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COMBAT! HMMWVs 1.2 Release

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Thanks for the update, but i would MUCH prefere if HYK soldiers and LSR weapons were left out as a required addon. They're both very nice addons, but i dont want to have to have those to stop errors at start up, and Weapons and Troops can easily be added to the vehicles via mission editor.

But the hummers looks great and the new Mcar system should improve the TOW one alot.

im with him... i like hyk units and use them in Y2K3 but i highly dislike the lsr weapons. not because of quality or anything like that. its just i have enough weapon packs as it is. between INQ and a few misc gun addons i have more then enough guns... i dont need another 90 megs of guns i already have. i agree the guns look nice and all, but i have enough and i dont want or need more.

so i depboed the addon and removed the lsr dependancy.. except for other then "required addons" there is absolutly no mention of lsr stuff in there. no weapon cargo, no ammo cargo, nothing. so why do we need that thing anyway??

by the way i need mcar too, i lost it before. i deleted it forgetting i needed it

Sorry, eventually, all Combat addons will be updated to require these addons in some form.  It's called consistency.  Besides, there are no other Woodland and Desert Modern US Army addons and I am not in favor of recreating the wheel to have our own.  Not counting Laser's and BAS' Rangers, which are special ops and do not use any of this equipment except maybe the HMMWVs.

The crew are HYK, which require Laser's weapons, which require JAM 2.

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Well, the HYK troops don't necessarily require the lsr weapons pack. There were separate configs released with the addon, allowing people to choose whether or not to use them with LSR's weapons.

Since you're only going to use the soldiers, and not the weapons themselves, I suggest you only set the HYK US infantry as a dependancy. The weapon requirement issue will be handled by the soldiers themselves. wink_o.gif

Edit: Just tried'em out real quick ingame, and damn they are nice! Especially with the HYK soldiers manning them. Top notch work, Combat! thumbs-up.gif

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Im not sure if this is a bug or not: the TOW Hmmwv's can only carry one person in cargo. The two back seats cant be filled.

And Im going to have the question that everyone's dieing to know, is Combat! going ot release any new addons for OFP now that the VBS1 army pack is done?

I was really looking forward to the Sheridan and MLRS.

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Tow HMMWV's only have one passenger seat, since the back is "technically" full of Tow missles.

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Great Work !! smile_o.gif

BTW .... be nice if you changed the Download page of your web page to show ANYTHING other than "Wed Aug 17, 2005" ...... makes it a pain to spot updates sad_o.gif

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Fantastic work!

I love the feeling, when enemy bullets hit the vehicle and you are still able to escape behind the next corner.


MfG Lee thumb.gif

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Much better now with the new wheels. But I would like to know if will be a release with custom interiors and a improvement of the M1114 adding a weapon mounted on top (M2 or M249...)

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first off id like to say i like these ALOT better then before. the monster wheels always did bug me.

secondly id like to point out they work fine in Y2K3 with no further user input required.

thirdly... i dont have a thirdly but i thought i should say it since having only 2 things to say didnt seem right

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What about the glass in these HMMWVs, is it still impossible to destroy even with the MG? In the previous version you couldn't kill the driver even with the heavy MGs.

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The mildly armored humves had balistic resistant glass capable of stopping or slowing down 762 x 54R That has bee n replaced with a even better glass system after the BHD situation. The glass now breaks the MG is killable always was. Driver is diffcult in realife to kill due to be ing the most protected person in the vehcle. Humvees usualy can take a direct hit by RPG and the crews survive with injuries., The new gen one can survive mine detonation.. With OFP engine limtation its about as correct as this can be made to work in game.

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can you script the windsheild to melt when sitting too close to the exsaust INQ/KH M1A2 tounge2.gif thats the only thing you HAVNT added in (in terms of scripts and realisum)

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We just need a melting animation, rest is already done wink_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

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This may be more of an MCAR issue, but I'll ask here for good measure. Why does the tow missile magically fly to a target without locking on or tracking? You only need to fire it in the general direction of an enemy, and from that point on, no input is needed; that is not how TOWs work.

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The mildly armored humves had balistic resistant glass capable of stopping or slowing down 762 x 54R  That has bee n replaced with a even better glass system after the BHD situation.  The glass now breaks the MG is killable always was.  Driver is diffcult in realife to kill due to be ing the most protected person in the vehcle.  Humvees usualy can take a direct hit by RPG and the crews survive with injuries.,  The new gen one can survive mine detonation..  With OFP engine limtation its about as correct as this can be made to work in game.

I don't mean to sound critical or start a debate, but I think the direct RPG hit would leave the HMMWV's passengers look like a cat food in the can. There is a reason why they called M113 and BMP a "three men cofin" during the conflicts around the globe. The reason was a good old RPG-7. HMMWV is not designed to stop even a large caliber amunition, not to mention a rocket propelled grenade. It should stop the hollow point bullets of AK-47, but the full metal jacket MIGHT penetrate the window. Perhaps the O series of RPG rockets, that were designed as a shrapnel type of grenade, would just injure the HMMWV's passengers. But to say that it can take a direct hit from the RPG is a wishfull thinking, or a nice PR attempt.

If we really get down to business here, I have to say that I was somewhat dissapointed with COMBAT. These are the best M113's and Bradleys in the OFP imo. But one thing absolutely spoiled the experience. If you should the damn thing with RPG or even with T-80 the occupants just jump out of the EXPLODING vehicle. And if this is not enough, they shoot you from 200 feet right in the head! WTF! Can anyone imagine a burning crew member jump out of the destroyed APC and just start shooting with olympic champion accuracy? Just the fact that he is still alive is already too much, but than it even gets worse. I know that the US tries to make their armored vehicles as safe as possible for the crew, but when the APC explodes, perhaps only the driver MIGHT survive and loose a leg or two. I am sorry, but it sure ruins the experience playng with such a great addon as the COMBAT.

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You're comparing real life to OFP life. In OFP, every "kill" is catastrophic - setting off all stored ammunition and fuel in giant fireballs regardless if the vehicle was killed with a hand grenade, pistol, 125mm tank round or artillery.

In real life, RPGs don't always cause catastrophic explosions. In fact, more often than not they don't except on very rare occasions. Combat has made humvees that can be disabled by RPGs, but not necessarily destroyed by them. Look at pics from Iraq or read combat accounts from any of the wars that the humvees have been in - very rarely do they explode, even when hit by IEDs or RPGs.

So, you're apparently living in your OFP world where everything goes up in flames. Combat, and a couple other mod teams, are trying to change that. Where a single RPG hit (remember, anti-tank RPG rounds, the most common, do not form fragmentary explosions but rather form shaped charges) does not cause gigantic fireballs.

I say bravo to the Combat team and hope that others follow their example.

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Excellent release!  Thank you very much for what I consider to be the best HMMWVs for OFP out there.  I love the textures on the tires, it is good to see an actual tread pattern used on your model vs. the generic pattern found on the original BIS HMMWV and some other addons.  I encourage you to come out with more variants such as a proper M1037 w/S250 shelter as it would be well received by the community.

I just noticed last night that there appears to be an issue with the "M996 Ambulance (Desert)".  When you walk all the way up to the vehicle from the back end, it is possible to clip into the over-hanging ambulance body.


Is there any chance we could see in a future update the inclusion of the gunner’s platform on the inside of the armament carriers?  Its absence on the current models is not that big of a deal for me sense I do not spend a lot of time focusing on the insides of a vehicle I am in while driving around, but it would be a nice addition.  A few years ago I measured one of these in a M1025.  I would provide the basic dimensions of the platform, but unfortunately due to poor organizational skills I cannot find them at them at this time.



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Quote[/b] ]This may be more of an MCAR issue, but I'll ask here for good measure. Why does the tow missile magically fly to a target without locking on or tracking?

You only need to fire it in the general direction of an enemy, and from that point on, no input is needed; that is not how TOWs work.

Not an issue per se..

I'm pretty sure Combat! uses the 'arcade' version of our TOW scripts which makes the TOWs 'self/auto-guiding'..

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Sorry, eventually, all Combat addons will be updated to require these addons in some form. It's called consistency. Besides, there are no other Woodland and Desert Modern US Army addons and I am not in favor of recreating the wheel to have our own. Not counting Laser's and BAS' Rangers, which are special ops and do not use any of this equipment except maybe the HMMWVs.

The crew are HYK, which require Laser's weapons, which require JAM 2.

I absolutely refuse this decision. There's already no consistency when you start doing this after releasing versions before. Maybe you help newbs with this new procedure to have high quality soldiers in high quality HMMWVs but the majority of peoples really depending on your work, knows how to replace the crews by themself if needed.

A sad example:

I've created my mission ZOS with HMMWV pack V1.0 and had no problems to use HMMWVs V1.1 for my final release.

Now after the OFPEC crash, I've just uploaded the file to another mirror and checked the addon links btw. Your page only hosts the newest V1.21 HMMWVs, of course. OFPinfo still hosts V1.0, too. V1.1 seems to have vanished already. Over time players will be forced to use the newest HMMWVs V1.21 with my mission.

My mission's addon count was already ~37MB heavy, with your new requirements it reaches ~97MB for nothing. band.gif

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I second your thought, even though the update turned out very nice, I wont be able to use it as a mission maker. I planned to make special forces missions with these, but since I cant "afford" to have people download the additional troops and weapons, I sadly wont be able to use them at all, even though these are my favorite HMMWVs. I guess the same goes for any mission maker out there, unless they are planning to make an army mission using HYK and Laser weapons. So basicly and most unfortunatly this addon will only find use in the editor, needless to say what a shame that is for an addon of this quality.

Since the Semper Fidelis are not an option either because of their tendency to bounce around, the only hope rest on the new ones in the making in the addons discussion thread, I only hope that the makers wont follow the same policy as you did with your HMMWVs.


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I totally understand the mission makers' dilemma of having an extra addon requirement. However, here's some food for thought:

I'm running CBT HMMV 1.2 and I DO NOT have HYK's stuff installed. Works like a champ, I just get the error when I start up the game, which I hit "OK" and ignore. I can still use the empty hummers and it works fine.

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