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New news on ArmedAssault.com.

"To celebrate this announcement we are pleased to release a brand new trailer as well as 8 new screenshots. Click the image below for a pack containing the press release, video & screenshots."

Sorry BIS, but someone forgot to put THIS new video to that PACK rofl.gifrofl.gifrofl.gif

Yea I noticed that to, hopefully they release this new video. Although maybe they meant the US forces trailer from worthplaying.com. I hope it's a new one.

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"To celebrate this announcement we are pleased to release a brand new trailer as well as 8 new screenshots. Click the image below for a pack containing the press release, video & screenshots."

Sorry BIS, but someone forgot to put THIS new video to that PACK rofl.gifrofl.gifrofl.gif

Source (arma-zone.pl)

Try again smile_o.gif

Yes it's the same US Forces trailer as carried by a number of sites smile_o.gif

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will be movie with Northern Forces and Civilians??? tounge2.gif

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yeah, i reckon or even a short one of the south sara force if they are any different from the US force

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The NS soldiers are nothing like the US ones in terms of quality, i dont think anyone will want to play east in MP as is, i hope they are significantly changed and improved.

I mean the US soldiers are a beautyfull piece of art and the east units should be closer, for consistency and balance sakes.

- Removal of body armor.

- Much better cammoflage patterns.

- Cammoflaged helmets (pots).

- Vests with AK magazine pouches.

It looks very weird to see the shovel and sleeping bag atached to US body armor crazy_o.gif .

I know most of you only care about the cool looking us army soldiers in their acu bdu's and blackhawks and strykers, i care about the whole package so i will bitch a little if i may wink_o.gif .

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The NS soldiers are nothing like the US ones in terms of quality, i dont think anyone will want to play east in MP as is, i hope they are significantly changed and improved.

I mean the US soldiers are a beautyfull piece of art and the east units should be closer, for consistency and balance sakes.

- Removal of body armor.

- Much better cammoflage patterns.

- Cammoflaged helmets (pots).

- Vests with AK magazine pouches.

It looks very weird to see the shovel and sleeping bag atached to US body armor crazy_o.gif .

I know most of you only care about the cool looking us army soldiers in their acu bdu's and blackhawks and strykers, i care about the whole package so i will bitch a little if i may wink_o.gif .

Maybe the next trailer will feature them. We'll see then.

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Check this out. Noticed it last nite in the US Forces video. Was quite pleased. From this:


To this:


It's gonna make animations a ton more realistic, and one hell of a challenge! biggrin_o.gif

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Not to mention how the soldiers look like their actually walking realisticly. Heads moving a bit,gun moving more along with their arms and their body kinda moving up a bit with the stride.

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eyes look kind of lifeless but I think people will just reskin that

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eyes look kind of lifeless but I think people will just reskin that

People blink.

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When ya watch the video you should take a look at the far left of the screen with the guys sitting in the truck in which the pics above were taken from. There is a black soldier who has a big smile or grin on his face with his legs spread and his hands on his legs or thighs,several different animations there it seems. I can't see his weapon either?

And they do blink O.o,the first 15 or so seconds shows this.

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I hope they dont look so relaxed when they're fired upon

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Quote[/b] ]I hope they dont look so relaxed when they're fired upon

Just speculation that probably aint right, but maybe.. Just maybe, their animations will change upon their personal behaviour. IE careless, safe, aware, danger, stealth. Or maybe just two, one for careless/safe, and one for the rest. Who knows aye?

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Their heads will probably be looking around alot too. and never have their guns safetied wink_o.gif

I do wonder if BIS has used the guard animation for the gun on back animation.

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Quote[/b] ]I hope they dont look so relaxed when they're fired upon

Just speculation that probably aint right, but maybe.. Just maybe, their animations will change upon their personal behaviour. IE careless, safe, aware, danger, stealth. Or maybe just two, one for careless/safe, and one for the rest. Who knows aye?

You raise an excellent point, ZigMaster. I'm pretty sure that maybe BIS might possibly do something probably at some time in the near future that implements these effects, perhaps.

Like you said - who knows?

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Quote[/b] ]You raise an excellent point, ZigMaster. I'm pretty sure that maybe BIS might possibly do something probably at some time in the near future that implements these effects, perhaps.

Like you said - who knows?

Perhaps you might maybe be right at some time in the near future maybe that BIS might do something that might affect us in some probably way maybe, but perhaps speculation is all just a little too stupid because maybe it doesn't contribute to anything except bandwidth usage, so maybe what we're doing right now and pretty much everyone else in this forum might just be a waste of bandwidth and doesn't add anything at all maybe to anything.

Who knows?

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I don`t remember whether It was said or not...Do we have realistic LGB and TOWS etc? I mean the laser tracking...and what kind of targeting systems we have on helos and tanks...

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I'd figure when they get shot at their guns would be up and aiming rather than in the arms and safetied tounge2.gif

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Quote[/b] ]You raise an excellent point, ZigMaster. I'm pretty sure that maybe BIS might possibly do something probably at some time in the near future that implements these effects, perhaps.

Like you said - who knows?

Perhaps you might maybe be right at some time in the near future maybe that BIS might do something that might affect us in some probably way maybe, but perhaps speculation is all just a little too stupid because maybe it doesn't contribute to anything except bandwidth usage, so maybe what we're doing right now and pretty much everyone else in this forum might just be a waste of bandwidth and doesn't add anything at all maybe to anything.

Who knows?

Well, since if you really make a great netcode, there is no reason that this would use any bandwith.

The AI software on all machines connected to an MP game is the exact same, so the AI will react the same if the situation is the same. This system is also seen in games like starcraft, where to only things that are transmitted through your internet connection, is you mouseclicks - nothing more. No unit-placement information is sent whatsoever.

Desync will be a terrible thing, though smile_o.gif - but I see no reason why head-movements, hand animations and other 'eye-catches' is synced on all PCs in an mp game.

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The small video of the sun effect show us how it will work in ARMA.

http://armedassault.sk/download/videa/invex_vokr.rar (4,72 MB, sun in your eyes)

anyone noticed its alittle exagerated?

also notice if and how the enemy soldier (ai) lean. wink_o.gif

i would say its kinda nice, but i think it still needs alittle work though.


about the eye lifeless i agree.

They seem not to have life.

They do blink but they are not bright or have any colors that transmit natural eye color in terms or brightness, glow... (i like the eyes eighter way)

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Hmm..nah I wouldn't say its exaggerated,some days if you would around on a clear day the sun glares like a ****,also easy to find out when your driving a car on a sunny day,atleast down here. Sunglasses are a must and not becase they make you look better. (down here,not in the game)

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Yeah the Glare seems to be alittle "look at me!", besides in sunny conditions these days I thought usually soldiers put these on to avoid this very problem.


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