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FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

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Quote[/b] ]make you realise all the hard work that must go into making these

You damn straight, It's hard work i've been doing it for months now.

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Hey, just got back from being away and I must say that I'm very impressed by the newest version, great job Thunder Bird!

One thing that I dont like (Im not sure if it has been mentioned elsewhere) is the zoom when you press the right mouse button, its way too much, is there some way you can disable it?

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I noticed that dead AI will somtimes move around and shoot at you. I also noticed that somtimes if your bleeding out it will stop and you'll appear dead but you won't be able to die or move! It's a very rare occasion because it only happened to me once. However I hope that this issue with the dead coming back to haunt you is due to the life bar that TB has already stated will be removed.

I had this same problem, I had almost no heath left, got into a truck and started driving, when I got out, I was dead, but I wasn't really... I could use the action menu and the mission didn't end.

One other thing I noticed was the laser specOp guy had the laser floating above his head.

Any chance of getting the C4 clicking to stop whistle.gif

Anyway, I'm loving this mod, it's exquisite. wink_o.gif

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I've searched for "how to replace models in a config" with no success. Can anyone contribute a link on how to do this. If so, I'm up for the challenge and the OFP community will be thankful. Thanks for your hardwork TB!

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Syphon sniper check your'e pm wink_o.gif  In reply to this topic i think the new music is better and also the new anim

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I'm not sure who the Ress BMP was made by that is giving the 16x256 aspect ratio. However the SpecOps used in this mod are TQB special forces that have bad textures of 512x32.

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It is good to see FFUR back.  I really appreciate the dedication that the team has put in to all of their projects and cannot wait until their next release.  TB I can only imagine how difficult it must be to juggle managing a mod team and your real life responsibilities, so THANK YOU!  And props to all of the addon makers, I have most of their stand alone releases on my HD already because they are all top-notch.  The weapon sounds and tracers are awesome, but my favorite aspect of this mod is the iron sights.  Absolutely the best array of iron sights that Operation Flashpoint has ever seen!

In regards to page 9 of this thread, there is a post made by Bobor SK with a picture of a FOV bug while inside of a HMMWV.  I had the same problem with EVERY crew station in EVERY vehicle while using ACU units.  No matter what I do in the config, I cannot fix it. Any help would be appreciated.

While perusing the config I saw that some of the bullet types are wrong for the weapon.  For example the Uzi (in FFUR it is the mp5SD) uses 9mm single, 5.56 burst, and 9mm auto.  You can fix this pretty easily.  The FFUR M4 (I forget what it replaces, probably the m16a2) uses 5.45 x 39mm (the AK-74 round) for single, burst, and auto. This is easily remedied, if you want to know how I can tell you where to look in the config.  

For the future patch, could anyone tell me if TB or team plans to incorporate an RPK-74 (possibly the RHS one)?  The Americans get the m249 squad automatic weapon and the m240b machinegun.  The Russians only get the PKM machine gun, but no automatic rifleman i.e. the RPK.  Incase anyone is interested on the load out, the RPK gunner is issued 8 45 round magazines (5 of which he can use at will, and then he must request a resupply from a squad leader and get permission to uses his last 3 magazines).  

It would be nice if the patch got rid of the subsonic ammunition for the silenced weapons.  They are unpredictable as to where they will fall in game.  Is subsonic ammunition really used commonly by US SF and Russian Spetsnaz?  I would not think so due to the reduction in range and stopping power.  Personally I would prefer a(n) m4/ak 74 with normal ammunition that has a somewhat reduced report due to the silencer and no significant change in bullet trajectory.  But that is just personal preference.

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I just want to play it with the default FOV back in place sad_o.gif

i tried to mod it with the usable config but i couldnt find the soldier FOV line to change it back to 0.7 as someone suggested earlier in the thread, for some reason it just seems too much in 1024x768 and i can only handle five minutes of playing it at a time because it gives me eye strain where i'm trying to spot enemys far away

other than that it is a brilliant mod, thank you for it, i have never played OFP before and i'm feeling a right arse for not trying it sooner  smile_o.gif

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The new FOV at the 3rd person is a little too far

but at the first person, i prefer it wink_o.gif

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The new FOV at the 3rd person is a little too far

but at the first person, i prefer it wink_o.gif

The first person FOV causes visual bugs when inside certain vehicles. The 3rd person view is good though

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"2, go to Medic - m4a1" "Heal at medic -m16a2" or vice versa. anybody else seen this?

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What happened to the M16A4!?

no idea TB favoured the a2 over the a4 possiblly because there are more of them i dont know....

tb find girls that like OFP and bring them here!

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Yeah, it is strange that the m16a2 is used instead of the m16a4.  Sure the m16a2 is very prolific, but you would be hard pressed to find a US soldier or marine carrying one while deployed.  Most army personnel use the m4, and most marines use the m16a4 (although you would obviously see both rifles in both braches to some degree).  The air force is in the middle of replacing all of it's m16a2's with m4's as well.

But since Operation Flashpoint does not allow us to take advantage of the modular design of the m16a4 (you can't go to an ammo crate and start putting accessories on to the rails), its not that big of a deal that they went with the m16a2 for the few roles that it is used in the mod.

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Yeah, it is strange that the m16a2 is used instead of the m16a4.  Sure the m16a2 is very prolific, but you would be hard pressed to find a US soldier or marine carrying one while deployed.  Most army personnel use the m4, and most marines use the m16a4 (although you would obviously see both rifles in both braches to some degree).  The air force is in the middle of replacing all of it's m16a2's with m4's as well.

But since Operation Flashpoint does not allow us to take advantage of the modular design of the m16a4 (you can't go to an ammo crate and start putting accessories on to the rails), its not that big of a deal that they went with the m16a2 for the few roles that it is used in the mod.

and they should not include the M16A4, but the M16A3. The USMC replaced the M16A2 with the M16A4 (with single-burst trigger group) and the army replaced some M16A2's with the M16A3 (with fullauto trigger group).

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"2, go to Medic - m4a1"    "Heal at medic -m16a2" or vice versa. anybody else seen this?

You talking about the fact the medic is armed with m16a2 and it says m4a1 or the fact that weapon name is there ?

Tb I think that changing the claases name was not so good becuase when u put your crosshair on firendly unit it shows instead of the defualt "black op" {for exmaple} whows "Specia forces m4a1 Acog SD {or smt}. the problem is I can arm the guy with a M24 and it still shows "m4a1 acog sd".

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"2, go to Medic - m4a1" "Heal at medic -m16a2" or vice versa. anybody else seen this?

You talking about the fact the medic is armed with m16a2 and it says m4a1 or the fact that weapon name is there ?

Tb I think that changing the claases name was not so good becuase when u put your crosshair on firendly unit it shows instead of the defualt "black op" {for exmaple} whows "Specia forces m4a1 Acog SD {or smt}. the problem is I can arm the guy with a M24 and it still shows "m4a1 acog sd".

Use veteran mode, problem solved. No need to worry about the croshair.

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For the future patch, could anyone tell me if TB or team plans to incorporate an RPK-74 (possibly the RHS one)? The Americans get the m249 squad automatic weapon and the m240b machinegun. The Russians only get the PKM machine gun, but no automatic rifleman i.e. the RPK. Incase anyone is interested on the load out, the RPK gunner is issued 8 45 round magazines (5 of which he can use at will, and then he must request a resupply from a squad leader and get permission to uses his last 3 magazines).

i too would like to see a lmg like the rpk 74. and maybe a different one for resistance like rpk 47 or another type used by guerilla forces.

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Yeah, it is strange that the m16a2 is used instead of the m16a4. Sure the m16a2 is very prolific, but you would be hard pressed to find a US soldier or marine carrying one while deployed. Most army personnel use the m4, and most marines use the m16a4 (although you would obviously see both rifles in both braches to some degree). The air force is in the middle of replacing all of it's m16a2's with m4's as well.

But since Operation Flashpoint does not allow us to take advantage of the modular design of the m16a4 (you can't go to an ammo crate and start putting accessories on to the rails), its not that big of a deal that they went with the m16a2 for the few roles that it is used in the mod.

and they should not include the M16A4, but the M16A3. The USMC replaced the M16A2 with the M16A4 (with single-burst trigger group) and the army replaced some M16A2's with the M16A3 (with fullauto trigger group).

Umm, no. If a medic is attached to an infantry unit, he will use whatever weapon they are assigned. No one really uses M16A2s in Iraq, unless there is pretty much no chance of you being in combat, ie, maintenance people, etc. People that won't ever fire the thing except zeroing and qualification. I don't know why all of the M4's in this mod are full automatic, they are ALL burst in real life! That is, the ones used by light infantry anyways.

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and the army replaced some M16A2's with the M16A3 (with fullauto trigger group).

Where did you hear that, I read that the A3 was a special modification that was only used by the Navy SEALs

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Ch_123 you are right on the money.  Not sure where the m16a3 sees action today, but they are not very common.  As olemissrebel also correctly noted, frontline regular infantry would never have a fully automatic rifle as their standard issue weapon.

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When comes this Patch? Doesent he said "in few days"?

Ok we wait and wait wait and wait.

I think ArmaA would released earliery then the patch^^ no joke

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