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FFUR - Huge Release !!

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I think that the tanks look fine TB. So long as U can't actually see U'r reflection in them then the metal effect is about right. I was at a tank museum last summer and although the lighting wasn't that good inside, I can tell U there was an awfull lot of shiny metal in there!  smile_o.gif

It doesn't matter how much matt paint U put onto metal - it will always look like metal! And what about when the tanks are wet?!.  whistle.gif

Thats why tanks often use cammo netting to avoid being spotted in some battle situations.  tounge2.gif

I think that it is possibly that last picture that is causing concern where it looks like reflections are quite strong down the side of the track guards. Maybee if U can post a few more pics of that one at different angles etc it will show it differently.  smile_o.gif

Meanwhile keep up the good work.  thumbs-up.gif

PS. Dont forget that Nordic pack!   xmas_o.gif  inlove.gif

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The Tanks look less shiney in game, plus these shots have been done especially in order to emphasize the reflection effect.
Quote[/b] ]hence dynamic lighting. TB's also probably got the sun out at noon on June 21st for maximum effect

Indeed :-)

Please take a look on these pics, they show how looks the reflection effect on tanks in real life.

-Image 1

-Image 2

-Image 3

-Image 4

-Image 5

-Image 6

They are even more shiney than FFUR tanks with the 'dynamic reflection effects', nah?


Quote[/b] ]CameronMcDonald also asked: And which nature pack? Is that the Nordic one?

Berghoff previous trees pack & WGL last updated island pack.

Sorry,' still don't have enough of time to focuse on the islands because we're currently working quite hard on the european pack, but we'd try to do that asap.



You'll find that most of those pictures are of either museum exhibits, or they've been cleaned and waxed (lmao) for the photographer wink_o.gif

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You'll find that most of those pictures are of either museum exhibits, or they've been cleaned and waxed (lmao) for the photographer  wink_o.gif

Cleaned and waxed?! Gimme a break! No one waxes tanks! rofl.gif

I say let TB show us some more pics in different lighting conditions etc., and then we'll pass judgement.  tounge2.gif  xmas_o.gif

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no one waxes tanks?

as i know when there was Soviet empire, every vehicle was cleaned out, waxes and polished before parade...

but that's other talk...


those pix you showed are ready for photographing...

in military, tanks just don't shine...

but as you said those pix are taken on the biggest sun shine in ofp, then i'll believe they don't shine too much...

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Tanks don't shine, but feature stunning effects such as light refraction, and metallic surfaces all have reflection effects, though... (even with dust and dirt on'em).

Default OFP has 'fictionnal' reflection effects applied directly on textures with photoshop, a bit like what Inquisitor did on his weapons textures, those reflections are static, not dynamic.

So rather than paiting textures to add on'em 'fictionnal and static reflection effects', I modified some values in 'materials' in order to make the reflection effect more dynamic for more than 2500 textures, after a lot of tests and changes, I finally defined this feature as it should be in real life.

This effect brings a nice addition to OFP and allows to people who can't run dxdll to get some decent reflection effects, though.

The pics posted yesterday show you 'this reflection effect' in sunny conditions.

(Saint-pierre (Everon), 15h00, 30th August)

They will definitely look less 'shiney' in game.


Best Regards


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it all looks great and i appreciate your enormous efforts.

i have one problem.

i did exactly what you wrote in your installation instructions.

i installed it into

"C:\Programme\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\ffur2005"

i created a shortcut with the target

""C:\Programme\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" -nosplash -nomap -mod=ffur2005 -nosplash -mod=@SANCANIM"

when i want to star the game using this shortcut i always get an error message ".cfg.worlds not found".

do i have to install something else in order to play ffur?

thanx in advance!


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try it like this

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">""C:\Programme\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" -nosplash -nomap -mod=@SANCANIM -mod=ffur2005"

that i just removed the extra -nomap which was there which may be causing the problem also in your OFP folder /worlds does it have the .wrp files there should be a intro.wrp, abel.wrp, eden.wrp and cain.wrp

if you do not have them thats your problem you will require a fresh install of the game not FFUR but OFP

hope that helps also a fresh install is recomended by me beofre downloading and installing the FFUR packs to make sure you have all default addons and no modified files which could cause a problem i didnt because i use mod folders

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Quote[/b] ]""C:\Programme\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" -nosplash -nomap -mod=ffur2005 -nosplash -mod=@SANCANIM"

You can't run any of FFUR mods with other mods using this way, the same goes for FDF, CSLA...etc because this way might cause a lot of problems.

Plus there are a couple of addons that can't be used with the FFUR 2005 (in order to avoid duplicated addons -> this has been fixed for the next release, though).

Quote[/b] ]

"C:\Programme\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" -nosplash -nomap -mod=ffur2005

...will perfectly work.

N.B: Don't rename, don't move and don't delete any of the FFUR files to avoid issues.



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Flashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" -nosplash -nomap -mod=ffur2005 -nosplash -mod=@SANCANIM"

when i want to star the game using this shortcut i always get an error message ".cfg.worlds not found".

When you want to run more than one mod, you type:


thats the name of the mods, seperated by a semi-colon. To prioritize a mod, put it at the end, or behind a less important mod. This means that if two mods have different values for one thing, the game will use the higher prioritized mod. Btw, I think you can take out the sancanim pbo and put it in the FFUR folder, though Im not sure of this, I prefer FFUR's addons.

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FFUR European Crisis pack annoucement

After a couple of weeks of hard work, the new FFUR European Crisis project is nearing completion, and after the FFUR Asian Crisis and the 3 other themes the FFUR team released 2 months ago here's a new concept inspired from real life conflicts that happened the last 10 years. Because this is the first time that a coallition of countries are opposed to one big nation and for the first time, 3 european countries would represent NATO forces (Germany, United Kingdom and Sweden), the OPFOR would still be represented by former renegade russian forces. A lot of enhancements and improvements have been done, however it should be released on Christmas day.

Here are its main contents:

*New theme inspired on real life events that happened the last 10 years. (Several countries involved)

*Very realistic weapons values.

*Improve gameplay.

*Enhanced Dynamic reflection effects.

*All units, weapons, vehicles, boats and aircrafts have been replaced by the best addons of the community that are suited to the theme and the theme era as well. some addons have even been enhanced by the FFUR team.

*New effects.

*Designed new firearms ironsights and made’em the authentic possible.

*New sounds and new Custom GUI (inspired on VBS1).

*Established the ability to use ‘extra’ addons with FFUR.

*Only relevant and required P3D models and textures have been retained for the mod.

*Incorporated realistic clouds that appear when you're flying quite high with planes and jet fighters. (Thanks to NIM mod)







Best Regards


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nice touch adding new info sections to the weapons - of course, im personally interested in the uk side of things biggrin_o.gif

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A little concerned to see the Falklands Lynx with no mention of either Col Klink OR the Flashpoint in the Falklands team on your credits section of the FFUR website.

There also does not appear to be a request logged with the Flashpoint in the Falklands team...

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A little concerned to see the Falklands Lynx with no mention of either Col Klink OR the Flashpoint in the Falklands team on your credits section of the FFUR website.

There also does not appear to be a request logged with the Flashpoint in the Falklands team...

Don't take me wrong but I was expecting to add all people involved in FFUR with their great addons once the pack's released, sorry I'm still quite busy right now, didn't find time to update the list of credits, though.

But will do it asap, Had a long day today (4h00 am -> 1h41 am).

In any way,' Hope you would appreciate this pack.


Good night



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Yeah! A full statement!!

Sounds so awesome I can't wait!

Wait up tho, are the 3 nations under one "NATO" team (as in West) or are they separate. I'm confused as to how this could be a replacement pack if you need to add 3 countries under one banner, and still split up the units so each country is represented fairly.

Sorry if I've confused things, still looking like a kickass mod, as always!

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That blurb on the mg3 is c/p from the world.guns.ru site, and the picture is also knicked from there. Are you sure that that property is for free use without attribution?

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Quote[/b] ]Wait up tho, are the 3 nations under one "NATO" team (as in West) or are they separate. I'm confused as to how this could be a replacement pack if you need to add 3 countries under one banner, and still split up the units so each country is represented fairly.

BLUEFOR Model Changes

That's how these sections would be defined in the mission editor

All units of the 3 countries would work together in a close cooperation during this conflict against russians, as you may see, each country is involved with the best of its units.



British- Armored units

British- Royal Air Force

British- Special Air Service

British- Support Units

German- Infantry Personnel

German- Air Force

German- Armored Units

German- Cars

German- Support Units

Swedish- Naval Units


Infantry -> BWMOD German infantry (Bundeswehr)

Special forces -> BlackBlood Special Air Service units

British crews -> UKF units.

German crews -> BWMOD Tanks crews.

Pilots -> Fishkopp Pilots.

M16 -> InQ G36

M16 M203 ->NorFor & UKF G36kHK79

M24 -> BW Mod G22

M4 -> UKF SA-80

XMS -> SJB Marksman M4 Bipod.

M60 -> NorFor MG3

HK -> SJB M4(sd acog)

Stinger ->FliegerFaust

Handgrenade -> FFUR DM51

BIS ironsights -> FFUR Ironsights (special thanks to benus)

Law ->BW Mod PanzerFaust 3

Carl Gustav ->OFPL_RC Leuchtbüchse 84mm (was forced to use it even if it's currently not used that much).

M113 ->DKM FV-432

M163 ->BW MOD Gepard

M2A2 ->Enhanced DKM MCV-80 MILAN

M1A2 ->DKM Challenger 2

M60 ->FFUR/Hawk Challenger 1

Hummer -> BW MOD Unimog (transport)

Ah-1 ->BW MOD Tiger

Ah-64 ->Helifreak AH-1 MK (modified)

Oh-58 ->BW MOD EC-135

UH-60 ->Falklands Mod Lynx

UH-60MG ->Falklands Mod Lynx

CH-47 ->FFUR RAF Ch-47

A10 -> ColorChanger RAF Tornado Brimstone

A10Bomber -> Footmunch German F4

Jeep -> BW MOD wolf

JeepMG -> BW MOD wolf MG3

Truck5t -> BW MOD Man5t Ilgl

Truck5tOpen -> Man5t Ilgl

Ambulance ->BW MOD Man5t Ilgl Ambulance

Repair ->BW MOD Man5t Ilgl Repair

Fuel ->BW MOD Man5t Ilgl Fuel

Ammo ->BW MOD Man5t Ilgl Ammo

PBR -> SFP Mod Strb 90H

LSD -> SFP Mod HMS Visby

& implemented a couple of extra units as well.


Special thanks to all Community's people behind all of these great addons, though.

BWmod, UKF, DKM, Falklands Mod, SFP, RHS, ORCS...etc.

A detailed list of credits would be published once the pack's released.

Quote[/b] ]That blurb on the mg3 is c/p from the world.guns.ru site, and the picture is also knicked from there. Are you sure that that property is for free use without attribution?

We usually use Fas.org for this purpose, I have been impressed by the quality of those detailed descriptions on the russian website, that's why we decided to use it as main information source.

Heh, never thought about contacting the authors of the website to ask'em to use their content, I hope you don't see that as a sign of disrespect or something... but just because of lack of time.

But will inform'em as well, though.

G'night again.



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Nice work FFUR Team,

You guys always come up with the best stuff. This one is sure to be on my harddrive Christmas day! Keep it up guys!


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Guest RKSL-Rock
UH-60 ->Malvinas Mod Lynx

UH-60MG ->Malvinas Mod Lynx  

Malvinas didnt make the Lynx you are showing in your pics. It was made by and for the Falklands Mod. A totally different team.

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3 european countries would represent NATO forces (Germany, United Kingdom and Sweden)

Sweden is not a NATO-country

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Law ->BW Mod PanzerFaust 3

Last time i've seen that addon (is a long time ago..i admit) the sights where wrong...they used the normal BIS-LAW-sights. IMO the Swissmod had one that was right in that point.

Any plans of changes here...i mean the sight not the weapon?

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UH-60 ->Malvinas Mod Lynx

UH-60MG ->Malvinas Mod Lynx  

This needs correcting..

There are TWO teams working on the Falklands.

1982: Flashpoint in the Falklands (the team behind the Lynx)


The Malvinas team.

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Quote[/b] ]That blurb on the mg3 is c/p from the world.guns.ru site, and the picture is also knicked from there. Are you sure that that property is for free use without attribution?

We usually use Fas.org for this purpose, I have been impressed by the quality of those detailed descriptions on the russian website, that's why we decided to use it as main information source.

Heh, never thought about contacting the authors of the website to ask'em to use their content, I hope you don't see that as a sign of disrespect or something... but just because of lack of time.

But will inform'em as well, though.

Certainly not, but I think it's important to give due credit. I work on a couple of open source game projects, and have done a lot of work researching licenses. I am also exposed to the concept of authority and plagerism in my studies as a college student. I'm sensitive to this sort of thing, and I thought I would let you know in the same spirit as the others who have pointed out any omissions in your attributions on this thread. I don't know the world of addons very well, but other things I do know of quite well, and I am able to contribute to the integrity of this, your magnum opus, in other ways. As with my other comments that you found dericive months past, don't worry about it. These comments are not pointed, and I'm not seeking to discredit you.

It is not necessary to give them attribution if it's covered under fair use, or if their document license allows for it. This is something I'm not aquainted with in terms of that site. I'm not sure of a non-profit project has right to fair use or not, and I was only asking if you were sure it was alright. I was not indicating that it wasn't alright, only that it might not be. These are things you ought to investigate.

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