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RHS releases: GRU, SOBR, RFMI, GAZ66, Weapon Pack

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two first mirrors lead to the same file.

please use <a href="http://ofp.info" target="_blank">ofp.info</a> for correct links smile_o.gif sorry for inconvinience.

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Great addons, that is really superb icon14.gif

But don't think that you can go away with all those praises , the "T80 pack drooling group" decided to retaliate against RHS and the lack of T80 pack.

They sent me a bug report, threatening to laugh at me if i did not posted it.

So as i don't want to be the target of their lauch, here it is


Quote[/b] ]

With a @RHS folder with only that release


Launching OFP, error message at startup:


After adding JAM_Magazines.pbo and JAM_Sounds.pbo as it seems JAM2 is required despite no mention in the readme files

this message decide to popup


After downloading this MAAM (wasn't it outdated and replaced by the JAM3 in development)

After adding MAAM_Magazines.pbo with the 2 JAM2 pbo to this folder no more errors appear on startup

Launching the editor, selecting a Motorized Infantry Grenadier (VSR) and using the grenade launching function of his weapon and result in no explosion sounds for the grenade impacting the ground

A suggestion of adding the JAM2 and the MAAM requirement to the readme or at least to the 1st post of that thread should be a good idea.

That was a message of the T80 pack drooling group.

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I wasnt able to sleep last night, i just arrived home and im hell tired, just dropped by for a quick visit before bed, now all the work, time and waiting has finally delivered biggrin_o.gif .

When will i finally be able to get a few hours sleep now rock.gif .

The mi26 is ready to start sending these from Kolgujev to Malden biggrin_o.gif .


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hmm about JAM and MAAM they are not required for the packs to run but the weapons are compatible with the magazines there. Strange errors however, never saw them prob cuz i have both packs. But dont fear Infantry works without them, just press OK!!.

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At the CZ site..the gaz isn't listed..but the sobr pack is listed twice...someone goofed..hehe smile_o.gif

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I just came here to mention the JAM2 and MAAM error at start up also but the T80 drooling group beat me to it.

You say it'll work with out them though so back I go to try them out. I've been looking forward to this day for a long time.

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Ok I'm back again just long enough to post this. Exellent job. So far I've only looked at a few of the flora soldiers and I'm am not exagerating when I say this...

    These are the most incredible looking soldiers I've seen in this game ever.

I mean that whole heartedly. I can't stress this enough I am serious these are the best I've seen from any one.

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very damn nice indeed.

ofp has been given a most incredible facelift by addon makers - and this release joins the top list.

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2 things...i think there may be a mistake with the infantry soldier and the artillery soldier...are they reversed?,cause the infantry has no weapon...but the artillery does?..second...shouldn't all the spetz recon have night vision?,not just the team leader?..so you don't have to equip them all in the game interface? smile_o.gif...still explorin... smile_o.gif

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Great units!  smile_o.gif


-When you select a unit, he becomes an officer no matter what he was before.(Motorized troops)

-The GAZ has untexed lods from a distance


-No groupings for GRU or SOBR

-PK has same firing sound as RPK74 (considering the caliber difference...)

-No blood textures for SOBR

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... ahmm, more mirrors would be nice xmas_o.gif

can`t wait to try these !

edit: ... oops, there are mirrors on gamezone.cz biggrin_o.gif

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my ofp crashed to desktop when i tested these troops out togheter with a bis bmp , a t55a i think i had too and hyk us troops, the bmp got blwon up and i think the t55 was about to enage some enemies or get engaged  tounge_o.gif  and i was running togheter with the motorized infantery up to the town,

then it crashed to desktop. but the troops look really great but i think the crash happened because when i installed all the troop addons one pbo file named rhs_weapons.pbo got overwritten or something, would be nice if you could have different pbo files for the tanks and the soldiers to avoid this to happen  wink_o.gif

yeah btw i got the jam or maam errors at start up of ofp, i also got a missing something t55 pack also when i tried starting ofp tounge_o.gif so you know t55 pack and these guys doesn't work so well togheter crazy_o.gif

anyways great work guys!

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Ok here is my bug report. I'm only posting this to help, the pack is pretty much perfect as is. Any way here they are...

1. The PK's inventory picture is of the RPK.

2. The APS silenced doesn't have a picture on the Inventory screen.

3. Both the RPG 22 and RPG 22 Magazines have no pictures on the inventory screen.

4. The PKs have AK sights. They also have massive zoom like a sniper rifle when in optics mode.

5. The Grenade launchers are silent when they explode.

6. When starting the game there is a missing jam2 error message. When starting with jam2 there is a missing MAAM message. Game works just fine with out them as previously mentioned though.

7. RHS Tank crew get a error message now when starting game.

8. SOBR troops have no wound textures. Then again they are 0.5 version so I take they just haven't been added yet.

That’s all really. None of the bugs are really that big. These units are higher than "A" class in my humble opinion. They are in a class all their own. A++ material here guys.

To any one reading this who hasn't downloaded them yet, get to it. Trust me you wont regret it.

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OK, after 1 hour of testing and admiring your new release, let me tell you, members of RHS, I am sooo disappointed, you could have done waaaaay better. Not that you owe me something, but after seeing your tanks I know that you could have done a better job on these. Definetly not worth the wait.

Ok lets see what I didn't like:

1- The grenade VOG25P has no sound on impact (when it explodes)

2- The RPK-74 (scoped) has very high recoil / HD value, too much IMO.

3- The PKM model is not very impressive comparing to the other weapons of your pack. I suggest you to take AKM74's(VITAPC 1.4) one or the one from ORCS in your next release. Plus, when I use the iron sight, it zooms like a sniper rifle!!!. One more thing about it, the recoil is extremely high, impossible to hit someone in medium/long range.

4- the Silenced AKMS+GP has a muzzle flash when firing with the iron sight.

5- Alot of guns are very innacurate with the iron sight, bullets are flying a little above the sight. (like on the Silenced AKMS and others AKMs and AK74s).

6- The RPG-22 doesnt have an image when looking at the gear. The aiming sight is the same as the RPG-7, you sure its the good one for this RPG? Oh and another thing: IMO it is a little underpowered, it takes 5 shots to take out an abraams. Isnt this a little unrealistic for a 72.5mm?

7- The AKMB+PSO1 is innacurate, when aiming with the scope, the bullets dont fly to the center (summit of the first cheveron) but alot higher above.

8- Camouflage helmet is not very impressive, ORCS' one is way better...

9- Armor values seems to be very low, those soldiers are very fragile. (they seem ever weaker than BIS soldiers)

10- the READMEs, what's that format? how do I read them???

OK I think its all. As I said before, you dont owe me anything, you can do whatever you want with your addons. Just let me tell you that I'm really disappointed, especially after this LOOOOOOOOOOONNNNGGGGG wait. And even if that isnt a competition, I think that ORCS totally owned you on this one (soldiers and weapons).

I still saw some good things in this release:

1- GRU soldiers are great, awesome models. If only they had Such&Earl's weapons, they would be a jewel.

2- Same goes for SOBR.

3- Motorized infantry soldiers are very good too, not as good as ORCS' but still very nice.

Finally, have a good day. smile_o.gif

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The bug that people report with Jam2 and MAAM I dont get any error like that I tried to remove jam2 and maam out of the addon folder and all works well.

so it must be something else which give you the error.

Only thing I want to ask is about the silenced pistol is the silencer in real life so long like in the pack to me it seems too long but I dunno maybe it is long like that in rl too rock.gif

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hmm about JAM and MAAM they are not required for the packs to run but the weapons are compatible with the magazines there. Strange errors however, never saw them prob cuz i have both packs. But dont fear Infantry works without them, just press OK!!.

I too get the JAM and MAAM errors as well as RHS_Crew requires RHS_Weap_Models.  (Did I miss a crew update?)

If you declare magazines from JAM or MAAM, even though you don't use them by default, the addon is still required to start OFP without errors on startup.  If you are not going to require them, it would be best to create a seperate config.  Just trying to help.

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This weapon pack is the greatest disappointment ever. We expected much more than this. It's full of silly bugs and stupid ideas (silenced AKs with PSO scopes?!? WTF is that about?!?). It seems very much like unfinished work. The weapon sights are horrible - ak sight looks like a cut out screenshot of orcs sight, the SVD scope has weird muzzle flashes in the middle, the zoom is collosal (looks like 20x LOL), the RPG sight is pretty much unusable etc. The new sounds are not bad but the SVD sound is exactly the same as original bis! The models are quite weird - they look very smooth, like toys, and have some strange details on them. They look like a begginer's work to be honest. The renders screenshots looked a lot better. And the V94 has the strangest scope ever, with the 'no target' display with battery level? I've never seen its scope myself but I highly doubt it has such english signs?

I didn't want to be so negative in my comment but after all that waiting and promises I'm really deeply disappointed. sad_o.gif

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THANK YOU  biggrin_o.gif


bugz: VOG GP25 has no explosion sound, PKM ironsights is zoomed in exageration?,PKM photo is a RPK, i would suggest checking the aim on some of the weapons, they are shooting very high. this said, the soldiers are jawdropping, the textures look real and so do the weapons smile_o.gif

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when I use the iron sight of any AK, my FPS drops from 40 to 20, wtf is that???

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