transparent. It wouldn't solve performance issue probably, but the vision occlusion issues.

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I am not trying to berate anyone here but there is a point I feel HAS to be made concerning performance and some of the complaints I am seeing. If you don't have current high end gear then don't expect to max this game out and get decent FPS. I keep seeing people whining about bad performance and then I look at their PC specs and I can't help wondering why they believe they are entitled to decent performance!

Example : X1300! I'm not pointing fingers, but this is not a card that you expect to play cutting edge games on. I am not singling anyone out as I have seen MANY threads where people are guilty of this. The bottom line is, you have to pay to play. I fully understand that not everyone can shell out a large amount of money on a rig but don't single BIS out. There are plenty of other current games that REQUIRE you to have fairly up to date hardware (Latest SC comes to mind).

Please keep in mind that it is only very recently that OFP could be run at full detail/draw distance etc. Some people have very short memories. OFP has always been one of the few PC games that can consistently bring hardware to its knees. ArmA is an even more complex game and it's only competitor is OFP.


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Yeah the performance is atrocious. I can get decent gameplay out of my rig but what pisses me off most is that those with medium end rigs, which is a large majority of the PC gaming community, are going to be getting crappy performance which will lead to less people playing/buying the game.

My system

AMD 64 X2 5000+

3 Gig RAM

Radeon X1300

EDIT - I've played ArmA on several systems, and have to say that a dual-core box seems to handle it best. One CPU dedicated to the game itself, while the other handles the background tasks. The game appeared to run much more smoothly. I will also add that my previous more expensive card, a X1900 with 256 memory ran ArmA far less efficiently. I eventually downgraded to a X1300 with 512 memory and found that it ran a little smoother.

Odd. Considering the advanced features the 1900 uses.

lol forget about it !!

an X1300 is RAPPED by a X1900.

just set an appropriate settings for texture quality .

256MB = normal or even low if you want vsync + tripple buffering...

I've messed with the settings repeatedly. I turned off AF, AAA, even lowered my resolution 800 x 600 at one point. Nothing really helped. I will not play ArmA in a state so low it looks comparable to OFP.

I guess I have to go back to GRAW for the time being. God, I can't believe I said that... confused_o.gif

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I am not trying to berate anyone here but there is a point I feel HAS to be made concerning performance and some of the complaints I am seeing. If you don't have current high end gear then don't expect to max this game out and get decent FPS. I keep seeing people whining about bad performance and then I look at their PC specs and I can't help wondering why they believe they are entitled to decent performance!

Example : X1300! I'm not pointing fingers, but this is not a card that you expect to play cutting edge games on. I am not singling anyone out as I have seen MANY threads where people are guilty of this. The bottom line is, you have to pay to play. I fully understand that not everyone can shell out a large amount of money on a rig but don't single BIS out. There are plenty of other current games that REQUIRE you to have fairly up to date hardware (Latest SC comes to mind).

Please keep in mind that it is only very recently that OFP could be run at full detail/draw distance etc. Some people have very short memories. OFP has always been one of the few PC games that can consistently bring hardware to its knees. ArmA is an even more complex game and it's only competitor is OFP.


ArmA actually runs better on the 1300 with 512 than it does on my 1900 with 256.

Go figure...

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One question though, will the extra content also be availeable for the people that own the german or czech version with a patch or something?

Yes of course it will be patched into the versions that don't have it by default smile_o.gif

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Other people with that card have managed to get good performance on medium to high settings. Try different drivers, check anti-aliasing settings are not set to 8xS. Try turning off transparency anti-aliasing, although thats probably not it. Run a virus and spyware scan and check you haven't got any background apps using too much resources.

That is not normal performance for those specs, something isn't right.

i'll look into it some more. but yeah im on newest drivers, AA isnt forced in drivers (which look really naff by the way) not a virus or spyware, but ill do it anyway.

i know its not normal performance ! biggrin_o.gif every other game runs really well, even at 1440x900 res, and in most games with a high AA setting.

Surely i dont have to stuggle along at 800x600 res with a blurry tft screen ? - i havnt used 800x600 for any game in years. I'm not convinced its a step forward in graphics

is anyone actually running at a nice res ? i.e 1440x900 at 16:10 aspect ? short of SLI, im not sure what i should do.

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I am not trying to berate anyone here but there is a point I feel HAS to be made concerning performance and some of the complaints I am seeing. If you don't have current high end gear then don't expect to max this game out and get decent FPS. I keep seeing people whining about bad performance and then I look at their PC specs and I can't help wondering why they believe they are entitled to decent performance!

Example : X1300! I'm not pointing fingers, but this is not a card that you expect to play cutting edge games on. I am not singling anyone out as I have seen MANY threads where people are guilty of this. The bottom line is, you have to pay to play. I fully understand that not everyone can shell out a large amount of money on a rig but don't single BIS out. There are plenty of other current games that REQUIRE you to have fairly up to date hardware (Latest SC comes to mind).

Please keep in mind that it is only very recently that OFP could be run at full detail/draw distance etc. Some people have very short memories. OFP has always been one of the few PC games that can consistently bring hardware to its knees. ArmA is an even more complex game and it's only competitor is OFP.


ArmA actually runs better on the 1300 with 512 than it does on my 1900 with 256.

Go figure...

Hmm if thats the case it reminds me of OFP going from a GF4 Ti4400 to a GF 6800GT, the only improvement I got with the 6800GT is I could run higher resolutions with AA and AF on.

I'd like to see the difference between my 6800GT and 8800GTX with the same CPU and memory, only problem is my 6800GT is AGP. It looks to me though ArmA is all about CPU and memory bandwidth like OFP is meaning there's something wrong in the ArmA if far faster cards have no advantage in the new DX9 engine. There really should be a fairly big difference from mid range to high end vid cards using the same high end CPU and memory.

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Other people with that card have managed to get good performance on medium to high settings. Try different drivers, check anti-aliasing settings are not set to 8xS. Try turning off transparency anti-aliasing, although thats probably not it. Run a virus and spyware scan and check you haven't got any background apps using too much resources.

That is not normal performance for those specs, something isn't right.

i'll look into it some more. but yeah im on newest drivers, AA isnt forced in drivers (which look really naff by the way) not a virus or spyware, but ill do it anyway.

i know its not normal performance ! biggrin_o.gif every other game runs really well, even at 1440x900 res, and in most games with a high AA setting.

Surely i dont have to stuggle along at 800x600 res with a blurry tft screen ? - i havnt used 800x600 for any game in years.  I'm not convinced its a step forward in graphics  

is anyone actually running at a nice res ? i.e 1440x900 at 16:10 aspect ? short of SLI, im not sure what i should do.


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Yeah, I cant believe some of the resolutions people are running the game in whilst complaining about performance - then I look at their specs and its not hard to work out why.

I had pretty poor performance on my old ATI 9800 Pro - though it was playable at lower resolutions. Since I updated to a X1950 Pro*** I have been able to play at 1440x900 on my widescreen TFT - Most settings on normal (1 on high, and shadows on low). inlove.gif

Even now, I dont crank my detail settings up to max...... What is everyone expecting. If its too slow or jerky, turn your res' and detail settings down. It was the same for OFP and its no different now. whistle.gif

#C xmas_o.gif

*** (It was dirt cheap at Å140. Ill get an ATI Dx10 when they have been out for a few months.)

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Other people with that card have managed to get good performance on medium to high settings. Try different drivers, check anti-aliasing settings are not set to 8xS. Try turning off transparency anti-aliasing, although thats probably not it. Run a virus and spyware scan and check you haven't got any background apps using too much resources.

That is not normal performance for those specs, something isn't right.

i'll look into it some more. but yeah im on newest drivers, AA isnt forced in drivers (which look really naff by the way) not a virus or spyware, but ill do it anyway.

i know its not normal performance ! biggrin_o.gif every other game runs really well, even at 1440x900 res, and in most games with a high AA setting.

Surely i dont have to stuggle along at 800x600 res with a blurry tft screen ? - i havnt used 800x600 for any game in years. I'm not convinced its a step forward in graphics

is anyone actually running at a nice res ? i.e 1440x900 at 16:10 aspect ? short of SLI, im not sure what i should do.


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I don't think the graphics card is the problem, I've seen posts by people with a 7600GT that ran the game fine on medium to high settings. It might be a software problem. Try turning hardware acceleration on/off in sound options or try slightly older drivers. I don't really know what the problem could be but I'm pretty sure that the hardware can do better.

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I am not trying to berate anyone here but there is a point I feel HAS to be made concerning performance and some of the complaints I am seeing. If you don't have current high end gear then don't expect to max this game out and get decent FPS. I keep seeing people whining about bad performance and then I look at their PC specs and I can't help wondering why they believe they are entitled to decent performance!

Example : X1300! I'm not pointing fingers, but this is not a card that you expect to play cutting edge games on. I am not singling anyone out as I have seen MANY threads where people are guilty of this. The bottom line is, you have to pay to play. I fully understand that not everyone can shell out a large amount of money on a rig but don't single BIS out. There are plenty of other current games that REQUIRE you to have fairly up to date hardware (Latest SC comes to mind).

Please keep in mind that it is only very recently that OFP could be run at full detail/draw distance etc. Some people have very short memories. OFP has always been one of the few PC games that can consistently bring hardware to its knees. ArmA is an even more complex game and it's only competitor is OFP.


ArmA actually runs better on the 1300 with 512 than it does on my 1900 with 256.

Go figure...

in wich condition did you do these test ?

game settings , resolution , catalyst drivers settings ?

i can't truth an X1300 can perform 60% of what a X1900XT can do. it's simply physically impossible .

X1300 = 60% 6800ultra .

6800ultra = max 50% of a X1900XT nearly 30% with high res + filter.

go figure .

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I am not trying to berate anyone here but there is a point I feel HAS to be made concerning performance and some of the complaints I am seeing. If you don't have current high end gear then don't expect to max this game out and get decent FPS. I keep seeing people whining about bad performance and then I look at their PC specs and I can't help wondering why they believe they are entitled to decent performance!

Example : X1300! I'm not pointing fingers, but this is not a card that you expect to play cutting edge games on. I am not singling anyone out as I have seen MANY threads where people are guilty of this. The bottom line is, you have to pay to play. I fully understand that not everyone can shell out a large amount of money on a rig but don't single BIS out. There are plenty of other current games that REQUIRE you to have fairly up to date hardware (Latest SC comes to mind).

Please keep in mind that it is only very recently that OFP could be run at full detail/draw distance etc. Some people have very short memories. OFP has always been one of the few PC games that can consistently bring hardware to its knees. ArmA is an even more complex game and it's only competitor is OFP.


ArmA actually runs better on the 1300 with 512 than it does on my 1900 with 256.

Go figure...

Hmm if thats the case it reminds me of OFP going from a GF4 Ti4400 to a GF 6800GT, the only improvement I got with the 6800GT is I could run higher resolutions with AA and AF on.

I'd like to see the difference between my 6800GT and 8800GTX with the same CPU and memory, only problem is my 6800GT is AGP. It looks to me though ArmA is all about CPU and memory bandwidth like OFP is meaning there's something wrong in the ArmA if far faster cards have no advantage in the new DX9 engine. There really should be a fairly big difference from mid range to high end vid cards using the same high end CPU and memory.

Well, being an 8800GTX owner, I can say that the game flies at 1600 x 900 Everything very high except shaders and post (they are on High), Distance 2000. As much as there are bugs to iron out, I find that the engine is pretty solid. I've only managed to make it crash once (I spammed a non responsive AI about 200 x, the game didn't like that banghead.gif ).


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Well, being an 8800GTX owner, I can say that the game flies at 1600 x 900 Everything very high except shaders and post (they are on High), Distance 2000. As much as there are bugs to iron out, I find that the engine is pretty solid. I've only managed to make it crash once (I spammed a non responsive AI about 200 x, the game didn't like that banghead.gif ).


Viewdistance only 2000? In another topic a guy with a 7800GT manages 3500 while still running smoothly. Sure you can't push it higher? If you can't then maybe by dropping the resolution a bit you could manage something like 6000 at least.

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Problem i have is that when i look a little further into the distance, i cannot even make out what the hell kind of tank i am looking at. After a certain distance, the quality really gets terrible. I imagine its a bug ??

I am running everything on full with no probs except that.

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