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SJB Weapons Pack Released

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Man, that looks good!!! notworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gif

Awesome work and much better than the current ones (whcih weren't bad either so this new stuff totaly rocks).

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weapon look great.

this is my favourite weapon pack for OFP. really looking forward to the next release.

one question though, becuase OFP is about gameplay first and looks second (and your weapons have the looks down fantastic) how close to the real thing is the handling of your weapons? of course within limitations of being a game.

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I'm trying my best to get the weapons as closely matching their real-life counterparts (ROF, engagement ranges etc). Where-as v1.00 was pretty much a generic pack where most of the weapons were very similar (i.e. the AK handled similarly to an M4A1 etc) and with v1.10 being a slight improvement from that, I am attempting to make v2.00 as realistic as possible (within the engine limitations).

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Yeah, give that AK-47 alot of recoil as far as Full Auto is concerned!

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I'm trying my best to get the weapons as closely matching their real-life counterparts (ROF, engagement ranges etc). Where-as v1.00 was pretty much a generic pack where most of the weapons were very similar (i.e. the AK handled similarly to an M4A1 etc) and with v1.10 being a slight improvement from that, I am attempting to make v2.00 as realistic as possible (within the engine limitations).

sounds brilliant.

very very few games have got the proper modelling of weapon characteristics right - both weaknesses and strengths.

look forward to it (especially the different LMG's).

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...are you making a AK-74 with RIS/RAS ?

Hadn't planned on it

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Actually there are very few RIS/RAS systems for AK series due to the Wobbling reciever cover.

I hope you will make the dispersion more realistic.

The most weapons (even AK) can be used as a Sniperrifle... confused_o.gif

However... fantastic work!

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I edit all the configs on my unit addons so they use the weapons in this pack. I miss some M16a4 M203 with scopes, though. And camoversions of the M4 m203's?

It's actually not that hard to do, I added sights to the M-16A4/M203, along with the camo versions of the M4/M203's, of course I did this for personal use, and managed to get them to work properly thanks to the help of Jackal via PM. Thanks again Jackal! Love your pack man!

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Just updated (read: re-did entirely) the HK416 textures. They're more inline with the "gun-metal grey" look of the M4/M16 series instead of "over-brightened/over-contrasted abominations" they were previously. Once I've finished them off, I'll post some screenshots - probably sometime tomorrow.

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Looks great thumbs-up.gif

Whats that thing on the stock in the last pic?

Great work as usual! wink_o.gif

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I like your work... but is it possible to build more weapons for the east side like a Scorpion, Bizon or a new wonderful retextured Dragunov?

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In the 3rd pic, the thing on the stock is a cheek-piece (basically a cushion for the operator using the weapon to rest his cheek on while he aims). Its duct-taped on in homage to the IDF - "If there isn't a screw-attachment, tape it on!"

I'll see what I can do about the more "East Orientated" weapons

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I like your work... but is it possible to build more weapons for the east side like a Scorpion, Bizon or a new wonderful retextured Dragunov?

Aye! We don't have a high-quality SDV yet! Sure, the RHS one is nice, but it still looks a bit odd.

Just love those H&Ks... keep up the good work! thumbs-up.gif

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I like your work... but is it possible to build more weapons for the east side like a Scorpion, Bizon or a new wonderful retextured Dragunov?

Aye! We don't have a high-quality SDV yet! Sure, the RHS one is nice, but it still looks a bit odd.

Just love those H&Ks... keep up the good work! thumbs-up.gif

Try Offtime's Dragunov in the WPS mini mod. By far one of the best guns in OFP IMO.

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I like your work... but is it possible to build more weapons for the east side like a Scorpion or a new wonderful retextured Dragunov?

CSLA have some good Skorpions and has been pointed out - WP mod has a good Dragunov and PKM

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I like your work... but is it possible to build more weapons for the east side like a Scorpion, Bizon or a new wonderful retextured Dragunov?

Aye! We don't have a high-quality SDV yet! Sure, the RHS one is nice, but it still looks a bit odd.

Just love those H&Ks... keep up the good work! thumbs-up.gif

Try Offtime's Dragunov in the WPS mini mod. By far one of the best guns in OFP IMO.

Hmmm the OFPL stuff? OK then I have it, I'll try to remember that, thanks.

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Lets try to keep this on topic of SJB Weapons shall we, not derivatives of them.

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Hasn't anyone here tried the ORCS weapon pack? They have 3 variants of the SVD, and they are by far the best looking (though not as well coded as RHS ones).

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Hasn't anyone here tried the ORCS weapon pack? They have 3 variants of the SVD, and they are by far the best looking (though not as well coded as RHS ones).
Quote[/b] ]Lets try to keep this on topic of SJB Weapons shall we, not derivatives of them.
Quote[/b] ]read

v. read, (rd) read·ing, reads

v. tr.

1. To examine and grasp the meaning of (written or printed characters, words, or sentences).

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Couldn't have put it better myself Lt HuNTeR

Anyway, in an attempt to get (and keep) this back on topic, I'm gonna post a screenshot of the SOCOM which someone asked about a day or two ago.



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