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Quote[/b] ]Absolutely agree. Inside building is a disaster in OFPE. No clipping probs but just moving around is a pain, and some doors are very narrow ... yep, the inside of building feels like a strange place to be in. Unlike in GR1(IT), in GR1(IT) it is much smoother so it MUST be possible (talking Xbox here).
Isn't this because the Field of View or what is it called "angle"? is smaller than on PC version?

Fov in OFPE and GR1 feels about the same so i don't think it could be this.

Perhaps it is the better collisiondetection at work. Say you are carrying an AA Strela launcher around, Big thing so difficult to turn inside small rooms.

I could check this in OFPE. If i only carry a pistol i.s.o a big gun i should be able to manouver better inside buildings. It is a thought;)

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Interior combat in OFP would be nice if you could somehow sidestep through a door, right now you have to walk in straight through a door you can't sidestep through narrow doorways without "vibrating" or what ever you want to call it.

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Interior combat in OFP would be nice if you could somehow sidestep through a door, right now you have to walk in straight through a door you can't sidestep through narrow doorways without "vibrating" or what ever you want to call it.

It's difficult in real life to side-step through a door pointing a rifle. I'm not sure if they'll have different sized bounding boxes (or similar) for small weapons i.e. the mp5. Or even a clever animation system which causes you to raise your weapon to vertical in confined spaces, preventing you from firing but improving maneuverability.

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I agree with you guys on the buildings in Elite.

I was playing Elite yesterday and I was getting annoyed with how difficult it is to move through the buildings.  When running around in OFP, your soldier does not stop immediately when you stop pressing the "forward" key.  He seems to finish his pace and then he stops.  While running up the stairs in the apartment buildings in Resistance this is very frustrating.  When the staircase turns, I would try to stop and turn as well.  But, Victor would not immediately stop and would finish his step and end up outside on the balcony since the door to the balcony is also placed at the turn in the stairwell.  If you try to take the stairwell turn without stopping, Victor still manages to end up outside the door.  Sometimes this resulted in death if there were enemies outside.  

Using 3rd person view in the building helps, but movement is still frustrating and feels very cumbersome.  Hopefully, ArmA tightened up the control in buildings.

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Well, for that you can still use the slow movement / going (on the PC mapped on key "F"). Using that you don't have those problems, as the steps are a lot smaller.

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BIS i think we need to update this thread with new and better pics wink_o.gif

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Wow does the second gun actually work? Like "Get in as right gunner"? tounge2.gifsmile_o.gif

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Wow does the second gun actually work? Like "Get in as right gunner"? tounge2.gifsmile_o.gif

According to the last two interviews, yes the second gun works. There will even be mulitple gunner positions on tanks!

Quote[/b] ]Multiple gunners: Utilize the multiple gunner positions on tanks and helicopters to rain death on your enemies.

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Guest Ti0n3r

Damn, it's great to see that the US troops will be wearing both both ACU and BDU cam inlove.gif

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Looks like shadows are not perfect yet..

Are shadows part of animations?

In OFP shadows are generated from lower model lods.

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Looks like shadows are not perfect yet..

Are shadows part of animations?

In OFP shadows are generated from lower model lods.

meaning what? blush.gif

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Meaning the shadows are generated from sample geometry that is less complex than the model you see at full LOD.

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too bad that guys at BI didn't bother to put SAW pouches on that guys IBA, instead of too-low M16 pouches...

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I wonder how many different skins there will be for the characters in the game, hope not to many of the soldiers will look the same.

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Skins? Eh,I hope they keep it to original OFP in that sense,alot of faces and the ability to add/customize your own,none of that "usual arcade clones running around" stuff.

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too bad that guys at BI didn't bother to put SAW pouches on that guys IBA, instead of too-low M16 pouches...

The thing about that is if they were to change pouches for every gun what if you dont want that guy to have that gun in the end? Then you are screwed. Not to mention it takes more time to do that for all 50 guns in the game.

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Wow does the second gun actually work? Like "Get in as right gunner"? tounge2.gifsmile_o.gif

According to the last two interviews, yes the second gun works. There will even be mulitple gunner positions on tanks!

Quote[/b] ]Multiple gunners: Utilize the multiple gunner positions on tanks and helicopters to rain death on your enemies.

(They might not have all shadows yet because perhaps not all models have the lowest LOD's,we'v seen the ACU having it but not the desert BDU..hm)

Plus I gotta say...those are definatly THE sharpest looking soldiers I'v seen yet in any game.

It's all sounding great,with all this I can only wonder what VBS2 would be like.

Multiple gunner positions on tanks?! You mean we can use the machine guns on T-72's and perhaps both on an M1-M1A2?! Oh this is going to be better than sex! notworthy.gif

I also like al lthe natural stuff their adding,tides,constellations,wind and all that stuff,more vegetation. (hope they keep the rain ting fixed like in OFP,then it would be even better to drive around during rain,even more so if there are splashes and whatnot)

One last thing I wonder is it would be possible to make several models or a randomizer that has diffrent BDU camo's,so not everyone is wearing the same exact uniform.

It may be early work,note the sky,and I could be wrong..but if you look at the lower left hand corner,I belive you can see a bit of the ocean.

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looking good smile_o.gif. looks like we gonna get an extra finger too.

i know w.i.p smile_o.gif. just incase they gonna show at E3 tho lol smile_o.gif

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so the plot includes also alien forces? smile_o.gif))

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I've never had SAW in my hands so i'm asking you guys: can he hold it like that and run? I found on the internet that their weight is 16.5 lbs (around 7.5 kg?). I'm confused. help.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

Not the way he's holding it. It has has some weight..

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Then i guess animations are not done yet, or this is just an old pic.

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