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Armed Assault - should the name be changed?

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Best suggestion by the generator yet

Quote[/b] ]Armed Assault


EDIT: Nice work Kegetys, this was a really cool generator wink_o.gif

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Favourite candidates:

Armed Operation Encounter Conflict

Assault Defence

Operation: Assault Cold War Flashpoint


Seriously, that thing does actually come up with some i wouldnt mind.

How about:

Flashpoint: Crisis Storm (Btw, Operation Flashpoint is Codies but is Flashpoint on its own?)

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Call it 'Colonel Kill's Explode-O-Rama' and I'll buy everyone at BIS a drink tounge_o.gif

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Armed Assault reminds me too much of Allied Assault, a CoD Xpack, but this wont effect my opinion on the game. smile_o.gif

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We cannot use these names:



Combined Arms

what/who holds up "combined arms" ?

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Since the post of not being able to use the names


operation and

combined arms

you all post names which include one of the above!!!

Why are you breaking your heads about names which aren't possible at all?rock.gif

I mentioned Operation Firefly but operation is on the list above so perhaps

Firefly Ops

could be better  biggrin_o.gif

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Can someone tell me what it cost to buy such a name? Is there a general prinze or can CM say:

Well, we're so upset and angry with you, for you (BI) the name costs 10 Million euros....


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We cannot use these names:



Combined Arms

Do you mean that those specific words, cannot, under any circumstance, be incorporated into the title of the game?

Need clarification before I begin brainstorming. smile_o.gif

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How about : Operation YEAH BABY!!


But seriously I think maybe these for suggestion:

Military Assault

or Armed Assault Force

Hmm dunno

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So, whay not:

Operation PeaceMaker (OPM) (No, it's not for heart... tounge_o.gif )

Operation Dark Sky (ODS)

Heavy Assault for change Armed Assault if not...

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The Perdition Doctrine/Scenario/Strategy/Crisis/Meltdown/Solution/Equation/Campaign/Formula/Factor/Order/Threat/Option.

The big advantage is some of you will learn a new word. tounge_o.gif

per-di-tion (puhr dish'uhn) n.

1. a state of final spiritual ruin; loss of

the soul; damnation.

2. hell.

3. Archaic. utter destruction or ruin.

[1300-50; ME perdiciun (< OF) < L perditio

destruction, der. (with -tio -TION) of perdere to

ruin, lose = per- PER - + -dere; see ADD]

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The name should somewhat represent the content of the game, not just be a cool military operation name. While Cold War Crisis and Resistence sounded rather defensive, Armed Assault sound quite offensive. A game where you get to conquer enemy land shouldn't be named "Operation Peacemaker" or "Defence forces" or anything likewise.

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I think it would be good if the acronym retained the 'sound' of "OFP" as this will help brand awareness. I've no idea what you could call it to fit those (or something like those) letters tho...

Organised Fighting Personell

Oscar Foxtrot Papa biggrin_o.gif

O? Force P?

you get the idea...

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Well, I dislike the name, too. sad_o.gif

I would be very happy if BIS and Codies could settle down a bit and Codies would allow BIS to use Operation Flashpoint as title. I don't want to call Operation Flashpoint AA2 or something like that. But I think this decision is rather final. Domain has been registered, E3 announcements have been made. Sadly.

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We cannot use these names:



Combined Arms

You can't use this words alone but you can combine them to result in a familiar title I am sure.Check out Flashpoint Germany,it got out last year and there were no problems as far as I know registering the name.

So why isn't BIS using:

Flashpoint [insert scenario title]


Flashpoint Koglujev

Flashpoint Basra

Flashpoint 2010

And how does the community feel towards such a title name,I myself belive is the best option right now.

If this is correct, then it could be named "Flashpoint 2: Armed Assault"

The fact that there isn't a Flashpoint 1 is not important... wink_o.gif

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It's difficult to top OFP, because it was an elegantly understated name.  I meant something, and yet was not blatant.  It 'piqued' my interest by name only.

How about:

"Operational Command- Contingency"- Paying respect to the mission structuring - not to be mixed up with Orange County Choppers (OC-C)

"Rites of Passage-Rebellion" - For the lives, trials, and advancements of the virtual soldiers in the game. (RoP-R)

A bit corny and lackluster, but maybe someone will see a better name out of it: "In Service of Country" (ISoC).  Lends a non-specific honor to all armed forces.

Just stirring the naming pot.  Brainstorm on!  biggrin_o.gif


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The name doesnt really bother me, however I came up with:

Global War Crisis

Flashpoint World Crisis

Combined Operations Warfare

United Tatical Operations

Global Strategic Onslaught

Flashpoint Confrontation

Armed Tatical Ops

Decisive Strategic Battles


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Combined operations

Joint assault

Operation Storm Force

Just some names smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]ZIKAN Posted on May 20 2005,09:01


Combined Operations Warfare

Have a C.O.W., man! lol

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I agree that the armed assault sounds a bit stupid and it should be changed. Whatever the new name might be just make sure it doesn´t include words like terror and freedom.

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Objective: Full Penetration

+same acronym

-might be mistaken for... ehh... tounge_o.gif

(But seriously, Objective F<something> P<something>, would be nice for us who are lazy to type a new abbrev. Too bad I can only imagine pr0n terms.)

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