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FFUR - Huge Release !!

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(using a AMD Athlon 64 3000+ 2Ghz, 728Mb RAM, 126mb Radeon 9800SE graphics card and 3 120gb HD´s (both almost full)

i think you need to change VGA card to a newer and have at least 1Gb rams(i recomend 2Gbs)

My pc is:

AMD Athlon 2700+ ~2,2GHz

1Gb Dual DDR rams(2x512mb PC3200)

256MB GeForce FX 5600XT(it heats fast, nr1 to change)

80Gb Maxtor HDD

I build it from bought parts with my friend, i like to do allmost everyting by my self, it's like hard level who attracts me more in something...

and my fps is around 24 when tank groups are on the run... smile_o.gif

i get 12-19 fps when SEPs throw their smoke grenades, when they are nearly destroy...

P.S. any idea how to disable that script which drops smoke grenades, causing big area of thick smoke and fps drop?

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ive got 2.2GHZ not sure bout the processor and have 728Mb RAM and a Geforce 2 graphics card Ouch...  crazy_o.gif

but i can still play ofp with a rather high FPS and not noticed much lag but im soon to be getting a graphics card with 512MB for x-mas  yay.gif

edit - also with FFUR is it possible for you to make the text nice and clear and make the editor more spaced out like on FDF the writing is very clear and easy to see and read and the eidtor you have lots of room and the boxe's are extended to see more at once

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(using a AMD Athlon 64 3000+ 2Ghz, 728Mb RAM, 126mb Radeon 9800SE graphics card and 3 120gb HD´s (both almost full)

i think you need to change VGA card to a newer and have at least 1Gb rams(i recomend 2Gbs)

My pc is:

AMD Athlon 2700+ ~2,2GHz

1Gb Dual DDR rams(2x512mb PC3200)

256MB GeForce FX 5600XT(it heats fast, nr1 to change)

80Gb Maxtor HDD

and my fps is around 24 when tank groups are on the run... smile_o.gif

i get 12-19 fps when SEPs throw their smoke grenades, when they are nearly destroy...

P.S. any idea how to disable that script which drops smoke grenades, causing big area of thick smoke and fps drop...

yeah, new VGA card and more ram is on the wish list....

and so is a new motherboard and new processor biggrin_o.gif

i want atleast a 3Ghz AMD processor (dont like Intel for some reason) and a new VGA card with atleast 256mb.

and ofcourse as much RAM as the motheboard can handle.... biggrin_o.gif

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you know what pc will fit for ofp? it's my dream:

AMD 64bit 3500+

motherboard with 4xdual DDRII(4 slots for DDRII), nForce4, integrated 7.1 sound card, integrated Lan card, S-ATA...

4x1024Mb DDRII (PC4400)

best VGA=ATI ...

at least 74GB S-ATA HDD with 10000rpm

17-19' LCD monitor

this pc cost like, m... Civic Coupe 94 year, in good condition, so it's almost imposible... (heh, i'm not working yet...)

so who will give this present for me? where's that x-mas grandpa?

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Quote[/b] ]Hmmm, this I'm not too sure about....as I recall quite a few of us were already complaining that the LMG's in the hands of AI were too innacurate...

Indeed, I didn't forget it, but considering the new realistic weapons values we implemented, ~2 7.62mm bullets to the torso should kill you even at quite long distances, so best to keep machine gunners with such a low accuracy in order to increase 'the chances of survival'.


Well....if you say so, but I've stopped equiping my squads with MG's when I've had the choice - say Resistance campaign, when running a FFUR pack, and I was hoping the accuracy would be rectified. personally I find them nearly harmless now.

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Quote[/b] ]edit - also with FFUR is it possible for you to make the text nice and clear and make the editor more spaced out like on FDF the writing is very clear and easy to see and read and the eidtor you

Bigger than this one?



Quote[/b] ]personally I find them nearly harmless now

Ok, will increase their accuracy a bit more.

Quote[/b] ]you know what pc will fit for ofp? it's my dream:

AMD 64bit 3500+

motherboard with 2xdual DDRII(4 slots for DDRII), nForce3, integrated 7.1 sound card, integrated Lan card, S-ATA...

4GB DDRII (PC5400 or what the best are?)

best VGA

at least 74GB S-ATA HDD with 10000rpm

17-19' LCD monitor

Same here, have to work hard in order to get such a toy.

Quote[/b] ]anyone thinks it would be a good time to clean out some addons?

Definitely, All FFUR packs have been carried out on a 1.46 Ghz, 448 SDRAM, Geforce 5700, 30 GB and I've in my folder 6 mods packs (guess'em :-p), everything work as it should so far.



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ive seen several videos (Real life vids) of guys firing the M60 and there is recoil but no where near enough for the first two or 3 shots the front end fires up slightly then they manage to control the recoil so it slightly goes up and they can easily fire it without missing too bad

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i want atleast a 3Ghz AMD processor (dont like Intel for some reason) and a new VGA card with atleast 256mb.

and ofcourse as much RAM as the motheboard can handle.... biggrin_o.gif

The fastest AMD CPU is 2.8Ghz, and costs €1,100 biggrin_o.gif Best is probably the 2.2GHz Socket 939 3700+ with 1 or 2 Gigs of RAM. Filling your motherboard with RAM is a rather pointless waste of money.

P.S. I like that Teutonic Cross GUI thumbs-up.gif

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ive seen several videos (Real life vids) of guys firing the M60 and there is recoil but no where near enough for the first two or 3 shots the front end fires up slightly then they manage to control the recoil so it slightly goes up and they can easily fire it without missing too bad

With any rapid fire hand held automatic weapon U get a kind of  'thrust' effect from the kickback of each bullet in succession. Once U've got this 'thrust' under control the gun settles down somewhat and becomes a little more steady and therefor accuracy increases slightly after the first few shots throw it off target. Thus automatic fire is more accurate than burst.

I don't know how accurately these effects can be simulated in OFP and whether its just one accuracy value for each different weapon and each mode of fire? In which case the accuracy values will just have to be estimated with these considerations in mind  wink_o.gif .

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TBH has started this project without seeking permission form some of the addon makers assuming they will consent to their conversion after the release.  While some don't mind how their addons are used, others do.  The Falklands team was not consulted prior to FFURs announcement and use of the Lynx but has now consented to its use in this mod...

We would like to take this opportunity to remind anyone that if they want to modify any of our addons they must ask for permission first and not just assume its ok to change, modify or adapt other people's work.  It shows a lack of respect for any addon maker and a disregard for the acknowledged rights of all authors.

It takes very little to ask and shows respect from the outset.  Its all we ask, and never assume its a yes as some teams may have a very good reason for saying no.

This goes out to all those people and mods who look to use others addons and re-release, just remember there are acknowledged rights involved and it takes very little effort just to ask

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ive seen several videos (Real life vids) of guys firing the M60 and there is recoil but no where near enough for the first two or 3 shots the front end fires up slightly then they manage to control the recoil so it slightly goes up and they can easily fire it without missing too bad

With any rapid fire hand held automatic weapon U get a kind of 'thrust' effect from the kickback of each bullet in succession. Once U've got this 'thrust' under control the gun settles down somewhat and becomes a little more steady and therefor accuracy increases slightly after the first few shots throw it off target. Thus automatic fire is more accurate than burst.

I don't know how accurately these effects can be simulated in OFP and whether its just one accuracy value for each different weapon and each mode of fire? In which case the accuracy values will just have to be estimated with these considerations in mind wink_o.gif .

i agree to that....

when fireing a weapon in fully automatic mode the first round hits the target (wich is normal, it´s no different from a single shot), the 2nd and sometimes 3rd and 4th round (depends on the rate of fire), gets a bit off (in a lying down position with a supported (supporting legs) weapon not much, about 10-15cm off on 100m i would say (depending on the weapon ofcourse)) and then you get "used" to the recoil and starts to control it and the rounds starts hitting about where you aim again (ofcourse the weapon will still bounce around a bit and adding to the dispersion, but not as much as the first couple of rounds)

another thing that i dont know if it´s possible in OFP is that machinegunners are usually trained to aim low (in front off or below the target), both becouse of the weapon staggering a bit and becouse of the psychological effect of having dirt thrown up in your face, remember that machinegunners is not there to in first hand "kill" the enemy, but keep him suppressed so that your comrades can shoot him with more accurate weapons (or grenades), though ofcourse it´s inevitable NOT to kill anyone (some dumb bastard will always shove his head up, right into the fiering line)

so it it´s possible i would like to see the machinegunners to aim low the first couple of rounds and then make the rest end up in the same height as the target (now they usually gets the first round in the target and the rest way above the target)

this combined with a bit higher dispersion would make it great smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]TBH has started this project without seeking permission form some of the addon makers assuming they will consent to their conversion after the release. While some don't mind how their addons are used, others do. The Falklands team was not consulted prior to FFURs announcement and use of the Lynx but has now consented to its use in this mod...

We would like to take this opportunity to remind anyone that if they want to modify any of our addons they must ask for permission first and not just assume its ok to change, modify or adapt other people's work. It shows a lack of respect for any addon maker and a disregard for the acknowledged rights of all authors.

It takes very little to ask and shows respect from the outset. Its all we ask, and never assume its a yes as some teams may have a very good reason for saying no.

This goes out to all those people and mods who look to use others addons and re-release, just remember there are acknowledged rights involved and it takes very little effort just to ask

As explained more than once, requesting and waiting for permissions usually delays the whole project, and that is why we decided to proceed on other ways to gain more time.

(And all total conversion mods (Y2K3, EECP...) more or less followed the same way).

And I repeat again, this is absolutely not a sign of disrespect towards your efforts or your team, unlike that, it's a great opportunity to use the addons made by the community for a nice purpose. So rather than letting'em to age and to be lost in archives, we prefer to giv'em a new blow.

Plus we never modified any addon without permission, we don't claim ourselves behind any addon, (except those we modifie with the permission of their original authors), we always give full credits to people involved in FFUR by their great stuff, it sometimes happens that we forget to add some authors to the list of credits but we immediately fix the problem once being reported.

And as I've already reported you by pm, some people even kindly accept to help us by allowing us the use of some of their still unreleased or exclusive addons.

And until now, we never had any problem with and mod and with any mod maker for such reasons.



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Guest RKSL-Rock
As explained more than once, requesting and waiting for permissions usually delays the whole project, and that is why we decided to proceed on other ways to gain more time.

(And all total conversion mods (Y2K3, EECP...) more or less followed the same way).

And I repeat again, this is absolutely not a sign of disrespect towards your efforts or your team, unlike that, it's a great opportunity to use the addons made by the community for a nice purpose. So rather than letting'em to age and to be lost in archives, we prefer to giv'em a new blow.

Plus we never modified any addon without permission, we don't claim ourselves behind any addon, (except those we modifie with the permission of their original authors), we always give full credits to people involved in FFUR by their great stuff, it sometimes happens that we forget to add some authors to the list of credits but we immediately fix the problem once being reported.

And as I've already reported you by pm, some people even kindly accept to help us by allowing us the use of some of their still unreleased or exclusive addons.

And until now, we never had any problem with and mod and with any mod maker for such reasons.



To be honest TB your response there just proves the lack of respect for any addon maker's rights.  Whether you modify the addons or not, you are repackaging other people's work up in your own label and distributing it.  

While I'm sure other people have let you just do what you want with their addons, others wont.  You went ahead and included people's work and then went on to publicise it without their consent and now go on to say that:

Quote[/b] ] requesting and waiting for permissions usually delays the whole project, and that is why we decided to proceed on other ways to gain more time."

To my mind this is a plain simple admission that you aren’t respecting the addons makers. You've been lucky in this case, i wonder how many people that aren’t so vocal feel about having their hard work & property repackaged.

You seem to be running on the assumption that because you've released it people wont kick up a fuss.  That’s wrong and it IS disrespecting the addon makers in this community.

I strongly suggest you re think your approach to other people’s addons.

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RockofSL, I think you're clearly over-reacting. It is not the end of the world when someone takes a bunch of addons, universalises them into a new config, and releases it, with or without their permission.

I would actually be privilidged and honored if my addon was in such a fine replacement mod, credited or not. Sure, if he said "I MADE EVERY ADDON HERE YOU DONT BELIEVE ME SUCK MY DICK" then I'd be pissed, like any self repsecting addon maker would be. But you're taking this whole copyright "DONT TOUCH MY ADDON OR I KILL THE FOOL" case a little too serious. Lay off man, just lay off.

He's making a mod with other people's work in it and is repspectfully crediting them. If you take a look at how many addons there are, and how many addon makers arn't around or just don't reply or whatever, you'd see that it'd take a fucking long time for 6+ packs.

Like I said, if he was taking other people's work and crediting them as his own, or being rude in any of that respect, then yes, that is wrong, but is he? Not the last time I checked. So just piss off, and leave this talented configger to make another great replacement mod, or go find someone else that you can bully on the INTERNET.

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Quote[/b] ]To be honest TB your response there just proves the lack of respect for any addon maker's rights

Being with a logical and realistic mind, you have to know that no Total conversion mod would exist if all addon makers would be thinking like you.

We respect mod makers, we respect addon makers, we have a close cooperation with a lot of them.

If you consider that we're disrespectful then the same should go for all total conversion mods.

Your opinions are your own, no one has elected you as the mouthpiece of the community, I mean this in the nicest possible way.

Please don't cast apsersions on us by accusing us of misusing addons, any addon maker who doesn't want his work involved in the project is fully aware that I can be contacted by email and will comply out of the sense of respect and community which forms the basis of the whole project.



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In the case above permission has given and to be honest I think would likely to have been given if it had been asked for in advance, what annoyed a few guys was the fact that this permission was assumed without asking.


The issue is as far as Falklands concerned closed and a number of us are honoured to have our Lynx in your pack but the above is a reminder to others never assume and just please have the courtesy to just ask.

It takes little effort and little time to have a few manners.

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Guest RKSL-Rock
RockofSL, I think you're clearly over-reacting. It is not the end of the world when someone takes a bunch of addons, universalises them into a new config, and releases it, with or without their permission.

I would actually be privilidged and honored if my addon was in such a fine replacement mod, credited or not. Sure, if he said "I MADE EVERY ADDON HERE YOU DONT BELIEVE ME SUCK MY DICK" then I'd be pissed, like any self repsecting addon maker would be. But you're taking this whole copyright "DONT TOUCH MY ADDON OR I KILL THE FOOL" case a little too serious. Lay off man, just lay off.

He's making a mod with other people's work in it and is repspectfully crediting them. If you take a look at how many addons there are, and how many addon makers arn't around or just don't reply or whatever, you'd see that it'd take a fucking long time for 6+ packs.

Like I said, if he was taking other people's work and crediting them as his own, or being rude in any of that respect, then yes, that is wrong, but is he? Not the last time I checked. So just piss off, and leave this talented configger to make another great replacement mod, or go find someone else that you can bully on the INTERNET.

Think whatever you want but i'm not over reacting at all.  I've been part of this debate since it started as im a member of the Falklands team.

I think you've come in at the backend of something and not understood whats actually happened.

While I'm sure most addon makers will be happy to be "asked" to have their work included in a replacment mod, im sure they would also like to be actualy asked rather than the decision taken out of their own hands.

I for one didnt really mind too much that the Lynx was used (i iniatially assumed he asked permission) but what i did object to was the automatic assumption that it could be used and permission gained after the fact, which is TB's stated policy.

While I do accept that it can take alot of time to get permission to uses stuff atleast some kind of effort would have been nice.  Also considering that pretty much every member of the Falklands team is active on this very forum its a bit rich to claim we'd be hard to reach.

Now if you were in the position of actually making anything and not just trolling im sure you'd agree that you would at least want to be consulted on how and what your hard work is used for, you would be a bit more supportive.

Quote[/b] ]To be honest TB your response there just proves the lack of respect for any addon maker's rights

Being with a logical and realistic mind, you have to know that no Total conversion mod would exist if all addon makers would be thinking like you.

We respect mod makers, we respect addon makers, we have a close cooperation with a lot of them.

If you consider that we're disrespectful then the same should go for all total conversion mods.

I disagree, ive worked with quite a few conversion teams – I still do and im very happy to support them 110% but mainly because they asked to use my work.

Your opinions are your own, no one has elected you as the mouthpiece of the community, I mean this in the nicest possible way.

I’m not speaking for the community, im speaking for myself and as a member of the Falklands Team.

Please don't cast apsersions on us by accusing us of misusing addons, any addon maker who doesn't want his work involved in the project is fully aware that I can be contacted by email and will comply out of the sense of respect and community which forms the basis of the whole project.

That’s all fine and good if you actually know your work is being used. But When CBFASI contacted you you had already said you were going to release it and publicised it as a feature of your Mod. What would you have really done if he’d asked you to remove it?

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Do you ever get the feeling that you over stated a position to the point where people get tired of reading the same long winded post over and over because you have already said it?

That's starting to happen.

EDIT: Take it to a PM instead of killing the thread.

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"All this nonsence!"

Guys EVERYONE is looking forward to the release of this pack please dont get all nuts over such a small thing!

People should be proud when their work is included in packs/mods after all isnt that why they released it to the public in the first place?

TB simple puts these great addons/FX/and other stuff together to make a good modification, he doesnt mean to offend anyone or take credit for others work.

Unless TB was to start selling it on ebay for $$$$$$$ i just dont think there is ANY harm in it at all.

Everyone seems to of forgotten that we are on a quest to make OFP look/play as best we can and to do this we need to support the authors and mod teams as a community.

You guys need to let this happen...after all what can you do to stop good quality addons being included..... whistle.gif

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Do you ever get the feeling that you over stated a position to the point where people get tired of reading the same long winded post over and over because you have already said it?

That's starting to happen.

EDIT: Take it to a PM instead of killing the thread.

Agreed! If any of U addon makers have issues with TB84 regarding the way he is using U're addons, then please do it privately 'cos we simply don't wanna hear it!  tounge2.gif

I understand where U lot are coming from and I have no disrespect for U're feelings! Just not here please!  whistle.gif

Merry Christmas!  xmas_o.gif

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So your attitude is "They're going to use your addons and all you addon makers can shut up and sit in the corner" ? That's a nice way to act.

While Thunderbird does seem to usually try hard to seek permission and notify an addon maker that their addon is being used in the FFUR pack and it is understandable that waiting on an addon maker's response can take time, but as has been shown, in this case it might have been wiser to have waited for the permission before showing pictures of the addon in question and noting them in the addons list. smile_o.gif

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God this topic again. Bottom line, if you dont want your addon used, then dont publish. My opinion, is once you publish an addon its public domain. None of us have ultimate rights to anything made with O2 or runs on this engine anyways. BIS does. They are the only ones that can make money off of any of this. So noone should worry bout capitalizing on this. If you do use someone else's mod,, just reference it in the material and let people know how good it is. Can we move on now people!!!

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Guest RKSL-Rock
God this topic again. Bottom line, if you dont want your addon used, then dont publish. My opinion, is once you publish an addon its public domain. None of us have ultimate rights to anything made with O2 or runs on this engine anyways. BIS does. They are the only ones that can make money off of any of this. So noone should worry bout capitalizing on this. If you do use someone else's mod,, just reference it in the material and let people know how good it is.

*cough* Urban Myth Read -BIS on Addon Ownerships

Can we move on now people!!.

Yes lets.

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God this topic again. Bottom line, if you dont want your addon used, then dont publish. My opinion, is once you publish an addon its public domain. None of us have ultimate rights to anything made with O2 or runs on this engine anyways. BIS does. They are the only ones that can make money off of any of this. So noone should worry bout capitalizing on this. If you do use someone else's mod,, just reference it in the material and let people know how good it is. Can we move on now people!!!

we still have intlectual rights to our addon, and have every right to dictate what happends to our addons, your awful, illfounded opinion of 'public domain' isnt going to change that, nor does BIS's O2 liscence - read up on the O2 liscence thread before commenting on matters like these.

[edit]Bloody RockofSL tounge2.gif[/edit]

but hey, on a good note, UKF were kindly asked about the use of our addons and agreed, so no complaints here smile_o.gif

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