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FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

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This may have been asked before but I went a few pages back and saw nothing of it. So I'll just ask it. Will the Scars/RHS Mi-24 be released seperatly or is it exclusive to FFUR. Yes I can download the mod and chances are I will later,but right now I'v got other things to do and I'm just wondering,as great as a mod is I don't get much time in OFP and I'd rather not wait an hour or two while trying to obtain one vehicle. A selfish point of view yes but I am sure many other people are also pondering the same question.

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I'm nterested in D/L'ing this mod but because of where I live, have to use internet cafe, and that could cost me a cool $15

Mod looks great, but I'd like general feedback, if it's revolutionary etc... before I d/l.

New again to OFP and have D/l'ed FDF which is cool, but can't get the DMALean to work in it which to me is a total must.

Also are FFur new mission/campaign or enhancements?

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@ Jackal326

The Steyr is Irish Defence Forces Mod.

Just to post I've encountered some of the problem that the guys are posting about. I've also seen some cargo proxy errors on some of the vehicles. Also soldiers are way too accurate.

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Speaking as one of the betatester I can say: Known bugs are:

Steyr AUG muzzleflash has no lighting at day

AK74SU muzzleflash has no lighting at day

G36 has no muzzleflash

Wrong M1A1 model is used, current version is Sigmas M1 with 105mm cannon.

Furthermore uses the M1A1 an incorrect sight for the commander (the one from M1A2 CITV)

About the problem aiming with commander sight:

It's zeroed with the gun sight and will hit the target at more than 1000m.

Furthermore uses the M1A1 an incorrect sight for the commander, TB seems

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Speaking as one of the betatester I can say: Known bugs are:

Steyr AUG muzzleflash has no lighting at day

AK74SU muzzleflash has no lighting at day

G36 has no muzzleflash

Wrong M1A1 model is used, current version is Sigmas M1 with 105mm cannon.

Furthermore uses the M1A1 an incorrect sight for the commander (the one from M1A2 CITV)

About the problem aiming with commander sight:

It's zeroed with the gun sight and will hit the target at more than 1000m.

Furthermore uses the M1A1 an incorrect sight for the commander, TB seems

How did you guys miss those.

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And to answer the person earlier around page 4 or so.

If the AH-64 is a greenish brown tint with textures not used on the BIS Apache's and the model just generally looks different,its Franze's AH-64. He did the model,Nodunit did the texture,though their working on a better one currently,I can't give any details or Nod will maul my arm off sad_o.gif....that guy needs a muzzle...

NVM,that is their Longbow,saw it in that image of the Spanish one.

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Quote[/b] ]quote .COMmunist

Jackal326, I can't believe you just insulted 1in1class guy for asking question on the forum. Isn't this the idea of the forum to help each other out? The guy is asking a legitimate question, but ppl keep ignoring him. So, he is trying again. I wish I would know the answer and I would help him, but I don't. If you don't know the answer, don't say anything, but insulting a person for asking questions is just so low man. I thought that advanced member like you should know that.

On topic. Seems like those underbarrel grenades are useless. I was attacked by 4 Russians and I fired 2 grenades at them, didn't even scare them! They were like some sort of water ballons for them. Did anyone have the same problem?

Quote[/b] ]Quote AtR

But they do kill.

offtopic: Jackal always was a ****. Something you find out when communicating with him.  

leave it the hell alone as of now u two! jackal is known for his sceptic views on the ofp community due to the constant "fix this add that" he gets and i feel like that aswell so if we seem sceptic and angered towards people its usually because they deserve it.

*whos AUG is that its the best i've seen so far  thumbs-up.gif

*TB i have no niggles with the mod its a huge improvement to 1.0 and i love it thanks FFUR team and co.

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Speaking as one of the betatester I can say: Known bugs are:

Steyr AUG muzzleflash has no lighting at day

AK74SU muzzleflash has no lighting at day

G36 has no muzzleflash

Wrong M1A1 model is used, current version is Sigmas M1 with 105mm cannon.

Furthermore uses the M1A1 an incorrect sight for the commander (the one from M1A2 CITV)

About the problem aiming with commander sight:

It's zeroed with the gun sight and will hit the target at more than 1000m.

Furthermore uses the M1A1 an incorrect sight for the commander, TB seems

How did you guys miss those.

I didn't miss them, but they couldn't be fixed... well better say there was no time for fixing. Hopefully TB will get things sorted out with the minor patch coming up he was talking about.

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This thread is getting nowhere, so many questions ( same ) and no answer. Can't wait for tb wink_o.gif Imo many things should'nt have be changed in ffur 2.0 from ffur2006. Should have been just a patch or something. Now with everything new we have to deal with new bugs etc.

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if there were no more bugs then TB would go into hibernation and never make anything again seeing as ffur 06 was supposed to be the last one i think

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Hi, those textures of that Irish mod were made by me; and i don't know why there're so many bugs so easy of spot in a mod that should had been already tested by people who sopposedly had to report the bugs, no matter how smaller they were. But fix each bug into a so massive mod must be like re-writte *the *bibble, a painfull job that don't use to be apreciated. And about the people who insult others in this forum or on another... i don't know if it's me who only noticed it but some people are allowed to post insultive comentarys or questions, replys that go 200% off topic and the moderators don't *do nothing about, look at my warning level... i don't know why is so higher when there's a lot of people arround who spend the day insulting and making pointless comentarys in lots of treads and that uses the work of others in they'r own advantage; open some addons and look at the parts of it. Let's C ya

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Several of the bugs reported in the previous pages don't sound 'that' major in my judgement, everyone can live with'em until we would release the patch.

Meanwhile, feel free to fix'em yourself, there are a lot of tutorials online and that would be a great opportunity to acquire a little experience.

There were more major bugs previously, though (CTDs, Realism issues, scripts problems, error messages...) and we have taken out all of them.

Btw, we stated in the first page that it's best to run your operation flashpoint in 'english' to avoid experiencing the problems you got in game wipman. (System Requirements), because the FFUR Mod has been entirely developed in english.

Anyways, thanks everyone for the kind words, and as already mentioned, a patch'd be released within a couple of days.

But please keep in mind that it's quite hard to me to answer everyone these days due to the lack of time I'm actually experiencing, so please get a look at the previous pages or carry out some research before asking.

Thank you.




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The guns now look like they´re zoomed out in first person view when you´re not aiming. The right hand of the soldier is placed in between in the middle of the magazine and grip. I used to own an AK-47 a few years back and it didn´t look that way. It looked more like the view in FFUR 2006.

Is there any way to revert the gun view to FFUR 2006 specs?

Please tell me there is whistle.gif

P.S. Same goes for third person view.

This has been asked countless times in the thread already (mostly by 1in1class who seems obsessed with the matter and can't stop posting about it). No response as yet, but I'd advise those looking into checking it out to take a look at Cheekymonkey's Improved Engaement Range pack, which also edited the FOV.

EDIT: Just checked the IER pack myself, and found the following defines in one of the config files:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class default{}

class ViewPilotbase: default{};

class ViewPilot: ViewPilotBase


initAngleX=8; minAngleX=-40; maxAngleX=+45;

initAngleY=0; minAngleY=-125; maxAngleY=+125;

initFov=1.00; minFov=0.42; maxFov=1.00;


So you'll be wanting to look for something similar to that in both the FFUR config, and the BIS Default config and then simply switch the values.

I changed the the numbers in that config thingy on the FFUR2006 2.0 directory and made no difference.

Can anyone help me to get the FFUR 2006 settings?

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Considering the amount of stuff fixed from the last version...I wouldnt go bitching about the beta testing. icon_rolleyes.gif

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Considering the amount of stuff fixed from the last version...I wouldnt go bitching about the beta testing.  icon_rolleyes.gif

Thats true. Still some change should'nt have been made in the first place. Exemple, the 3rd person view in ffur2006 was normal why changing it in 2.0? I must say big thanks tho for fixing the ctds. Now i can play wink_o.gif Thx again TB

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1. IMO the health bar is fine. After all in real life you might not know right away how bad yer hurt, but when ya peel yourself off the ground I'm sure you have a bit of an idea. After all I've been killed playing in one shot and have been hurt and killed with 2.

2. I think the texture aspect ratio problem that is occuring is addon related. It has nothing to do with the config. it's mostly the aircraft used and maybe some weapons and vehicals as well.

3. The mod is great in my oppinion, even though the textures on some of the addons are causing errors in texture aspect ratio on servers, the only bug I've seen thus far besides the various small bugs found in previous pages, is that of the fact that the AI still have a slightly further view distance than they should. This causes the enemy AI to attack your units before you can see them destroying your units when you can't even see them yet.

Oh yea and when in AA guns units tend to kneel down under the gun to fire instead of standing and firing the weapons.

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jst a tiny request remove the silly health bar becos

A: its silly

B: Unreliable

C: Unrelistic

D: Im hardcore and i hate screen furniture

In fact remove all the screen furniture except 4 the action menu duh. (ffur rock)

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i mentioned dis earlier but no response but, my question 2 ffur will u guys do a 2012 pack???

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i thk u can tell wen your hurt wen u c your blood splattered on the ground then its 0, 5, 4 medic get other here bitch

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i'll answer for them even though i have no relation to the mod, NO. although i do agree the health bar is a freakin retarded idea.

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Quote[/b] ]quote .COMmunist

Jackal326, I can't believe you just insulted 1in1class guy for asking question on the forum. Isn't this the idea of the forum to help each other out? The guy is asking a legitimate question, but ppl keep ignoring him. So, he is trying again. I wish I would know the answer and I would help him, but I don't. If you don't know the answer, don't say anything, but insulting a person for asking questions is just so low man. I thought that advanced member like you should know that.

On topic. Seems like those underbarrel grenades are useless. I was attacked by 4 Russians and I fired 2 grenades at them, didn't even scare them! They were like some sort of water ballons for them. Did anyone have the same problem?

Quote[/b] ]Quote AtR

But they do kill.

offtopic: Jackal always was a ****. Something you find out when communicating with him.  

leave it the hell alone as of now u two! jackal is known for his sceptic views on the ofp community due to the constant "fix this add that" he gets and i feel like that aswell so if we seem sceptic and angered towards people its usually because they deserve it.

*whos AUG is that its the best i've seen so far  thumbs-up.gif

*TB i have no niggles with the mod its a huge improvement to 1.0 and i love it thanks FFUR team and co.

ahh come on now it is left alone he told hispart and said sorry i accpt and now its left alone but your pice of mind is no way to get in to this so left alone,your say in this is no way of any of the comments to this subject so if You can fix this issue with the 3rd person view would be great but its all said and done wink_o.gif So Jackle thx for looking in to this would be nice if some one could help in this issue if not TB himself smile_o.gif

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a little extra with the ah64a and ah64d: when you're flying low near an ammo truck you can load different type of weapon! smile_o.gif

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tb one sugestion can you make soldiers to carry more ammo, usualy you would have at least 150 for assult rifle and 600 for MG. And 2 grenades.

Great mode. wink_o.gif

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