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Reading all the comments here, I must admit I feel highly unimpressed by the video.

I reckon it is not the most recent one and I guess that many of true ARMA features are yet to be shown. BIS likes to keep us guessing, anyway. But, what I see is far from being level with OFP + ECP/DMA Packs at the very least. This is why I really think this is just something to keep us guessing.

Keep faith, lads...


i agree!

in any case its imperative we keep Criticising ARMA in good or bad way, in order to improve THE game! wink_o.gif

RELEASE the ORIGINAL Video nener.gif

it will be very welcome.gif

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As the video in question wasn't made by us, or released by us and contains very old footage and content, I think it's not important for it to have a separate thread beyond where it's being discussed.

When there is an official BIS trailer/video released by all means create a separate thread for it smile_o.gif

see..? whistle.gif

Cant wait... yay.gif

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As the video in question wasn't made by us, or released by us and contains very old footage and content, I think it's not important for it to have a separate thread beyond where it's being discussed.

When there is an official BIS trailer/video released by all means create a separate thread for it smile_o.gif

Oh, i thought it was a BIS video they gave to the website for the interview.

That may explain some choices.

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smile_o.gif Well it is clearly old as we can see by the plastic wars, so there is still a glimmer of hope for the other tings, like AI. yay.gif

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I think with all this speculation and all wrong info on the REAL/RECENT ARMA, we OFP fans are going crazy!

If some official info dont get release soon.. there might not be noone to play OFP!


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I have read quite a lot of harsh critics towards the game. While everyone is free to voice his/her opinion, don't forget that no one here can make his mind over some screenshots or videos.

I laugh when I read that the game will suck and that people won't buy it just because BIS said it will try to satisfy a broader range of players... You guys seem to be able to make your mind pretty quickly out of few information !


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I have known for over a year that ArmA is an upgrade to OFP, everyone expectign to see a brand new game needs to wait for Game 2 to come out and just because you have some helos flying over and outside what appears to be a town in Africa doesnt make the video a BHD rip-off. I like to focus on the positive aspects of what i saw and not the negative ones.

What makes it a "BHD ripoff" in my mind is not the setting, but the details. Littlebirds, tail rotor failure scripts embedded in helicopters, etc. I don't think we'd see them at all if it wasn't for BHD. The US Army only has something like 60 Littlebirds in its entire inventory, and they are all allocated to the SOCOM community, so the chances you'd ever see them anywhere are remote at best. I think BHD promoted a fetish for them, hence their presense in VBS, where they offer little or no practical training value to the US Army or Marines who use it, and in ArmA.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing - by all means, I'm happy to see the increased functionality of helicopters. I just offered my opinion.

And I'm not dwelling on the negative. I fully plan to purchase and enjoy the living hell out of ArmA, but as long as there's the opportunity I'd rather air my concerns now than long after it's been released. I think I offer nothing but constructive criticism.

And on that note, thanks to Placebo offering the word that the video isn't an official BIS video nor is it very current. That definately helps my concerns.

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For some patience is impossible to acheive. Lets all try and wait for an official video from BIS before offering the harshest of criticisms.

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Discouraging replies and some of them are really rude.

The vid looks hawt downloading! firefoxlover.gif

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video is just amazing!

if it's 'old stuff' then I can't imagine how it looks now ...

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graphically, looks very nice. Everything else however seems to straight out of ofp elite. The switching is another engine limitation broken in my opinion, and don't mind it (welcome it) since i am more interested in MP/co-op/big company vs company missions.

The units need to be modernised. Vulcans i hope are the south sides AA defence, since americans don't use them any more. The Enemies in old russian gear&camo are probably the north side's soldiers rather than russians. The American soldiers however....still in the 1980s USMC camo. Still called black ops as well...like some sort of hollywood production. A 'black op' as far as i know is a slang term for inteligence operations which involves stealing something.

Little things and the attention to detail are what makes the difference.

...thankfully the video is old....phew.

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Thrutfully, I'm not surprised to see such limited enhancements in ArmA, but it doesn't matter as long as the visual aspect is improved , the rest of improvements could be done by the community, though.

(Realism, ammunitions values, AI, Briefing books, Ironsights, effects...etc).

Anyways, it's best to wait for some 'BIS official' Multimedia stuff/Demo before judging ArmA.




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The US Army only has something like 60 Littlebirds in its entire inventory, and they are all allocated to the SOCOM community, so the chances you'd ever see them anywhere are remote at best. I think BHD promoted a fetish for them, hence their presense in VBS, where they offer little or no practical training value to the US Army or Marines who use it, and in ArmA.

Actually its only 40, and 10 of those are dedicated TH models. wink_o.gif

I agree with you tho, the Littlebird/MH-60 fetish should be left to the addonmakers [*cough* BAS *cough* biggrin_o.giftounge2.gif ], and BI should focus on improving the useful airframes, like the UH-60, CH-47 etc

But yeah, people definitely need to remember this is an old video, as Placebo has told us. Lets not count our chickens before they hatch, we might get more than we're being shown.

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helfish im 1 step away from giving you a post resctriction

please read the forum rules or I wont think twice

foo rofl.gifyay.gif

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Well DL the video first and then watching it did leave me with some concernes, mainly the AI and the animations.

Though as it has been confirmed that it is old and not official I assume it might have been a "rough cut" to test some of the new features.

In that sence I just wait for an official video and "pretend" I didn`t see this one tounge2.gif

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lets be real about it what did we expect. im my eyes that vid shows us all good stuff man. what did you people expect something that looked nothing like ofp ?

its what they said and more. biggrin_o.gif

good job BIS

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I agree with you tho, the Littlebird/MH-60 fetish should be left to the addonmakers [*cough* BAS *cough* biggrin_o.giftounge2.gif ]

I like the sound of that.. [a return of the mighty ones?]

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For some patience is impossible to acheive. Lets all try and wait for an official video from BIS before offering the harshest of criticisms.

.......Most sensible post today!  biggrin_o.gif

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thats ok if your waiting for the bis game , some of us are not , we are waiting for the bis engine, the actual bis game was never all that (with full respect of course), it was the 3-4 years of community that made ofp ,imho. so if people want to try to influence the next four years of arma develepoment by asking for info or requesting addages or minuses. i think they have a right.

so at the risk of sounding hypocrytical, pls voice your opinions on the release not your views of other peoples posts its like a CS forum look at this tool below for example no input and cut imho no offer of input on arma at all.

my fifty scents and all respect to bis,bia developers and ty.

BIS creation

just one example of community creation

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it was the 3-4 years of community that made ofp

In the beginning there was the vision of BIS with an open engine (or whatever you modwizs call it)

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it was the 3-4 years of community that made ofp

In the beginning there was the vision of BIS with an open engine (or whatever you modwizs call it)

Yea, nearly all limits have been reached now. biggrin_o.gif

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Quick comment before I head out.

The way the bridge collapsed was Next Gen. Game feature. AFAIK, it is not prescribed destruction, but is an engine improvement. It was supposed to be for Next Gen. Game, but as always, BIS tends to add more and more stuff into ARMA than just a mere graphical improvement.

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it was the 3-4 years of community that made ofp

In the beginning there was the vision of BIS with an open engine (or whatever you modwizs call it)

Yea, nearly all limits have been reached now. :D

You cannot force vision.

The only proper way is to do it yourself. I would respect anyone who even tries this. I just plainly 'hate' it (well not really of course;) if ppl, respectful ppl, critisize others. Being critical ... my ass! Do it yourself, make it 'open source' and show the world you know and can do better. you will have my fullest respect (even if you come up with a horrible product). If you can't do that, well try to join BIS dev team if you are THAT good

So i'm not defending BIS, i'm exposing laziness.

If BIS comes up with a bad product, well bad luck for us. If they come up with a good product, well good for us. I'm sure they do their best to make a good product, earn a living and have some fun ... Like bloody everybody else on this world.

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Quick comment before I head out.

The way the bridge collapsed was Next Gen. Game feature. AFAIK, it is not prescribed destruction, but is an engine improvement. It was supposed to be for Next Gen. Game, but as always, BIS tends to add more and more stuff into ARMA than just a mere graphical improvement.

I hope so, maybe they still will suprise us with multi-gunner postion or some sort of support for it. yay.gif

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