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Using two versions of every building (damage=0 and damage =1), then disguise the transition with smoke/explosion effect I think it is possible, but not dynamic destruction of course! wink_o.gif

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Using two versions of every building (damage=0 and damage =1), then disguise the transition with smoke/explosion effect I think it is possible, but not dynamic destruction of course! wink_o.gif

Jep, to the point! No dynamic destruction on all buildings and i suppose everyone was just thining bout that.

Bout damage=0 damage=1, you wrote in 2 lines what took me to half a page.

But the problem remains. How many new models game have to use for destroyed bulding? I shot a sabot to building corner, dust comes out .. and voila ... i have a bulding without a roof or a hole in second floor ... still confusing ...

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-Dawnrazor @ Aug. 25 2006,16:05)]Oh no i can see it

hundreds of Servers with hundred different Addons in the first week banghead.gif

I just hope they live up to or surpass(sp?) the BiS models, like Bas did with the Blackhawks, man i just cant wait to see what the community is going to do with all these features...OR how will they make new ones!!

I just hope the world does not go to hell before i get to play this game.... (Damn my MP job...)

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Quote from ofp.info review:

Quote[/b] ]Animal life will consist of the (famed OFP) seagull, rabbits, flies and mosquitoes. I was told that when a dead body is lying around, flies will be attracted to it. The wildlife will also react to the enviroment around them, including soldiers and vehicles passing by.

So it seems we will now have rabbits too! This is contrary to the interview with Placebo a few months back!  tounge2.gif  BIS is obviously adding things as they go along! .... keep going along BIS! .... I want sheep, cows, horses, dogs ................. biggrin_o.gif

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Well it all will be modable as I've read that the animal AI is even modable there are a LOT of oppertunities, at least with the given animal(s) and insects there is a lot of modding to do, but I don't want to see any dogs bunnyhopping around whistle.gif

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We can build them,faster,better,stronger,viva la community o.o

Dogs can bunny hop,sheep can bunny hop,deer can bunny hop,but if I see a person bunny hop I'll shoot em.

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i think its great that there still adding stuff this late in development, really keeps your fingers crossed for some stuff. THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR THE SOPWITH CAMEL!!!! rofl.gif

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Jep, to the point! No dynamic destruction on all buildings and i suppose everyone was just thining bout that.

You sure about there being no dynmamic destruction? I thought it might be the destruction system which was used in the VBS1 expansion video, its just like said in the interview, a lot of smoke, some debris, and a dynamically created damage structure on the building. AFAIK that feature was then announced for VBS2 (instead of being included in the VBS1 expansion).

Quote[/b] ]VBS2 provides improved simulation of complex urban areas, including dynamically destructible buildings

Quoted from the VBS2 press release, and the devs said in a recent interview that VBS2 and ARMA were using the same engine...

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i don't think it would be so bad with bunny hoping humans. biggrin_o.gif

you could maybe add some sort of stamina system and all to reduce how much bunny hoping can be done on a special time.

And maybe even reduce or increase how high you can jump depending on how much gear your carrying in your pockets and all that. smile_o.gif Like if you got a law launcher or Stinger you won't be doing any athletic bunny hoping biggrin_o.gif or if you carry 3 or more satchel charges, i heard in a interview that Bis made inventory bigger and in a different way too. One of the big things im really intresting in seing how it will be game play wise is the inventory.

Although i love Laser's Seals , deltas and rangers and his weapon pack i just get annoyed with on starts of missions to remove grenades and smokeshells cause i very rarely use them. tounge2.gif

Thinking of dogs i can't stop thinking of how zombie mod will evolve in armed assault with more moddable a.i and stuff. notworthy.gif or missions in general. Recreating the movie the birds by alfred hithchock might be doable then? And spicing it up with zombie dogs running and leaping at you crazy_o.gif

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*Takes off a shoe and hits Commando with it* Dear lord man are you mad?! Incorporating a jumping ability into Armed Assault would cause havoc and ruin the game and its realism,yes you can jump but people don't take this into consideration,next thing you know we have a bunch of CSS and more bf2 players comming over just to bunny hop and annoy the piss out of us.

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Jep, to the point! No dynamic destruction on all buildings and i suppose everyone was just thining bout that.

You sure about there being no dynmamic destruction? I thought it might be the destruction system which was used in the VBS1 expansion video, its just like said in the interview, a lot of smoke, some debris, and a dynamically created damage structure on the building. AFAIK that feature was then announced for VBS2 (instead of being included in the VBS1 expansion).

Quote[/b] ]VBS2 provides improved simulation of complex urban areas, including dynamically destructible buildings

Quoted from the VBS2 press release, and the devs said in a recent interview that VBS2 and ARMA were using the same engine...

This is an area that needs some serious clarification... What Placebo said in the radio interview seemed contradicted by the new Q and A on Ofp.info. Its my guess Placebo was refering to dynamic destruction, and the Q&A was refering to simple model replacement... but some clarification would be very welcome.

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NO JUMPING!!!!!. the only jumping aceptible would be to press the space buttin to "hop" over a fence or wall. NO TAKE OFF!! dear god what is this Doom? but hopping over low walls and garden fences would be cool. (it was annoying that ai in OFP have to run round fences that are lower than there knee.

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They said, that Armed Assault will be released on November the 30th in Germany!!!


the start of the Christmas shopping season. perfect! xmas_o.gif

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Well it all will be modable as I've read that the animal AI is even modable there are a LOT of oppertunities, at least with the given animal(s) and insects there is a lot of modding to do, but I don't want to see any dogs bunnyhopping around whistle.gif

perhaps some enterprising modder could design and implement a simulated biological ecosystem. smile_o.gif

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They said, that Armed Assault will be released on November the 30th in Germany!!!


the start of the Christmas shopping season.  perfect!  xmas_o.gif

Ok, who will accept cashier check orders from the US and ship me about 10 boxes of ArmA on Dec 1st? rofl.gif

*Ahem*. Seriously. huh.gif

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I thought it was possible to play OFP wide screen by simply altering the FOV values in the config. huh.gif

Widescreen is possible.

Click me.

I'm playing on a Xerox 16:10 widescreen display and with some .cfg changes it works like a dream.

MfG Lee

Well tried that. Started getting headaches within 2 minutes of playing. Don't think that's a good solution. sad_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]
Quote[/b] ]They said, that Armed Assault will be released on November the 30th in Germany!!!


the start of the Christmas shopping season. perfect! xmas_o.gif

Ok, who will accept cashier check orders from the US and ship me about 10 boxes of ArmA on Dec 1st? rofl.gif

*Ahem*. Seriously. huh.gif

Yeah, could you do that to me in Australia, too? Actually, since there's a BIS office here, shouldn't we get an idea of release date soon?

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Quote[/b] ]I hope you've learned your lesson. If the people wouldn't (and probably as a main scenario in this case - the publishers) said anything about the graphics and had been statisfied with the status in the past, you'll never get this version of ArmA you have today.

Oh come on, it's not like BIS needs some whining gfx whores to tell them what looks good and what doesn't or how to program a kick-ass gfx engine. Crying about every little glitch on the early developement version screenshots didn't contribute absolutely anything no matter how much you'd love to believe that it did.

Ha ha! That's cheap...flaming and discredit me and ppl who share my opinion as a "whiner" shows it. But you're outing yourself as someone who eats everything he gets on his table.

Fact: ArmA wouldnt be this like if noone said anything. Do you seriously think someone do more (Time is money my friend) than he must? On what kind of parameter should BIS measure when not on them who will buy their product? It's very easy to follow... Everyone statisfied = End of development. And sorry if i break your dreams but BIS isn't your personel friend- BIS is a company wich try to make money in a material world. If you're too young to understand this intrust yourself to someone who can help you out.

The result proofs what is possible and they even added VBS1 elements into it. It also proofs that fellas like you were and are wrong with your opinion. It's 2006 and of course they have to change their strategy. And they did well. If you are now pissed off because you have to change your old 800 Mhz into a new standart, i don't really care. I just wonder why ppl like you are in the ArmA-Forum at all? OFP gives so much - even for your 800 Mhz! So why leave? If you give a shit about the realism and the look of a game so stay at OFP-CWC..we are fine with this decision.

The Rest of us who enjoying the technolgic possibilities wont shut their eyes. We will criticize like we did. And because BIS is down with the com they will hear and decide wich critics are constructive and wich are not. People like you aren' good for BIS. Sorry to say that. But its simple. If there noone who pushes you to the limit, you'll never find your limit.

I try to get the best from BIS. And again....we can be very thankful that BIS is listen to the com.

LOL! If only ppl like you were here, BIS had just created a patch with a new netcode and JIP probably.... rofl.gif ....for free.

Okay..seriously. English is not my native language but i hope you and the others understand what its about.

Please excuse me for not replying to your insane ramblings about my "800 Mhz" machine etc, I just want to congratulate you for completely missing my point:

I never said that I don't want ArmA to have good graphics or that BIS shouldn't update the graphics engine. What I said was that you're giving your self way too much credit for doing nothing but basicly saying "wtf, that looks like shit, omg, BIS, u fukin noobs, make it better" at the early shots and videos and then act like we owe the good gfx that ArmA has now to you, not BIS while they were working on the gfx anyway and only published the early shots to shut up some impatient people and to show the fans at which point they were in the developement then.

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Yay, only two months of waiting till the release. And bananas were dancing of joy in the streets. yay.gifyay.gifyay.gif

Erhmm. Don't want to ruin your joy, but it's 3 months of waiting. wink_o.gif

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Yay, only two months of waiting till the release. And bananas were dancing of joy in the streets. yay.gifyay.gifyay.gif

Erhmm. Don't want to ruin your joy, but it's 3 months of waiting. wink_o.gif

Thanks for correcting me.

I don't care, it could even be 4 months for me. Patience is a virtue. smile_o.gif

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So, what to do while we're waiting? I'm mainly listening to Weird Al songs till I can memorize them all biggrin_o.gif

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