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FFUR - Huge Release !!

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Aways seems to the Russians adopt the "if it aint broke dont fix it" approach to weapons unlike most countrys.

Simple Weapons that do the job well.

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SVD is a Designated Marksmens rifle, not a Sniper rifle in the true sense.. It's used to extend the reach of a squad's firing capabilities, not go off killing officers etc.

Plus to the idiot who says the AK-47 is still in use icon_rolleyes.gif

They have them in warehouses, and some Spetsnaz have been using them recently in Urban warfare because of their ability to shoot through walls.

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They have them in warehouses, and some Spetsnaz have been using them recently in Urban warfare because of their ability to shoot through walls.

Doubt it, they rather use the AKM/S wich is very close to a Ak-47 but still another weap ^^

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Well, SVD is accurate enough, but still it isn't enough for solving some sniper tasks. Well, according to one military magazine, the modern requirements for sniper weapons are the following, considering to accuracy. Bullet must not spread (mmm...am I right, naming this term?) more than one degree minute (again-it's my translation from "uglovaja minuta" in russian). SVD has a higher bullet spread...Well, for 1000 metres bullet spread (or lean...or...?) is about 500 mm in average. You can count this numbers on lesser distance easily. 1 degree minute is 290 mm for 1000 metres distance as far as I remember. However, accuracy is not only a techical characteristic, also it's an experience. Shooting on a larger distances means to be a difficult mathematic exersice. If you saw shooting table once-you'll understand me.

Sorry for bulky explanation. And I could made mistakes in numbers, cause almost 10 years passed and I have been far away from army for this time.


We still have Ppsh and Mosins in warehouses, but we don't use nor Mosins nor AK47. AKM is still widely spread around spetsnaz and recon companies. AK47 is fiction of some game developers (hm...as far as I remember we had Ak47 and fictious 3 rnd burst in OFP too, hadn't we?) or allknowing Hollywood scenario writers. And what is it -killing an officer task? One more Hollywood stamp? For this mission I would take something more powerful, not AWP or Steyr...However, there're too many factors, e.g. mission conditions for example, before I will make any choice, cause OSV96 is very big and heavy and it's too loud-not for missions behind enemy lines.

2Shadow NX

I meant high caliber rifles under "sweety things". For large distances AWP is not a thing, I wish to rely on...But to be correct I never use AWP, so I can't give any objective comments. If you want to eliminate target for sure, you should use OSV-96 or SV-98... For lower distances (100-400) - VSK94 or VSS-that's for sure... They have extreme heavy bullets. Watch your legs and hands-they could be easily shot off... biggrin_o.gif

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notworthy.gif ffur 2.0 notworthy.gif

i cant wait lol hehehe the new improvemtns look great xmas_o.gif

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Well, don't see anything bad in your phrase. For me AKM will be popular weapon at least till the middle of a century. Ak74M will be replaced by AEK or modernised AN94-it's normal... Well, to have an example, americans have M16 and only the newest A4 have a chance to compete with AK74M. I don't mean accuracy (i may be subjective by writing about accuracy, so I won't do it), but weight, difficultiness of repairing and common parametres like emmm...price\performance.

Sorry for bulky explanation again.

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I'm just curious, what bearing does ANY of this discussion about SVDs and whether or not the Russian military still uses AK47s/AKMs etc. has on FFUR.

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Might not have much bearing on FFUR but it sure does make for good conversation while waiting for the 2.0 version thats suppose to come out..... when?

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Thank you for the explanation NSX. thumbs-up.gif


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page 300 congrats! Cant wait for patch! yay.gif

Reaching page 300 of a thread without achieving concrete results is hardly something I would've thought was worth congratulating for... But yeah whistle.gif

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A forum page count has more to do with user interest than anything else. You're berating T-bird for not programming for free fast enough for you? We've reached a new low, ladies and gentlemen.

I don't like FFUR very much, and T-Bird can be hard to take, but this guy up there is a real putz.

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I didn't say what my precise thoughts were for a reason.

What you ass-u-me I meant, is not my problem

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you know, it's easy to judge people...

but you forget one thing, when judging people, you have to look of his/her use(what good or bad he/she has done to everybody) and only then say your decision, but you have to see your self like in the mirror, to understand what kind of person you are. In this case, TB is creating not for him self, but for us, comunity/OFP fans, a mod, which incorporates other people addons and hard work. It's not much easier for TB too. So his work is tegative and awesome. And you, just critisize him, because of you don't like the FFUR? I don't understand, how can you do that? Maybe you put some work in FFUR, maybe you know the people which are working there hard, sacrifying their free time just for us? Nonsense.

and please stop that crap, we don't help TB with it.


ah, i see, you are a scoped eye...

hm... sniper in the recon. That's badass, on the other hand, i think you have golden patience wait for targets to come out of the hidding places, count enemy movement and etc. Nice to have here a guy, form RF recon. I only can imagine what cool photos you have from service in recon  wow_o.gif

oh yeah, forgot to ask, you were in army recon or spetsnaz recon?(i know little about RF "recon")

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Shashman is right. Alot of you are simply arse lickers. Even asking when it MIGHT be released is considered taboo amoungst you people.

Thanks to TB for making this mod but it doesn't mean that we can't naturally want to know how long until its release, its the same with ALL game releases. Instead we get the same predictable responce "when its done" or even better if you are lucky you might get told to eff off by some cyber hard-man.

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i think you forget the little detail that ffur is for free and Tb is making it because he wants and owe you nothing, so you don't have any right to ask anything that Tb don't wanna give you .if people dont ask for release dates is just for respect , a word that some people seems not to know.

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Nobody panic  smile_o.gif.

lol wilco, im on the verge of panicing whistle.gif lol

guys dont worry and if you do dont spam it in this thred.. PM each other your problems and thoughts about other people..

T-Bird has worked sleepless days and nights on this and its at its final final stages soon to be uploaded so dont worry. Give the guy some positive posts.

And keep on keeping on at what you do best


Go go FFUR...!

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Currently solving some Hind gun issue, maybe we can close Betatest after that...

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I just say FFUR....keep on truckin'  smile_o.gif

Keep on trucking and knock down those who oppose

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Hi folks,

Thanks for the kind words, for your long and usual support, and I sincerely hope you will enjoy the incoming version as we have enjoyed working on it..

Excluding the MP & ACU configs (That would probably be included to an extra module envisaged for the next incoming days), the new FFUR 2006 2.0 is almost totally complete and would hopefully be released before the end of the current week. (including the weekend :-)).

Here are a couple of shots btw.







Thanks to Ingram and to Parvus for these nice shots.

Anyway, time comes to take the previous 'ffur2006' out of your 'Operation Flashpoint' folders, and maybe to lock the current thread for a new one. (That would be done as soon as the pack's online).


Best Regards


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Cool very nice pictures.

Cant wait for the release, gonna uninstall 2006 now.

Great work.

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