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COMBAT! HMMWVs 1.2 Release

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But I have tried both MCAR engine 0.8xx and 0.9, still misses every tank I throw at them. sad_o.gif

Well, I had a play with these humvees and I guess you're using the tow2b variant: since the tow2b CBT coded in isn't really a tow2b, but acts more like a javelin, there is a minimum range under which, as in your case, the missile overshoot the target. Put the target at a greater distance from the humvee and this should be hit. Please confirm what I've said, Lifter.

You will probably continue to have problems with the RHS T80 tanks, but any other should be fine.

Otherwise you could modify the stringtable.csv file in the CBT_HMMWV.pbo file for your personal use to code for the real TOW2B, if you know how to do it: if not, since I guess I'm not allowed to post here any info about doing this, PM me and I'll help you out. But just for your own personal use.

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Yeah, I tried putting a BIS T80 really far away (too far away IMHO) and then the TOW2 hit.

The RHS T80 is still invincible to all CBT HMMWVs.

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@Lifter the problem with RHS T80s is know by the RHS team and apparently the latest build has fixed this problem smile_o.gif Still i would love to see the "Real" TOWs implimented in these Hummers smile_o.gif


I am having real trouble firing to TOW-2B seems around 50m from to barrel the damn things slam straight into the ground. Targets are all BIS vehicles, and i can aim as far up as possible and it will still hit the ground sad_o.gif Any thoughts? The TOW-2A work just fine, hell i can even shoot near a target and not put crosshairs over it and still kill it smile_o.gifrofl.gif

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I am having real trouble firing to TOW-2B seems around 50m from to barrel the damn things slam straight into the ground. Targets are all BIS vehicles, and i can aim as far up as possible and it will still hit the ground sad_o.gif Any thoughts? The TOW-2A work just fine, hell i can even shoot near a target and not put crosshairs over it and still kill it smile_o.gifrofl.gif

As I said above, this tow2b isn't really a tow2b, but acts more like a javelin (or an hellfire): for this reason, it has a minimum range under which it can't hit the target.

At what range from the humvee were your targets placed, snoops_213 ? If under 200-250 meters, the missiles will probably miss or crash into the ground. The minimum range for the tow2b as configured in stringtable.csv by CBT should be 500 meters, since, as explained, it doesn't perform like a tow2b. The CBT team coded it at 100 meters (AI), which is fine for the tow2a, but too short for that kind of 'tow2b'.

[start constructive criticism]

The 'real' problem with these humvees IMHO (I'm putting this among quotes, as I guess other will disagree) is that the AI can't use the full range of which the missile is capable (as coded in stringtable.csv). That is, if not 'stimulated' by firing at them, they won't engage by their own initiative any target beyond 1200 meters. I was able to 'persuade' them to fire at my tank from 1600 meters away, but the missile, as it's coded, can travel 3600 meters (real tow max range). I was using standard BIS soldiers as crew, and I don't know if this makes a difference or not. In effect standard MCAR test humvees attacks targets till 2700 meters away: to me, the bigger the distance between the humvee and its target the better, because it can stay out of reach of the target firing response: at 1000 meters or less any humvee is dead if spotted by a tank, even if it's moving. Anyway the reason I'm pointing out this is that if the attack range of these humvees is fine as it is now, then, in case of a future update, the range in stringtable.csv should be reduced accordingly (to 2000 meters or less), so that the scripts stay in execution less time.

[end constructive criticism]

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Well the targets are placed around 1500m+ away I prefer enganging from a long distance myself and it still slams into the ground. I have managed to get them to fire at around 2500m at targets with the TOW-2A using CBT crew with good results, its just the B version that bothers me.

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I wrote RHS' SHTORA system, it works with the "incomingMissile" EH, that means it only reacts on OFP guided missiles and on OFP unguided missiles, which are on the way to directly hit the tank.

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I am sorry if this has been brought up.When I select either the hummer with the 240 or either TOW varient,my gunners are sunken in and turned sideways.Any ideas.

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Are you using the latest FFUR? If so that is one of the anim errors (that will be fixed in the next patch). Hope that helped.

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Ive wish we could get humvees like the ones used in iraq today. M1114 without the tailpipe as on the SEF humvees. And with more armour for the gunner then the m1114 SEF humvees have.

It would be awesome to have CBT humvees with the right armour and weapons... The m1114 is nice, but no weapons... The m1025 is nice but no armour! thumbs-up.gif

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Yes,I am using FFUR 06'.Thanks for the replies guys.

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Are you using the latest FFUR? If so that is one of the anim errors (that will be fixed in the next patch). Hope that helped.

That answered a question I have had for awhile smile_o.gif

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Any progress with the update? any chance of release it for OFP before ArmA comes? confused_o.gif

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Come on guys. ArmA's release is so near. Give them a break for ArmA. I know you all are just curious though and fans of their work biggrin_o.gif.

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I know I may get my head shot off for asking...

But is there any chance of this update coming out?


With the IM:UC stuff having come out, especially their nice little island, and the HYKs fantastic ACU units, it would be great to have the finishing touches on these great HMMVs.

Oh and I spoke to Chopper Read the other day, turns out he plays OFP, wants "to f%^kin play war with some proper f#$kin HMMWVs, for f$%k sake".

Thank you kindly.


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Those kind were the ones I would have liked to have... huh.gif

Too bad... maybee for ARMA a proper uparmoured humvee WITH weapon system and turret protection. As used in Iraq nowadays. But with the CBT look and feel.

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This addon is probably older than the posted HMMWV version ;)


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